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Posts posted by doughphunghus

  1. Update: New mod added: Craft-SantaHat

    Adds a recipe for crafting the Santa Hat, per a request on the modding Requests + Discussions forum.


    Update: Quick and dirty conversion of some a19 mods to a20 b238 (stable). They are here: 7D2D-Doughs-Mods-a20

    Modlet: Buff-PipeBombs <- No changes to functionality, small balancing changes

    Modlet: Electric-CapacitorBank <- Added a JournalTip and better Localization.txt

    Modlet: Nerf-Backpack-CarryCapacity <- No changes to functionality

    Modlet: OneHourOfDaylight <- Added a few more options to add more granularity to hours near 0 and 24

  2.     *                        *             **           *

              *   *         *    *                  *           *

    *   *   *         *   *  *              *            *           ** <- That's snow

    8  <- That's a snowman                                           


                ~(()--()) ~~             <- That's a bow


    |               |   |                   |

    |Doughs-Craft-SantaHat |<- That's a craftable Santa hat recipe inside a present.  Feel free to change up the ingredients. Hope it works, I barely tested it. Might try it in a new game just to check

    |               |   |                  |



    ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ *HO HO HO!!!!! ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~



    1 Coal

    3 Eye Candy Candy

    1 Covert Cats Candy

    10 Cloth

    1 Red Dye


  3. Just off of the top of my head, but I haven’t been in the shapes menu to really get a feel for what might be “missing”, just things I feel I’m not seeing:

    More “Artsy” blocks that are not really

    made for bases or building, meaning: their shape doesn’t work well when placing next to other shapes, so it is likely used only as a decor block. I’m thinking primarily for POI builders to make POIs more interesting/unique.

    think of a block that doesn’t have any square sided, and maybe just turns into a curving point (like the old cone spikes but points off to the left like a… errr .. rose thorn. It’s “useable” as maybe a spike trap (if you did the work to make it a spike trap) but for building a base it would be purely for looks as it doesn’t really fit the “blocky” look.


    another block example would be like a cone with holes in it so it looked like you drilled out a Rubics cube.

    more maybe some hexagon/pentagon/ shapes.


    we have “letters” blocks. But some lowercase or even a weird “different”font (like cursive)  or “broken letters” blocks might be nice (for POI builders).


    maybe some “thin shapes”, but with ridges and grooves (think of guttering) for making things like… guttering or railing.

    more “broken” blocks, meaning: a lot of them are “broken” and used for

    making holes, but the “broken side” is flat so you can walk on it if placed on its side.  Make some that look “sharp” on the broken side. A lot of the “holes in walls/floors look nice when viewed before going through them, but as you’re jumping through they look a little fake.



    9 minutes ago, GlyphGryph said:

    Better glass blocks/glass paint - Right now, the glass blocks we can place are super see-through, unbelievably so. And honestly I feel like what needs to be done is to give us a few different "paints" for glass that lets us alter the dirtiness/opacity/lets use use those window blocks by putting actual glass-looking stuff in them! It would be fine if the paint actually took a special "glass paint" or something as well! Or let us "overlay" glass panes and wood blocks so we can build the windows ourselves, but thats probably too complicated.

    This too!  With this you could make window mosaics with neat visuals (like coloring areas with a white light behind it (even if we had colored lights the effect using glass would likely be different) and also just for art sake. crafting it could be just using glass and the existing dye colors. It’s a tad weird all the glass windows on the world all look the same, so changes to them (probably anything) would be nice.

  4. 1 hour ago, Krougal said:

    Made a new save, made a t1 stone axe and it worked. Ok, even more bizarre, after doing that I went back to my other 2 saves and the mod works now. 

    That is weird. I’ve seen issues somewhat like this when messing with changing Localization.txt via modding. It seems (my belief) that some things persist unless you completely exit out of the game all the way to Steam. Like if you make a Localization.txt change, and don’t exit the game all the way to Steam, then the changes you made might not get applied.


    additionally, the “something is weird, and I’ve modded, so make a new game” is also kinda a fix in some other instances and no one seems to know why it works, it just sometimes does. Like “turn it on and off again”.


    there is a “modded xml cache” (of sorts) the game creates… I wonder if either it doesn’t always get cleared or certain modding actions or files don’t trigger it to clear? Just me musing here if anyone reads this.

  5. 1 hour ago, Krougal said:

    Anywho, this is what I did which doesn't work

    I made my mod look like you posted above, and it actually works :) there's a weirdness with the game that you might be seeing that I found.  So, just to test if it works on your system, do this:

    - Load up your existing game you were testing thw mod slots with your mod with all the 4's. Make sure creative mode is enabled!

    - search for "gun" and choose a few new guns from the search results.  Make them of different tiers ( hopefully tier 1 and tier 6)

    - These guns should have 4 mod slots in them.

    - Choose one of the guns you had in earlier saves.  Try to choose Tier 1 or 6 if you have them. Note how the mod slots are likely *not* 4!


    What appears to be happening is that once you pick up a gun, it has the mod slots "hardcoded" into it based on the current game settings.  If you shut down the game, and mod the mod slots, then start the game back up , the new mod slot counts only takes effect on "new" guns you pick up.


    So if you want *all* existing and new guns to have 4 mod slots *in an existing saved game* it appears you'll have to scrap all your existing weapons that were created/picked up that had more or less than 4 slots before you added your 4 slot mod.

    1 hour ago, Krougal said:

    Did you ever get a chance to see if your mod still works?

    My mod still works (did very light testing just now).  The extra code in the windows.xml as to visually add 2 more slots so you could see mods you loaded.  Its not too important to see the slots below the "recipe" area, but its a bit more important to see them in the "available mod slots" area as you can't easily add/remove mods unless you can click on the mod.  I'm not sure but I think I had to include them as the game hard coded a limit of 6 visible slots and I had to make it add 2 more.  When you only have 4 slots ( as you want) then yep the windows.xml file isn't needed as its less than 8 slots.


    EDIT: Also, upon looking at the code, this mod will likely sent *everything* to 4 mod slots.  Weapons, armor, probably anything with mod slots except vehicles.  It just says "which everything with this ModSlots pattern to this other one, no matter what it is". Mine does the same thing but makes them all 8. It likely applies to any item/weapon that has "item quality" which is why it doesn't affect vehicles.

  6. Just an update for anyone here :)  I haven't forgotten I'm just busy with other work... I'll keep cleaning it up and hopefully make this a "nice" tutorial when I'm done (on the mod forums) but this much here might give you something to mess with.  Its basically the first 1/2 of the tutorial, and not tested/cleaned up. This should give you enough to load a new/custom sound of your own into the game and test it if you're interested.  If you are not able to get this part to work , please let me know!  Installing the proper Unity version is the hardest (and longest) part.


    Its *possible* the a19 Unity template project by xyth doesn't work in a20.  I have not tested this yet!  We're just importing sounds so its likely it still works.  the template is made to do "all sorts of things" like importing/exporting 3D models/blocks/etc.  Sounds are the easiest and simplest and don't require a lot the template project contains ( like the special tags you need to use for the game so blocks collide properly, doors open properly, etc).  You'll likely know there's an issue if you load your sound mod in and it throws an error or there's no sound, but its also possible no sound will play if you made an XML formatting error.  If you hit "F1" after the game loads you can check for any errors/warnings and hopefully they will have the name of the mod or filename in your mod if it has errors.


    Rough Sound Mod Tutorial below....


    Before beginning, a few things should be done by you to make the steps below easier:
    1. Get a single sound file (.wav format) that is short (1-2 seconds long). You will use this for the tutorial below
    2. Name this sound file "testsound" (all lowercase!). If you are using Windows and "file name extensions" are turned on, the name will look like "testsound.wav"

    - This is a basic tutorial for creating a barebones XML mod that adds a single "new"
    sound (of your choosing) into the game to an existing object in the game.
    - The methods used here are not "absolute" or "the best" or "the only" way to accomplish this.
    - This will not cover all the different ways of adding sounds like altering/changing/replacing
      the existing game sounds. It is only meant as a way for people unfamiliar with Unity and XML modding
      to get something basic working.
    - Additional updates to this may be added where common pitfalls/problems exist or game updates change the process.


    # Installing Unity
    This is for a19. A20 not ready yet!

    - Unity is what the game is developed in and you need it to export into the .unity3d file format.
    - I recommend not attempting to use Unity on non-Windows systems for your first project (it may have issues)
    - The "Unity Hub" is like a wrapper for handling multiple Unity installations. You want to use this to install Unity itself.
    - Modding for & Days to Die usually works best if you use the same version of Unity as the game was built in. This changes when major game updates come out:

    7 Days to Die version -> Unity version to use/install
    A18 -> Unity 2019.1
    A19 ->  Unity 2019.2
    A20 Experimental ->  Unity 2020.3.14f1


    Installing Unity Hub and Unity:
    See these posts from xyth to install Unity and his Template project.
    Note: This template project can be used for many other things, not just sounds!
    Note: The template project contains the *required* "MultiPlatformExportAssetBundles.cs" file to export your sounds in the .unity3d format.


    NEWER: "Consolidated Guide to Modding 7D2D with Unity"


    OLDER: "Creating and Exporting Models from Unity for use in 7D2D"


    # Using Unity to import a sound and export it as a .unity3d file/format
    Convert the "testsound" .wav file into unity.3d format:
    Referenced from the 1st link above, this video shows on how to import and export sounds into .unity3d files:



    Note: When exporting the sound, make the filename: test-sounds-cupboard.unity3d


    # Making a simple XML mod for the sound
    - Instead of starting from scratch, download the fully functioning "template-sound-mod" from here: https://github.com/doughphunghus/7D2D-CommunitySoundPacks-a20

    Note: If you load this mod into the game it should load without errors. It adds a single extra sound when opening a cupboard.

    Copy your "test-sounds-cupboard.unity3d" file into the "template-sound-mod/Resources" folder

    So the mod will load your sound, lets replace the sound that comes with the mod with your .unity3d packaged sound:
    - open the file: template-sound-mod/Config/sounds.xml with a text or XML editor of your choice.
    - Change this line: <AudioClip ClipName="#@modfolder:Resources/doughphunghus-cupboard.unity3d?wrench_harvest-5"/>
    To this: <AudioClip ClipName="#@modfolder:Resources/test-sounds-cupboard.unity3d?testsound"/>
    - Save the file.


    # Loading the sound mod into the game and testing it
    Manually installing "simple" mods guide:
    Manual installation: https://7daystodiemods.com/how-to-install-7-days-to-die-mods/


    - Once the mod has been copied to the "Mods" folder, Create a new game using the "Navezgane" map AND
    Enable "Cheat mode" in the "Advanced" settings before launching the game so you can spawn in a cupboard to test your sounds on

    - When the game is loaded, open the menu ('M' key will work) and choose the creative menu (lightbulb icon at the top)
    - On the left search area, type in "cupboard" and choose any block named "cupboard" (not the "open" ones) and put it on your toolbelt.
    - Close the menu and place a cupboard block on the ground and open (and close) it a few times to hear the new sound.
    Note: The game chooses the new sound 'randomly' from the available 'open_cupboard' sounds so it may take a few tries.

  7. Hello :)

    If you're using the mod named "Doughs-UI-Add-2ModSlots" version has not been tested/converted to work with a20 experimental (as mentioned above) BUT

    I put just that single mod into the "Mods" folder of the game and started a new map using Navezgane on the latest 20 exp build and it appears to work in a few weapons I checked (I did not spend any time really checking it though, like adding weapon mods, etc).


    What I was looking for was:

    - The mod loads without apparent errors: it does

    - The mod adds 2 more slots: it does


    Based on how it worked in a20 exp, I'm reasonably sure its not generating that "IOException: Sharing violation on path..." error.  However it appears you may be attempting to create a mod of your own from it. Note: my mod only (very clumsily) makes it so all weapons have 2 mod slots (8 total). It doesn't do this and make the UI pretty either, nor does it do it randomly as you're trying to do. I don't know how to easily make it random unless there's some way to do logic in that part and perform a random number check and then choose the slot count based on that...and just looking at weapons items.xml it appears that for to be "random" it has to already be "a random thing" the game accepts ( like a range) or it has to be a triggered effect, and ModSlots appears to be a passive effect. I could *easily* be wrong about this though as I haven't brushed up on modding in a bit and I never got into all the minute differences like this. here's an example for a "random roll" for a triggered effect for the junk sledge so show what "RandomRoll" looks like to determine if it ragdolls when it hits something (I am guessing) and it only triggers a ragdoll if its 30% of the time:

    <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfAttackedOther" action="Ragdoll" target="other" duration=".2" force="200">
    	<requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="perkTurrets" operation="LTE" value="1"/>
    	<requirement name="RandomRoll" seed_type="Random" min_max="0,100" operation="LTE" value="30"/>

    I'm not sure if you'd be able to use this logic with ModSlots... like make several of these rules and say 1 slot if 10%, 2 if 11-20%, 3 is 21-40%...etc. . I almost thing you'd need cvar or something to keep track of/set the ModSlots string, but I am not well versed on their usage.  I may be talking gibberish at this point...sorry :(


    "IOException: Sharing violation" from what I believe (and I'm not super knowledgeable about Unity or anything it does, so I'm guessing a bit. not googling too much) is related to opening/closing/accessing files, and something tried to access/open/close a file that was already open/accessed by something else (e.g. "sharing" was not allowed). There are a few more clues as you read "down" into the error: "System.IO.FileAccess access" probably means "accessing the file" and "System.IO.File.OpenRead" likely means "trying to read the file" and errr...ummm... "CalcCrcCoroutine" might be Calculate Cyclic Redundancy Check Coroutine? and "InvokeMoveNext" is likely a literal attempt at reading the next byte(s) of the file or file handle or something.


    ANYWAY: ***All guesses*** here:  from the error, I'm guessing the mod you're loading is messed up in a weid way (like the XML tags are not properly closed/formatted) that it messed up Unity trying to load it, or you have another issue with the game files (need to validate/redownload them maybe) or its possible its a file permissions thing where the file can be "seen" but when it tried to access (open) it it fails.  Another possibility might be you had the mod file(s) open in another program and it locked Unity out from reading them (usually files can be read by other programs while they are open... but maybe it was locked or something).

  8. 14 minutes ago, Reckis said:

    in what world does trash/glass/debris ALWAYS come to rest in front of a doorway or at the top of stairs?

    yeah ;)

    I've seen some mods ( gnamod for example) that add more "stuff" that can be in place of debris. In gnamod It seemed to always be land mines but even that is a bit more fun than just "always trash" as its possible someone put a mine in a doorway.  IT really keeps you on your toes, and mines can actually be used to make zeds walk into them while chasing you vs "oh I see they also made a crinkling sound!"

  9. Based on your  XML, is the icon named "diamondaxe.png" e.g. "mod root//UIAtlases/ItemIconAtlas/diamondaxe.png"?


    - is the icon size 116x80?

    - Are the folders and file diamondaxe.png all *exactly* cased as written above?

    - Is your "ModInfo.xml" file *exactly* cased to be "ModInfo.xml"? Mods may not load if the casing is not exact.

    - Did you close the game all the way down after making changes, like shut it down so you have to launch it from Steam again.  I've seen some changes that require this but I don't know what they all are (Changes to Localization.txt may need this, but have not checked in a20).

    - Do you have *any* other mods loaded?  Only test/dev 1 mod at a time (unless you're testing all mods you wrote :) ) Sometimes other mods will remove/change things your mod may depend on.


    If so, you might need to check the game log for errors loading the mod, or, alternatively you might be able to start the game from steam and hit "F1" to bring up the dev console.  Watch it as the game loads, and then start a game and watch it load.  it should indicate your mod loaded, and you shouldn't see any warnings or errors related to you rmod (you may see some warnings errors that are normal game loading).  The dev console may not be too responsive when the game is loading, so wait until you are in game to scroll and real it.


    EDIT: I have no idea, but you might want to put

    <property name="CreativeMode" value="Player"/>

    as the first property of the item.  the game does it for most items I think.  I'm not 100% sure but *some* properties may be position dependent or "special" to work properly, similar to how some properties don't "inherit" when extending from other classes/items/blocks (so you have to always add them).  This could all be BS info just what I believe... I don't have a chart or anything to refer to. I normally try to copy an existing item in the game, change the name so its unique, and then make a change (like the icon) to make sure it works first (in this case: the icon is formatted and being read correctly, the mod folders and structure work and the game will load it)  as I've struggled quite a bit with making stuff and its usually some small mistake I made.

  10. without testing or doing any real work: It appears the blunderbuss may still be "packaged in the game" and the XML to allow it to be found in loot or crafted may just be commented out.  I base this on that fact that these XML nodes are commented out in "items.xml":

    <item name="gunShotgunT0Blunderbuss">
    <item name="ammoBlunderbuss">


    I would assume if these XML sections were uncommented out and you launched the game in creative mode, you could see if you can spawn it in and load/shoot a zed with it.  if that works, likely the other parts needed (recipes,  trader loot, and loot containers...not sure where else the parts might exist).


    I'm not doing the work, but I bet someone will mod it back in pretty quick if it still works with these small changes.  But I feel that it may be taken out completely someday. The "animalPig" is still commented out in the XML in a20 exp but not sure if prefab/model for it is still in there. This model was almost unusable in a19 (it was difficult to harvest the pig)

  11. I've played this game for awhile and I prefer a bit more "realism" or at least "painful" inventory management, just so you know what angle I'm coming from...

    1. I feel the "default" inventory size is ok/decent.

    2. I feel the default "encumbrance slots" is a bit generous but only at the start of the game. I like being punished at the beginning and unlocking slots until the end.

    3. I like the concept of "pocket mods" as well as perking to carry a bit more (though its a bit weird to perk into anything to magically get a buff... but oh well)

    4. I feel the stack sizes of some things are insanely too big (example: iron/clay), and some way too small (example:  radiators). But I don't *really* care as it works I guess.


    Having stated that, I use mods to "fix" it for my preferences.  However:

    - I see a LOT of people playing with mega large backpacks (60+ slots). Like, most streamers are making backpacks really big

    - I've heard of a few mods that add "weight" considerations

    - I've heard of mods that add "backpacks" you can find and equip to increase inventory size.


    Take all of the above into account, there's obviously a need/want to adjust inventory size or "ability to carry".  The vanilla UI settings for manipulating inventory size are lacking today, which I hope are remedied in some fashion when the game goers gold (so we don't have to use mods for a majority of players). I've played overhaul mods with large backpacks and (when I want to have "fun fun" vs "hardcore survival fun") it feels really nice with a massive backpack.  I know why people want this for some game styles.


    I personally prefer finding/crafting pockets or larger backpacks vs "having a fixed inventory to start out", as its a crafting and looting game and there's "tiers" of everything else to give a sense of 'progression'. and you can craft clothing (and books etc) so why not craft your backpacks.  Or maybe add mods to your backpack to add space or handle stamina loss/weight considerations if these were a thing.  It DOES feel weird picking up a 4x4/engines/etc big stuff and put it in your pocket, but if you can do that... weight considerations are kinda out the window.  I don't know how fun it would really be to limit the building block carry capacity in a game like this... but anyway...(maybe we shouldn't start a new game with a backpack/inventory at all ;)


    I DO feel (and I've posted this before) that IF TFP aren't interested in changing the backpack slot count or adding any new options, what I wish they would do is IF you mod or (in any fashion) increase the slots past the vanilla settings, the UI will "expand" properly to handle it.  Given the default icon sizes and how the UI works, I feel that the inventory window would benefit to having a "slider" or "paging" and search feature built into it that shown only when inventory is increased past some value (these sliders/paging are already used for existing UI windows... just not the inventory and recipe lists/windows.  This way all the people wanting a "massive" backpack (like 1000 slots? pick a big number!) can have that and the UI will not warp and do weird things, you'll just have to scroll or search a bit to find your items

  12. 5 hours ago, ZehMatt said:

    I do sometimes wish all the things that can be found are without a level and rather have a bigger variety of what can be found. Example I can think of would be a Rusty AK 47 that can potentially jam every few bullets or an ordinary one you could get of a trader, perhaps even have a complete failure where the weapon just explodes to pieces and that is the end of it, this would probably make exploration a bit more fun too.

    It would be neat if weapons had a lot more “random stats” on them 

    like this. If nothing else, besides making it dangerous to use a really bad (stats wise) weapon, you could open up the possibility of having a lot of mods to add to “repair” it’s defects.  You wouldn’t have to add any new graphics another. Just “cracked bat” (degrades 50% faster) and you could add a duct tape mod to make that stat go to 20%. Gun is dirty/bent/misfiring? Add “oil” mod to mitigate some of it.  It would kinda make it feel like the old “gun parts” system except the defects would be random

    and not completely repairable without scrapping the weapon for parts and rebuilding.

  13. I think the dilemma is “most” of the time no one cares or finds out if someone is using their IP for other uses.  Only if they are profiting from it would it normally have the capacity to grow enough for it to be noticed. And usually suing or doing any legal action is expensive, so it only makes sense to legally pursue if it’s being done by a company that has deep pockets AND it’s really easy to prove the original source of the IP. Like if Toyota decided to use Metallicas “One” as their horn and sold 5 million cars with it. Both parties are wealthy and everyone has proof of the source IP.


    anyway… what I didn’t want to promote was having to manage a bunch of possibly “not user created” sounds that I know people will want in game, and then have someone decide to do a DMCA takedown or something on it (easy to do. Their website literally begs you to submit them). Additionally, with web scrapers it’s possible a bot might auto do it. Then it’s more management to pull out the sounds and (possibly) go through the git history and pull it out of the history, etc. 


    I know it’s likely a 0.0001% chance it would happen, but it’s a consideration.  The dilemma is that I kinda don’t want to be a gatekeeper for this as it’s too easy to make/generate sound content so the better solution (for everyone) to get as many sound packs out and used there is likely to let the fans who create them do a bit bit more work to manage it. If someone stops maintaining their sounds or wants to buy licensed sounds or makes a big pack with a bunch of …. Sampled… sounds, should anything happen to that pack it naturally just disappears or stops being updated. No central management to clumsily deal with it. 

    that’s why I propose “document and propose a simple standard first, see if this is enough” as an initial attempt. If 5,000 people start making sound packs and start wanting a place to manage it all then it will make sense to form some sort of higher level management (like the compopack for pois).  And even then hopefully everyone followed the “loose standards” to make the packs so merging/crediting them will be much easier.  If only like 10 people make sound packs, then the documentation on “how to do it” was enough, no need to bring them all together. The 7daystodiemods.com site will make it easy to find them (as well as the modding forums here).


    also: if his methodology is kinda used by the current compbopack, but they don’t have any extra IP to deal with.  People choose to submit to the compbopack, or they can choose to make poi mods that are “compbopack compatible” and then submit them. The compbopack team(s) spend a lot of time (IMHO) fixing and managing and updating these POis. but they also take quite a lot of time to develop so there’s not a lot of people building a lot of them. “Sounds” in general would be easy to screw up as you don’t want a zed to be like “arreegh!” And then to go “quack quack” if someone was not listening and testing every submitted sound to a large collection. If a zed goes “quack quack” at least the offending user may be easy to track down (as you will have loaded their sound mods). Once a lot of packs that are “good” and people use/like them, maybe then an effort to bundle and maintain them will be worth it.

  14. TLDR: It might be most beneficial to the game/community/users to *not* create a singular repository for sounds and instead create a clean and simple "standard" format to follow with documentation that's easy to find and updated when new versions are released.  A "Community Sound Pack" might just be to signify it follows these simple standards.

    Making this documentation would be required anyway (well, SHOULD be done) so I'll go ahead and start making it and maybe this is all that needs to be done.

    ALSO: This means anyone who wants to make sound packs, can just do so whenever they can.  "Reformatting" a pack to the "standard" will likely be easy, if you even wanted to.


    Current status: still working through all the scenarios and thinking.  Some of the issues/thoughts that lead to the TLDR conclusion above.


    - Since IP is weird, and sounds can come from "anywhere" not sure how to handle if someone sneaks in something that shouldn't be added as its hard even to manually screen sounds to know if they are originals or just copied from somewhere.

    - The amount of work to maintain and categorize such a project (and possibly work with a random group of people. Modders come and go a lot)

    - Given we have an excellent mod site available (7daystodiemods.com) that's very searchable and also auto pulls from the "Mods" forum as well as github/gitlab, we might do better if a very solid "Community Sound Pack documentation/tutorial" were instead built and maintained for each game release.  This way anyone can make their own packs and be responsible for maintenance/updating of them, or can pull/remove them if they want to.

    - There is a "Tutorials" section to the official game forums. This gives a nice place for this to exist for everyone (in case I got hit by a truck) as well as comment on it.

    - The "Actual tutorials" could be on github and people can submit documentation issues/wants

    - Putting sounds into a unity.3d file is almost "too easy" and its possible a LOT of sounds may be submitted by a lot of people.  Its not nearly as hard as it is making new 3D models work with the game. Many sound submissions might not... be so great to one persons ear, but wonderful to another.  If the "documentation/tutorial" were really good, then this will not have to be dealt with. everyone can simply create the sound packs they want

    - Compatibility between loading multiple sound packs. Maybe there's 10 people all who have made their own "door sounds". Maybe 4 out of 10 are "excellent" , and 3 are "bad/comical/inappropriate". Having a nice "standard" documentation for a "Community Sound Pack" format will allow easy pack naming/formatting to make most of these packs compatible with each other.

    - If someone makes a very good/unique/desired sound pack, then they get all the glory and recognition as well as can keep all the IP work and license it as they see fit (e.g. they can buy licensed sounds as they are the maintainers)

    - Good clean docs might also give "regular modders of the game" a nice format to follow so their mods don't collide as well.

  15. Update: Its a bit late in the evening for me and I haven't gotten a lot done today, but I did some searches and set this up on Github: 7D2D-CommunitySoundPacks


    It has a few links back to this forum I used to learn how to add sounds (and video tutorials), and if you want my *literal* process and troubleshooting when I installed and messed with Unity for the first time and tried to add sounds, I made a big post in those threads here.  As Guppycur (and xyth and others) mention in those threads, its very easy to package sounds into unity3d sounds (once you get it working once you go "ahhh") but I found the biggest hurdle for me was just navigating Unity.


    Anyway: Current thoughts are it might be good to try to make multiple sound packs (mods), each one focusing on certain areas of the game so you're not forced to load all the sounds if you don't want them(similar to the "community creature packs" design).  All of these mods would be in this repository for now if I had any yet :).  I'll probably make one for a "tutorial mod template" just to give people a small mod to test their own sounds/imports/etc.


    I'll put a little more work into this tomorrow if I can (mostly all we need is some simple documentation and some basic guidelines for naming files/sounds to make the XML mods easy to update), but for now hopefully anyone who wants to add/mix/generate sounds in "unity3d" files that are suitable for importing into the game will at least have some instructions/guides in these links for making them and can do some tests in their own games if they don't want to wait for the XML templates.


    Additionally: I have a sound pack you can look at for how the XML and linking/accessing the Unity3d files is done here and another (smaller) one for just the horns here . Even if this doesn't "take off" as a project, I'm considering repackaging my mods for the "Community Sound Packs" just so if anyone wants to contribute in the future they will have a method to do so and it will be documented.  If it does "take off" and I get hit by a bus, its a Github repo for now so anyone can just fork it, but likely we'd want to add a few people to the repository who have permissions to merge sounds into the main project.

  16. I'm not aware of any updated tutorials or methods to generate the unity3d files (in Unity) BUT its possible the version of Unity you're using may not be the *exact* one needed for the game. Well I say *exact* but apparently the one a19 is built in isn't available in the Unity downloader, but the "closest, slightly lower" version is, and that should work. If you're still interested in a19.6 and want to know the version let me know and I'll look up what I'm using.  I'm, not on my "system with Unity installed" to easily check.  I'm also pretty sure a20.x will be a different version of Unity.

  17. @jotek: I’m hosting/supporting quite a bit of mods already, but I also (hopefully) have the XML side of modding and setup down quite well so I can probably set up a lot of the mod and “community” aspect of it at least to start. What I’m not too good at is finding/editing/etc the sounds themselves. I just have audacity and have been leaning as I go, and I’m not a “sound person” by trade, mostly just hobbyist level. Anyway, give me a few days (a20 experimental releases today) and I’ll see if I can get some stuff together (and on these forums) so hopefully if anyone wants to contribute sounds it will be easy for them (no XML or modding experience hopefully).


    what I would like to do is make sure at least everyone is credited for their contributions as well as try to keep the sounds “royalty free” as I wouldn’t want people just taking sounds from things and putting them in a pack and the have people like streamers get banned from twitch/YouTube if it flags the content (and to also not have anything bad happen in general). So “self generated” or at least “sounds linked to verifiable open sources/copyright free” will be the norm. I personally have just been remixing the vanilla game sounds so it’s easy to make them sound “natural” in game. 

    anyway, let me try to set something up and see if my instructions make sense, and then see if contributing/merging/crediting new content is easy enough to do. My initial thoughts are to do something similar to what others are doing: host the code in GitHub/gitlab , and set up a discord for chatting/ideas.  Guppycur already has a modding discord with lots of people/mods associated with it so if it takes off a bit we can always move there.  I will likely use GitHub as a start just because I have a presence there, but I am not married to it, it’s just a free place for stuff.


    anyway I’m open to any ideas about it, but that’s what I’ll try to do this week if there’s no additional input from anyone. This is likely the type of thing that will only have a few people/contributors at the start for awhile anyway.

    @canadianbluebeer I have a “horns” mod that I’m maintaining that was written by someone else.  Look at my mods page. search for “Doughs Mods”.  It’s called “Get Horny” by khelldon. I also have a YouTube link there that allows you to hear the horns.  I’m on mobile so getting all the links for you isn’t easy :(


    edit: I also want to bounce the idea off of some other modders, just to see if there are any gotchas involved. This has been discussed before (I think somewhere) and it seems like there were some gotchas.

  18. 2 hours ago, poly said:

    the effect which momentarily puts the players into the third person as the character falls to the floor...

    I believe this effect is called: "Ragdoll"


    Search for it in the moddable XML files in the game and you'll find it referenced in a lot of places., but in buffs.xml its in there as well.   Here is an example to search for that is commented out in buffs.xml in the buff "buffPlayerFallingDamage":

    <!-- ragdoll test
    			<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="Ragdoll" duration="1.5">
    				<requirement name="RandomRoll" seed_type="Random" min_max="0,-150" operation="GTE" value="@.sprainLeg"/></triggered_effect>


  19. @warmer Adding sounds to the game to existing “things” that already have sounds defined for them in XML is relatively easy. I have some mods for adding sounds.  You cannot just add/link a sound, you have to make Unity "bundles' out of them first.


    There are a few “difficult parts” mostly around getting the volumes near what the game uses.  Another one is trying to make the sounds sound “about the same” as the in game zombie sounds, meaning you don’t want one to go “grrr” and then make a completely different voice a few seconds later.  If you can avoid it. Also getting a “clean” recording with no hiss/background is kinda hard (for me) or when trying to use “free” sound resources for vocals (in my opinion).  I have not tried making changes to sounds in Unity ( there appears to be some editing capability, especially if attaching to blocks).  Mostly I just make all changes in Audacity and then put the finished sound in Unity to bundle it for the game.


    anyway, if anyone is interested I can dig up some of the posts I used to learn how to do it, and offer some advice on how to do it as well as I could make some example mini mods as a starting point. Outside of the xml modding “code” All you need is the proper version of Unity (it’s free) and (I would recommend) the sounds in .wav format


    as recommended above by @eXSe, you might want to wait until the sounds/capabilities are polished before doing a large undertaking (I have a sound mod that adds some door sound variations, and they just changed them up for a20 so I might have to redo them… sigh…. But if you just wanted to experiment to see how it would sound/feel like you could do that relatively easy today.

  20. I'll add a bit to this. Sorry, but I'm a bit "wordy" by nature :)


    The "mod launcher" mentioned in previous posts is:

    - A great way to load mods into your game

    - Only works on Windows (not Mac or Linux OS's)

    - Comes with a list of supported mods it will install (more on this below)

    - Allows you to easily load the more "complicated" mods.  As mentioned above: This includes the DMT/C# mods mentioned by @khzmusik (mods that require compiling with special tools that normally you would need to install on your system. the mod launcher comes with those tools) as well as the mods that require more than just putting them into the "Mods" folder (these are usually the large overhaul mods like Darkness Falls. These overhaul mods add a lot of changes and sometimes special content for only that mod. I mention this one as its quite popular with the streaming community, though there are about 10-20? other large overhaul mods that all change the game up a lot. The mod launcher makes it very easy to install and try out almost all of them!)


    Having said that, the mod launcher doesn't include EVERY mod out there (you'll find a lot on nexusmods that are not in the launcher as the launcher cannot pull/install mods from nexusmods).  In order for a modder to get their mods added to the mod launcher list of mods they have to make a request to the developer of the mod launcher, and possibly do some work to make it compatible/easy for the mod launcher to use (like make a copy that's not on nexusmods).  Its not a difficult thing to do, but not all modders do this.  As a result, you may find or know of some mods that are not in the mod launcher mod list. If you do find one, its *highly* likely that is is a "basic XML mod" and does not require any special work to install besides copying it to a special folder in the game, but it may be a more complicated mod with special installation steps.

    For all of these other mods (not listed in the mod launcher) you can usually follow the instructions that come with mod itself and/or in the links from @BFT2020 and data from @Gamida above.


    Also: You don't *have* to use the mod launcher, its just a super easy and convenient way to not only load mods, but keep track of several games with different mods in them, as well as find "compatible mods" for the game version you are running ( like a18, a19, etc). You can not use the mod launcher and just manually copy or compile or do "whatever" is needed to install each mod you want, but it can be a bit of a pain to do if you want to load a lot of them or load a large one like Darkness Falls.


    Also: The modding system isn't likely "done" yet (my opinion!), so its not possible for modders to know how their mod works with other mods when they make them.  The game also will let you load mods (from, say a very old version of the game) that are incompatible with the current version of the game.  This can cause issues with your game (not permanent, but it can break recipes or other things when you're playing or cause the game to not load until you remove the mod).  This also means that one mod might be incompatible with another mod ( say they both try to change the same block or weapon) so loading >1 mod can cause issues. Without going into how to deal with this or know its happening, this alone is a good reason people choose to just use the mod launcher load the larger overhaul mods (like Darkness Falls) as not only do these large overhaul mods have a lot of new content but they usually also come with a large set of the smaller mods (that you could have loaded yourself) but these have been tuned and balanced and all work together so there are few (if any) mod incompatibilities.  And if you find any you can reach out to the overhaul mod author on these forums (generally) and they can confirm its a bug (and fix it) or explain why its not a bug.

  21. 4 hours ago, JCrook1028 said:

    if anyone has any suggestion on anything important to look for please let me know.

    sort of "small scratch marks" on the metal pads that insert into the card slot, and maybe "finger marks" on shiny surfaces, I can't think of any. Of course, if the card was "tested" at the factory and inserted into a slot it might have a little bit of scratching on the pads.


    Long ago I got a "used" card (cheap) and there were a few small surface mount resistors/capacitors broken off on it.  I suspect it was dropped/damaged before being opened/used (the box was damaged) and someone just resold it.  I'm glad I noticed the little specks in the static bag before I opened it as I was able to find where they were supposed to be connected ( and they looked identical) and I soldered them back on and the card worked.  Long story short: maybe shake the bag a bit and see if anything else is flating around in there before opening, but that's hopefully an incredibly rare occurrence.


    EDIT: The yellow sticker looks a bit weird to me ( and the static bag...looseness").  I don't know gigabytes's products or how they ship stuff *at all* but there's lots of internet discussion over this sticker and if it means anything.  Here's a few links when searching: "Gigabyte Qualified" static bag






  22. I’m probably not in the “average group” of gamers in terms of what I consider fun… but anyway:

    - I kinda like not being able to find a book/schematic I need for a long time. It forces me to have to just get by without it, which makes my game less “the same as the other game I played”.  The current perk system at least allows me to perk into something I need to play the game (like make a forge).  If I never find a book to complete a set… that’s just how that poor survivors life went. I do feel that at some point it might feel nice to be able to suddenly go to a trader and buy a book I need, like after they trust me or I have some something for them, so basically maybe a “after day 100” or “player at level 250” option, maybe just in the secret stash or I can get a “craft any book from the x series” book that costs like 100k. Enough to hurt buying it to get 1 book.


    - I wish there were more “barriers to entry” for stuff like the current forges/workbenches/etc. I think the campfire does a good job of this because I can make a campfire, but I need special tools on it to craft certain foods. These tools aren’t hard to get (as it’s just a freaking campfire, but the cooking pot as a POI decor block and as an item as well as a workstation tool is a nice touch!), but I do wish that as you move “up” in technology the tools you need to do stuff are harder to come by (like the crucible in the forge) and less like the anvil (makes it faster).  I would totally got for some tiered forges/workbenches to break things up more (like 3 different workbenches, one being electric for welding, etc to make the gyro and 4x4) Anyway, I bring this up as a way to give more looting/crafting options to work upwards towards. It feels weird for me to have all the workstations under intellect… might feel nice to have some basic ones under other trees that are limited in function or maybe have special tools for crafting specific items so if you perk into Brawler maybe you can craft a few special clubs or axe that no other workstation can make. Nothing "super amazing 1 shot mega kill", but just a nice weapon set you can make to round out your character.  If you give that weapon to some other character, fine.You don’t have to have a big brain to put plywood on top of sawhorses to craft something.  Maybe the a2x "new armor" sets would fit within this well.


    - zed corpse looting: I did enjoy it, and it’s a little odd to have a zed drop and then be “invincible” for a short while then pop out of existence as the normal thing. The loot bag drop feels weird to me because it’s so damn big (did it come out of the zeds a$$? Is that where everyone kept their big yellow overnight bag safe from thieves? I hope not).  Why not have zeds wear some backpacks or something and drop those(as the bag model) or if not, allow some limited harvesting from zeds (like nasty cloth, flesh, and maybe occasionally some junk items like jewelry or trinkets. Make the materials you get mostly good for low level crafting recipes but with a higher ingredient count (better to gather 10 cloth vs 50 nastily cloth (have to clean) from a zed to make bandages).  Make the rare trinkets something just to sell or for rare/cosmetic crafting. Additionally: make “trophy” items harvestable (heads/arms,etc) that are mostly useless except for base decoration.  Make it sort of fun to loot corpses again, but totally not necessary or very rewarding, resource wise.   Maybe leave the 1000 hit points but if you say there and harvested the whole thing you might get 4-6 items in total.

    or maybe add in the possibility of finding some zed specific loot ( guns, medical, etc) similar to finding the prized 'toilet pistol".  I loot every toilet but I know other people never do.  Its a fun mechanic to find a rare item drop, even if that item isn't a super weapon or high tier armor/etc.


    - back to looting: yeah, it’s a little weird to find stone/medieval tools pre made in loot. It might feel better if the loot “items” weren’t so limited, meaning: why can’t I ever find/craft twine or rope? If there were a bit more “hardware store items” to loot that you could use to make a stone axe for example (instead  of auto making rope from plant fibers) it might feel better. I do feel TFP is trying to limit the item count to keep recipe counts lower/manageable and for other reasons (game still in dev, most accessible/player fun for the most people) and I know some people see this as “unnecessary grind” but there might be a sweet spot to add a few more base items for crafting so the looting feels a bit better and certain items (like stone axes) could be taken of the loot tables .

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