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Posts posted by doughphunghus

  1. I have sever “more damaging weapons” mods here: doughs modlets but specifically what you might be looking for is something like this (which is on that page): Khelldon-HolyHandGrenade


    there are some other weapons that have damage like that grenade, I think on Nexusmods I saw one that used the grenade launcher. 

    for what it’s worth, from my experiences, any explosion basically only destroys “the blocks that it can touch” so you don’t usually get nice deep round holes in the ground. Sometimes it may go 2 blocks deep. This means to get the most bang for your buck, when aiming at pois, try to aim through a window so it goes off inside. Otherwise the first shot just takes the outside wall down. 

    another option maybe to lower the block health or stability.  I recently released a “nerf block stability” mod (on my same mod page above) and what happens (it seems) is that most buildings, when finally compromised, either “hollow out” or half the building falls.  This might make a more destructive weapon feel more powerful as it will take down more things easily, without having to crank up the weapon damage/radius which can be dangerous for your character.  Additionally, a large radius can generally a lot of lag and it seems a falling POi generates less lag for some reason.  And a smaller radius is less dangerous to you. Anyway, be warned the HolyHandGrenade has a large radius, but can be made larger if you wanted to change the mod as I actually turned the radius down from the original due to complaints from people about the lag.

  2. I am interested in this answer, as I was thinking of making some

    of my mods into 2 parts:

    part 1: the server side safe mod. Icons are just recoloring of existing items, etc

    part 2: the “client side” icons.


    as I understand it, the “xml for the game” will come from the game server, meaning *any* client side mods will not be loaded/activated if you are connected to a separate game server. To me this means that even if you had the #2 mod loaded only on the client, it would not be processed when joining a server. I believe this is because if the client can change the xml definitions a server sends, it could make all sorts of changes, like making a hat worth 10,000 duke’s or a gun have 10,000 damage. 

    you asked about icons, but, it’s the same issue as the XML mod will not have its icons referenced in the server side xml. And if the server side XMl does reference the icons, then if the client doesn’t have them the ricin’s will be blank…


    but… a curiosity: what if the icons/models in the client side mod are named identical to the vanilla game?  Like “resourceWood” in a client mod that was not loaded on the server side was the image of a clown? Would it take effect then (meaning the client side mod does load some things, but will not overwrite server sent XML). I would love any answers to this and I think this may be very similar/identical to what you’re also asking?


    I have not tested this, so I’m not 100% sure. 

  3. 58 minutes ago, ElCabong said:



    7 hours ago, meganoth said:

    late fall is more likely

    “more likely”, but nothing definite, from what I’ve been reading on the forums, based on people theorizing that TFP wouldn’t let a year go by without an update, etc. but there’s also a lot of people constantly reminding everyone that no date has been set and it’s all unofficial as TFP now never sets a date (or officially publicizes it) as they don’t want backlash for skipping the date.

    7 hours ago, meganoth said:

    estimate that tunneled through a quantum gate

    And this too. I think? Quantum anything  can be true, false, or any state in between, or even multiple states at once? Maybe it’s possible some time from Now and in the future they’ll release it, but also simultaneously and in all possible timelines, not release it ;). I would also guess it’s possible (through this quantum informational state) it has already been released, but no one is sure about it 100%. I guess you can know with certainty it’s position (when it is released) or it’s state (if it’s released or not) but never both at the same time?

  4. New mod added:

    Modlet: UI-Remove-PlayerItemsFromCompass - Hides player crafted/placed items from appearing on the compass. You have to get close to find them!


    This is meant to be used with my "Remove the Map" mod, but is also inspired and should be somewhat compatible with other "remove items from the compass" or 'remove on screen sprites' mods I've seen.  See the mods readme for items removed.


    See readme in mod for inspirational credits.  I will likely (someday) make a mod to either remove all the player created item, "distance markers" or make the "sprite item marker distance" really short.  I haven't decided because I haven't played something like this in my own games yet.


    Recently updated mods:

    YouveGotMail - Added several new things, and utilized some non-mail containers to add loot where it seems humanity and personal items would be present.

    Food-SousChefOfTheApocalypse - Added some "rotten" food items that can be used to craft some new food items or eaten.  Basically another small side line of craftable food, and to give players with no perks into its perk tree something to collect/eat if they really need it.  Used these items to add to additional containers where you would normally find them.

  5. That's really weird.  I poked around a bit to see if any of it made sense and all the materials and such seem set up right for the zombie hand to "resolve" to "organic hits metal". The only things I can come up with is:

    - vanilla default "no sound" doesn't take.  i don't know what the vanilla "no sound" is though :)

    - Maybe you can change the Material of steel/iron armor to be some other custom material, so it would just naturally resolve to "organic hits cloth" or something very quiet?

  6. I put on full steel armor and let a zed hit me. To me it sounds like "organichitmetal" (from sound files I have extracted for mods I made).  Of the 3 of these sounds but i can't tell which one it is. Switching to god mode ( with the armor on) sounds the same. I add "banded armor plating" mods to all armor and it sounds the same to me, like "hand slapping a piece of corrugated metal" or maybe "slapping the side of a large pickup truck"


  7. On 7/4/2021 at 1:55 PM, Fanatical_Meat said:

    Also for anyone who asks the server pushes out to the clients so no day/time shown without them adding the mod.

    Thanks for that info! I was wondering if it would. I've updated my mod page with this info and gave you credit for the conformation :)

  8. My GUESS (I have not tested) is this:


    When looking at buffs.xml, all the buffs are listed. I'm going to look specifically at "buffLaceration"

    The first line of the XML for this buff is:


    <buff name="buffLaceration" name_key="buffLacerationName" description_key="buffLacerationDesc" tooltip_key="buffLacerationTooltip" icon="ui_game_symbol_laceration" icon_color="255,128,0">


    Looking at some other buffs, say "buffNearDeathProtection", which seems to persist after death, I see this in its first line:


     <buff name="buffNearDeathProtection" icon="ui_game_symbol_near_death_trauma" icon_color="0,255,0" remove_on_death="false" hidden="true">


    Notice this at the end




    My guess is that by default, all buffs are internally set to remove_on_death="true", so it doesn't need to be listed in the buff, since fewer buffs need to explicitly persist after death they decided to make removing buffs after death to be the normal default, then when they want it to persist they have to override it explicitly.


    To test this, try adding this to some of the debuffs you want to test against, then get the debuff and die and see if it remains when you respawn






  9. Curious: "...when you're attacked with high physical damage resist"

    I can't think of the sound you're trying to find off the top of my head, and wanted to make sure I knew what it was before searching. Is there a general scenario you're testing with (like "wearing XYZ armor, letting Zed A hit you, etc"

  10. using a19.5 (the currently available build):

    The item you are looking for  is called "resourceSteelPolish". You will find it in Config/items.xml

    I ran a search on all files in Config directory and its not referenced anywhere else (anymore) in the recipes or anything *except* Config/Localization.txt, which has this line:

    "resourceSteelPolish,items,Item,,X,Reinforced Steel Upgrade (deprecated),,...."


    So, I believe the item "still exists" in a19.5, just no recipes use it, and no loot contains it and no traders sell it.

    To test, try adding this to a recipe:

    <ingredient name="resourceSteelPolish" count="1"/>

    You'll likely see "Reinforced Steel Upgrade (deprecated)" as the ingredient name.


    Its likely to be removed from items.xml at some point (and Localization.txt) so if you're making a mod/modlet, I would suggest copying the current steel polich item and localization and creating "your own" by naming it something like "resourceSephirothSteelPolish", just so when it gets removed from teh vanilla game, your mod will still have your own steel polish to use.


    Additionally: It seems the TFP devs don't remove the icons from items when items are retired (maybe they do, just seems like they do not) so likely you can just keep referencing "resourceSteelPolish" as a custom icon for the item, but (unless you are wanting to make a fully server side safe mod), I woudl encourage you to copy the current resourceSteelPolish.png image file into your mod (and renaming it resourceSephirothSteelPolish.png) so you'll always have it available.


  11. 1 hour ago, Rabbitslovecactus said:

    I also hope the permadeath mode will be added as a menu/game option. 

    I agree, and I asked about this some time ago and the general response was “you can always just choose to not continue the game”, so I doubt it will be added as an vanilla option :( 

  12. 58 minutes ago, Raina Gamingmagex said:

    I would like to see more plants in the game

    I agree. I personally would like some variety of “plant height” so running around off the roads would be harder in terms of visibility. I would also like to see some more tree types, like “fallen trees” or “dense underbrush clumps” you had to go around. 

    anyway, “more vanilla plant types” would make it feel really nice, and would probably make traveling to different biomes worth more of all types of plants were scattered throughout the biomes with differing rarity.

  13. 1 hour ago, meganoth said:

    As if there was any serious danger being on a motorbike or in a 4x4!

    Agreed! There really isn’t.  I wish there was though:). I’m also one who likes the change where vultures will hunt you down if you try to drive away. 

    I think the gyrocopter and maybe the mini bike has a lot more “allowance” for being fragile (because the mini bike looks like the gyrocopter: cobbled together from a thin collection of found parts). The motorcycle and especially the 4x4 are hard to envision not being like tanks (and escape vehicles) as in the real world “feel” they are OP (against zeds) vs a bicycle/minibike and look like well crafted heavy machines. 

    yeah, I know it’s “realism vs fun”, and there’s all sorts of limitations and balance making the vehicles the way they are (speed, storage, etc).  I don’t have any good ideas for the cycle or 4x4 other than needing them to be easily damaged and needing repairs, but the “keep a ton of extra vehicles in your pocket” takes away from the danger of needing unplanned roadside maintenance.


    I do like peoples suggestions about being able to use the 4x4 to pull a cart or something. It would give it a “niche” use over the cycle which today is “some more storage” (in a single player game).


    as for bandits shooting you in the gyro: I really hope so! One “plus” of all vehicles is that they are “open” and not enclosed, so getting shot (or vulture Attacked) is plausible and feels right.

  14. 1 hour ago, TWORDY said:

    Gyrocopter means also fewer encounters on the ground. Someone's buzzing above my head alleviates the sensation of the fight for survival in a survival game. I believe that the game itself would be stronger exclusively on the ground

    I do agree with this.  Usually when I get the gyrocopter I fly around the map to see everything (and loot a few high end buildings on “full berserk mode”) then “I’m done” as there’s not much to do when you can loot that easily.


    this is kinda one reason I wish the gyrocopter wasn’t so OP and degraded or was fragile, as you would then fly far away and then “crap, it broke”. Of course, people would just keep a spare in their pocket so maybe it’s a moot point.. maybe if the gyro could only get “a little bit off the ground” easily (say, 1/2 a story) and as you pushed the motor, it got harder to control and also used up gas a lot (or maybe had “oil” as a secondary resource being used up fast?) so most flying would be low and going “up” for loot would be a very dangerous thing…. That way spitters (and future bandits), and vultures  could still get to you easily….


    so maybe another layer would be to hobble the gyro like this then “mods” to it would make it be less of a pain, but still not like it is today. Or make a lot of “underground” places where the gyro is useless in.  But I feel underground caves/stuff at this magnitude isn’t going to get any love unless someone hand builds a map. 

    So yeah, “more ground based” would feel a lot better, I was just thinking of ways to keep the (very few) unique vehicles we already have, how it could work, etc. 

  15. I agree. It might be interesting to be able to drop the purse (as a container) and “other small items” (by themselves, no container) since really, most items dropped turn into those generic brown sacks.  You can drop a ton of sacks. An “issue” as I see it is that the loot bags are supposed to be “good stuff” and also hang around for a long time. So just make a “basic drop” despawn at normal rates and it be an item and not a loot container? If you don’t pick it up almost immediately it despawns.  It would likely be overkill/boring if every zed dropped an item so maybe a workaround is to make the drop rate “a lot higher” for normal stuff and keep the loot bags “as is”, so maybe 1 in 4-6 zed kills drops “something small”? 

  16. I like the quirkiness of it (makes it hard to fly) and it *is* a flying machine you built from spare parts….but maybe some of the major “movement” complaints could be alleviated (faster backward speeds, better handling, etc) could be handled with unique vehicle mods for the gyrocopter (like in game mods you attach to the vehicle like you have for guns and armor.  Say “propellor stabilizer” or “auto leveler”). 

    The gyro is OP in my mind (though it’s an end game item) along with all the other vehicles. I kinda wish they had more wear and tear possible so you could more easily lose/destroy your vehicle. For gyro it’s obviously “take a hard landing” or just “needs maintenance” as it would wear down in time…. Because you repurposed an old car engine. ;)

  17. I don’t know the answer but:


    - the “Mods” folder you made, is it named “Mods” with a capital M?

    - there is a log file for the game that might tell you if it’s trying to load the mods or not, so look in it to see if it has mod loading errors or something obvious…And likely people here will ask you to post it anyway. It’s in the game location, where the Mods folder is or inside the “7DaysToDie_Data” (I think) folder at that location. There might be several log files, all named by the date you started the game.

  18. 1 hour ago, SylenThunder said:

    I found this recently, and it was interesting to read... (though the lack of proper punctuation kills me)



    And thinking on it, this part in particular.

    "Can you read at a high school level? You will have no issue working and learning Linux."


    Most of the issues you might run to are merely a quick Google search away. If you can read and follow basic instructions, it doesn't require an engineering degree to run. 


    Yeah, I do agree on the “relative ease of use” but I still know people (friends and family) who are just not willing to mess with it. I’ve tried and lost the battle. I was able to get 1 person to switch to an Apple MacBook, which is sort of a “win” and they love it over Windows, but then again they weren’t really doing anything special (no special apps, for work, etc).edit: and they spent a bizillion dollars for it(ha) but I got to have their old laptop as they no longer wanted it.  So it sorta kept some old hardware out of a landfill. 


    the other problem I’ve run into is Windows apps that run poorly on Wine. Usually it’s “I have to have this app” like old school Quicken or something where they’ve been using it for years. :)


    ao my experiences have been not so great, other than those that have moved to Apple products, none of them have messed with the “normal Linuxy stuff” like the command line or changing their desktop manager or handling backups, file formats changing (using LibreOffice, etc).  

    honestly, for the younger kids I know (relatives)  if it’s not on their phones, then it’s for school. And if it’s not for school, it doesn’t exist as a concept. My niece (who can drive) had her Windows laptop break and she asked if I could fix it (sight unseen). I asked her what OS it was as a joke and she looked at me like I just landed and asked to see their leader. And she didn’t really care, as the laptop was for school and not her phone. “I’ll just buy another one” was the answer when I tried to ask any questions.  Another niece was shown a raspberry pi with Minecraft on it (her favorite game at the time) and she almost died of boredom within 3 seconds. Probably because it was bulkier than a phone. Smh;) but that’s my general experience.

  19. Warning: Linux Evangelizing in 3..2..1..


    For anyone who is/may/eventually/has to buy a new PC and have Windows on it (like if Windows 11 obsoletes your current system and will not work with it), I would like to suggest that you don’t donate/throw away your old system immediately.  As soon as you’re “done with your old PC” *and it’s trash to you*, try installing Ubuntu (it’s free) on it and give it a chance. I suggest Ubuntu only because it has a “simple/normal” installer and should just work. I’m sure some other Linux users would disagree with me :)


    yes, you’re going to feel like ubuntu sucks because it doesn’t look and act exactly like Windows, but just try it out. Browse the web, check your email, install whatever and try to do your “normal stuff”. Just test the waters of not using Windows. Likely you’ll find that there is something you just have to have that’s only Windows compatible, and that’s good because then you can decide if that’s reason enough you need Windows in some future PC purchase.


    If nothing else, it might give you reason to keep your old PC and get more life out of it vs throwing it in the trash. 

    if you’re not “a computer person” or don’t have the time or care to mess with it, sure don’t give it a try. It’s not for everyone but it may open your eyes to exactly what you need/use that’s Windows only and it might save you some money in the future should it be useful to you.


    note: switching away from Windows is not always a walk on the park because “everyone uses Windows”. :) you will no longer be part of the 98+%? of people (who all use Windows) and are likely going to have issues with something (like finding out steam will install, but not all steam games you bought support Linux) hence only attempting to try it out on a junk PC you’re no longer going to use for *anything*.  In my opinion Windows is more “user friendly” and more “user resilient” for certain things (like finding how to fix PC problems on the internet) so it’s a good choice to keep Windows for someone already using Windows who doesn’t want to mess around with or learn about  computers. Linux is for people who are willing to learn something new for (insert reason).



  20. @GrimGuardianIt looks like its colliding with the vanilla game new twitch integration and none of the mods you have loaded.  I'm going to spend a few minutes looking for an "open" lootcontainer ID and then I'll update the mod, then post again here.  Thanks for letting me know!

  21. 26 minutes ago, GrimGuardian said:

    Hello! Thank you for all these mods! I'm only using the starter crate mod, but it's giving me an error when I generate a new world. Something about being unable to load/parse the loot.xml and having duplicate values for 525?the loot ids are not always easy to choose as there’s a limited number of them and they can collide with other mods.


    Do you have any other mods loaded?


    the easiest “fix” for now (since choosing any other loot is may cause collisions with other mods you’re not loading (for other people) is to choose a new loot or for the one using 525.  If I know what mods you’re loading I can run it against those and some others I have (about 170 I find can all be loaded at once) and I can do an update with a new loot I’d that might not collide with anyone. The new twitch integration used up a lot of loot id’s and I’m guessing that’s what it’s colliding with



  22. 34 minutes ago, KhaineGB said:

    Hopefully they're stuffing his guts back in. Poor @%$#. :D

    It’s the … wight… thing to do. It’s been so long since he’s had that looked at since the … walker… in clinic botched it. I’ve …. Hoard…. He’s really self conscious about it but Maybe if they stitch him up he’ll be happier and …. Turn …. the other cheek, but it would be quite the … rad…ical change of heart to have him a…green… with humanity and not want to eat them. 


    (I’m sorry. I’ve had a long day. Feels like … 7 days…. All compressed into one.)

  23. 1 hour ago, dcsobral said:

    It's going to be a base, not a POI. I think more to the point, will it be a main base, a horde base or a combo?

    Family: “why is there a metal cage on the roof and a big submarine door leading to it? Why is ther just a campfire on the floor in the kitchen with no ventilation even though we have an oven… wait, it’s not hooked up?  Why does the 1 bedroom room just have bedrolls with our names on them all over the floor…. And … a box with a crossbow?”

    You: “yes. This is all built according to a very specific plan. Now put these 125 chunks of meat into that box. No, it won’t go bad. Here’s an axe made from a rock and a tree branch, go mow the lawn with it”


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