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Posts posted by doughphunghus

  1. 16 minutes ago, hotpoon said:


    I agree with this too. I kinda wish quests were “found” in loot rarely, or the trader happened to have them sometimes. Having a big pile of them always available is a bit of an annoyance. Of course, I like “finding random stuff” and “maybe the trader doesn’t have any quests today”. Is even go for “huh, the trader didn’t even open today”.


    19 minutes ago, hotpoon said:


    Yeah, knowing a safe will contain crap early game is a turn off as well. It should always be “I need to check this if I’m able” as the chance to find an exciting “thing” would be worth the time to check. 


    20 minutes ago, hotpoon said:

    I don't mind screamers and heat maps, but I think high skill in sneaking should hide you from zombies, even on bloodmoon.

    Slight disagree, but that would be interesting.  It might be fun for the zeds to not know your position, but like random hordes still come “at you”. As long as you’re sneaky enough (noise wise) they just kinda run/shamble around your area. This way Horde nights are still “anything can happen” as as soon as you make noise, those that heard you come running. And you get to hear them bumping around, with a chance of random encounter if you’re not closed in enough. I guess like “feral sense on” during horde night (wide area of sense) + send hordes to your location. That way in theory I’d you just crouched all night, maybe do crafting without workstation you’d go unnoticed.  But in the morning you’re surrounded by zeds at least.

  2. 4 hours ago, Beelzebubs Ghost said:

    Climbing spider zombies added a challenge to the zombies.

    Yeah, I liked that mechanic, even though it was “easy to defeat” once you figured out to put up a ledge all around your base. 

    I kinda wish that as a compromise they had a way for zeds to scale walls, or jump extra far in some scenarios. The “jumper” is a nice touch, but a small can also stop them. I’ve seen zeds get pretty high “climbing on top of each other” so maybe some way for jumpers to prefer climbing on top or “riding/standing” on other zeds shoulders and when they do they can jump “up” or “farther”. Then they could get over very tall walls or chasms (of spikes/pits for example).  Still “not undefeatable” but it would be a neat alternative to have to build against. If they could also climb walls after jumping (grab wall in mid air)that would be awesome

  3. 10 hours ago, No_Name_Idea said:

    How do you survive it? The moment I step into a desert, a whole pack just @%$#ing surrounds me and I have to run for my life.

    If you have full health I believe they tend to leave you alone if they’re just flying around. If disturbed by you (while they are perched) I think they attack no matter what.

  4. 2 hours ago, Laz Man said:

    There are some potential consequences 

    Yay! More exploding/fire/new options = good!


    5 hours ago, ISPARTACUSI said:

    3. The next thing to work on is the questing. The tier 4 & 5 quests get repetitive after a while because there are so few of them.

    I wonder if it would be easier/beneficial to just copy the big POIs and not make a lot of changes (though that would be kinda fun, making them unique) but instead move the spawn volumes around, so you don’t know where they are based on how the building looks anymore. If they were redesigned a little just to move the loot rooms around (or not always have a final one near the top) this would make each one unique and still make you run through all of it. 

  5. 1 hour ago, zztong said:

    portals to other maps/servers would be cool

    Though I’ve heard on the forums long ago this isn’t going to be a vanilla feature ..I think it would be amazing if this could be done in the vanilla game as then you could make very very small handcrafted maps and special mods (per server) so you could essentially chain portals together and make a “full story with endgame”. Instead of making a mod or a poi, modders could make these and a map to go with it, with full unique quest chains per map. Like start out on a small map with a few cabins, survive long enough to get materials to open the portal (or build a bridge to it, find the chest with the key, etc) and then grab whatever items you think you need and zip off to the next area, with new creatures/zeds/buildings. Handling “items on you” and new maps might be “a challenge” but if nothing else you could just have a chained set of maps and all of them have the same mods, you just add zed mods as you progress. Or “lose all modded items” on transport so all you can bring is vanilla content when you jump over (a little less exciting). 

    Add the ability to put multiple portals down on a map.. and you get a full “choose your own adventure” possibility.


    Yes I wrote all of this to hopefully convince devs/the powers that be to maybe think about it :)

  6. 17 minutes ago, kanzensilver said:

    I"m trying to figure out if MRE are yours or sous chef of apoc.

    I don’t believe there’s MREs in Sous Chef of Apoc. I haven’t looked in awhile though.


    also: all the “internal” names of the foods of Sous chef should start with “doughs” so I think if you search that in game I’m the recipes/crafting tab it will show them all (like the in game recipe search uses the internal names of the food items as well as possibly the nice localized display name you see in game)

  7. 1 hour ago, ErrorNull said:

    HD nurse variation -- who performed some bone removal surgery on a victim and will now attack you with that bone and her scalpel. and, we have a lab lady who wants to capture

    This one is a great idea and really nicely done! It actually looks like maybe she might not be fully turned yet or is special and has some mental capacity left, like she’s now just psychotic and not “another zed with zed agendas”

    the “stab victims” as well, it adds a lot when every zed isn’t just “coming at you” with no unique history like others attacked them.

  8. Personally, as a random person who joins PVP occasionally (never hardcore, if it’s mentioned) there are 2 things that always make me quit playing PVP, because I always forget that:

    1. A lot of PVP servers don’t have “land claim that makes your base invincible to other players (they cannot destroy blocks)

    2. People can use underground “hacks” to see under the map.


    For #1, the only “fix” I feel is necessary is that the default setting for a land claim is “claimed land is invincible”, and then a flag somewhere to allow it to be tuned to act like it it today (increases player block hardness to attack). Having it as default just feels like a better option as turning this off should be an advertised setting. There are some servers where “you can’t even enter the land l claim area” (like a base is a closed trader) and that’s a good solution (as a default setting) but a little annoying as you run near bases and get teleported. In every PVP game I’ve played (with non invincible bases) I come back after 1 real time day and my base is broken into and looted because I don’t have a team watching it and I have a job so I can’t be on 24x7 to protect it.


    for #2, I’ve heard a fix and it’s “when you clip underground, just make it black space.”. I feel this is needed because it’s impossible to make an underground base and stay hidden. Currently you can not put down a land claim (as your base can be detected with one, by others holding a land claim and just moving around and seeing it turn red) and be underground with a cool setup and … nope, attacked and gutted as someone just clipped underground and found the base( Or is just an admin cheating or helping others cheat…. But that’s unfixable).


    If these 2 were done I think PVP would at least be a bit more playable and exciting as you would feel:

    A. Your base/stuff could be protected (on a server not purposefully turning off base protection) as long as you build carefully and remember to lock the doors!

    B. On non-base protected servers, you at least can make a base that’s not super easy to find. So Not many people are going to find your “single hole in the ground” base by unless you’re followed.


    note: I’m aware I’m joining games without paying someone and I know likely if I do pay I might get the base perk I’m requesting. If nothing else maybe it would be nice to be able to see/access more server settings before joining so you would know what you’re getting into in a non “pay to play” server even though yes that’s not too hard to figure out once you’re in. It’s just a general QOL thing.


    note 2: maybe land claims could have an “outer area” of block hardness protection from zeds/players and an “inner layer” that’s invincible to players only. Very small and possibly moveable in the claim area… maybe 5x5 (so if walled in and untouchable the useable area inside is 3x3, enough for a workstation and a ladder to another level for more protected storage/workstations…this way zeds and people can tear your base up a bit but can’t take everything if you’ve walled everything you have in the protected “column” part

  9. It would be nice if inside the Mods folder there was another level of folders representing “your game” so when you start a game you choose the Mods sub folder to use (if mods are loaded, meaning “I’m modding, so I choose this sub folder my mods are in”. Then the save game remembers that folder, so subsequent launches it just uses it.

    of course, not all modded games are just things only in the mods folder, but it would go a long way towards being able to swap between saved games with different mods (as the mods you use for a game remain in the folder, so your modded save game remembers it, and if you want you can make more save games and just choose that same sub folder.  

    “Call the sub folder whatever you like” is probably a decent way of doing it, instead of trying to generate or link a folder name to the saved game settings (like auto generate it based on map seed or something)

    another benefit of this is you can have/keep those sub folders around “forever” so if you have an old save game the mods for it are still “there and available” if you haven’t deleted the sub folder. This would likely give reason to name these sub folders something meaningful, but if not the sub folder name/path would atill be visible when you choose the save game to launch (as a setting, before you launch it)


  10. @DefiantDucky I loaded the mods up and am unable to reproduce so far, though I'm in a simple player game.


    My best guess is still that mods were changed and removed blocks or items during an in progress game, and then this caused those items that were in player inventories to show the zed hands (as that I can reproduce as a known thing). An idea to try is to have people keep playing and if you removed a mod recently and know what it was put that mod back and see if the items are fixed (or more items), but it might just cause more chaos to do this.  not sure what kind of a game you're running (family/friends or lots of unknown people)


    Other than gathering more data, I can't see why this would be a "mailboxes mostly" problem, other than my You've Got Mail mod has a large list of items and are mostly in mailboxes, so if there was another mod removed maybe "You've got mail" was hit harder by the items changing around (as its item count is likely a majority of the games items in mailboxes).  I also notice you have the Dad's jokes mod, which also adds to mailboxes and is a lot of items, so maybe it appears mostly in mailboxes due to these 2 mods just adding a LOT of items and thus having a huge loot table when something got corrupted/shifted so its easier to see the effects in mailboxes. You mention that "things in containers" change after restarts and this is a similar symptom that points to an item or something changing and on reload the game cannot find that item. It might be also that people put items from You've got Mail and Dads jokes in these containers so its similar to the mailbox issue?


    I've loaded a lot of mods before so the warning you get on startup/load are kinda normal (from my experience) given how some people make their mods (making some warnings not a problem).  So far I'm not seeing an issue.  Another test that would be good is to start a fresh new game and map and load these mods and then make no mod changes and let people play for awhile just to test and see if they can reproduce/See if the issue comes back. TFP has a "did you delete all saves" and other questions when submitting a bug report to make sure there's just not an anomaly somewhere and I think you may need to follow these steps too f it persists to make sure the game is loaded 'clean" so if the issues returns it's more things weeded out.


    I've looked in the ConfigDump/loot.xml with all these mods loaded and it looks similar to before (when I tested the other mods). If you're completely unable to find the issue I'd suggest removing "Robeloto_CustomZombies_XML_VERSION" and seeing if that helps as its adding its loot groups to a LOT of loot groups in the game.  maybe its causing some part of it when mixed with the other mods?  it might be that multiple mods are not playing well together somehow.


    ummm.. one other possibility: maybe your game is corrupted? Maps get corrupted sometimes, maybe something happened to the map/save game?  I don't have any info on how to check/fix other than manual chunk resets... but others may have better ideas than this.  Maybe there's a way to "clean up' the games loot list (if its corrupted) to resync the items loaded, and then just go in and have everyone drop/scrap the zed hands everywhere.  they may still be in any already searched container that populate a loot list though, so you'll keep finding them for awhile if you use this method.


    I'll keep my game and your mods on my system for awhile as a save game, if you can find a good way to reproduce or more "symptoms"
     or containers people are finding them in or I think of something else I can load it up and try/look some more.


  11. 1 hour ago, DefiantDucky said:

    So I can list all mods which I believe are conflicting with this:

    - A20.3 game version

    - Enzombies

    -Enzombies harvesting pack

    - Snufkin Zombies

    - Snufkin compatibility pack

    - Robeloto Zombies

    - Robeloto Compatbility pack

    I Have the exact mods I can send you as we used a custom XML.


    just an update:

    So I'm suspecting that its likely some mods were added/updated/removed after a game was started and this caused the items people already had in inventory/chests to not find the items and so the game chose the item in that "clot" inside the games item lists and it points to "zombie hand" stuff possibly because there are a lot of zombie hands, given the addition of a lot of zombie mods?


    Here's what I noted as I tried to reproduce,,,


    I loaded just these mods (from the games log) without You've got Mail and I cannot reproduce, but there are several errors when starting a new game (below)

    2022-04-16T14:32:19 7.316 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: enZombiesHarvest-main
    2022-04-16T14:32:19 7.361 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: enZombiesHarvest (1.5)
    2022-04-16T14:32:19 7.362 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: enZombies-main
    2022-04-16T14:32:19 7.363 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: enZombies (2.6)
    2022-04-16T14:32:19 7.363 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: Robeloto_CustomZombies
    2022-04-16T14:32:19 7.364 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: Robeloto_CustomZombies (A.20.2)
    2022-04-16T14:32:19 7.364 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: RobelotoZombiePatch
    2022-04-16T14:32:19 7.364 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: RobelotoZombiePatch (1.0)
    2022-04-16T14:32:19 7.364 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: SnufkinCustomZombiesPLUS_A20_2022Feb02
    2022-04-16T14:32:19 7.365 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: Snufkin Custom Zombies PLUS (A20)
    2022-04-16T14:32:19 7.365 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: SnufkinZombiePatch
    2022-04-16T14:32:19 7.366 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: SnufkinZombiePatch (1.0)


    Loading just these xed mods in a new 20.3 game using navezgane map has errors loading mods:

    1. a LOT of enZombiesHarvest warnings, as is it cannot append properly for a lot of things


    2. An error parsing "entirygroups.xml" that is associated with zombieRadRobot1 (it cannot find this entity, as if a mod added it to an entity group and there's no entity for it.)

    For this:

    it looks like its related to errNulls Roberto patch, as there's no zombieRadRobot1 in Robeletos mod, and those references are in errNulls patch. Maybe Robeleto updated hid mos and didn't tell errNull, or errNull has a typo in his mod.


    3. An error loading and parsing "spawning.xml", associated with "Farm_Med_Territorial" and ZombieFarmGroup.  I think its saying the "Farm_Med_Territorial" group has  ZombieFarmGroup in it and ZombieFarmGroup is not a group that exists

    For this:

    ZombieFarmGroup appears to be added by errNulls main zombie mod.


    Additionally, just running around in debug mode, I ran into several red console errors about entities not existing, and I didn't see any zeds.  all mailboxes I opened had a book in them at least.



    Adding You've Got Mail mod to this  same game ... no new loading errors/wanings appear , and my player inventory is the same.

    opened mailboxes and only got mail and related items. opened these up and closed game. restarted and no inventory was changed


    I opened up the ConfigsDump/loot.xml file (the one that is saved when the game merges all the mods to look at the loot groups of teh mailboxes and and it appears there's some weirdness with Robeleto_CustomZombies mod and its loot.xml mod.  It's putting a lot of copies of its loot groups, possibly into every loot group.  I'm not sure that's causing the issue as the game seems to work ok with this, but it would seem that this would not be desired.


    I then took a step i KNOW causes items to be swapped out: I removed a mod that had items/blocks and those items/blocks were in a player inventory:

    I removed You've Got Mail mod from the Mods folder and restarted the game ( with items from You've got mail in my inventory) and (as expected when removing a mod that had blocks or items in it!) I had a lot of 'question mark" icons in my inventory, and they were labeled things like zombie hands (long names).  I suspect it didn't choose "other items in the game" as there are a lot of zombie hand items, so its statistically likely to happen AND if a "normal" item was put in place it will have an icon and no weird question mark icon, so it would be hard to tell it was replaced/swapped out. Its very easy to "see" the question mark icons as "not right"



  12. 5 minutes ago, DefiantDucky said:

    So I can list all mods which I believe are conflicting with this:

    - A20.3 game version

    - Enzombies

    -Enzombies harvesting pack

    - Snufkin Zombies

    - Snufkin compatibility pack

    - Robeloto Zombies

    - Robeloto Compatbility pack

    -YouGotMail (Recent version)


    I Have the exact mods I can send you as we used a custom XML.


    Reproducing is that they appear in server in mailboxes on in players chests over time. It seems after restarts they are appearing in peoples inventory randomly. I can confirm with that the zombie packs are coded to have the hands as hidden assets and not visible. So there's something else.


    can you confirm that after the game was started no mods were added or removed (or edited to remove any blocks or items) while people kept playing?


    The “appearing randomly after a restart” makes me feel like mods are being changed after the game has started, meaning: on day 1 of a fresh game you have x mods loaded, then some time later a change (any change but likely a change removing blocks or items) is made and this causes a shift in the item tables… meaning you had an item in your box or inventory (or a looted container so the items were already rolled) and then after the mods were changed mid game the item “number” or “position” is shifted so an existing item turns into another… kinda like you had a cornmeal in your container and the game restarts and now it’s a zombie hand or whatever. 

    This would be the “classic” issue that I’ve heard of before causing item weirdness to happen. Items in mods were removed, the game has a reference in a container of the removed item but it doesn’t remove it, it just use whatever item is not in the removed items place, by the ID number of the item not the item xml name/key.


    If not it might be some weird internal thing messing up save games item los order… but that seems unlikely as all 20.3 games would likely have this and be obvious… 

  13. 9 hours ago, swmeek said:

    Is it your you've got mail mod that adds the paint stripper to the game and if so what does it do ?

    The mod adds an item called "Paint Stripper" and doesn't do anything useful yet as there are no recipes so far. You can drink it and it will likely kill you, based on the buffs attached to it.

    16 hours ago, DefiantDucky said:

    @doughphunghus Hello I hope you are well. I need to inquire about a serious issue and I'm not 100% sure it's coming from this but I would like to ask around. Hidden items such as player hands and custom zombies hands are appearing in mailboxes. We aren't sure if something is causing this from your YouGotMail mod? they're appearing in only mailboxes. Thank you For extra information, it seems zombie assets are spawning in, from snufkins and enzombies and robelotos. I have contacted the developers and scanned the code myself (limited knowledge) but they don't seem to show that they are supposed to be accessible and are classed as a creative item (not sure if this helps or adds context)


    just a cursory look at my mail mod is showing this:

    1. it only appends items to the mailbox (its not trying to delete or do anything that might mess up a loot group I can see) via:

    <!-- misc metal container mailbox -->
      <append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='groupMailbox01']">
        <item group="doughs_Parcels_Sorry" loot_prob_template="low" />
        <item group="doughs_Parcels_Games" loot_prob_template="low" />
        <item group="doughs_Parcels_UnopenedPackage" loot_prob_template="low" />
        <item group="doughs_Parcels_ReturnedItem" loot_prob_template="low" />
        <item group="doughs_Parcels_Family" loot_prob_template="low" />
        <item group="doughs_GovFlyers" loot_prob_template="low" />
        <item group="doughs_PaperNotes" loot_prob_template="low" />
        <item group="doughs_Parcels_BuildKitPackage" loot_prob_template="low" />
        <item group="doughs_GeneralMail" loot_prob_template="low" />

    All of these are "groups" so its a bit difficult to just track down how zed hands could get into any of these groups as they're all custom loot groups, but it looks like they are all hand made 'append" groups just like the rest.  no XPATH choosing random stuff with wildcard matching.


    There are "gore blocks" added to the cars loot group.. but those are just bodies you can get and place (and not in mailboxes)

    <append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='groupCars01']">
        <item group="doughs_UselessItems_Toys" count="1" loot_prob_template="low" />
        <item name="doughs_UselessItem_StiffSocks" count="1" loot_prob_template="veryLow" />
        <item name="doughs_UselessItem_JarOfUrine" count="1" loot_prob_template="veryLow" />
        <item name="goreBlockHumanCorpse" count="1" loot_prob_template="veryLow" />
        <item name="goreBlockHumanCorpse1" count="1" loot_prob_template="low" />
        <item name="goreBlockHumanCorpse2" count="1" loot_prob_template="med" />
        <item name="decoCarTireFlat" count="1" loot_prob_template="veryLow" />
        <item name="decoCarTireSmallFlat" count="1" loot_prob_template="med" />
        <item name="decoCarWheelFlat" count="1" loot_prob_template="low" />
        <item name="doughs_Mail_Junk_003" loot_prob_template="low" /> <!-- extended warranty -->



    Other than that its not obvious what could cause the zed hands to be lootable from mailboxes.  If anyone wants to give me a bit of help I'll research it, I just woudl like:

    - the version of the game you're running

    - what mods are loaded ( and try to get a minimum amount of them to show the issue if you can. its not easy to track down 100 mods, and getting the exact versions might be impossible unless someone zipped up their mods and made them available to just load into a fresh game for testing with those exact mods.)

    - a way to reproduce ( even if its just like 'open mailboxes') it would be nice if there were any more info.


  14. 14 hours ago, DefiantDucky said:

    @doughphunghus Hello I hope you are well. I need to inquire about a serious issue and I'm not 100% sure it's coming from this but I would like to ask around. Hidden items such as player hands and custom zombies hands are appearing in mailboxes. We aren't sure if something is causing this from your YouGotMail mod? they're appearing in only mailboxes. Thank you For extra information, it seems zombie assets are spawning in, from snufkins and enzombies and robelotos. I have contacted the developers and scanned the code myself (limited knowledge) but they don't seem to show that they are supposed to be accessible and are classed as a creative item (not sure if this helps or adds context)


    I’ll look into it. I’ve heard a bit about the hands spawning but I thought it was related to custom zed mods.  My mail mod is unlikely to be it but it’s always a possibility.  I tried to make it “just add new stuff” to existing groups but maybe something odd has changed it so an item I used was renamed or something.


    Any info on how to reproduce or if it occurs with only my mod loaded or so te extra zed mods (errnull, Snufkins, Roboleto)? have to be loaded as well (there are more extra zombie mods than these, not sure if it’s been figured out what the minimum mods have to be loaded to get it to happen)

    8 hours ago, swmeek said:

    Is it your you've got mail mod that adds the paint stripper to the game and if so what does it do ?

    It might be, I’ll have to look.  I added new junk items based on the acid icon and recomputed/renamed them.  I’m not sure if I added any fun recipes to them to make them “semi useful” yet but I’ll have to check. I’m not sure anyone else has added paint stripper to their mods either. It’s a 95% chance it’s just junk to dilute out the useful loot, as is most of that mod (on purpose). With the clothing changes coming up (possibly in a21) I didn’t want to make too many recipes from the junk items in case things disappeared in me, so I just converted the mod for a20 and haven’t tried to add to it for a20. It’s Been awhile since I’ve looked at what’s in it

  15. 2 hours ago, ScubaSteve3465 said:

    Well I use quite a few mods so maybe it's a compatibility issue instead. I use multiple expansion packs and zombie packs such as enzombies and snufkin zombie plus, improved wandering hordes, firearm expansion. 

    I may be wrong, but as far as I know enzombies makes changes to several things (like entity groups) so you want it to load before any other zombie mods. Simply rename that mod folder so it loads before the others (I think I had to put a 0a at the beginning of it so it loads before the noc mods… just make sure when you sort the mods in the mod folder it appears before them when sorted alphabetically from a-z)  and see if that helps. I’m not sure if this has changed since I last loaded it and other zed mods.

  16. It’s only been 2 hours since posted so haven’t tried this mod yet but….that basic cardboard box with that specific font …. is perfection :)


    I know, I know…. The other boxes are neater and probably took a lot more work and have a lot more flair and color and style but ….that cardboard box with that specific font is literally going to be everywhere in my base.  It has that “just moved myself into a new place” feel vs the vanilla crate of “some guys dropped off a shipment off the truck and you know I didn’t spend time making that crate”


    Even in end game, when im surrounded by concrete and other cool storage containers, there’s going to be a pile of these boxes with just rags and bones and clothes in them.  


  17. 15 minutes ago, xyth said:

    I hope the community keeps its expectations about TFP vanilla bandit functionality at a reasonable level. 

    are you telling me they won’t bust into a building and save me, carry my 1 HP broken body to a nearby camp, spend 2 in game weeks (blood moons included) tending to my wounds and visit with me as I drink soup in the infirmary, and later the guest lodge? I mean, at least they’re going to be maintaining the airport and cargo planes that drop the air drops so I can join and fly along, helping others in PvP, parachuting from the plane with my bandit buds (well, family by now) as we scout the wastelands. I know there are no current plans for children but, I mean, with a deep enough relationship formed between factions I’m sure that will have to happen. As hundreds of days pass, the bandits, duke and others will slowly come together and rebuild society (and functioning boats) block by block. The final end game reached when me and my family and their children and their childrens children can gather around the family business, which will be an ice cream truck (fully functioning as a mobile zombie base/ice cream delivery) and I can free form dialogue with the bandit AI and we can sit until the dark of night telling stories of the old days.


    are you telling me a small percentage of this isn’t going to happen? I just need some help knowing where “reasonable” meets “unlikely in a21l

  18. 2 hours ago, Maharin said:

    Just use a mouse and keyboard with your Steam Deck.  Duh.




    I know that’s a joke/sarcasm But There’s a dock for it and I actually plan to try it out once the dock releases, IF I can get decent FPS/resolution on a tv or computer monitor first. Maybe. It would be more for Factorio or oxygen not included, something with a lot of “stuff” on screen to click on or keyboard shortcuts. Knowing how 7Days plays on console I believe it will be perfectly fine as-is :). Of course. With such a tiny screen it might be a pain to use bows. 



  19. I’m waiting for my steam deck (also set for late October) and plan to post if others do not on how well it works “in vanilla”, on large monitor, as well as try modding it.  Likely also want to see what graphics settings the game chooses “by default” and see how it handles (FPS wise) more zeds, dishong tower, and ultra settings. Everyone: please don’t wait for me, jump in and do this as soon as someone gets one!


    I originally played on PS4 and yeah, using the menus was a chore but also made the game harder as you couldn’t easily pop into your backpack and swap stuff to your toolbelt fast (which could be a thrilling challenge when you’re running from a horde or trapped in a Room with zeds beating down the door). I enjoyed PS4 version so much it was part of why I purchased a new PC (a small part).


    anyway, without looking I believe the “playable” ranking for 7D2D was because of the game launcher? Might need to be navigated As well as some text in the menus could be small/hard to read. My *guess* is since the game already supports controllers, it will be similar to PS4 already. You can create your own button mappings/profile which I hope will make using the touchscreen/touchpad very viable and speed up the menu movement.  I hope these profiles/mappings are easily loadable or something so the community can crank some out quickly for everyone. 

    also: disclaimer: I’m way too over excited for the steam deck, so I’m pretty shiny blind at this point of how great it will turn out to be. But I have very underpowered PCs right now so hoping it will be “good enough” and I can retire my PS4 subscription, not buy a new pc/graphics cards, and just use it as my new gaming system for awhile (sometimes on my PC monitor/TV). I don’t play much “resource heavy” games except 7D2D so it miiiiiiight work. Though I heard the screen resolution right now is not changeable in it, so hmmm maybe a future software update can handle larger screens better.

  20. 2 minutes ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    Actually didn´t know the shark was in the game. Always assumed the vehicle mod that let´s you fly a shark put it in.

    It’s an asset that’s not used, so it’s “in the game” files but not “in the game” when you play it, unless you add a mod like the Snufkins zeds that uses it as a flying shark. With a laser on its head.

  21. On 3/27/2022 at 7:42 AM, Matt115 said:

    sigh ...  - it is true it is model from TFP, well zombie shark too. it was planned but it was scrapped because zombie movement ( ask faatal or someone else so they will explain this better) + POI design and AI ( it was explain about holes in wall and path finding) 

    I *theorize* (and it’s possible I have read this on the forums and forgot) that the shark is (was) a way to keep players from just swimming all horde (or any) night long. In earlier versions of the game the zeds didn’t swim but walked on the bottom of the lake/river/ocean. To mitigate this “simple exploit” they thought about putting sharks in the water.


    I also theorize that the sharks made it not fun to swim/get in the water because:

    - it was all just sharks, nothing else in there

    - you can’t really defend yourself once you’re far enough in the water. So “swimming” was likely “always death”.


    I also theorize that sharks were just a bit too weird for Arizona waters.


    I would love some aquatic dangers (even if just snapping turtles) just to make going in the water a bit of a bad time. With this, obviously, we would need some type of water transport, which I think is needed just to fill out the travel options in the game if nothing else. Some people just like boating, but it would make “water worlds” with lots of water more playable.  But without a danger of being “in” the water I feel boats are kinda too OP… so … maybe if you’re in a boat then sharks (or maybe zombie snapping turtles) can spawn and attack. Like vultures attack when you’re in a land vehicle.



  22. 9 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

    maybe on wastelands but i'm not sure if weather can be biom connected

    I think there was an “acid rain” mod , maybe way back in a17? Before the forums were redone… what little I remember was that whenever you got “wet” it was acid. Possibly “wet while outdoors”. I don’t think it was biome specific, so all outdoor water was “irradiated” as well, when you stepped in it.


    I would like to add: it might be neat to bring back the old “radiation suit” mechanic. There is “radiation” as a map overlay, just no way to protect from it. If someone made a radiation suit mod, that protected against it (the pills in DF might work as well), then people could make random “radiation map overlays” to add to the game, or do the whole “radiated city” here and there.  I don’t have any idea why this was removed from the game as a “thing”/item.  I mean, it was kinda some explanation of why we have … irradiated zeds.

  23. 8 hours ago, wolfbain5 said:

    1. Bandit camps

    2. random bandit spawns in biome like wolves and such, with aggro towards bears/wolves, zeds, and players

    3. bandits at dig/treasure map quests and parachute drops.

    4. occasional factional raids at tradeposts

    5. bandit gps raids on player when faction gets to the right level

    I know this is kinda pointless, but may be loads of fun:

    - bandit horde spawns, zombie horde spawns. both headed towards you (like a normal horde does). Then they meet near your location (they spawn in opposite directions) and fight it out. You don’t have to participate (maybe you can snipe from a distance). But it would be loads of fun seeing and hearing it happen, just hunkered down, especially early game.

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