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Posts posted by doughphunghus

  1. 1 hour ago, Kyonshi said:

    My comment that you quoted was done regarding 2 things : game design/gameplay and technical performance. Not speculation about the lore.


    Of course it doesn't make sense to see zombies locking themselves up in closets or pulling their asses up into a false-ceiling to die. If that would be just of me, id keep only Sleepers that are lying on the floor or standing up.


    But even there, we can also theorize in the opposite way: what if closet zombies were actually tennants of the POI they're in, that went hiding from the Zs after having been bit by one, not knowing that it would kill and turn them into the living dead? Even those in the ceiling of that pizza joint could also have been infected people who went up hiding in high spots, out of reach of zombies, something that we would all logically do?


    That animals can climb ladders at 90º, I can also agree that it's a bit pushed too far. That zombies can smash their way through reinforced concrete, it literally makes no sense. Still, some tales with zombie thropes do make them having improved stamina and endurance. Zs are relentless, they don't get exhausted, they dont need to rest and they will punch a metal door and press against it in masses until it breaks under the pressure, even if it takes 2 weeks. It's a bit streched in 7DTD but there's reasons why they eventually break through all materials.


    This is again done in regard of gameplay. The Pimps don't want the players to ever feel 100% safe. Can it hinder the immersive process? Of course it can. But this is where you have to understand that nothing can be perfect, you switch to suspension of disbelief and roll with it. Or not, it's always a choice.


    my "belief":

    1 zed hiding = they went there to hide and died (injury (already infected/bite)

    many zeds hiding ( like in attic): Zeds attacked a person/people trying to hide and got them, then all zeds stayed up there.

    zed standing on single platform on top of rafters in attic: I have no explanation for this :)  I need them to have a bit more things around them (just a bedroll) for me to want to believe they died up there.

  2. In navezgane, at the bottom of the canyon there’s a car sticking up, nose deep in the ground and (I think) a body nearby, as if they drove off the top of the canyon and ejected on impact.  If you’re not careful you can easily drive into the canyon as it’s kinda fun to drive on the edge.


    Also a few? Pois have doors that are “barricaded” by having items in front of them, but not locked. You tear it down and there’s usually a little room in there, and it feels like someone holed up there.


    On the roofs of some POI’s there’s sometimes this “corpse” that’s sitting up. From a distance/dark you’ll likely shoot it before you realize it’s not a zed. That corpse is usually set up (stuff around it) to look like it was a survivor.  I wish they had a lot more “corpse blocks” so there was a lot more variation  that could be done with these little scenes.

  3. I dont know I’d there’s a good way to do this (basically handle a “loafer”) through a mod, as currently everyone is handing them stuff, so they don’t have to work for it. The only “viable” way would be to lock down almost all recipes so they couldn’t even craft a stone axe. But then, if you did this, the people who don’t select “whatever skill unlocks the stone axe” won’t be able to chop up a tree or a box *unless* they loot it, so what is likely to happen is they all complain and the 1 person who can make them has to make them and hand them out (fairly, to everyone). So unless you mess with all the loot tables (and the traders) a person could still just eventually get what they want, or would end up stealing it from others (so everyone has to lock all containers)….


    also: repair kits are kinda OP in this situation, as once you get an item from someone, you just have to keep it repaired to keep it forever. So if you lock out the repair kit, that might be painful for everyone. But if you don’t, as soon as someone gives an item away it’s likely always going to be used. I bring this up because the “lazy” person, once they get an pickaxe/axe will be able to mine and harvest all day long and not hand out with the group if they didn’t want to. 


    maybe a different approach would be no mod but instead have the group of friends agree to “all build their own bases”. Then they all can barter/loot/buy as they want, but it’s assumed that no one *has* to work with someone else. Make everyone basically work for everything themselves, and not team up for the XP gain when you’re a group. This way also causes everyone to want to put down individual land claims down to protect their base from everyone else just looting it. If everyone (but that one person) agreed to these “nomad style” rules, then that person would have to play along a little bit, if they wanted advanced stuff. Otherwise they would just have to do everything themselves. Odds are people will team up to do quests and stuff, maybe even in smaller groups. Hard to say.  I’m not sure how you would enforce not teaming up for XP unless you are able to mod that out somehow.  Maybe that isn’t required. I don’t know all the things being a “team” grants you over not being a team other than XP and maybe traps not shooting you? There’s some perks that work on being a team. Hmmm.

    also: you don’t have to play this all the time, just to “try it out” at the beginning so everyone builds their bases and maybe once you’ve gone through several blood moons. Once everyone has leveled ul and looted/built their own bases, likely then you can all team up and it won’t matter if someone needs a few items. Additionally: you could then have a “everyone gets together and fights the bloodmoon” thing where everyone teams up and goes to a different base each time. This way everyone’s “base” gets to be used by everyone at least once later game, and you can get the late game XP boost from joining up.

  4. Just thinking… as this is interesting . And it may not work, as I’ve never tried this but have always wanted a “water world” to suffer in.  And since it’s “ping dreams” I would like to add: if the water update gets done, please please please allow Water blocks to be colored OR provide a “blood” colored water block that acts like regular water. Then, obviously, replace the “water covered world” discussed here with “blood covered world” where there’s just an ocean of blood to swim/boat through to get to the islands.


    1. with the new “tile” system, you could make custom “island” tiles… basically put a building or two on them, basically. It might not even be necessary to even so this, but the idea is the “Islam tile” will be different than “regular tiles” in that the places buildings are put on will be “raised” sometimes, maybe 2-4 blocks higher than normal “ground level”


    2. You might have to make these “tiles” also not have a lot of “road connection” options.  I’m just guessing here, but maybe make them all “1 way street” and dead end”, mostly. 

    2.1. you’ll have to remove all the vanilla “tiles”, or maybe just “some” this part gets hard, but for argument say “remove them all”. Of course, put your own custom ones in described  above.


    3. Load up a new rwg map. Choose the options so it makes a lot of “city” and maybe for fun do a lot of “cracks” so the land is very variable BUT not a lot of mountains. You want a *mostly flat* world with huge valleys and peaks/mesas.


    I would assume that since your tiles do not have a lot of connection options, a “lot of city” would make a lot of mini cities. Like very small little clumps that are not connected. This is an assumption BUT what you would be looking to create.


    4. you’ll have to hand edit this, but hand edit the resulting map files so that there is about 2-3 blocks of water on top of the entire map…. OR however they did it with the Wintwreeen mod where everything was covered in several feet of snow.


    5. load the watercraft mod, to get boats.


    at this point you might? Have a lot of “islands” of mini cities and some mesas, but most of the map is covered in water. It’s possible some of the pois are semi underwater… but likely since water doesn’t flow yet they will be surrounded by water but the edges are “dry”. Maybe once water is reworked it will “fill in” these areas…

    6. hand edit the entityclasses files (or make a mod, much easier) to either ramp up the health/armor of the zeds.  This part is least “like you mentioned” as it would affect all zeds. But hey, it’s close?


    7. load some of the “larger horde” mods.


    8. crank up the difficulty to insane.


    9. load up some boss zeds. Like Robeletos and Snufkins.


    10. Booby trapped pois: nope, can’t imagine a way to do this without massive effort making custom pois. 

  5. 41 minutes ago, Maharin said:

    Not meaning to change the theme of this thread, but we really need zombie ducks.  They would be loud, vicious ankle biters that would keep a stream of zombies coming as long as they are still quacking.

    Would zombie geese be the “feral radiated” version of the ducks?


    Also: a great chance to get som new AI: mini hordes of ducks and geese coming at you from land and air. Coordinated grouping where they follow each other in little flocks. Instead of rocks you can distract them by throwing corn seeds.

  6. On 3/11/2022 at 9:08 AM, Aesirkin said:

    This sounds great.  I assume there's some way to tie a cvar to a buff, and to do a drain over time?  I'll need to do some research on this.  Any chance you could point me to a mod that does something similar so I could learn by example?

    I don't recommend using this mod as a good tutorial as its a bit convoluted AND the "infection" system in the game seems "special" to me in how its set up, BUT it does hook into the existing cvars for infection, which naturally "counts up": Doughs-Buff-Infection

    Anyway, this mod hooks into the "buffInfectionMain" buff system of the vanilla game ( search for this in the games buffs.xml file) and its a bit convoluted to work out how it works, as the infection logic/buffs/etc is a bit special. So don't look at it and get too overwhelmed :)


    So: the game has a main buff handler buff called "buffStatusCheck01",which I would also look into.  its probably where you want to hook into... maybe for handling the "constant, slow countdown".  Maybe.  I'm not an expert on buffs and tricks so I can be wrong about this.


    Additionally: I would also look into the games buffs.xml files at the candies (like "buffDrugFortBites") and of course food ("buffShamChowder", etc) as they're all similar and show how to use a basic buff that just "counts down and works on its own". They all have their own cvars and tie to items so you can see how the items hook to buffs, and also how to display the item status for nutrients.  Example:

    item: in items.xml, lets look at "foodCanSham":

    <item name="foodCanSham">
    	<property name="Extends" value="foodCanBeef"/>
    	<property name="UnlockedBy" value="foodCanShamSchematic"/>
    	<effect_group tiered="false" name="Food Tier 0">
    		<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="$foodAmountAdd" operation="add" value="15"/>
    		<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="foodHealthAmount" operation="add" value="7"/>
    		<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="AddBuff" buff="buffProcessConsumables"/>


    Here we see it's extending (building off of) the "foodCanBeef" item, and triggers "buffProcessConsumeables".  Look at "foodCanBeef" and see it contains a lot more properties, all of which are shared by "foodCanSham" (because of the "extends" property in "foodCanSham") *except* those used in "foodCanSham" itself, these properties/effect_group's are special to "foodCanSham". The main point to this is: foods are all processed through the main ""buffProcessConsumeables" buff. look at that buff to see how hey handle eating/drinking an item for health./stamina stats as you're likely going to have to add your own "stats upkeep" here to at least "add nutrients" when an item is eaten, likely by adding to your own cvars you have defined for the nutrients.  this brings us back to the "buffStatusCheck01" buff... check it out again o see how they use this to "add more buffs" when health/hunger/thirst is getting low


    For "how to show nutrient stats", look into the ui_display.xml file.  Search for "foodShamChowder" (for example). This shows:

    	<item_display_info display_type="foodShamChowder" display_group="groupConsumables">
    			<display_entry name="$foodAmountAdd" title_key="statFoodAmount"/>
    			<display_entry name="foodHealthAmount" title_key="statHealthAmount"/>
    			<display_entry name=".foodStaminaBonusAdd" title_key="statFoodStaminaBonus"/>
    			<display_entry name="dFortitude" title_key="statShowFortitude" display_leading_plus="true"/>
    			<display_entry name="dDuration" title_key="statDuration" display_type="Time"/>


    which are the cvars/variables that are displayed when you inspect the "foodShamChowder" item stats in the game. I'm not super knowledgeable on how all of the data here is determined/used/defined, just "item display stuff is in this file". Also: Some of these are "generic" display info, like this one:

    <item_display_info display_type="food" display_group="groupConsumables">
    			<display_entry name="$foodAmountAdd" title_key="statFoodAmount"/>
    			<display_entry name="foodHealthAmount" title_key="statHealthAmount"/>
    			<display_entry name=".foodStaminaBonusAdd" title_key="statFoodStaminaBonus"/>

    which is for "food". I believe? this is used for something that is tagged as "food" in the item IF there is not a more specialized/literal display definition for the item itself (like "foodShamChowder")... for example... "foodCanBeef" (which "foodSmahChowder" extends from has this tag "food" , which is also shared (I think?, some properties do not extend!) by "foodCanShamChowder:"

    <item name="foodCanBeef">
    	<property name="Tags" value="food"/>
      ... rest of XML here

    so basically: the display for "foodCanBeef" will use the "food" display in ui_display.xml UNLESS there's a specific "foodCanBeef" defined in ui_display.xml


    SO: Hopefully this can get you started a bit into seeing how things hook together, generally.  but BEWARE! you are wanting to make a mod I'm not sure anyone else has made, so it may be a bit rough to make it all work as you can't easily copy/borrow from someone else's' mod.  It might be quite a bit of trial and error to get something to work, but if you persist (and hopefully others can help if you run into issues) it seem do-able.


    This is just a general overview of what to look into. What I haven't covered is how to define/handle/manage your own cvars, which I'm not very knowledgeable on (sorry) so I've left this out as I don't want to make up too many wrong things. Something else not covered is "how to ad all of this to the existing games food/drink".  You might find its worth to not define nutrition info for every thing in the game, but instead to try to make a few "basic XPATH rules to add your nutrients to all edible items in thw game" (like :" add 5% nutrient x, y to all things with food in the name", "add 5% nutrient y and z to all things with drink in the name" to just give most things some low nutrients, then go in and hand select items you feel should have "lots more" of a certain nutrient(s). this way by default all items give nutrients, but only what you bother making exceptions for have "more" or "special ones". This way if the game adds/removes food/drink, your mod likely won't need to change, as well as it might add the basic/default low level nutrients to all items from other peoples food/drink mods.


    Also: First I would try to get this to work with a SINGLE food item and a SINGLE nutrient.  Something very simple and basic like "foodCanBeef". Once you can get it all worked out for this, it will be much easier to add more, but I would then do a SINGLE drink item.  Get all the nutrient "counting/adding/subtracting" and effects (stamina debuffs, etc) and display information looking good first.  I've spent a lot of time futzing around on my own mods trying to add too much at once and just burning time :)  Even thoen I still don't follow my own advice and regret it later!


    The Tutorials forum section has a lot of good XPATH info, and likely have some cvar stuff in there as well: https://community.7daystodie.com/forum/39-tutorials-guides/

    Good Luck!



  7. On 3/9/2022 at 9:15 PM, doughphunghus said:

    Thanks! I wasn’t aware of this possibility. I’ll try to test this fri/sat. And see if I can reproduce. 

    @swmeek: Bug confirmed and Fixed! I had a typo in 1 place that caused the "remove" part of the buff to fail, which I guess causes it to add "time forever". Anyway, I *think* you can just add it to an existing game, but the buff you already have likely will not be removed until you eat another breath mint (so the new "remove" code will be triggered), but it might take awhile to count down.  I tried to test this but messed up and caused everything to clear and it's just a pain to re-break it, retest.


    Bug Fix:

    Modlet: YouveGotMail - Fixed Breath mints buff now being removed. Thank you to @swmeekfor reporting this!



    Modlet: UI-Hide-HPBarButShowName - Basically takes the HP bar and removes the HP stats and the bar itself, leaving only the zed name.

    REQUIRES: loading a mod turning on the HP bar! Only tested with KhaineGB's HP-Bars mod, but there are a few more that turn this feature on.

    Why?: Read the readme for this mod, but essentially it lets you see the zed names without all the other 'health' information, for those wanting to just know what zed is in sights without wanting to know their health status/max health.  Great for using with zed renaming mods or zed mods where some zeds have a lot of HP... CAN you take out that "Baby Dire Wolf?"... hard to tell now.


    ALSO: There are some other configs in this mod that are commented out.  Basically how to change the color or the text and center/justify the text.  Nothing "amazing' but a simple mod to start with for anyone to take and tweak/learn for their own use.


    NOTE: I have not tested this mod much, accidentally got it merged into my main modlets and just pushed it to github, but it was "done" anyway probably



    Modlet Generator: 7D2D-EntityRandomize  - It appears trub64 on github has made an a20 compatible version and made it available! (go trub64!)

    I'm going to be very slow trying to update this (if I do, it was kinda a proof of concept) but I ran across this, which is an update+rewrite+new features in python from trub64:  "trubs-variants". Please use this if you can for a20 (though I have not tried it yet). It looks like it may be written only for MAC so windows users may need to make some tweaks? It has some AI swapping out features and other things to randomize the zed/animal behaviors!



    Modlet: RabbitOfCaerbannog - Now does not rarely spawn in the random boss groups (no more horde group spawning). Basically this is less XML to deal with and makes it more compatible with other mods as a lot of them mess with the boss groups and would cause them to be renumbered. I'm also not sure if a Caerbannog spawned in a horde if it would target you (or hop away) or maybe just kill the entire boss mob before you see it ;)



  8. On 3/9/2022 at 1:08 PM, ErrorNull said:

    Hi Ganeshakw - i haven't tested with Darkness Falls, but it will likely throw some errors. I'll look into making a mod so that enZombies can be compatible.

    I haven't tested either, but what I have been doing when I use this mod and I load a LOT of other mods, is rename the toplevel folder of it something so it always loads first, like "0-a-enZombies".  The reason is because it does some remove/re-add to entity groups (and other stuff) but its just enough to cause issues if it loads after other mode that use these same groups.  Its like a mini-overhaul mod (in the changes it makes).  With these, if you want to load a lot of mods (or more than 1 I guess), just try to make the "bigger" mods load earlier so their more extensive changes get put in first, and smaller mods (modlets) can then work around the initial changes.  Its never perfect in how it works (I sometimes have to manually  tweak mods when they collide with others), but its a way to try to start "with the least amount of errors/warnings/collisions" when making a new modded game.




    Here's what I have in a single player game to get most of my zeds loaded, with NPC packs. I also have a (hand edited) Sorcery mod in there, and Iceburgs Animal mod, and Stalliondens pets.  There are a few oddities I haven't cleaned up, but its 120 mods in total.


    Anyway, Darkness Falls is a massive overhaul, but if loaded after this mod (even though darkness falls is a larger mod) it might work 'well enough'? 


    If this mod could work with DF (with or without special changes), it would be pretty awesome, but even a compatibility patch would be great, like Sorcery has/had?:).  Add Snufkins (which errNull has a compatibility with), Sorcery (with its DF compatibility tweaks) to it, and the NPC mods (which should work with DF?) and you basically have almost all the "custom modded' zeds besides Robeleto's, and a few others like The Wasteland which are basically mini overhauls too.

  9. 2 hours ago, meganoth said:

    Couldn't you create a few cvars, to denote each nutrient, lets call them a,b and c ? Then only give a specific buff (like faster running) if a is at least 5, b at least 5 and c at least 10 for example. The buff always restarts after eating anything but only prevails/gives a bonus if all 3 conditions are met.


    But are you really sure you want this? It would mean everyone having to take 3 stacks of food with him for 3 nutrients and eat them all instead of just one. And the farmer and cook would also always produce the same food all the time, just three instead of just one.


    I would make the variation on the side of the buffs instead. I.e. a running buff with sphagetti, a carrying buff with meat stew, a melee damage bonus with vegetable stew. In other words depending on your specialization you might want different food, and in a typical multiplayer game everyone would ask the cook and farmer to produce some of HIS food. And the buffs are easier to implement this way.


    I was thinking you could do a constant “drain” of these nutrients (start them at 100 at game start, count down each every hour? Or so) where your nutrient stats slowly drop until you eat something to bring them back up.  Maybe hen if the stats drop too far, you add buffs to take away something (stamina/health) or add a screen effect (light blur) 


    same cvars idea, just “they run out unless topped up” vs “eat to get the boost”


    I imagine it wold only be fun if the nutrients were spread out a bit so eating “a decent meal” tips them all up (like meat, + water + vegetable + fruit) or steak and potato meal + water.


    I could see it also being interesting to make the “vitamins” it’s own food group, like they add to/top off all or most of the cvars, making you eat vitamins just to not have to eat all the food (which already gives water/food/etc bonuses).

    Maybe make more “vitamin” types for some long running cvar that you don’t really get from food  (“oh crap, my daily intake of selenium is low! My stamina is cut half!”) 

    “Extra food stats” is  an interesting idea, but I’m not sure a lot of people would want to manage it unless it “buffs” attributes like @meganoth states as it seems a lot of people (at least on these forums, Steam forums) want an easier time with the game… but some do not and like more pain/complications/considerations


  10. 4 hours ago, swmeek said:

    I've noticed when you use the breath mints ( from the you've got mail mod ) the buff never goes away ( at least for me ).

    Thanks! I wasn’t aware of this possibility. I’ll try to test this fri/sat. And see if I can reproduce. 

  11. 3 hours ago, DefiantDucky said:

    Update: 07/03/2022: I have found the culprit, H7SB office seats: this had coding for infection state to always been enabled regardless of cure stage and also stopped people producing grease monkey bike handle bars.

    Wow, I would not have thought that mod would be it!  I think there’s another mod that does a similar thing (once infected, you are always infected and just have to constantly keep it at bay) that I ran into as I haven’t loaded the seats mod ever (it’s a new one to me).


    glad you found that and thanks for the info!

  12. 3 hours ago, DefiantDucky said:

    @doughphunghus Hello, loving your mods. Thank you for the great work,


    I have recently tried using your infection buff mod and ran into an issue. I have used mods such as snufkins Server Side Zombie mods, enzombies + patch. And it is being reported and experienced that the infections are not curable. they go to 0.0% and after that they then go back up once the pills/honey effect has warn off. Would you know how to fix this or at least find the code in the files which make sure the infection buff is removed once it is at 0?

    Some questions:

    - Is this single player, or multiplayer (sounds like multiplayer)?

    - What version of the game are you running? a19.? or a20.?

    - Can you list the other mods you have loaded, if there are more than Snufkins and enzombies?

    - Just to be clear: the infection goes to 0.0%, and there's still some "honey/cure" percentage left (like, more than 0.1%), and the infection icon doesn't go away.  When the "cure" counter runs out, then the infection (whose icon never went away) starts counting up again?


    My mod doesn't do too much with the "remove buff" parts, so that part should be working.  Maybe there's something happening with the calculations.  I had a similar issue like this and it turned out to be another mod that doesn't let infections be cured (forgot which mod it was though).

  13. I heard it would take a loooong time.. assuming you chopped or pickaxed it, but I’ve been on modded servers that have “very powerful explosives” like the rocket launcher than can take out a lot of blocks. I saw it used for fast tunneling (and general Mayhem)… so maybe there’s a faster way to do it…. But I’ve never heard anyone actually doing it.

  14. Just in case anyone here, there are a few “Steam deck” related posts.  Here’s another that I’ll likely update if/when I get mine, but if anyone else beats me to it and can do a review of how 7D2D looks/feels on it please do! 


  15. Well crap: Linus tech tips isn’t glowing positive over it… so here’s an “it’s unfinished” review to balance out my previous posts. Some of it might be fixed by future software updates ;( it’s not all negative, but has some interesting review/info. At the end Linus indicates he’s going to use the deck as “his only computer” for the next month, so might be interesting to see how it works in non gaming modes.At the end he does indicate “keep your reservation as you’re going to love it” so there’s that!


  16. On 1/10/2022 at 1:20 PM, Naz said:

    The way i do it is have an a19 install and a a20 install. Run the converter in a20 and note where blocks are still missing and return to the a19 editor. Use the replace blocks in on of the tabs to replace that problem block with a "placeholder block" this can be any block that 1. isn't used anywhere in your prefab and 2. has no problems converting to a20 blocks.

    I had a  lot of chain link fence in my a19 prefabs, and your list of 'blocks that won't convert' really helped.


    FYI: I was able to also do this: I took your list and (capitalization of block names was important, I had to update the list, what I used is below), added these entries to /Config/Blockupdates.csv file




    then loaded up the POI editor, and entered these in the command line:

    prefabupdater loadtable

    [Press enter]

    prefabupdater updateblocks

    [Press enter]


    No changes appear (if a POI with blue blocks was loaded), but there will be some lines logged in the command window (containing blocks updated, etc)

    Then, load/reload my POI.. BOOM! no blue blocks!  I didn't have any of the "was 1 block, is now 2" so I didn't see if that also works


    HOWEVER! The way it converts these blocks is a little wonky, so the chain link doesn't line up well (top and bottom is off sometimes, corners are off) BUT I can just delete them in the a20 POI editor and replace since they are no longer blue blocks.



  17. also: Apparently 7D2D is now? listed as to what is not "great" about Steam Deck compatibility (image below)... the little note at the bottom "does not support cross platform saved games".. is interesting as the Deck is a custom Linux build.... but I'm assuming they really mean "console vs PC" and not "windows vs Mac vs Linux".  Also: the 7D2D mod launcher probably won't load on this natively (wine, etc) but they indicate its "a PC" and you can do whatever you want with it so in theory you could download mods and manually put them in... but any mod not working on Linux is likely not going to work well.  and I assume people aren't going to want to wipe the OS and install windows on it.


    Additionally: From a Factorio post ( someone literally playing Factorio on the deck, and they official forum announcements) they (Factorio devs) indicate that Factorio plays well, but the "non mouse/keyboard" aspect of the deck takes getting used to for a game like Factorio which does not have controller support (saw a video, and it looked not so easy to deal with, using touch screen for some things, extra button combos to do others.  They indicate they are working on this, but it may take awhile as you have to build a ... Steam mapping profile? for the controller and map everything.


    Anyway, I believe 7Days has native controller support, or at least maybe the "mapping" is already done?  If nothing else, the default "feel" is likely to be just like the console version, but since there are more buttons maybe you can tweak the mapping for this or the community will make available a mapping profile.. not really sure as I don't play Steam games with controller.  But, it still feels promising (crossing all 10 fingers awkwardly) as 7 Days doesn't normally have a lot of "typing in stuff" other than searching through recipes



  18. small update:

    Steam has put out a "The Deck is here" page and a small? list of "these games play great"... of course 7 Days isn't on that list BUT Ark is, which surprised me.



    On 2/23/2022 at 6:34 PM, Roland said:

    As for Steam deck, I have zero desire or temptation to early adopt the thing. Maybe at 3rd or 4th generation I'll jump in.

    yeah, that's my greatest fear with this is that the first gen will not be fleshed out and I'll have buyers remorse, but if Ark can play on it "well" its already somewhat more capable than my "PC I game on".  Part of my plan (to make me want to spend money on it) is I'm going to drop my PS4 subscription (and not buy the newer xbox/ps5) and just use Steam/PC forever, so ... I'm "saving money" not ... errr. updating my playstation? yeah, SAVING money!  In fact you could say I was... saving dough... I'm literally saving myself!

  19. I made a post here with some links. Apparently from non official? Sources it appears 7D2D is “playable”, but the details of why it’s listed as this and not “verified” I do not know. Apparently Steam is working on being able to allow you to check the status of games in your Steam library, but it’s not available yet (as of today).


    personally, I’m hoping to be able to hook the deck up to a tv (using mouse and keyboard) once the dock comes out as I feel the screen is too small for 7D2D, but I’m hopeful it can handle it on a larger screen. 




  20. So, I found this, which I’m not sure is official or not… apparently people scraping a db of games?


    look at the table toward the bottom. 7D2D is listed as “playable” but that is a middle ground and there may be issues (small text, certain things are weird). According to a page on the Steam deck site this is the difference between verified and playable, and other statuses (https://www.steamdeck.com/en/verifie

    apparently they’re working on a way for your to see if it’s compatible with games in your existing library (today it seems you can only see this in your library if you’re using the Steam deck itself). 

  21. 2 hours ago, wokkawokka said:

    Sorry to be dense but is this something I can do to the existing mods in my mod folder or is this something I have to compile in Unity itself?

    It’s a “unity only” thing, as far as I know. Used to generate the “.unity3d” file format that’s used to package up 3D assets like the blocks in game, vehicles and also for sounds. I only use it for sounds so I’m unfamiliar with how to do it with actual 3D assets.


    for sounds, I literally just copy the sounds to the unity “assets” folder, then copy the export script to the same folder, then highlight whatever sounds I want and do the “export as multi platform bundle” option and it all ends up inside the .unity3d file.  So not really anything to compile in unity. Just something you have to add to the project to export the models/sounds/etc. As far as I know this is a special format that unity reads and there isn’t another asset format the game recognizes. 

  22. 7 hours ago, MikeyUK said:


    From another thread.


    It’s a little old (10 months ago) for a20 specifically  and I’m not sure if it’s xyths most updated version, but the export asset bundle script for all platforms appears to be here: https://github.com/7D2D/Templates-and-Utilities

    from the readme/docs there:
    MultiPlatformExportAssetBundles.zip : Place a copy of this file (MultiPlatformExportAssetBundles.cs) into your Unity project's asset folder to enable exporting .unity3d bundles that will work correctly on Windows, Linux and Mac OS”


    Xyth put out some YouTube videos showing how to use it to export assets from unity. Basically (with the script in your unity assets folder) you just right click on “it” (I guess the top level asset object? The entire project? I guess it depends on what you’re exporting and how you want to have it bundled into the final unity3d file) and a pop up menu appears and there’s an option for “export multi platform bundle” or something similar. Without the script you don’t get this option in the pop up list. 

    apparently there was an older script he had that was not “multi platform” that a bunch of people were using (as it was the original script?) and people likely haven’t updated that script in their unity projects (my guess) to the newest version. 

    additionally; I believe when you’re not on windows, and as the game loads if you hit F1 and bring up the console, if you see any red errors about shaders, that’s mods that have not used the newer script. Of course, the error does not mention a file or mod name to help track down what is causing the error. Additionally: I’ve had mods with missing shaders on Ubuntu that don’t always make pink textures, sometimes the textures just don’t exist and the object is “all grey”, but still very playable (like an all grey axe… looks weird, but not visually jarring) The pink textures are very annoying, especially when it’s an effect like fire/sparks/movement.

  23. 12 hours ago, DaDiGui said:

    Hi, I am creating a modpack for live streaming, I was wondering if I have permission to use "Get Nailed" in a modlet of my own that I will create using xpath. I would like to make some loot and recipes settings, to make it a bit more difficult.

    Hello! Thanks for asking!

    For streaming: Sounds good to me :)  No issues here.  All of my mods are "Free for use" via the "Unlicense" license, though any I maintain (like Khelldons) might have 3D assets that might have restrictions (usually just crediting the original source/authors). I think for just streaming there aren't many mods that would require permission unless you offer up your changed mod for others to copy/download or try to make money off of selling the mod (kinda verboten).


    For distribution/etc (like if you put your mod+changes up on github or somewhere for others to use): Its still ok to do, but..

    The "GetNailed" mod wasn't originally developed by me, but by Khelldon.  I just took over maintenance in case they returned, but I believe this is unlikely to happen.  The original github repo for these mods (https://github.com/Khelldon/7d2dModlets) also did not include a license for usage and most of my mods/contributions are "the Unlicense" which is basically "All Free, do what you want, but if something bad/unintentional

    happens you can't blame me" :)


    Anyway, there is a 3D model credit in the mod (which are in the mod and README), so as long as you add this blurb to yours (or don't remove it) I think everything's good:

    "Crowbar free asset from Valve Source SDK and coverted to Unity for use with 7 Days to Die by Khelldon
    Please credit Valve with this model."


    Other than that, assigning original credit to Khelldon would be cool to do


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