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Posts posted by doughphunghus

  1. @paulj_3: if you like “more harrowing ambiance” I have a few more mods that add to it.  I’m on my phone so I’ll just type a close enough name:


    - darker inside: this mod makes it pitch black when you’re considered “indoors”. Transitioning in/out looks a little

    weird, and standing “outside” looking in its actually not dark inside. So it’s got some quirks.  Anyway, when inside, and no light, you have to have a light source. The vanilla game has a “dim light” all the time, and this basically removes it.  It also seems to dim light sources a bit, but if you play in a dark room it’s much more useable.  Also: in early game you’ll find all you have is a torch, that you have to place on a wall to fight zeds when indoors.  Run away or lose the torch and you’re dead. It changes things up a bit :). I find just entering anything but a small POI is kinda impossible for awhile early game.


    - darker nights: the a20 night is pretty dark. This drops the moonlight and other things to make it “as dark as it can be” maybe a skosh above max just so some moonlight works.  In a18? A14? it was nice and dark and a19 it was bright all night long so I made this to compensate. It’s kinda not needed but if you have this loaded and are outside, shadows are pitch black. It’s a little odd but zeds can completely be in the darkness and you might not be able to see them.  Really painful in the burnt forest/wasteland as it’s already really dark there. I almost didn’t release it for a20 as a20 does a good job by default. 

    - one hour of daylight. There are about 2 other mods I know of that do this, but basically it allows you to go to 0 hours of daylight (despite the name) in the game start settings. Personally, the lowest I ever played was 2-4 hours of daylight, as it’s nice to see the daytime and it gives you some “running away time” if you get trapped.

    Note that horde nights are longer the less daylight you set, and you also start the game at night if you go low enough!


    I have not tested but I believe all these mods above can be added/removed mod game. They don’t add any items or anything, just setting world globals and UI time pickers.


    “Craft flashlights” mod: becAuse finding a flashlight and putting it in your helmet or gun kinda destroys the darkness (as well as making lanterns) I made a mod that makes it much harder to get to flashlights or lanterns. You basically have to get all the parts, then craft them. The parts are hard to find (if it still works properly with the existing loot tables). 

    hopefully eventually I’ll be able to make the flashlight batteries “die” over time, so finding/crafting them might be made a little easier, and xyth mentioned a way to do it with car batteries… I might attempt this once I see how the other “degrade item” mods work once they get converted to a20.  I also wanted to figure out a way to make them “have varying degrees of brightness” so your first crafted ones might be very dim based on parts quality or something. 

    anyway: glad you like the weather/darkness “challenge”! I like it too as it kinda keeps you amped up a bit as you can’t hear/see we’ll, so zeds can kinda get the jump on you at weird times.

  2. I’ve been wondering how those “blended” maps look, I haven’t tried them yet, sounds like they work really well!


    I’m hoping to get the “dirt” back as I really miss it, and on my system it “hides” the fact my graphics setting are so low that things don’t render in the distance, so I will be trying to fix it :)


    FYI: I usually update this forum with “status” when I make several or major mod changes, so if I can get it fixed it will be posted here.  Currently I’m trying to balance the loot in my “you’ve got mail” mod as it’s really messed up in a20. Everything is supposed to be “rare” and every container I open has like 6 items in it… totally not how it’s supposed to be :)

  3. On 1/3/2022 at 11:40 AM, paulj_3 said:

    Any ideas? Suggestions?

    Happy new year to you as well! :)


    All of my mods that I’ve converted for a20 is a “first pass”, meaning “I hope they work as advertised”. I’m playing them in a game now and I usually treat based on ho things feel. For the weather mods, it looks like TFP has made changes to the weather and how it looks/behaves.  I did my best to convert but I’ve noticed some things don’t work like I thought they would. One of those things is the “dirt in the air” effect, which used to be very obvious (like a constant effect all the time) but now it’s almost as if it’s not working at all :(. I’m hoping a patch or two from the devs will put it back.


    for all the other effects, believe it or not I didn’t make them, that’s what the “in game” weather now looks like. And yeah, it’s really nice (especially the lighting).My mods basically just “make the bad weather happen more often” and “make the extremes more extreme”.

    for the wind, that’s interesting as the weather (in the old a19 mod) had multiple tunings and I generally made it always “at least a little windy” and almost never 0 wind” and It did feel like it worked/sounded correct. For a20, the reworked weather changes actually have “default”, “rain”, “fog”, and “storm” predefined, with some other settings.  What you probably saw was “storm”… but I did turn the wind and other things up a lot.  I’m wondering if the wind has some limit and visually it looks correct (grass and things moving with wind was an a20 update too) but the built in “storm” sound levels are not matching up. I’m not sure there’s much I can obviously do, as I didn’t set it above the internally documented limits…..

    anyway: I’ll put it down as something to test for and see if I can reproduce.  If I can I might file a big report with TFP, if it’s obvious that it’s not something in the mod  I messed up as in theory it would happen without the mod… but maybe there is some “limit” that you shouldn’t go past that’s still in the acceptable range of values. Hard to tell. It’s a hard mod to test but there are some debug commands I can check to force weather changes so maybe I can find it quickly. 


    EDIT: Verified in test game the wind "effect" and the sounds that go with it are way off when super windy. made issue on my a19 github to track for a20 "fixes" as that's where I'm working from at the moment.


  4. @RBN: I lied, I was able to get to it sooner.  I scoured the mod a bit closer this time and found 2 items that were renamed in a20.  Hopefully I got them all :)  The updated version has been uploaded to github just now.


    "action figures,etc  could be placed like decorations": Welll.. currently they are just the images of the the large (human sized) "mannequin blocks" so if they were placed they would be huge (and they're action figures).  To make them placeable I'd have to add 3D models and that would "break" the mod for servers, which I'm trying to not do.  Maybe I can come up with something, but no promises on this one :)

  5. 2 hours ago, RBN said:

    It could be cool too if the items like action figures,etc  could be placed like decorations.


    Also i found another console error at opening a working stiiff, now you're stiff box or something like that



    I’ll try to fix it soon (maybe in a few hours). It might be similar to the other problem but the boxes have a defined list of items… so that’s weird.

    1 hour ago, Carnaxus said:

    Just a quick question, when I went to download the "add 5 recipe slots" it told me the zipfile was named "Doughs-UI-Remove-PlayerItemsFromCompass.zip."  Is that just a misnamed .zip or has the wrong file been uploaded to that mod's page?

    Where are you downloading from? GitHub (like directly) or from another site like 7daystodiemods.com?

  6. 22 minutes ago, RBN said:

    Fixed. No need to take another from creative.


    And about the cardboard boxes, cotton balls, etc...are they only loot items or can be crafted?

    Most things are only lootable right now but I am wanting to add more to the mod to make it as "useful" as possible even though most things are "useless" and just fun and to dilute the loot tables a bit.  I'll put this in as an "issue" on my github repo to remind me to look at it a bit deeper (i mean, you should be able to craft cotton balls from cotton plants, for example etc.). The current version is just an a19 -> a20 conversion and them I'm going to go through the a19 "issues list" and update all my mods to clear out the known "issues".

  7. 3 hours ago, magejosh said:

    Yeah i used it in a19 and always just assumed it was on purpose to represent how aggressive the infection is now, so you need to take more cure% than what is listed as your infection% and keep an eye on it.

    I kinda did the same thing too, I never really noticed the rates weren't matching properly, just that "well, sometimes its really bad!".  I just started using double (or more depending on how infected I was) of medicine to make sure it "worked".

    1 hour ago, RBN said:

    Hi @doughphunghus I had installed your YouveGotMail mod and i enjoying it so far, it gives variety and a touch of fun to loot.


    I looted a tic-tac-toe game and when i tried to place it in a wall the console pop-up with a red line that said something about lootcontainer doesn't found or similar. Is because i'm playing alone or is a known bug?


    And there is one thing that i can't figure it out, the cardboard box...i can't find the recipies, are there only lootables?


    Anyway fun mod. I lol a lot of times in only a day playing with it.

    @RBN: Thanks for the info!  I have fixed this and uploaded a new version on github.  I guess the way loot containers worked and how they link to the blocks has changed in a20. Its the only mod I made with loot containers and I completely missed it during "testing".


    Possible issue: Because I had to fix the game board blocks, I'm not sure if the one you already have is going to work once you load the new mod version (it may not update this property in blocks that already "exist" in game, *I'm not sure*). If it doesn't fix your existing game board, you're going to have to throw it away/destroy it and give yourself another one using the creative menu (or loot another).


    game boards are pretty simple in real life... I should probably make some "fun" and semi tedious recipes to make them....hmmmm

  8. On 12/22/2021 at 9:44 AM, stample said:

    And maybe some of the wall mounted clocks also.

    yeah, I wish they added eerie "clock ticking" variations (if nothing else, broken clock ticking, since the hands don't move) to the clock blocks and made it random (and some not ticking).


    Also: Something like "ringing the bell" might be an interesting "clear the general area quest". Ring it and all the zeds come running like a mini horde night. It won't actually clear anything ( in the game.. like zeds aren't *not* going to spawn in POIs in that area) just maybe look like it... like you're clearing a bunch of zeds that are just running towards you from afar.  There could be some "bell" variations so there's not like only a few placed to do it.  Maybe "activate the siren"?  anyway, ringing the bell could also be the "church bells" that are electric, so a restore power quest could also trigger those "chime songs" bells churches play without having a bell at that location. Additionally: triggering a home alarm.

  9. Update: Quick and dirty conversion of some a19 mods to a20 b238 (stable). They are here: 7D2D-Doughs-Mods-a20

    I wasn't going to update these, but after testing I figured I guess still like the effect these 2 can add

    Modlet: Buff-Ambiance-DarkerInside - Makes it darker indoors

    Modlet: Doughs-Buff-Ambiance-DarkerNights - Makes it darker outside at night


    Update: Tweaked PunishingWeather-Core to not be so dark all the time ("foggy" spectrum makes everything *very* dim vs "looks like a fog"),  Changed "foggy" to "desert" spectrum in forest, desert, and snow biomes so it will be a little more muted in general.  letting weather effects make up for everything else.  Note: Particle effects don't seem to work in a20 b238? not sure but I expected what it looked like in a19 (a constant dirty windy look) and its not so just bear with me as I'll be checking this as the game gets updates, maybe something isn't working as it should (or was fixed!).  I want to balance it so there's "a bit of nice day/night here and there' vs 'its always gloomy 24x7 even in full sun.  If anyone finds any good settings for this mod ( or biomes in general) that keeps it mostly hard to see far and harsh *visually*, but allows for "rare clear and ability to se far at far at some times" I'd love to add it to this mod.

  10. @ate0ate: I found the issue, fixed it (hopefully) and uploaded the new version to github.  I'm betting this bug was there in a19 as well...


    Your idea felt right (I thought I had gotten something cut in half) until I found what it was. The bug was weird but it took a bit for me to find as I'm not too familiar with how buffs work. I had a variable in the wrong place and it was always using my maximum infection counter time which is 3 hours for one calculation, and the RNG roll for infection you get for everything else.  The "cure" rates weren't being cut in half, it just appeared that way due to a few ways math and RNG hit more often.  Once I tested more I was seeing some cure rates were being cut into fourths and other odd small numbers....


    Having looked at that... I also just noticed this in case anyone runs into this:  If you take a "cure" (like honey) and the infection % and cure % look identical in the UI: the cure might not completely cure the infection.  Its a close race but it looks like it can happen ( probably a tiny bit less rare with my mod loaded). It has to do how the game does infection and is not a bug. The "infection" and "cure" math doesn't work on "percent" with 1 decimal place like it shows in game, it has more decimal places in reality.  This means that you may see "you have 5.0% percent infection" but in reality it might be 5.09% so when you take the honey cure (5%, well it has all zeros: 5.000%) you can "see" it giving 5%, but when you hit 0.0% in the game UI it might actually be 0.09% (or something like that) so the honey won't cure it completely and it can climb back up.  Just pointing this out as its a likely rare edge case and the game normally works like this BUT since my mod adds to the "infection speed" a lot so its possible you might run into this edge case more often than in vanilla Even this description is a bit off on whats actually happening but its close enough.


    Also: I might be wrong about this, just what I think can happen given the digits shown in the UI are cut off from the behind the scenes math which has more digits.  Maybe the game compensates for this with rounding or something and I'm not seeing it.

  11. 5 hours ago, ate0ate said:

    Greetings! I really like the concept of the buff infection mod so I thought I'd give it a try. The only issue I have is that it seems to be reducing the effectivness of the honey and probably the antibiotics, but I didn't have any of them to test. I loved the sense of urgency that the increased speed of infections spread induces and it really made me take it seriously after my first couple deaths lol. Anyways, I got infected this time around and it built up to about 4.6% before I made it to one of my last two jars of honey. I wolfed it down and continued on my way. I wasn't paying attention and just assumed that would do the trick but before long I see its at 4% and rising! So I take my last honey, wait and watch as only 2% gets removed before the honey wears off. Is that intended?

    I had not noticed that!  I'll test it and see if I can figure out what's happening.  Its possible the counter (in some scenarios, like the lowest setting) counts so fast it burns through the "slow healing of honey/antibiotics" too fast.  I'll see if I can balance it out, hopefully I won't have to mess with the honey/antibiotic timers, but if I do I might throw in a new type of antibiotic or something you can craft with honey or sham sandwiches to make a more effective (faster curing) antibiotic to even it out. Not a great fix (especially early game as you're unlikely to be able to get these items) but it might keep it feeling the same where a "fast" infection is going to cause you to have to deal with it immediately.


    Update/Edit: Confirmed. I've been staring at the XML and I can't figure out what is causing this,  yet. I hope to be able to fix it as it does look like a bug.


    It looks like the faster the infection is, the less the % cure effect is when you take it. like, the cure effect % changes to be less effective the faster your infection is.  Based on your numbers, to "cure' your infection mentioned above, you would have had to drink about 2 honey at the same time to get to about 5% as it seems (and I validated it acts like this) like its being cut in 1/2.

    Note; the %infected and % being cured stats show up on your character screen, so at least you can see how ineffective the cure % really is at the moment and how much you will need to actually cure yourself.

  12. 36 minutes ago, Gouki said:

    Hi Doughphunghus

    Thanks for all the updated mods.
    Here are some of my favorites: Doughs-Screamers-Spawn-More, SousChefOfTheApocalypse, UIAddFiveRecipeIngredients and the one for Doughscommonsounds (I currently have the one for a19 and only have a few warnings in yellow).
    By the way, will you update the sounds?
    Happy holidays everyone

    I'm glad you're liking several!


    Long story short for sound mod: Yes... but...The sound mod is a bit more work than my other XML mods as sounds have changed and I wanted to redo some of them.


    The sounds are a bit tricky (just takes time for me to make the sounds themselves). I have a mini-project I'm hoping to finish up (sooonish) to try to document "how to add sounds to the game" and hopefully make it a bit more accessible to others (I'll probably post it as a tutorial on the modding forum) to make their own mini sound mods with a tiny bit or standardization so maybe they will all mostly play well together (load without errors).  Should this "take off" it might be interesting to see if we get a bunch of new sound mods from people, especially ones for zombie sounds as I've struggled to create any of those (that sound good) and I feel people want more of those so maybe someone will be able to.


    But anyway: I'm playing a bit of a20 to get a feel for it and have noticed several sounds (doors mostly) that have changed so I'm thinking of *maybe* re-doing my sound mod into multiple sound mods (wood doors, metal doors, zeds, the new "mining sounds", etc) so it might be a bit easier for people to mix and match what sounds they want ( like if another modder makes door sounds you can pick and choose easily which ones you like, assuming if both were added it might be weird if a door opens with a "creak", and then opens with a "quack"). Since the doors changed, I'll have to re-do most of them probably, hopefully I can keep a few of 'the best" sounds I had before or mix them in with the new door sounds (add little squeaks and such).


    I have been trying to "automate" some of the sound processing so I can generate a few "unique-ish" sounds quickly from existing sounds, but it may not bear much fruit. 


    Also: I'm happy someone is using the UIAddFiveRecipeIngredients mod.  I wasn't sure if anyone was and I was *really* lucky it just works in a20.  It was my first mod (a17) and it was not easy to make (for me).  I can't seem to smooth the rough edges out on it!


    SousChefOfTheApocalypse seems to be a favorite of people so I was thinking of making more like this (adds extra "independent" perk trees, lots of unique stuff to do, nothing overpowered just fun, etc).  Any specific reasons you like it (a food mod, more crafting, the balance/challenge, server side mod etc)?  I'm not sure if its people just like cooking (like some people like building) or if there's something specific.  I personally just wanted more food (the "egg souffle" was a joke and inspiration... "hey, before we die, want me to whip up us up a nice egg souffle?")  but also wanted it to be a bit difficult to make the good stuff vs finding/buying everything.

  13. Update: Quick and dirty conversion of some a19 mods to a20 b238 (stable). They are here: 7D2D-Doughs-Mods-a20

    Modlet: YouveGotMail


    New a20 Mods:

    Modlet: GiveMeABreak - Increases falling damage so you cannot fall from as high without taking leg damage. > 3-4 blocks has chances to sprain/break/etc.   It now might feel "more natural" to jump off of the roof of a house (for example) as you're more likely going to get hurt.

    Modlet: Remove-CompassPoints - Removes the compass points and directional markers/ordinals. The 'Compass' is now just a useful area to see markers on the map. Companion mod to use with Remove-TheMap

  14. Update: Quick and dirty conversion of some a19 mods to a20 b238 (stable). They are here: 7D2D-Doughs-Mods-a20

    Modlet: RabbitOfCaerbannog. Have not tested, but if you have Feral sense on you might want to tweak this thing to be easier to kill since its so tiny and you might not be able to avoid it hunting you. Its based off of the animal template so I don't think it will hunt you down (from a great distance) with Feral sense turned on.  Normally you have to shoot it or be pretty close before it targets and destroys you.  Tested running away and this still works to an extent on vanilla settings. Highest spawn rates are like 7% or less in "bad places" like wasteland, 1-2% or less in "normal places"

    Modlet: PunishingWorld-BlockStability-Nerf


    Not updating these mods for a20 unless someone requests it.

    Modlet: RabbitOfCaerbannog-SpawnsALot Why? The spawn rates have been added to RabbitOfCaerbannog. If you're loading this rabbit, odds are you're going to want to fight ( or avoid) it so it needs the extra spawn rates as normally it was a super rare horde spawn and you'd likely never see it.  With "Feral sense" maybe this changes things up too much (have not tested).

  15. I'm not sure about why its behaving this way, but if you put your "long descriptive text" in a "Localization.txt" file in your mod ( and link it to a unique short string like "myItemNameDesc", which you would likely put as the value for it in the XML you posted should work). The Localization.txt data used to not be synced to clients from servers but now it does.  Because of this, I would say its likely recommended to put things like the names and descriptions of things in Localization.txt


    example (not tested):

    <set xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name='perkArchery']/effect_group/effect_description[@level='1']/@long_desc_key">myItemNameDesc</set>


    Than in a Localization.txt file you add to your mod under /Config.  This is just an example of just an English localization/usage and for your specific usage you would only need the top line and the line beginning with myItemNameDesc, See the game's Localization.txt file (where the moddable XMl files are) for examples on how to use it for other items/blocks/etc as its a little confusion how to get all the first few fields correct

    Key,File,Type,UsedInMainMenu,NoTranslate,english,Context / Alternate Text,german,latam,french,italian,japanese,koreana,polish,brazilian,russian,turkish,schinese,tchinese,spanish
    myItemName,items,Gun,,,"Item Name",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    myItemNameDesc,items,Gun,,,"Bow Novice\n 10% More Damage, Shoot Spread, Faster Aim, and Reload with Bows.\nCrafting Quality: 2",,,,,,,,,,,,,,


  16. Update: Quick and dirty conversion of some a19 mods to a20 b238 (stable). They are here: 7D2D-Doughs-Mods-a20

    Modlet: Buff-Infection

    Modlet: UI-Remove-PlayerItemsFromCompass

    Modlet: PunishingWorld-NewbieCoat-Remove

    Modlet: Nerf-ItemStacks <- And lowered more base defense blocks, like doors/hatches

  17. a vague idea... it appears its been changed up... as a guess I searched all the XMl files in /Config/ for "virtual_keyboard_prompt" and I found this, which looks like teh only one related to signs... "windowSignEdit", which is likely the "window" that pops up to handle sign editing



    I found this in windows.xml

    	<window name="windowSignEdit" pos="400, 83" width="306" height="166" panel="right" controller="SignWindow" cursor_area="true">
    		<panel name="header" height="43" depth="1" backgroundspritename="ui_game_panel_header">
    			<sprite depth="2" name="windowIcon" style="icon32px" pos="4,-5" sprite="ui_game_symbol_pen"/>
    			<label style="header.name" text="SIGN" text_key="xuiSign" width="100" />
    		<rect name="content" pos="0,-46" height="117" depth="1">
    			<sprite depth="8" name="backgroundMain" sprite="menu_empty3px" pos="0,0" width="306" height="117" color="[black]" type="sliced" fillcenter="false" />
    			<sprite color="[darkGrey]" type="sliced" />
    			<textfield name="input" pos="6,-6" width="294" height="105" font_size="30" on_return="NewLine" virtual_keyboard_prompt="vkPromptSignText" open_vk_on_open="true" close_group_on_tab="true" />
    		<rect name="btnClose" depth="3" pos="0, -161" height="42" >
    			<sprite depth="8" name="backgroundMain" sprite="menu_empty3px" color="[black]" type="sliced" fillcenter="false" />
    			<sprite depth="2" name="background" pos="3,-3" sprite="menu_empty" width="152" height="32" color="[darkGrey]" type="sliced" />
    			<rect depth="3" pos="0,0" height="42">
    				<button name="clickable" sprite="menu_empty" defaultcolor="[mediumGrey]" hoversprite="ui_game_select_row" hovercolor="[white]" type="sliced" hoverscale="1.0"/>
    				<label depth="2" name="windowName" pos="0,-1" justify="center" text="CLOSE" text_key="xuiClose" font_size="36" />


  18. tldr: the games mechanics are already built in “cheesy” to an extent, and it’s almost too easy to hide (though a non cheese real world tactic), so using a “play as real life As you can” is a good self imposed “cheese throttle” but it will never be enough (even modded). Try not to plan/build impenetrable bases from day 1, try to build out only what you think you need based on previous zed/horde attacks because “in real life” you likely wouldn’t build a super bunker from scratch and also not as preparation because in early hordes your “experience” of a horde intensity is low. 

    anyway….. after reading all this my logic is not super solid but I’m done trying to write it all…


    I so far normally hike up in a poi and hide on the roof or first few floors, access like stairs or ladders destroyed. Generally I make a base out of any poi that’s not made out of wood. I’m not a person to make a super base or mega reinforcements. However, as I’ve gotten better at the game I’ve been thinking of a new “super no cheese” play style as hiding “up” or “down” is not really “unrealistic cheese” or it does take away the danger enough to go “I feel as if I’m not playing a game with dangerous zombies”.  Anyways, that’s what I have been doing mostly for a19.  Earlier than that I made bases from scratch and moats/stop pits/ fortifications…


    my thoughts: I have been thinking of trying to force myself to play as much “cheeseless” as I can, and I define that by “play as realistic as I would in real life”.  This means things such as placing chests only at home and on the floor counters (not nailed to the ceiling 4 blocks up, safe from zeds).  It means trying to hook up lights and power in a normal way (meaning: nicely).  It means not upgrading blocks, only destroy a degraded one and put down new blocks (can choose new material then).  No picking up vehicles once placed. You get the idea.  Well…. In a real zed apocalypse, I probably would hide on top of a roof with no access. The dilemma is the game doesn’t have non cheesy looking ways of building this (like, with ropes or things zeds could likely not climb) but then again, it’s essentially the same as making a big jump to get to a roof. To make it “real” I would have to build a ramp out of wood, cross it, then destroy it (if not using the drawbridge). So “where I live” will likely always be unreachable, forcing zeds to destroy to get up to me or collapse the building. Which leads to another “built in cheese” of the game… but for zeds: they can break brick with their hands? Ok , fine it’s just how it works, but realistically I should be safe forever if I am in a brick building 2 floor up.  So… I have to “anti cheese” this built in game mechanic…


    1. crank up the zed block damage. Just enough to make it easy for early game zeds to do a lot of damage if left alone to damage things. Maybe turn this back to normal after many hordes.

    2 “always leave a path to you, even if on a roof”.  Go no further than 2 floors up any building unless chased. 
    3. Home and horde base are the same. Likely I would not separate these.

    4. No crazy “make the zeds jump block after block to slow them down to get to you”. 1-2 blocks is probably ok. 
    5. obviously no floating blocks, little “floating patches” zeds jump on and cannot balance and fall. They need to be able to get up and come at you.

    6. “Small path of a thin blocks to get to you”: likely not cheese (valid real world idea) but try to avoid as a master plan. Maybe use a little with a junk sledge once things get crazy.


    this means that during any horde/day zeds can path to you…. So you must fight or barricade yourself.  Well…..here it gets weird…


    the game *mostly* seems to have brass for “you to shoot zeds with” and iron/clay/etc as ammo and materials for traps. Sure, there are gun turrets that use up “ammo normally you would use” so it’s not a hard line for what materials are used for what (a good thing). Taken generally: mining most materials is for base and trap defenses, but looting brass is for personal defenses. So I’m going to say that using many traps is “ok” and not cheese, and using bullets is “only for me” and not in traps as gun turrets would seem like a “waste” of brass ammo since I use it to defend myself :). 

    making doors seems ok to do, but making “a door corridor” seems like cheese.  Using hatches to block zeds is cheese (for me)…. So maybe the rule should be “as long as you and the zeds can see each other, you are allowed to attack… musically no “open and close a door real fast over and over as a “defense position” but maybe ok as a temp measure. and you can use a hatch as defense as long as you don’t repair it. Maybe you get to use 2 doors for every “room” of like 10 blocks long. Vs door after door or hatch after hatch.

    the result seems to be: over time, you will be building a longer and higher corridor/maze of traps, with mini “defense positions” where you could stand and fight through bars. When you fall back, you turn on the traps for that area. Repairs only occur when zeds are gone.


    im not sure how long a base like this will last but I kinda want to try it, especially working around an existing multistory tower poi like dishong. I feel at some point it will fail, likely exploding guys or too many ferals will just wipe it out.   Once that starts being apparent I feel that some cheese rules could be broken just to survive (like use the gun turrets)

    also: in theory building a concrete wall 10x thick would eventually be “real” but I find it less fun than the trap corridors/rooms. You would only attempt this once the intensity of the horde is apparent (mass destruction of walls/traps) not after like day 21.  When it’s would be allowed is not clear…. It’s almost if you would have to self impose rules for “what is allowed” and base it off of gamestage + day/horde attack.


    or maybe turn it into DND where every morning you roll for your allowed tactics/stats.  Like “I rolled a 2 for construction, so I get 2 hours to work on building/upgrades”





  19. Update: Quick and dirty conversion of some a19 mods to a20 b238 (stable). They are here: 7D2D-Doughs-Mods-a20

    Modlet: UI-Hide-TheDayAndTime

    Modlet: UI-LowerLootPercentages

    Modlet: UIAddFiveRecipeIngredients


    Not updating these mods for a20 unless someone requests it. These are mods that were for very niche cases, or were requests from people and other existing mods do similar things, or they never worked well, or the current game settings renders them basically not needed anymore. Put another way: I stopped using them in my games or are using other peoples mods that do the same thing.

    Modlet: Buff-Ambiance-DarkerNights Why? in a20 Nights are nice and dark and this mod washes out torches and lights a LOT now so personal lighting looks bad.

    Modlet: Buff-Ambiance-DarkerInside Why? in a20 Inside of buildings are nice and dark and this mod washes out torches and lights a LOT now so personal lighting looks bad.

    Modlet: Screamers-Spawn-More Why? Just a thrown together 1 liner that doesn't work like I wanted or imagined, and fixing it would be a chore.

    Modlet: PunishingWeather-Rain-More Why? With a20 and PunishingWeather-Core it rains quite a bit in most places. I may make a mod like this that makes it rain all the time instead of "a bit more". This was really just a personal mod I used to have rain a lot, but the weather XML rework in a20 makes this so much easier to tune for.

    Modlet: PunishingWeather-Temp-MoreInBurntForest Why? With a20 and PunishingWeather-Core its probably hot enough, and until I can see that making it 212 F can actually kill the player from heat I'm not bringing it back.  I'll likely test making a better mod after awhile.

  20. Update: Quick and dirty conversion of some a19 mods to a20 b238 (stable). They are here: 7D2D-Doughs-Mods-a20

    Modlet: Doughs-Food-SousChefOfTheApocalypse

    Modlet: Doughs-Food-SousChefOfTheApocalypse-ClientIcons - Adds client side custom icons to Doughs-Food-SousChefOfTheApocalypse.

    Modlet: Remove-TheMap

  21. On 12/22/2021 at 9:17 PM, BFT2020 said:

    Umm, should this <Zyamaia> actually be <config> and </Zyamaia> be </config>?

    Apparently the "toplevel" XML tags in a modlet XML file can be anything as long as the top and bottom one are identical (and the last has the slash in it). <config></config> is just what TFP has in all their files.  I use <Doughs></Doughs>, because that's how I learned to do it when i was learning by looking at other peoples mods.

  22. Hello!


    First: I've heard a lot of people complaining about the weird weather changes, and the weather got some rework in a20 so I bet the devs will make some more changes to make it more natural...


    My "Punishing Weather" modlets have been converted to a20.  The weather system/XML has changed a bit so I just rebuilt it and tried to emulate teh same "theory" on how I build them, which is essentially "flip the good weather chance and bad weather chances around so its mostly bad all the time" and "make the extremes for each biome more extreme" (usually temperature and wind).  When/if the game allows you to die from extreme hot/cold I'll likely make "death packs" for the biomes so you have like a 10% chance of death by temperature unless you're wearing a lot of appropriate clothing and mods for temp regulation, or if you are in your base and by heat/cold sources...  anyway...


    I'm not aware of a way to change the "weather for a day" (Sunny for 4 days, rain for 1 day, sunny for 2 days, fog for 1 day, etc) as the "global weather" is untouchable by XML, you can only tweak the global weather per biome for a few things (like the global weather will be 75 and you can only say "snow biome is 40 degress colder than this by "default" but a storm is 60 degrees colder).


    There is a DMT "seasonal weather" mod for a19 that can control the global weather from @khzmusik here, but i think its still only for a19.  And its DMT and not XML so it may be more difficult to tweak if you're not familiar with DMT mods. Maybe this one could be tweaked to do a "daily global weather condition", like trigger the global temp or precipitation to disallow storms or something, or "seasons" would be enough of what you're wanting but even then you may wish to tweak the biomes.xml...


    Also: Just so you know the a20 version of my "PunishingWeather-Core" here on github is pretty well documented in the biomes.xml on what I'm changing and why.  I would also suggest looking at the top of the games "biomes.xml" file as the devs made some documentation there for what teh numbers and weather parameters can be and mean.


    In my mod, for example, looking at these sections for each biome (snow biome for example) I have this which makes the "default" weather for the snow biome (usually cold and a little snowy) occur 14% of the time instead of 44%.  Then I ramp up the probabilities of it being a "storm".

    <!-- Purpose: Increase prob of worse weather conditions. Must add up to 100 -->
    <set xpath="/worldgeneration/biomes/biome[@name='snow']/weather[@name='default']/@prob">14</set> <!-- DOUGH: Default prob="44" --> 
    <set xpath="/worldgeneration/biomes/biome[@name='snow']/weather[@name='fog']/@prob">10</set> <!-- DOUGH: Default prob="8" -->
    <set xpath="/worldgeneration/biomes/biome[@name='snow']/weather[@name='snow']/@prob">40</set> <!-- DOUGH: Default prob="40" -->
    <set xpath="/worldgeneration/biomes/biome[@name='snow']/weather[@name='storm']/@prob">36</set> <!-- DOUGH: Default prob="8" -->


    Which alters this part of biomes.xml, where the weather probabilities are defined:

    <!-- Snow Main Biome -->
    	<biome name="snow" topsoil_block="terrSnow" biomemapcolor="#FFFFFF" lootstage_modifier = "1" lootstage_bonus="20">
    		<spectrum name="snow"/>
    		<weather name="default" prob="44">
    			<Temperature min="26" max="32" prob="1"/>
    			<CloudThickness min="10" max="30" prob="1"/>
    			<Precipitation min="0" max="0" prob="1"/>
    			<Fog min="0" max="2" prob="1"/>
    			<Wind min="10" max="25" prob="1"/>
    			<ParticleEffect prefab="ParticleEffects/p_snowstorm1" ChunkMargin="7"/> <!-- only one weather can have ParticleEffects -->
    		<weather name="fog" prob="8">
    			<Temperature min="20" max="30" prob="1"/>
    			<CloudThickness min="35" max="60" prob="1"/>
    			<Precipitation min="0" max="0" prob="1"/>
    			<Fog min="7" max="18" prob="1"/>
    			<Wind min="5" max="6" prob="1"/>
    			<spectrum name="Snowy"/>
    		<weather name="snow" prob="40">
    			<Temperature min="18" max="28" prob="1"/>
    			<CloudThickness min="55" max="75" prob="1"/>
    			<Precipitation min="30" max="60" prob="1"/>
    			<Fog min="1" max="5" prob="1"/>
    			<Wind min="18" max="25" prob="1"/>
    			<spectrum name="Snowy"/>
    		<weather name="storm" prob="8">
    			<Temperature min="12" max="18" prob="1"/>
    			<CloudThickness min="90" max="100" prob="1"/>
    			<Precipitation min="70" max="100" prob="1"/>
    			<Fog min="5" max="15" prob="1"/>
    			<Wind min="45" max="50" prob="1"/>
    			<spectrum name="Snowy"/>


    I also change up what a "default" and "snow" and storm" are for the other metrics ( Wind, Precipitation, etc) in other parts of the mod

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