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Everything posted by chikorina

  1. I'm sorry that you are experiencing this issue, and thank you for reporting. I noticed in the video that you have a drone deployed. Having a drone deployed on servers and in p2p mp will cause several issues, including extremely high ping in A20.4 b42. There will be a fix for this issue in A20.5. The issue you are having is most likely due to the drone, but if you still have them in A20.5, please let us know.
  2. I'm sorry that you are experiencing this issue, and thank you for reporting. I noticed in the video that you have a drone deployed. Having a drone deployed on servers and in p2p mp will cause several issues, including extremely high ping in A20.4 b42. There will be a fix for this issue in A20.5. The issue you are having is most likely due to the drone, but if you still have them in A20.5, please let us know.
  3. I'm sorry you are experiencing this. Thank you for reporting, but this issue has been reported and dealt with already, and there will be a fix for it in a future update.
  4. chikorina


    I'm sorry you are experiencing this. Thank you for reporting, but this issue has been reported and dealt with already, and there will be a fix for it in a future update.
  5. There is already a ticket for this issue, and it is on the known issues list. Thank you.
  6. There is already a ticket for this issue, and it is on the known issues list. Thank you.
  7. This issue was caused by your Windows username containing non-latin characters. You can either wait for a fix, or make a separate folder somewhere to store your output logs at.
  8. This issue was caused by your Windows username containing non-latin characters. You can either wait for a fix, or make a separate folder somewhere to store your output logs at.
  9. We will be needing more information in order to determine what the issue may be caused by. Please read the pinned post for all the information that will help us pinpoint the issue.
  10. We will be needing more information in order to determine what the issue may be caused by. Please read the pinned post for all the information that will help us pinpoint the issue.
  11. Thank you for reporting. There is a known issue with advanced generated maps using certain settings having no spawn points generated. In your case, setting Wilderness POI to none is causing the issue. Setting that to 'Few' should resolve the issue. There is already a ticket for this issue, so I will move it to the duplicate category. @Jaeghan
  12. Thank you for reporting. There is a known issue with advanced generated maps using certain settings having no spawn points generated. In your case, setting Wilderness POI to none is causing the issue. Setting that to 'Few' should resolve the issue. There is already a ticket for this issue, so I will move it to the duplicate category. @Jaeghan
  13. Thank you, it is known that several users are experiencing this issue. We are currently looking into it, and will hopefully have a solution soon.
  14. Thank you, it is known that several users are experiencing this issue. We are currently looking into it, and will hopefully have a solution soon.
  15. Please check in your LAUNCH OPTIONS in the 'GENERAL' tab in your 7 DAYS TO DIE properties. If there is anything (like -configfile=serverconfig_SP.xml) written inside the launch options, delete it and see if that will fix this issue for you. @TheNoob
  16. Nice, hopefully we can get it working through the play button again soon too.
  17. For now, all you can do is to run the game through the game folder. I have confirmed this issue, and will make a ticket for it. Hopefully there will be a fix or a solution soon.
  18. Thank you for reporting. I have confirmed the issue, and will write a ticket for this.
  19. Thank you for reporting. I have confirmed the issue, and will write a ticket for this.
  20. I was able to get a repro! I will write a ticket for this issue. Thank you for reporting.
  21. I was able to get a repro! I will write a ticket for this issue. Thank you for reporting.
  22. There was a fix for multiple cargo mods not being able to be set on a drone via drag and drop, so that is probably what is causing the issue for you. I tried playing on a dedi for a few hours with a drone with multiple cargo mods out, but did not have any issues. I will continue testing again today. The output log for the client should be in %APPDATA%/7DaysToDie/logs folder. It may help if you could post that as well.
  23. There was a fix for multiple cargo mods not being able to be set on a drone via drag and drop, so that is probably what is causing the issue for you. I tried playing on a dedi for a few hours with a drone with multiple cargo mods out, but did not have any issues. I will continue testing again today. The output log for the client should be in %APPDATA%/7DaysToDie/logs folder. It may help if you could post that as well.
  24. I am having no success reproducing this issue with the repro steps posted. Have you validated your files for both the server and client after updating to the experimental branch? If not, please try that and see if you still have the same issue.
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