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Everything posted by chikorina

  1. I am having no success reproducing this issue with the repro steps posted. Have you validated your files for both the server and client after updating to the experimental branch? If not, please try that and see if you still have the same issue.
  2. Confirmed, and I will write a ticket for this issue. Thank you for reporting.
  3. Confirmed, and I will write a ticket for this issue. Thank you for reporting.
  4. This has been fixed already in a future version. Thank you for reporting.
  5. This has been fixed already in a future version. Thank you for reporting.
  6. Confirmed, and will write a ticket for this issue. Thank you for reporting.
  7. Confirmed, and will write a ticket for this issue. Thank you for reporting.
  8. Confirmed, and will write a ticket. Thank you for reporting.
  9. Confirmed, and will write a ticket. Thank you for reporting.
  10. This is known, and there is a ticket for it already. Thank you for reporting.
  11. Same issue as SDTD-13748. Will be moving thist to duplicate. Np with it being a duplicate, thank you for reporting.
  12. Same issue as SDTD-13748. Will be moving thist to duplicate. Np with it being a duplicate, thank you for reporting.
  13. Confirmed and I will make a ticket for this issue. Thank you for reporting.
  14. Confirmed and I will make a ticket for this issue. Thank you for reporting.
  15. Confirmed in the current build, and will make a ticket for this issue.
  16. Confirmed, and will make a ticket for the issue. Thank you for the report.
  17. Confirmed, and will make a ticket for the issue. Thank you for the report.
  18. Thank you, I was able to repro the issue in A20.3 b3 using the auto shotgun and quickly decapitating the lion. I was not able to repro on a later build, so it should be fixed in the next experimental build.
  19. Thank you, I was able to repro the issue in A20.3 b3 using the auto shotgun and quickly decapitating the lion. I was not able to repro on a later build, so it should be fixed in the next experimental build.
  20. Confirmed and will make a ticket for this issue. Thank you for reporting.
  21. Confirmed and will make a ticket for this issue. Thank you for reporting.
  22. Confirmed, and will make a ticket for this issue. Thank you for reporting.
  23. Confirmed, and will make a ticket for this issue. Thank you for reporting.
  24. I was not able to reproduce this issue in A20.3 b3. There was a ticket for it, and should have been fixed already. Could you try validating your files again?
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