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Everything posted by Melange

  1. Good story. Me thinks at minimum a minibike going into the wasteland and keep to the road. Your attempt at pedalling your way to the trader was kinda, well I wouldn't be doing it. Not ever. 🚳
  2. After planting your tree farm so close to your base, do you not experience lag beause of them? I used to plant forests or line the sides of a roadway with trees (pines in particular). But going between the trees would make the fps kinda stutter. Not an issue for you?
  3. Once for the iron spears and once for the steel spears. 🤓
  4. In High School I had an instructor whose Engllish pronunciation was well, different. To him, 'Sheet' and '$h1t' were the same. OMG we laughed. But to address your issue, I place a a flat plate over the ground transition. Or a thin ramp wedge, depending what I want it to look like. That 'feature' of the gap not matching the ground we've learned to live with. Be creative in your attempt to hide it. Hope that helps. But my game is in English and I have no idea how it has been translated to another language.
  5. Yeah, that increase in jump height is great, usually. Sometimes I have to destroy a lower block to get to where I want to go. Kinda annoying since we can't control our jump height as yet.
  6. Okay. I understood that it could be done in the Prefab Editor. And I learned from you that placing lights too close together can cause grief with performance due to radius overlap (They're too bright for me already, why would I do that?). Never heard of illumination radius overlap prior to this. I just want to be able to dim the lights. But lighting is not as simple as I assumed. Had no clue. Thanks for the lesson. And I do enjoy your builds. I'm not in the dark about that 😁 I looked at that mod's description but didn't see any reference to lighting . It does have features (I'd call distractions) that don't fit my play style. Maybe some day I'll delve into it. Thanks for the heads up.
  7. Once upon a while in Navezgane, I found that placing the miner's lantern outside of the room gave me the desired degree of illumination. The light would soak through the walls or ceiling (or floor) quite nicely. I can't tell you exactly when that phenomena changed but that method doesn't work so well anymore. One lantern per room is my rule of thumb, sometimes even shading it by placing plates around it to reduce the washout. Having high ceilings helps too and experimenting with different paint textures within the room can make a big difference - avoid the high-reflectant metal finishes and the granite. I for one would dearly love to have a choice as to how bright a lantern I could craft. How about this: At the workbench, using identical components, choose either the default red lantern, a medium intesity lantern or a lantern that's just a bit brighter than a wall torch, perhaps reducing the default's light radius with each step down in brightness. Same lantern style would do, maybe give each a different body color so we could tell them apart without having to place them first. Or maybe craft the default lantern, but then using the Shapes Menu by pressing 'R' we could choose either a High, Medium or Low variant? Only ideas, since I don't know how involved such a request would be. Heck, I haven't coded since VAX computers were the industry workhorses, so I can only surmise 🤷‍♂️ I like your idea zztong, yet getting a dev to code the ability for us to custom craft a lantern in-game might be a tall order. Then again maybe there's a flashlight/lantern aficionado on the team who could make something happen while MM isn't looking 😉. What do you think?
  8. Having jewelry and gems in loot might have been considered at one time, who knows? And it may yet happen, although I seriously doubt that it will. It wouldn't add to gameplay or immersion any more than the silver, gold and diamonds do already. I think the perk's description will most likely be edited and that'll be the end of it.
  9. The Great Heist, Vol 2: "Find more jewelry and precious gems." "Gems: Uncover the rarest hiding places of precious jewelry and gems. Find 10% more jewelry and precious gems when looting." There isn't any jewelry in any loot. There's silver nuggets and gold nuggets and raw diamonds to be found (and mined on the rare occaision), but no jewelry. No saphires, rubies, emeralds or other gems. Just nuggets and raw diamonds. No large carat diamond rings, intricate silver lockets nor even a pearl necklace to be found. I suggest something along the lines of: "Find more diamonds and precious metals." "Find 10% more diamonds, gold and silver nuggets when looting." However, if this perk book is no longer part of the A21 progression tree, then the point is moot. But as it is now, the perk's description is inaccurate.
  10. I have seen those blocks in A20. But I recall only one POI that has a few of them. Hoping they'll be spread out over the map in A21. Well, in the towns and cities anyways. Hmmm, perhaps there's a new recycling center kind of POI? Paper, iron, plastic to be had? No jars though. No no no 🤣
  11. That would work. A burnt stogie in the mix would look good too, since we can craft cigars 🚬
  12. Indeed. Just like the upcoming non-existent water jars in A21 😎
  13. I hoard stuff too. When the backpack gets full, I place a chest and mark it on the map. Go back to it later. Some items may be ideal for a particular goal and others more valuable at the Trader. Those items I retain and hope the slot space was worth it and hopefully finding more of the same as we go forward. Other items like clay, stone, flowers, and that handful of lead scraps*, well they go into the chest. The idea of dropping a backpack whilst in game is interesting. Yet one would then need to carry ammo on the toolbelt at all times if you find yourself faced with conflictt at no notice. I for one keep weapons, tools and medkits around my waist. Ammo is in the backpack. No room for it on the toolbelt based on my gameplay strategy. If what you are potentially asking for were made a reality (most likely a mod), I would consider giving it a try. But in the mean time, I just put down a storage chest early enough so that I'm not encumbered. Cool concept though *when I find scrap lead the quantity is so small that keeping it until the backpack is full is usually what I do. Then faced with making the choice of 'keep or throw out' its usually the first item to be jetisoned. If we need lead, smacking an exposed ore node and the four underlying deposits with the right tool will yield a lot more than you'll find on a loot run. Then again, the same is true for iron, yet I can't get myself to unload it from the backpack. Old habits die hard, as they say. As an afterthought, consider trying out some of the backpack mods. Lots of slots, and some mods even allow you to be unencumbered no matter how much you cram in there. Problem solved, no need to drop the pack really.
  14. Okey dokey. Those are possibilities for milk I would suppose. However since acorns are the seed of oak trees, not maple trees, we might have to eliminate the maple milk. I'd welcome maple syrup though (stamina booster) as well as a pancake recipe that we can combine it with. Then perhaps combine the pancakes and maple syrup with bacon and eggs to yield a super food item. However I can't see myself chasing Arlene down the road armed only with an empty bucket 😅
  15. Somewhere between Texas and Pottsylvania. The adressee's name may cause significant delays in delivery.
  16. I must have skimmed over this post (*), and I agree that the drone can be annoying at times. And it is even more so when multiple players have their drones hovering around after a loot run while we all try to acces storage and there's a drone blocking. The drone can be instructed to "stay put", but one has to lead it to a "parking" spot, interact with it to tell it to quit following, then interact with it again to give the "follow me now" command. Or just place it in your backpack and be done with it until you're in a situation where it may be helpful and hopefully not get in the way of the firing line. Either way, those extra steps are both inconvenient and during combat can get one killed. Tip: Don't try and plant rows of seeds in your garden with it doddering over you. Makes me want to hit it, and if I could maybe that's something we might wish for: to be able to fist punch the darn thing to force it to get behind you. But its healing benefit during combat is awesome. Extra storage is a bonus too. A nice addition to the game, but not flawless. (*) Going back through these posts to try and understand the ramifications of the upcoming dew collector station in A21. Its still murky to me. So re-reading and trying to wring out what's to come. Lots of jarring speculation, sometimes snowballing into argument that only muddies the waters for me. Seasoned players and those still wet behind the ears are having a regatta. I'm still quite honestly confused. I could do with a drink.
  17. It appears to me that MP games in A21 will have to consider the RP theme. Yes, designate who will be Cooker, Tailor, or Motorbike maker. No more 'I have read that magazine' but rather 'Who has enough skills for this'? We will have to set the ground rules, and collect all the magazines then agree to who reads which ones. And then agree who is gonna specialize into what skill. It is a major paradigm shift from what we have become accustomed to. Should prove interesting. RP will become a thing, even if it is unintended. Sp would be a non-issue (kinda). MP, well you have to establish some trust, and hope they will stay with the game session.
  18. Nice, very nice commentary. I use stealth to get at least part way into a POI, then I inevitably mess it up and just have to use lead. I have always brushed off the crossbow, thinking a long bow would be as effective whilst sneaking. Lesson learned. But I am still hesitant. May update once I give it a try. We all find our tool of demise that we are most comfortable with. I use the entry level spear to bag the trapped rabbit or the slow chicken, and the lone zoned out zombie. Later I give up the spear in favor of the bash em in the cranium wooden club. None of which make any noise, so we can get by with a lot. But faced with three or more zeds, not confined to a doorway once our cover is broken, I shoot 'em.
  19. Well, I've done this game since its inception. Lots of hours. Have had, and continue to have lots of enjoyment in both SP and MP. Lag in the cities? Yes. And they are working on it (so say the forum comments). Are they gonna change the way we interact with the game (again)? Yes. And the devs have done so many times before. Depression? How about anticipation? Hey, you can always quit playing and deprive yourself of new things to find out about the new mechanics of 7dtd. Or moan about what we don't even know what's coming. Or just play something ya know but is really boring to you. Well it is not unplayable, and ya gotta admit its a cool concept despite its lag. Perfect for now? Nope. A good time? Absolutely imho. Let's see how it pans out. I for one, can't wait for A21. Glitches and all. THEN tell us about it. None of us were perfect at 10 years of development, although many expected it. And its a game my friend. A computer world where we spend time learning what works and what doesn't work so good. Take the frustration out on the next zed that crosses your path. I guarantee you'll like that sensation. Have fun with it, warts and all.
  20. Stealth is good up to about mid game, imho. Up until then one can sneak and take out one or more zeds with a bow or silenced firearm. After that, may as well stand up and give them all the lead you can give, because you've managed to cross a trigger that sends the others to you. And be ready for those nearby that sense the commotion , either its the sound you make or merely tripping the 'actuator' that wakes them up. And the zeds become more resilent as we progress. Too busy trying to eliminate them to realise they ain't dead yet. Damn, the many times I forget to stand up before some entity whaps me upside the head (or breaks my leg to infect me) reminding me to get on my feet and just defend! Stealth is fun, but it tends to get me hurt or killed after a while. I for one, prefer brute force over sneak tactics after a while. Do you experience the same? What's your tactic?
  21. Ahoy mate! There be zombie sharks in this water.... I am also happy with my $/Hr investment in this game. Very much so. And no, I have not always been cool with the changes during its progression from Alpha to Alpha release, and have stepped back for a while to await what the next iteration would offer. Ideally, well, its just not ideal, ok? Creative people are often times fickle. And the artist will paint over what they have brushed in beforehand. Did you happen to see in this week's news where they discovered a 'new' Van Gogh self portrait? It was hidden under an existing artwork. He still had two ears in that image too. Lol. I have never met Roland, nor know if he has both ears, but he usually seems to be quite forthright with his replies. And tends to respond in kind. Best not to throw stones into the water. It wastes your time and annoys the sharks. Load up a new mod, start a new session and wait for the release of A21. Might want to get a small pile of rocks anyways, if it makes ya feel better.
  22. Indeed, it becomes a case of 'Oh, this one again'. My crew and I like to to create different ways of tackling the same POI's. Cheese them if you will. Mix things up a little. That's kinda fun in and of itself. Find alternate ways of attacking the dangers that we've come to expect in that particular place. I agree, we would like to see more variety. And TFP know this, and it will likely show in variants of Alpha 21. From a developer's standpoint that isn't easy to pull off. Much work goes into creating a POI and what triggers will send zeds to greet you. Now we expect them to make the inner workings of the POI to be random, or for the POI to learn how we confront them. Ah, be careful what we wish for, because it may just happen. And I am good with that challenge.
  23. Blimps? Ziplines? Cool! Makes me wanna alude to some rock music! Zed Ziplen. In just a blimp of an eye! Okay, I'll put my headphones back on and find the door.
  24. Yes El Cabong, I also use cooking fires, chem stations and forges for only as long as I need them while in SP, then shut them down. However, I have recently been playing with a group who thwarts this concept. They load up everything with fuel, turn the damn things on and leave them burning, even during horde nights. 4 forges, 2 cooking fires and 2 chem stations. Mind you, the base has steel grate fence all around, and auto turrets. Many screamers throught the game day, and if the turrets don't get them and the screamer is bashing on the front steel door, someone just goes and takes her out. These guys don't live in fear. Suppose there's a stage in gameplay where its a case of 'Come and get me'. For me in SP. I err on the side of caution just like you.
  25. No matter their fall damage, a player would not receive any XP from a zombie's death if it were caused merely by the zed falling and hitting the ground below. And during a horde night, the game would just spawn in another to take the place of the zed that had just met its demise from that last fall. Survival without significant XP gain to the player is a thing (think land mines, spike traps, etc). Depends on one's expectations: kill 'em without concern about gaining XP so as to progress in the game (it is fun to watch but serves minimal benefit), or configure something that will help one advance in the game. Player's choice, imho.
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