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Everything posted by Melange

  1. No other quests in the queue. It's the only active one. But its not there! Not tried restarting the game though, I just write it off as an 'Oh well'.
  2. I have had this happen too. No quest marker, no distance to the treasure. Are you using any game mods? I have been sent to POIs where the yellow "!" doesn't exist. And honestly don't recall if a mod was active at the time or not. I say its a bug, but maybe a mod did it?
  3. But, you did not say "never be in 7dtd". The Bear can hope πŸ™‚
  4. Yep. Not a mechanical issue, but it does look strange. Ever kill a rabbit or chicken and have to follow its carcass because it didn't like to be where it was killed? Immersion breaking? I find humor in it. πŸ˜€
  5. Scenario: A random loot drop! And our zed of choice is close by. Wow! A food bundle and some beer! Place bedroll. Prepare for an encounter (Used to be called a picnic but those are taboo now). 69% chance the taboo luncheon will go as planned. 100% chance that the Dog Days of Summer are over. So we thought anyway. What are the odds? Never needed wine and dining to get above a 69% assurance rate to advance in the game. But maybe because the RNG smiled at me. Sometimes. ☺️
  6. Sign me up! I agree. It's that feeling of progress, albeit only incremental, that would make such a mod sustainable for continued gameplay. No details needed here at this point, but an M60 would be out of the question. Maybe best one could hope for is a pistol? Much to consider as to what tools/weapons/ meds one could hope to be able to craft. Smarter folk than I would have to do that. But I'll gladly help test it.
  7. I 'fogret', nah, never knew all of the weird and wonderful ways we can affect weather. But I don't know if we can make them permanent. It's foggy so looks-like-rain. Then (F1) weather fog 0. But later it rains, so (F1) weather rain 0. But later it does indeed rain, just not so foggy. Not an expert, just know what I can do to modify on the fly.
  8. I have not opted into 20.6e, because I am part of a well established MP 20.5 b2 session. And the "put it here no worries" heirarchy is still hazy. But yeah, I am up for it. Just gotta be able to compartmentalize (big word) all of my sessions. And I haven't figured that out as yet. Yeah COIK. Clear Only If Known. Later. Not gonna frig things and let my team mates down. But I will try that strategy. And give feedback.
  9. The server owner, Admin will have to do this. As an attendee to the server, you will have no rights to change the weather.
  10. Assuming you are in single player, yes? Go into console (F1) Type: weather fog 0 That will eliminate all of the fog. OK, not what you wanted. So, type: weather fog 1 Gets a bit more murky, right? Play with the fog settings to get the level you want And stumble about to your heart's content. I personally hate the fog, but that's just me. A short instance of fog I can handle. If it 'hangs' too long, I do an F1: weather fog 0 and emit a sigh of relief.
  11. Me thinks our Moderator means the hit on our XP, which we need to overcome (ie fulfill) before all is right in the world again. I so disliked the earlier death-you-are-weakened. Another death and more-weakend gameplay. At that stage I'd start over, or....RAGE QUIT and play something else. As it stands now, I can advance out of an XP hit after dying. Not pleasant, but yeah we are still able to advance. I am not happy, but I can shake it off. I agree that dying should incur a penalty. What we have now is a not happy situation (who want's to die?). And don't gimme that '7 days to die' rhetoric. Any readers have an alternate mechanism to suggest? Let's hear it!
  12. @Maharin. You gen worlds with no towns (hence no traders)? So i take it you scavenge from wilderness POI's then. Not thought about this game strategy before. Long and drrawn out? Then anything you would loot is an "ooh, yes!", because it is not going to come from a trader, or a food wagon, or a CrackaBook. Yeah ,throw oneself into the wilds with not a damn thing (maybe only what you;re given at start: one water, one can of chili, a useless note, a torch, and a please-don't-hit-me bandage? Holy masochist Batman! Or am I wrong?
  13. It's happened to me a few times as well. That unfinished block just clicked away and to lose your cooking pot and grill along with the food and drink because the fire ring was placed on a block that wasn't upgraded. Start over.
  14. I can imagine it happening, but alas I don't recall seeing it. I take back the reference to QA and posit this: 'Just because someone is in charge doesn't mean they know what's going on.' 🀣
  15. Years ago I saw a YT by Games4Kicks, and he said in essence to never dig under your base because the physics gets weird and stuff will begin to fall. And he was right. Similar things have happened to me too, trying to push the limit while applying real-world logic. A rage quit did ensue (well I did abandon the project anyway). Bummer, and I share your grief. Rebuilding your tower may prove futile as well, but you can give it a try. Because something has been disturbed in the balance of things, and there's no way of telling what it is (apart from the dig in general). The game's physics calculations usually seem logical. But when it comes to burrowing under an existing POI, logic appears to be out the window. Lesson learned. I am impressed with your build though. Hope you try it again in another way sometime.
  16. @doughphunghus woah, individual playstyles are indeed different. What you do is not for me. But, given all the effort in your last scenario and to be betrayed by a seemingly innocent rabbit? Hell, I'd consider modding bunnies out of the game myself.
  17. From my understanding, burnt forest was done away with and the features of the wasteland were meant to swallow it up as it were. So its no longer an option at this time.
  18. In A21 there will be no broken jars. As for now, I agree with you. But sometimes the loot drop even at 100% is deemed rubbish. Now if rubbish is deemed of no value, 25% of rubbish would approach zero very quickly. Probably why you opened a crate of nought,
  19. Yeah, doesn't sound like a 'quality assured' move to me either. 😁
  20. good luck with the 5x5. i use 3x3 spike lined trenches and find them barely maintainable in being able to repair and replace the spikes. Access to the bottom of a 5x5 would be problematic. But it looks cool, for sure. I don't bother lining mine with anything but a single layer of spikes. Have fun!
  21. Ya can queue them up in a workbench with the concrete mix in your inventory. also craft them in your backpack. I for one kinda like the xp by upgrading the blocks. Now, at a thousand or more, in an SP build? Creative mode would be most tempting...
  22. Things go wrong. Either we knew better, or we just didn't know. And we get angry, and quit either the current session (start over) or shelve the game until we've managed to cool off and are willing to give it another go. What's p1$$ed you enough to Rage Quit? For me, its usually playing so well, levelling nicely, and then allowing myself to be cornered by some mid-tier zeds who end up eating me and my lunch. And I know not to let that happen....
  23. Yeah, I've had a few rage quits myself. Always come back, but depending on the circumstance it may take a while. I will post a thread. Curious to see what's managed to really P1$$ of someone to the point they just drop it. Stay tuned.
  24. One bitten, twice shy. Potentially an expensive lesson to be learned, and with out warning as you said. Now @Maharin said that scrapping a tool with 4 mods (and losing those mods) would make anyone furious. Moving a forge full of smelted resources and losing them in the process won't exactly make anyone smile either.
  25. Or just return them to our inventory.
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