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Everything posted by unholyjoe

  1. seriously tho.... this went way off topic and heading out to sea from what was reported.
  2. seriously tho.... this went way off topic and heading out to sea from what was reported.
  3. yep learnt my lesson years ago with hibernation. now i turn off my monitors at night when i go to bed, computer remains on all the time unless i must reboot for something... longest i have gone was over 200 days before rebooting. but i will not use windows sleep mode nor its screen savers because they use resources as bad as the sleep mode does.
  4. yep learnt my lesson years ago with hibernation. now i turn off my monitors at night when i go to bed, computer remains on all the time unless i must reboot for something... longest i have gone was over 200 days before rebooting. but i will not use windows sleep mode nor its screen savers because they use resources as bad as the sleep mode does.
  5. are you running the server from your own computer, are you renting a server, are you running game via p2p for others to connect? where are you finding the serveradmin.xml saved at? there may be a serveradmin.xml located elsewhere in a saved folder that its reading from.
  6. yep the drone took the place of a follower so-to-speak and that had a lot of issues at first.
  7. sounds to me like someone has the game or server misconfigured. in the serveradmin.xml if these are anything other then "zero" then that is a problem as well. (the zero is for top admin only) <permission cmd="dm" permission_level="0" /> <permission cmd="cm" permission_level="0" /> also in the serverconfig.xml <property name="BuildCreate" value="false" /><!-- cheat mode on/off -->
  8. there... i fixed it just so he doesnt misunderstand the statement.
  9. 5 of these on my 1st 10k rwg and neither is causing an NRE on my a21b153 build. only 3 on my 2nd 8k world, still no NRE.
  10. i was waiting to see how long this infamous statement comes to life... AGAIN it didnt take long 😇
  11. and during this arguing amongst friends the zombies are up on the hill looking down to their new meal. zom1: ssshh wait for it,, wait for it zom2: wait hell, lets grab lunch now before it gets away.
  12. try in our custom mods section, in the thread tagged for UL. maybe the mod creator can help. and here is another construction site in vanilla
  13. people here will need to see: 1. the server config (full, not bits and pieces and upload it to pastebin and provide the link only here) 2. client copy of output log during a current game with the issue (also upload it to pastebin and provide the link here) you can also follow the instructions provided here
  14. i had already marked it on my event calendar for when a21 drops... so yeah, i fully expect it as well. like people dropping a molotov thru the iron bars they are standing on...
  15. that was my point and it was purposely nonsensical as you had to point out. glad you at least caught on to it and no one else did.
  16. right.. like i think it was your twin brother you never had. as for the release date, 3 words come to mind!
  17. large body of water nearby maybe, shadows on high and this is worst in the morning as the sun rises.
  18. i have a question... you been around here enough to know the drill and the process so why do you think its gonna change? thanks @Roland for your response... you actually beat me to it.
  19. you can... just get some damage from an attacking zombie or dance with a cactus... you'll soon have your own desert vultures.
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