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Posts posted by Guppycur

  1. Honestly, I've been thinking of doing something similar. I don't see a way to make a quest say "Go here and kill these zombies", so clearing out the nearby destroyed trader might be difficult. But I could definitely do quests for "place and upgrade X blocks" and "go fetch food and water."


    I'll look into something like that for the next update. I'm REALLY looking forward to A17 so I can just put the quests on the guard captain rather than making players buy them. :)


    You'd use a quest similar to the trader quest, but going to a custom poi, that has a custom sleeper volume that has custom entities to kill.

  2. Oh if jax cherry picked prefabs from compo then he likely didn't change block id's (just added them) which means the compatibility with compo would be there... Tallons issues are likely something else then, neat.


    Probably another mod that DOES come with a blocks.xml... Compo is just prefabs and rwgmixer.xml, and of course you're absolutely right, overwriting rh's mixer would diminish the mod.

  3. I'm not building them in flatworld, I build them on a prefab server so it's a little more complicated to create meshes from that. =)


    ...Stomp had mentioned you did mag's batch, I think we both assumed that meant you had a batch method of doing it; no biggie, I'll get around to it eventually.


    I did get smart and used easy prefab names when I exported... rural01 ... rural50, so that'll be nice.


    Thanks anyway!

  4. Katana, no because it requires the use of SDX. I'm putting off learning that until A17 drops so the SDX folks have time to patch and I have time to learn more about XML + convert the mod over. :)


    Combat axe.... MAYBE. I keep meaning to look at it, then I forget. With the axes skill, that may not be a bad idea.


    Legendary specials, sort-of. I don't plan to EXACTLY copy the special zombies other mods have, but I do want to make my own.


    There's 1 in already. ;)


    Even my dumb-ass "learned" sdx, as it's pretty easy these days thanks to Sphereii and Xyth... and I quote "learned" because it really is as simple as checking a box, hitting build and then hitting play. :)


    Can it get more complicated? Sure, but not for things like adding other peoples sdx mods to your own.


    You should check it out, it's not going to change dramatically once a17 hits. :)

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