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Posts posted by Guppycur

  1. I'm not sure mate.

    I tried to install Valmod a while ago and found that I couldn't use the web based assets (new icons etc)

    I saw a fix that says you have to go through the files and change about a thousand lines of code (this may be a slight exaggeration) to enable the web based assets to be downloaded but got a bit lost and never tried it again tbh.

    Perhaps I just need my hand held and have it explained in words of no more than two syllables...


    There is a Carton of BEER ready for the first person to come up with a Gobarg friendly installation guide for adding Mods on a Mac.



    So basically the UI is what gets you? I know in Valmod the xml's had instructions on how to make them mac compliant.


    ...although this being an SDX mod, I'm not even sure if mac does that or not.



  2. Dang,that should only be 15 (assuming it's a low GS spawn of them)... k, thanks. Doing another playthrough myself today, I had that same group on me a few days ago but they were far enough away I didn't see any issues. I'll head towards them this time. =)

  3. Scrapping fairy tale books gave me an NRE that wouldn't go away until I managed to get the paper out of my backpack. Haven't had a chance to duplicate yet.


    I couldn't duplicate this one. :(

  4. What's that saying? 99 bugs on the wall, squish one, 100 bugs on the wall?


    Another one popped up, but it's fixed. So back to just that one now. :(


    (poor stomp, I bet he spent hours last night on it, but it wasn't the type of bug he thought it was)

  5. A17 offers so many features that would ridiculously benefit this mod, it almost caused us to not bother...


    ...instead, we decided to split the mods into books (parts), where the a16 version (book 1, blight) introduces the player to a world where magic is new, and not readily useable.


    Book 2 will be a bit into the future, on a17, and will have player useable magic, and it will take advantage of the features a17 will bring.


    The good news is that a lot of the work has already been done, and simply not used in book 1 because it doesn't fit thematically (elves, dwarves, spells).

  6. I play it on a laptop with an nvidia gpu, but it's 12gb ram and a decent processor on an ssd. We group the spawn groups so you're not being slammed with 10 entity types... No more than 3, 4 types at a time.


    And, it makes sense.

  7. Updated a fix to help the FPS drop in the crystal biome as well.


    Horses are more prevalent (too, if you ask me).


    Still a weird NRE in the Crystal Biome, but like the Human biome NRE, only a few are seeing it; but that one turned out to be real, so...


    Bug reports are getting more... balancy, which is good. Need to make a serious pass at trader costs, but recipes, quests and loot are beginning to make more sense.


    Time frame? Who knows.

  8. So many keyboard combos... Like blender... Too complicated...


    Um, tab reload... When clicking on the search tab, please have it function as the search BUTTON does. Right now, it will show the previous search, even if the results changed due to an edit.

  9. ...it was a weird one (for me). Unity doesn't have a Properties section (as far as I know) so I don't know how many tri's are in a model... but the LoD maker I have tells me.


    It had 10 pieces, each with 9 children, and each of those had over 40k tri's. Or something like that, memory fading fast...


    Lol. Who knew.

  10. What is going to be the best way to find out when you release the Midieval mod?


    Here, first post will be updated. I'll likely find a way to sneak the announcement in a few other threads as well. =) That, and it will appear on Sphereii's Mod Launcher.

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