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Posts posted by Guppycur

  1. What I was asking about was loading a 2d image file like this:




    ...and being able to load it UNDER your program gui as a semi transparent image I could scale, and it would allow me to place blocks in your editor over the semi transparent image for accuracy.


    - - - Updated - - -






    (by the way, i have never seen more the crash with adding/removing rows/columns) :)


    Yes, I too have not seen any more crashes from this, and I just edited 80 prefabs so I think you found it. :)

  2. Hey khaine, you got a prefab server? Was just wonderin cause i cant use the prefab editor for the life of me and i would like to make a few custom pois for myself with npcs and quest givers. Would ask gup but i think i burned that bridge:cower:


    What? You didn't burn anything homie. =)

  3. Yo Jax, you using mesh colliders or capsule colliders on the bones? We found the latter to be much, much better, and Faatal said that's what they do too. I usually rock with one capsule on each appendage, one on the torso, and a sphere on the head. And since they're on the bones they follow the animation.


    If you're already doing it, more power to ya.

  4. :popcorn:


    ...going with jax on this one. If 1 person played a mod I made I'd be cool with it, because it would be me.


    I've debated the marketability of mods and favored my enjoyment over others. Selfish? Yeh. But it's my work.


    But I see Khaines point as well, it just comes down to /who/ the mod is for.


    /back to the sidelines

  5. @Pille


    re: Feature Request


    Please add a Select All / Deslect All button for Allowed Biomes and Allowed Townships, thanks!


    - - - Updated - - -




    Yeh, that's probably it.


       <property name="CopyAirBlocks" value="True"/>
       <property name="AllowTopSoilDecorations" value="False"/>
       <property name="TraderArea" value="False"/>
       <property name="ExcludeDistantPOIMesh" value="False"/>
       <property name="Zoning" value="any"/>
       <property name="YOffset" value="-7"/>
       <property name="DistantPOIYOffset" value="0"/>
       <property name="AllowedBiomes" value="burnt_forest,snow,plains,pine_forest,forest,desert,wasteland_hub,wasteland,city,city_wasteland,water,radiated"/>
       <property name="AllowedTownships" value="city,rural,town,wilderness,cave"/>


    - - - Updated - - -


    ...note the Zoning is "Any" and that the AllowedBiomes and AllowedTownships have all of them in it. This is the prefab XML.

  6. Flying around isn't really a great way to find if a prefab installed; if you have access to a dedicated server, use StompyNZ's BadCo API mod to do a search for it in console.


    Also, check and make sure the casing is right, as that's case sensitive. I'd still check the output log to see if that prefab error-ed out on loading.

  7. Unless it's particularly tall, then my only suggestion is ensuring that you're editing the correct rwgmixer in the correct folder and that the .tts file is in that game folder's prefab directory.


    Because otherwise, it sounds like you did everything right.

  8. <quest id="quest_whiteRiverCitizen1" group_name_key="quest_WhiteRiverCitizen" name_key="quest_WhiteRiverCitizen1" subtitle_key="quest_WhiteRiverCitizen1_subtitle" description_key="quest_WhiteRiverCitizen1_description" icon="ui_game_symbol_map_trader" category_key="quest" difficulty="medium">
    	<objective type="Goto" id="trader" value="5" />
    	<reward type="SkillPoints" value="5" />

    ...my only guess is that "trader" refers to a faction. I've never tried this approach, but maybe add faction="quest1" to the entity?

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