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Everything posted by Guppycur

  1. Then you're dealing with tracking which food was made by someone skilled, so it'll be another recipe. That's sorta already done by the actual food, so although an idea I love, good luck getting tfp to do it.
  2. re: Nerdpolling. Simply increase the time it takes to place the frames and/or remove the ability to build on top of them, OR require nails in the recipe for them. Plenty of ways to make it not cheesy.
  3. Traders sell stuff to make money. The entire concept of a "Secret Stash" is an incredibly gamey and stupid way to slow progression.
  4. No, it uses new assets so will require client downloads.
  5. Good idea, but it would be ugly. How about it uses that different icon atlas only in the prefab editor.
  6. Woah. Don't be giving Roland a big head by calling him "Higher Up". According to a recent video, he's already got an ego. (which I find truly hysterical; I've interacted with Roland for years on a few levels and I find him incredibly down to Earth).
  7. No, you don't understand. Gam is autistic and NEEDS to wage a war on grass. It's that or he cries while awake... something about "you shot me" or something, I don't recall. 😃
  8. Not likely to change matt. We scrounged the internet for free and cheap models. To model from scratch just isn't something most of us are capable of. As far as inconsistencies, very true, but that's what modding is for. Remove the ones you don't like.
  9. Very few modders make their own props, Rick was entirely right in that regard. Most are purchased from the unity store then subjected to modifications.
  10. 2022-11-02T08:37:33 105.720 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'blocks.xml' failed 2022-11-02T08:37:33 105.722 EXC Class 'ClockDMT, SCore' not found on block WorkingClockWL! at BlocksFromXml.ParseBlock (System.Boolean _bEditMode, System.Xml.XmlElement elementBlock) [0x001c4] in <ffc99a688d2b435db53bb46aed82ca49>:0 at BlocksFromXml+<CreateBlocks>d__0.MoveNext () [0x000fc] in <ffc99a688d2b435db53bb46aed82ca49>:0 at ThreadManager+<CoroutineWrapperWithExceptionCallback>d__48.MoveNext () [0x00044] in <ffc99a688d2b435db53bb46aed82ca49>:0 UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStringFromException(Object) Log:Exception(Exception) ... Loaded Mod: 0-SCore ( ... current version of sCore is
  11. I agree with BDub. It makes no sense that with a @%$#ty workbench I can make something as good as a factory quality item, despite any perks into it. My take would be lvl 1-4, craftable. lvl 5 non existent. lvl 6 lootable only. The lvl 4's would be "good enough", and the lvl 6's would be rare finds that encourage exploration and looting, without requiring some stupid perk, and they would be from "the old world" which is just inherently better than anything made "today", because it has factory precision and better material quality. ...you'd be able to play just fine with lvl 4 gear, but lvl 6 would just excite you and make you work harder not to die, thus encouraging all forms of gameplay. ... Oh, and being able to repair lvl 6 items would go away as well. They'd last a lot longer, but none of this duct tape to repair BS.
  12. Medieval. Just a few of my prefabs; we have hundreds more now, this was a while ago. https://youtu.be/bODlCxI6eIg
  13. We already have medieval, asian and fallout, as well as demonic, and a few undescribables. I'm fine w/o ww2.
  14. There's some post count minimum for that kind of thing.
  15. I'm still out of town, just having a few minutes.
  16. That would be intentional. They do acid, not fire. You can edit their item hand to make them cause fires though, but ultimately I plan to have a better acid system for them using the fire manager.
  17. Sounds like he doesn't have it in a mod folder? Unsure.
  18. Yes to multiplayer, but someone would have to make those mods compatible with it.
  19. Post your game log, it def should not be throwing red errors. Yellow maybe but not red.
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