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Everything posted by stallionsden

  1. Did you report it You need both score and NPCcore also not just noccore . But will pass on that info
  2. These pois are a21 pois.
  3. they are set up for bandits and some extra loot so it be way op if you dont use npc. you may get nres cause the poi be calling those bandits. let me know
  4. The cp is seperate to the cp npc pack.
  5. Place it in your users/username/appdata/roaming/7daystodie/LocalPrefabs folder. If you don't have a LocalPrefabs folder create one with exact spelling as I have
  6. Hi yes thank you there is alot to do and lots to fix unfort taking some time. My apologies for the lengthy time taken
  7. in entityclasses xml do a mass replace of # with @: and ? with / items xml - #Other/Items? with @:Other/Items/ if you compare vanilla items.xml and entityclasses to yours you will see the above has changed.
  8. Argh yeh good point on the theme distance stuff my bad but yeh the rest should make it how you want with a theme distance of 1000 as you put it
  9. In each traders xml you can try adding the duplicate repeat line and changing it to 16000 You can find this line in the nursing home xml. Change the theme distance repeat to 16000 also
  10. changing the mega city res and rural spawn weights to 0 fixed the missing tiles for me but atlas still not the pois not spawning on them even tho the tags are 100$ correct
  11. Where did you get the sleeper blocks from. F6 menu or creative
  12. Summary: POI Marker Tags dont work Game Version: (A21 stable) Platform: (PC ) OS/Version: (Windows ) CPU Model: (Intel i7 ) System Memory: (64 GB ) GPU Model and VRAM: (nVidia GTX 3070 TI 8GB) Screen Resolution: (3146×2456 i think the last number is) Video Settings: ( Ultra ) Game mode: ( SP ) Did you wipe old saves? (Yes) Did you start a new game? (Yes) Did you validate your files? (Yes) Are you using any mods? (Yes) EAC off? no Status: NEW Bug Description: Detailed steps to reproduce the bug: 1) Tag a poi marker on a tile a district other then the district The tile is (This worked in a20) 2) Generate a map 3) Fly to tile and it is empty Actual result: (description of what is occurring) Expected result: (what you expect to occur) Tile to be filled with district I tag it. You tube videos x 2 :
  13. Can you screen shot it. I was only in the world editor last week and I was able to move em up and down. So i thinking something gone screw iffy
  14. Do you see green boxes around all the pois. You should just click on the poi you want to interact with and hold g and slide it down
  15. In the xml add a yoffset of -1, you can get the yoffset line from any poi in the vanilla prefabs folder pretty much. In the world editor you click on the prefab and simply hold g and hold mouse down on the up arrow and push it down 1 block.
  16. Hi first you need to extract it from your world if you built it there you can follow this - However if you built it in the editor then in your appdata/roaming/7daystodie/LocalPrefabs there should be 6 files you simply zip that up and host on google or somewhere and give the link in where ever you want to share..
  17. Hi debosy Atm I am awaiting a couple prefabbers to update their pois and am awaiting 2 nasty rwg vanilla bugs to be fixed by tfp. Also on the completion of infinity v2 which is coming along nicely.
  18. You can use the model offset function found on other blocks but you will need to add it to be included in your modlet along with the prefab
  19. Fixed empty folders my apologies github and I are just getting acquainted again. Added: Localisation.txt Moved friendly npc poi to a seperate folder outside of bandits folder
  20. Sorry Fixed the Download should now work
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