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Posts posted by stallionsden

  1. 1 hour ago, corona9800 said:

    yea i have your supply case mod also and they spawned like there suppose to.well ive got plenty of loot now looking for them lol.i did start a new game they wasnt om my toolbelt but i have war3zuk mod also and im guessing his starter class probaly canceled it out thats ok now i know why i wasnt findind them.lmao ...that would be a cool mod tho replace the backpacks with better loot tho hint hint....lol

    lol Yeh def war3zuk starter pack be overriding. you will have to edit manually one of the entityclasses.xml and add either mine to his or his to mine as the starter stuff and remove the entityclasses that you dont want also making sure the one with the entityclass loads after the one without. Remember only have 7 slots to replace. i have 3 IDK how many war has lol.

  2. 1 hour ago, corona9800 said:

    still havent found any of the three special force bags i have found over a couple hundred bags but none of them  i looked in files didint see were you could adjust the probability anywhere.i can get them in creative mode but thats no fun.antway thanks for all you do its much appriectated

    Oh they spawn on you lol. Cant be found i  the world. Sorry got the supply drop and special forces mixed up.


    You need a new game for them to show in your toolbelt. Or have to grab the locked versions from cm menu

  3. 3 hours ago, CynicalGamer said:

    I recently tried the nuclear mod also but haven't got to the point of making the parts in my game yet. What I did notice was the blueprints show up way to consistently and always all 3 every time. I ended up removing about half the entries in the loot cfg in the hopes it helps. Not only does it take the spot of other loot but it gives the players lots of exp or cash by them being so prevalent. Hopefully there is a way to fine tune this.

    Thank you shall fix that up to when checking the mod.

    3 hours ago, DCPoker said:

    No MOD errors on loading.


    ok what bout when using the nuclear stuff. Does it give errors then or.

    what other mods you running

  4. 6 minutes ago, DCPoker said:

    Muclear Power


    Gathered all required resources, Made Nuclear Engine, Nuclear Gen Bank, 

    Placed Nuc Gen, Added the Nuc Engine, show max output, Filled with Gas, hooked to light, light doesn't work Turned it on, shows Zero Output, tried couple different items, Generator has no output, it smoke as if running, just no output.


    Any Ideals?


    Just downloaded/installed/rebooted server of files on front page.


    Sorry for Double post in MODS forum.



    It worked for me. 


    Any errors in co nsole or players.log/output.log

  5. Sorry guys been real busy and not getting notifications for the threads. 

    15 hours ago, Digdug said:

    Hello there. I'd like to thank you for keeping so many of Valmar's mods alive and well. It's much appreciated as I had grown used to using many of them.


    When you have a moment could you look over the quest requirements for the class system modlet? After starting the gunman's quest I noticed I wasn't getting credit for pistol kills despite using the desert vulture I started with and figured it was just the fact that it was a new weapon. Cheers and keep up the excellent work.

    Hi digdug




    If you can post valmar related in his thread please. I am old and get confused easily haha 🤪🤪 .


    But can look at it and see

    12 hours ago, Junkyard Cat said:

    They got it figured out. Was just a simple installation mistake :)



    Thats great to hear sorry to have bot gotten back to you earlier 

  6. On 8/24/2020 at 10:29 AM, Dragonling said:

    Hi StallionsDen

    running your mod on 19 alpha b180 and noticed while the mods work but there is no icon for any of the additional "addons"

    Running my own dedicated server.

    mod list I'm running:

    30K item stacks




    All Valmars mods except trees mod


    is this due to the mods not ready for B180 or is there something I need to add to my dedicated server.


    Removed all non Valmars mods

    tried each mod separately.

    rebuilt the server to newest build.


    Seems that only the added items have no icon in game "blank box with a number of the items" the survivor notes work as in when clicking on recipes it will say 12/30 for recipes needed.

    For now we are scrapping the duplicate items like needle and thread but are trying to figure out the ammo and other items.


    Any insight would be appreciated.




    my apologies I did not get any notifications for these messages and honestly havent checked.

    Will take a look at the icons.

    Do you have the icons in your game files as well as your dedicated server as icons require to be both client side and server side.

    2 hours ago, KnightmareX87 said:

    I just came back to 7D2D, after not really playing much since Alpha 17. I loved Valmod back then. My favorite part was the class selection at the start. I downloaded the Starter Class modlet, one thing that was immediately apparent after checking every class, Assassin or Wildcard are the only real choices. I also noticed that the Engineer and Mechanic basically start exactly the same, with the mechanic having a better starter setup than the engineer. If you are taking suggestions, maybe add a crappy robotic turret to Engineer's start, now that it takes getting established before you can craft another. Bring all the classes up to par with Assassin, because currently Assassin gets a t3 bow, t2 SMG  and t2 Rifle with attachments to fill all 3. A good start would be to add attachments to the rest of the classes as well. Gunman is almost on par with assassin, but he's missing any optic, same with the Veteran. Also being a USMC Veteran, the Marine class is EXTREMELY underwhelming, he only get's the Auto-Shotty, while nice, the Tactical Combat Rifle would have made more sense. I'm not familiar with writing/coding mods. If it's a lot of work to re-write the class kits, I get it, but if it's doable, please look into them. Thanks for all of your hard work, and keep making updating these amazing mods.

    it will be one thing i will look at eventually, and plan on balancing things .

    Will def take into account your suggestions to and greatly appreciated.

  7. 1 minute ago, KinaUndead said:

    Ahh yeah, disregard the above. I went back and tested plain vanilla with nothing on but the mods and they seem to be working again. That's rather peculiar though... I wonder what in DF causes it to break. Oh well, I suppose I'll just have to do without them as I realize that it's a non-issue for you to solve. Thank you though for the quick reply, I still appreciate that quite a bit!

    no worries happy to help where i can

  8. 2 minutes ago, KinaUndead said:

    It appears that the lootable objects and pallets mods have stopped working with stable release, when I try to start a game with them I just get errors about loot tables not being defined and such, and I flew around to check and there were no lootable objects or pallets... I would assume that the home brewery mod then is also broken since it works in a similar way, however I did not check to see if any barrels were lootable or not. I am trying to run Darkness Falls as well with them so not sure if that makes a difference, though just before stable release I was running the mods along with war3zuk and it seemed to work alright.

    wil check it out. can you try with just the pallets and brewery and lootable objects in without any others to rule out the other mods you have causing issues


  9. 2 hours ago, CMGPython said:

    I have an issue with the zombie modifications with no rage mod. Instead of walking towards me the zombies just slide. at a distance they walk, but when they get closer to me they just lose animation and just slide. I have a few mods but none that mess with zombies. I did have JaxTeller's Zombie Reach and Mumfy's Skins. But nothing changed when I removed those. It wasnt until I removed the zombie mod with no rage. I havent seen any errors pop up either. Maybe just a setting but I dont know really.

    Hi CMGPython

    yeh Try the zombie modifications one I have some work to do with the rage ones i found out to.

    Sorry for the trouble

  10. 23 hours ago, Junkyard Cat said:

    Hey stallion, I've been looking on Google for a land claim block mod to increase how many land claim blocks that can be placed at once. Is there any way you could make a simple mod just to increase how many land claim blocks you can place? Thank you! :)

    I know there is a mod out there that does that. I can look into it for you but i will also find the one that is already done to if you like and point you in that direction as well

  11. 8 hours ago, Madnesis said:

    Question regarding Door Lock Smash: I tried to use the modlet in world I already generated prior using the mod. Based on the mod description, I thought that after damaging a locked door so we can see through, I could then open it but what I'm seeing is that I fully need to destroy the door so a new unlocked one appears. Is this expected?

    Yes thats pretty much how it works as you cant lock pick a door (many have tried to mod it in lol) so it gives the illusion you have reached in and openned it but its more for the doors that have some damage on them already and you can see thru it. 

  12. 1 minute ago, Junkyard Cat said:

    oh its good now. i downloaded the version posted here which is updated i guess. the one on https://7daystodiemods.com/bigger-backpack-mods-by-stallionsden/ has an older version. no more delete inventory button :)

    yeh its a good site but having the most upto date version is its downfall , I and alot of others always keep the forums with the upto date versions so if you have a mod from the site try coming here and grabbing the forum version to check as well.

    but super glad you got it working and we sorted it for you 🙂

  13. 7 minutes ago, Junkyard Cat said:

    The one from the 7dtd mods website is the same version as the one posted here right? That's the one I'm using. I don't know what I did to get that clear inventory button

    no not necessarily, unless it directs you here to my dl


    1 hour ago, Junkyard Cat said:

    I have cheats turned off and haven't touched debug mode and it is still there :(

    I got no idea what you done lol.

    I just tested the 187 and only button i have is the sorting one.

    I open a container and only have the 3 icons sort, move same items and move all , And i click on them and they do as they intended.

    Have you downloaded the new modlet or still using the old one btw

    Try the new one with the new item sorting buttons.

  15. 11 minutes ago, Junkyard Cat said:

    Awesome! Thanks :)


    Is that clear inventory button not supposed to be there?

    no it is that is for when your in the cm and want to delete all inventory but it is only there when you have cm open


    11 minutes ago, Junkyard Cat said:

    Awesome! Thanks :)


    Is that clear inventory button not supposed to be there?


    11 minutes ago, Junkyard Cat said:

    Awesome! Thanks :)


    Is that clear inventory button not supposed to be there?

    could you get a screen shot of the icon your referring to that is deleting your inventory as well please,


  16. 21 minutes ago, Junkyard Cat said:

    Oh I have another question. I ran the backpack mod with the 30k stack size mod you list on here and I see there are a few backpack options at the top of the backpack. One is clear inventory. I thought maybe this would drop my stuff on the ground or something, but it completely deleted all my items haha. Is there any way to disable this? Also, I noticed that the sort button isn't working on my backpack either. Is this because of the 30k stack size?

    HAHA were you in the creative menu lol by chance.

  17. 33 minutes ago, JDead said:

    Hello again,


    I tried the new fixed expanded trap and first noticed that the fire trap's name had been changed to empty fire trap. But I couldn't craft it. It said it was locked even though I had already read the trap schematic before the new expanded mod fix. So I thought I had to find the trap schematic again which I did, my friend read it and still could not craft the empty fire trap. He tried all the crafting tables and just crafting from inventory but the trap was still locked and the craft button was missing. So now we cannot craft it. He did load the mod onto his single player game, brought up cheat mode and crafted the empty fire trap as well as the nail trap gun and trap gas. Still he was unable to repair the trap which was the initial problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    Hey JDead sorry all fixed for sure forgot to move the unlock code to the empty block. All works and tested 🙂

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