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Posts posted by stallionsden

  1. 2 hours ago, Junkyard Cat said:

    I am not on the computer right now and am about to fall asleep. In my mods folder is the Config folder from the backpack mod, the Modinfo.xml file and the Mod.xml file I think it was (there were 2 XML files in the mod zip) I'll post my log files tomorrow when I wake up. I might try reinstalling my game, maybe there's Mod installed somewhere I can't see from playing on a few servers. Thanks for the help!

    ok in the mods folder in your folder where the exe is. There should be a folder named -




    7 Days To Die
    stallionsdensz 187 Slot backpack




  2. 25 minutes ago, Junkyard Cat said:



    I just installed the 187 slot backpack mod and followed the How To Install Mods page on the 7 days mod website. I loaded my game up, checked the console, and it says the mod loaded fine. However, whenever I start my single player game up, my backpack and UI is all vanilla.


    Is there an extra step I'm missing? I have no other mods as far as I can tell.




    You did put the mod in the  mods folder. 


    Not teasing you or anything just trying to rule out stuff.  


    Can you send your full output_log or player.log

  3. On 8/7/2020 at 12:48 AM, Xsile said:

    Looks like b177 broke a bunch of stuff in this mod.

    I just loaded up B177 and had all of Vals mods in and no errors or anything.

    Can you please upload a output.log or players.log and tell me which mod or mods is giving you trouble for me to be able to assist you please

  4. 2 hours ago, JDead said:



    I am using the Expanded Traps mod on my dedicated server. I found the trap schematic and have made Fire Traps. However, I cannot seem to repair them. I have made the gun Trap Nailgun and the trap Gas can but still cannot repair the blocks. Could someone explain how I am supposed to refuel/repair Fire Traps? Playing on Alpha 19 (b177) Thank you.

    Whooops sorry recipe should a been for the firetrapempty lol. The one yu have has fire already and needs to be burnt first. Have fixed the error

    18 hours ago, Xsile said:

    Looks like b177 broke a bunch of stuff in this mod.

    can you please let me know what errors you are getting.

    I will check them out and fix.

    29 minutes ago, Solomon said:

    Im really new to modding in general and i would like to ask are these mods server side so the guys i play with dont need to install this?


    Also is there a way to identify what is server side and what is not?

    if the mod/modlet uses custom icons the mod/modlet will be required both server side and client side thus clients all need to have it on client side to.

    If the mod/modlet doesnt have custom icons then server side is only needed

  5. 46 minutes ago, AmethystLainey said:

    There are only the two core recipies in there. You may have removed in your recent edits 

    :( I do know how to add it in but I want to use the elements you intended.

    Also is there a way to make it moveable with land claim like stations?

    Argh ok lol yep i moved them to my other mod the brewery one. Now i remember why they were in this one haha my bad sorry. Will put em back in in the  morning.


    Can look into it for you to make em moveable

  6. 1 hour ago, AmethystLainey said:

    Hey , I started using the excavater /rain catcher modlet but I cant seem to make the catcher as u cant craft winebarrels

    Insight/help please. :)

    i added the recipe for the winebarrels in the modlet. Look in recipes.xml. 



  7. 30 minutes ago, EpicSpire said:

    ah yes, i see it, thanks.. i dropped it from a max of 10 to 2.5 and seems to be perfect, for me at least. and i may boost the damage they deal back up slightly.. like maybe to 5.. i was mainly wanting no digging and no jumping, but this is a good start. Thanks for the mods!

    I have a no digging only version

  8. 1 hour ago, EpicSpire said:

    in the Zombie Modification 2 (the one with Rage), how do i reduce the random get up time from the zeds.. it seems a bit cheaty when i beat a cop to death with a level 2 club on warrior difficulty because he won't stand up... i like the randomness,.. i just want to lower the max time down. 

    In entityclasses down the bottom should be one line says random or something lol.

  9. 4 hours ago, Gouki said:


    Hi P3rf3ctVZer0

    It's wrong in this, that's why it marks you error:

    ironCrossbow   <property name = "UnlockedBy" value = "perkArchery, gunCrossbowIronSchematic" />


    ironBow   <property name = "UnlockedBy" value = "gunBowCompoundSchematic" />



    Ty will fix it in the morning 🙂

  10. 7 hours ago, sechsterversuch said:


    Hello Valmar. I found an error but that's with the yellow note. I just have to click on it and I get a lot of red consoles. Null reference. I took the Machienen Gunner class



    Here again. seems to be with almost all classes


    Hi @sechsterversuch Issue fixed. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

  11. 34 minutes ago, Sinagrit Baba said:

    I think the Resource Increaser mod has a minor problem.


    I deleted line <Version value="1.0.0" /> then it worked properly.



    Argh yeh i fixed it a while ago lol and forgot to mention it lol here. Thanks tho

  12. 4 minutes ago, ArNaLdInHo said:



    Tanks ;)



    How do i make all Bundles 30k ? that line dont work :(


        <set xpath="/items/item[contains(@name, 'Bundle')]/property[contains(@name, 'Create_item_count')]/@value">30000</set>    

    Where did you get that code from lol. Its not in the mod I just made lol.

    to make bundles 30k -

     <set xpath="/items/item[contains(@name, 'Bundle')]/property[contains(@name, 'Create_item_count')]/@value">30000</set>     (IS WRONG)

    Should be


    <set xpath="/items/item[starts-with(@name, 'ammoBundle')]/property[@name='Stacknumber']/@value">30000</set>



  13. 2 minutes ago, ArNaLdInHo said:


    a19 server


    as seen in picture


    I cant help with this error until i see a output.log or players.log.  I dont get any red lines or errors with the open door syndrome mod.

    All I can suggest is try in a Single Game with just the open door syndrome mod and try it and tell me if you get the error still then we can narrow down the issue from there.

  14. 28 minutes ago, newbie said:


    Are these mods backward compatible or version specific.   Just bought the game and Steam is defaulting to version 18.4. Curious if these mods are compatible with my version because they sound essential.


    Thanks in advance


    Hi Welcome to the game

    if you go into your game on steam go to properties and opt into experimental version in the beta tab you will get the a19 version.

    I would say no cause of the changes to a19 but your always welcome to try.

  15. 1 hour ago, ArNaLdInHo said:

    Can you make a mod 30k Stack of Resources

    Clay Soil



    Lump of Coal

    Nitrate Powder

    Oil Shale

    Small Stone


    Concrete Mix

    Forged Iron

    Forged Steel

    Gas Can

    Gun Powder





    And Other Mod of Bigger chests space / 160 or 300 space

    You wany storage chest to be 160 or 300 slot space lol.


    EDIT: wont be doing any mod making at this stage. (Fixing mod errors on exisiting mods i will still correct )


    On my first page i have linked a brilliant modder by the name of  Claymore. Follow that link his stack size increaser includes blocks. 


    If it not exactly what your after let me know



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