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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. Nope, it's not XML. It's gonna need a harmony patch. I'll look into it more after sleep since it's 3:35am for me.
  2. I know the question has already been answered, but i'm gonna look at returning a quality 1 item rather than breaking. ALSO, your crafting skill helps. So a perk of 5 in say... weapons... means any weapon of 51 or lower will not degrade on repair (52 would degrade to 47, but then wont degrade further) I think I found the issue. It's not checking for locked recipes when seeing if the repair button should be enabled or not.
  3. I might have a look throught he A16 DLL later. I'm pretty sure you needed the recipe in that to repair. If I can get that working, i'll likely undo the "gamestaged loot"
  4. Honestly? No idea. Because I -also- really want to do that! Oh, and it's vanilla.
  5. DemonPortal should not be placed by nitrogen. It is a deco prefab for the wasteland. And yes, it supports ZONES. It does not support BIOME RESTRICTIONS. I'm standing by what I said. Nitrogen IS NOT SUPPORTED nor is it RECOMMENDED for Darkness Falls. Use the built in RWG. And if my testing goes to plan, it'll be even LESS supported because I'll be adding custom biomes.
  6. You would also need to add the DF POI's Also Nitrogen doesn't obey biome restrictions in my prefab files, so Eve being in the snow biome, one bunker in the wasteland and one in the burnt biome? Won't work. It'll spawn them anywhere. That's why I keep telling people not to use it. That's odd. I don't really have access to macOS... I mean, I have a hackintosh... that can just about run the game at 5fps... but that's it. I'll have a look later, but honestly I'd use windows or Linux since I just fixed linux.
  7. Welp. Typos screwing me again. items.xml Edit: Pushed to git. Attached the single file for folks who manually install.
  8. Neither do I. Other folks have been setting up farms fine.
  9. Darkness Falls v3.02 is now available for everyone! Changes as follows. - Updated SphereII-Core with a new harmony patch to fix GotoPOISDX on servers. - Removed Advanced Tile Entities (and AlwaysActive patch) from SphereII-Core to help with Linux Client issues. - Fixed the Lucky Looter localization. - Fixed Blade Master only giving 5% per kill instead of 10%. - Fixed the brass catcher not being installable on the Sniper Rifle and AR-15. - Radiators should now drop more reliably. - Removed Health from the "cooked canned food" items. - Removed Health bonuses from a lot of food. - Halved Health bonuses on a lot of food. - Health bonuses now only apply if you don't have the average/good food/drink buff. - Fixed the demon fireball not being removed by water. AGAIN. - Potentially fixed issues with items not dropping from cars without salvage operations (it's just a low chance now). - Fixed the localization for all Advanced Engineering levels. - Hazmat Jacket should no longer eat clothing. - Accelerated healing should now correctly unlock. - Bow perk level 2 localization tweaked to say compound bow and compound crossbow. - Added plasma axe to Future Tech 2 unlocks. - Fixed activation distance on the non-powered drawbridge. - Commented out spider zombies from the scout group due to them being a little buggy. - Lowered max amount of spawnable zombies from screamer screams. - Fixed localization for Turret Crafting 3. - Adjusted hunger drain rate based on difficulty. - Repulsor mod is now unlockable. - Removed SMG crafting from Joel's list. Client (Git): https://gitlab.com/KhaineGB/darknessfallsa19client/-/archive/master/darknessfallsa19client-master.zip Server (Git): https://gitlab.com/KhaineGB/darknessfallsa19server/-/archive/master/darknessfallsa19server-master.zip Client (GDrive): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nuIla6aPcJ8mxGGhn5uGhmitHgzmh-eX/view?usp=sharing Server (GDrive): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PiNbzwfRoGEjZz7pbjHGD0hLJ4HrmC1_/view?usp=sharing Nexus (Both): https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/235?tab=files
  10. Yeah, TFP removed it. I've removed it from localization for the next patch since it's now useless.
  11. That would be either rotten food or food poisoning and it made you sick. That's the first confirmed "My food came back at 0" which is NOT intended. I fixed that once before but no-one else has ever said they definitely start at 0. Now I can get that fixed. So thank you. You can. Make sure you updated to 3.01. There were some issues with placing stuff in the ground (assuming you dug out a hole and want to place it)
  12. Use a splint. Splint for sprains. Cast for breaks.
  13. Dude, you have no idea how much it annoys me. I also want to know why it respawns trader if they move from their block if the protection is off. That REALLY annoys me.
  14. That's what I don't get. It doesn't ALWAYS do it with the guard captain. Only sometimes. I've heard it's REALLY bad on servers but haven't tested that because I decided it just wasn't worth my time. Could you please just accept it's intended for the trader to no longer be invulnerable and stop messing with it?
  15. Restart the server. Why it does it? No idea. But it's a server only issue.
  16. Because anything quality 5 or lower breaks on repair. Level the appropriate crafting skill. Already tracked down to one of the harmony patches. Use proton for now. Sort-of intended. It should have re-filled to 50. I'm trying to stop people just suiciding to get around hunger, because that was a thing. 1) Yep. That should do it. 2) Look in item_modifiers.xml for the mining xp nerf mod. That'll show you how to do it. Be VERY careful. Lowering it too much causes XP deficit. 3) Spawnng.xml. But it's a zombie apocalypse game. There's supposed to be a ton of zombies. Stop running to traders. Something changed on the AI. They don't shoot if there's something within 3 blocks. It's NOT something I changed. Pretty sure the buff is still in buffs xml, so you'd just need to compare the buffs.xml file and items.xml file to the A18 versions and stick the appropriate lines in. 1) Um, what clay soil? 2) Use a wrench. 3) Not fixable. TFP changed something on the ranged AI targetting. 4) Again, that's more of a TFP thing with models clipping through blocks. Also the trader isn't protected and stuff can spawn in there. As for the other stuff. 1) Intended so you don't just have unlimited food with only an initial cost. 2) Semi-intended. It should set you back to 50 food on respawn. I did that to stop folks just suiciding to deal with hunger (yes, that was legit a thing).
  17. Bug that i'm looking into. Just stick some water down in a hole. Yes. Already looking into it. As stated, put down some water and just stand in it for now. And that'll happen. Hordes spawn anywhere. Not a lot I can do about TFP's spawning code. Oh I know exactly what it is. EntitySurvivor and EntityBandit extend from EntityNPC (which is what the trader is). Trader protection only allows 1 entity with the EntityNPC class within it's bounds. So turning the protection back on will cause an NRE due to the Guard captain, plus also survivors and bandits. Also, this is why the drone doesn't work... because EntityDrone extends from EntityNPC...
  18. I turned it off because survivors/bandits cause NRE's. 😛
  19. Pump next to water, connect pipes to pump, pipes run next to your farm plot blocks/hoe'd ground as a water replacement. It can take a while for the system to "fill" up, just FYI. Supplies water to at least 2 blocks, but might be 3 (dont remember off the top of my head) And yes, it does check it's next to water. No electricity needed. Not a lot I can do about the screamer thing. Lots of zombies = lots of FPS loss. Anything over 50 zombies is gonna kill your FPS. Still dont get what you mean on the animal snare. It triggers, you loot it, you reset it with the animal feed and then you have to wait for it to "trigger" again. That's intended to stop people spamming them for meat. Will look into the hazmat jacket but that shouldn't be happening. *ahem* <effect_group name="sneak damage bonus"> <requirement name="CVarCompare" cvar="_crouching" operation="Equals" value="1"/> <requirement name="CVarCompare" cvar="_notAlerted" operation="GT" value="0" target="other"/> <passive_effect name="DamageBonus" operation="base_add" value="4" /> <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" value="4" tags="perkDeepCuts"/> <display_value name="dEntityDamageSneak" value="4"/> </effect_group> That's at the bottom of the titanium machete code in items.xml. You can check it for yourself. So... yes... it does have it's sneak damage. And the turret... okay? If you're having this many FPS issues then you're gonna have to post your PC specs as it sounds like you may need an upgrade tbh. They work fine. People in my discord have been downloading from both and the gitlab link is used by the launcher... had no complaints from folk on that either. If you can't download from either of those sources, you may need to check your internet.
  20. Might be one of the actuall collapsed compo pack POI's we left in, but I can have a look later. And I'll get the launcher file updated. I always forget to do that.
  21. I mean, I wrote all mine in english. Then loaded the localization file into google sheets. And ran google translate on the lot. And I still have people complaining about it... so...
  22. Why not run it through google translate yourself? Most modders only speak one language. So we make our mods in our language. Don't complain about that.
  23. Day 1 spawns are ALWAYS front-loaded. They have been since A17. No idea why and not fixable.
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