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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. Eve has a house now. She no longer wanders the burnt biome and can be found in the snow biome.
  2. Nope. 😛 It SHOULDN'T be needed as of b173. But it just forces the game to load zombies into RAM. So you'll use more RAM but that's about it.
  3. I left them in on the toolbelt so UI makers can use that harmony patch + their own UI to fix it up however they want.
  4. Nothing wrong with criticism. It makes me evaluate my choices.
  5. Right, couldn't post here because the forums were RIP and b173 came out right as I was going to bed. But the modlets all work fine on 173.
  6. You can't add war3zuk to DF because we both change too much code. Don't know of any gun mods that will just work "out of the box" without a lot of editing either. I'll also NEVER understand players obsessions with "MOAR GUNZ" when they're just the same with different skins and damage numbers. I've been tweaking the current ones i've got to make them all a little specialized. Like pistol is... kinda just a good all rounder. Shotgun is good for close range, single target, auto weapons are good for multi-target, rifle is good for long range stealth kills. Coilguns are a stepping stone to laser and have a buff in damage vs demons (there's a coilshotgun now) and laser is anti-demon.
  7. Coilgun turrets, no. New guns, not really. There will be 1, but there's going to be some extra melee options.
  8. Ok, so the system I have is a mix of both. It uses the old rocks, but those rocks mark where there is a good chance of a vein. So basically, give it a smack and if you get resources, dig down and you have a good chance of finding that resource. But i'll be keeping that in A19.
  9. Yes it was and the car definitely isn't. The elevator MIGHT be, but it was posted on the old forum. I don't know if it survived the transition to the new forum software.
  10. Oh yeah, you do... for some reason. I found that out when I was testing some stuff for DF. Makes no sense because it DID use to work.
  11. That'd be turning off the trader protection, as discussed in the post directly above yours
  12. I actually don't know. I know prefab files can now be loaded from the /Mods folder, but I don't know if any XML provided will override vanilla, or if we can xpath prefab XML files. But it's easy to do. Go to Data/Prefabs and look for all files that start trader_ (there's 5 in total). Open the XML File and find this. <property name="TraderArea" value="true" /> Set to false. Done.
  13. Added a modlet to help with the stutter from zombies no longer being pre-loaded. https://gitlab.com/KhaineGB/khaines-modlets-a19/-/archive/master/khaines-modlets-a19-master.zip?path=KHA19-ZombieStutterStop Hopefully this will only be a temp fix.
  14. Then that'll be why. You're increasing the amount of ALLOWED zombies, and the amount of actual zombies that spawn in the biome so you're hitting the limit really fast. Oh nice I actually didn't realise Jax did that.
  15. No. I'd have to do a seperate modlet for every single trader and every single combination. Haven't fixed the bloodmoon modlet yet. My enthieusiasm is currently kinda dead, so taking a couple of days to recharge the mental batteries. HOWEVER, I did add a Backpack Buttons V2 modlet. It uses icons already in the game so it's better for server owners since there's no custom icons.
  16. No. I never, ever put out a public build of the mod while 7DTD is in experimental.
  17. I'm pretty sure they do, because i'm loading some other POI's in via modlet and they're working. So compo pack should work fine. But I do want to double check.
  18. So i'm gonna say now... I will NOT be including the compo pack in A19. Now there's a few reasons for that. 1) I got sick of people complaining about loot boxes with no loot in them because they're player-made ones used for decoration. 2) They're buggy with trader quests. 3) They cause the mod to use more RAM. HOWEVER, I'm like... 99% sure the compo pack can be loaded into DF as a modlet. I will be testing that out asap.
  19. Oh nice! That looks really good
  20. Bloodmoon mod WONT work with the new update because of how the model paths were changed. I know that one for sure. Backpack, unsure but see no reason why not.
  21. Huh. I haven;t heard of that one either... that's odd. Oh! Yeah, you're gonna want to craft. We put quality degradation on repair back in (from A16 and earlier) and you'll likely be able to craft better than you find. Loot is still being adjusted.
  22. VERY unlikely. You might be able to if you know how the XML works, since WotW is largely XML with new models, but since both mods screw with so much I wouldn't even know where to begin tbh.
  23. Feel free to ignore the baby animals in that build. They weren't working as intended. Going to look into that for A19.
  24. You're thinking about it the wrong way. In vanilla, the note from the duke seems to strongly hint the apocalypse has been going on for a while. Bearing that in mind, WHY should you find top quality items with regularity when first starting the game? It makes sense to me that people have already looted those and left behind their old crap they don't want. The only thing I have changed is the possibility to find T1/T2 items in loot right at the start, even though it's a VERY small chance. T3? Not happening. Most of that is craft only.
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