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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. I assume the error is when you try to use an item that gives a quest? In which case, I know about it and i am looking into it. Fittings not going in power armor is intended. I have a backup of the files on Nexus. https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/235?tab=files&BH=4 Depends what you're doing? Going back to other versions via launcher? No. But I do try to keep a backup on nexus. https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/235?tab=files&BH=4 Yeah, it's just the display cvar derping out. You can just take all the armor off and put it back on and that should fix it.
  2. And then people would be going "WHEN 19.1 UPDATE???" No. I have to stay current with the game. And aside from 3 small issues, no-one else has complained. One was gitlab screwing up, one was a typo on my part which the game didn't register as an error... for some reason... and one is completely random and you can work around it.
  3. Since I can't sleep, worked on a potential workaround for molotovs, flaming arrows and anything that shocks zombies (which I think is just the electric fence and the stun baton?) so they'll do proper damage. Will test later.
  4. Should be attached at the bottom of this post. It's fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine... (actually seeing more folks report this in A19.1 vanilla tbh) blocks.xml
  5. As said in several posts already. 1) You NEED a completely new save. It's not option. It's not if you feel like it. You NEED one. 2) Gitlab screwed up and did not delete a file I told it to delete. I fixed that. However apparently it's not being deleted for some mod launcher users when they pre-sync. So, wherever you have the mod installed, nuke it. Full nuke it. Don't verify through steam. Don't just hit "uninstall" on steam and assume it'll clean it, because it doesn't. Steam is dumb. It leaves behind any folders that aren't part of the "vanilla" install. Like Mods. Where the bad file is.
  6. If you used the launcher, just hit presync. If you didn't, lemme know and i'll t oss the single file in here. No it's not. What? You thought you could just buy the whole perk and open the whole backpack??? HA!
  7. Hell no. Being blunt. I don't do requests. I make what I want that I feel will improve my gameplay, and I share it. No-one needs a 120 slot backpack.
  8. You've got the old toolbelt DLL still in your Mods/1-DarknessFalls/Harmony folder. Should be something like harmony-10 slot toolbelt.dll. Delete it. Also just pushed a small hotfix to gitlab for titanium not being harvested.
  9. I believe they DO take less damage from fire/electric, but the stun effect from fence posts still works.
  10. Then i'm gonna need the log file because that could be anything
  11. That means SOMETHING is still running 19.0. Try single player. If it works, then the server isn't updated. I mean, you could get the entityclasses.xml file from the server build and drop that into your SP game. That'd do it.
  12. Last page. https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/4941-darkness-falls-they-mostly-come-out-at-night/?do=findComment&comment=398784
  13. I did say, VERY CLEARLY in the release notes that a new save is REQUIRED for the 19.1 version of the mod. ALWAYS assume that going between game versions (18.0 -> 18.1 and 19.0 -> 19.1) requires a new save. Always.
  14. 1) I don't think I can make arrows drop after a zombie is shot. Could look into it but VERY unlikely. 2) Believe it or not... the turrets actually don't HAVE any AI. This is their code in entityclasses. <entity_class name="junkTurretGun"> <property name="Tags" value="turret,turretRanged,deployed"/> <property name="Class" value="EntityTurret"/> <property name="Parent" value="NPC"/> <property name="Prefab" value="#Other/Items?Weapons/Ranged/JunkTurret/junkTurret_Prefab.prefab"/> <property name="ModelType" value="Standard"/> <property name="SurfaceCategory" value="metal"/> <property name="IgnoreTrigger" value="true"/> <property name="LootListAlive" value="0"/> <property name="IsEnemyEntity" value="false"/> <property name="WakeUpTime" value="0.5"/> <property name="FallAsleepTime" value="10"/> <property name="YawRange" value="90"/> <!-- horizontal swivel range. Keep under 180. --> <property name="PitchRange" value="70"/> <property name="TurnSpeed" value="22.5"/> <property name="MaxDistance" value="15"/> <property name="RaySpread" value="5"/> <property name="BurstRoundCount" value="1"/> <property name="BurstFireRate" value="1"/> <property name="CooldownTime" value="1"/> <property name="OvershootTime" value="0"/> <property name="MaxOwnerDistance" value="16"/> <property name="TargetingSound" value="turret_retarget_lp"/> <property name="OverheatSound" value="turret_overheat_lp"/> <property name="WakeUpSound" value="turret_windup"/> <property name="FireSound" value="junkturret_fire"/> <property name="ParticlesMuzzleFire" value="gunfire_junkturret"/> <!-- <property name="ParticlesMuzzleSmoke" value="nozzlesmokeuzi"/> --> <property name="TimeStayAfterDeath" value="0"/> <property name="Explosion.ParticleIndex" value="6"/> <property name="Explosion.RadiusBlocks" value="1"/> <property name="Explosion.RadiusEntities" value="1"/> <property name="RotateToGround" value="true"/> <property name="Faction" value="none"/> <!--<property name="MapIcon" value="ui_game_symbol_electric_turret"/>--> <property name="MapIcon" value="ui_game_symbol_map_player_arrow"/> <property name="NavObject" value="junk_turret" /> <property name="TrackerIcon" value="ui_game_symbol_assemble"/> </entity_class> So their code is.... somewhere in the DLL. Makes it a nightmare to find. 3) Already done. Food/water obey the gamestage loot system so you find more when you start, less as time goes on.
  15. Nope. Was pretty sure I fixed 1 but i'll look into it. 2 has been an issue for a while. Deployed turrets seem to level whatever is in your hand. No idea why. Yep. That's normal. Get a hazmat suit.
  16. shift+1 to shift+5 for slots 11-15 And if you thought 15 was bad...
  17. Right, Romero Mod is now updated for A19.1! - Updated for A19.1b8 - Increaed amount of XP required to level due to more zombies. - Decreased value of scrap tools, weapons and pipe weapons. - Slightly increased the zombie respawn delay during the day so there should be slightly less zombies. - Slightly decreased the zombie respawn delay during the night so there should be slightly more zombies. - Increased dismemberment chance of explosives. Client (GDrive): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tWYRN4HnqcbsKpUHYMDOozvrzz1mTvIY/view?usp=sharing Server (GDrive): https://drive.google.com/file/d/15lKu96bncCmy7G6My5AEFEJiqrA018e7/view?usp=sharing Client (Git/Launcher): https://gitlab.com/KhaineGB/romero-mod-a19-client/-/archive/master/romero-mod-a19-client-master.zip Server (Git/Launcher): https://gitlab.com/KhaineGB/romero-mod-a19-server/-/archive/master/romero-mod-a19-server-master.zip
  18. Prefabs can't be "saved" with active electrical items, like turrets.
  19. I tried to force "walk only" but it was buggy. As such, it is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that players manually select "walk only" in the options.
  20. It's not. I cannot be bothered to spend more time on them and i'm seriously considering removing them just because I've had enough of folks complaining about them.
  21. A19.1 is now stable... as promised, DF V3.1 is now out! Changes as follows. - Updated for A19.1b8 - Rebalanced M60 and Rocket Launcher so they aren't quieter than a pistol. - Edited gun heatmap so screamers aren't called as often. - Edited gamestage so MP doesn't ramp up quite as fast. - Changed Quality Degradation so items of quality 5 or lower no longer break (they degrade to 1). - Reduced harvest amount of both augers by 50%. - Slightly reduced XP from mining. - Slightly lowered the cost of 44 Magnum AP/HP rounds. - Slightly lowered the cost of BOTH gunpowder recipes. - Killing a boss zombie SHOULD now remove it's buff on all nearby zombies. - Removed the supply crate mod for now since supply crates were buggy in 19.0 anyways. - DFalls-XLarge renamed to DFalls-XLarge2. - New DFalls-XLarge added with Compo Pack POI's. - Increased toolbelt to 15 slot. - Impact driver fixed so it can upgrade doors/hatches. - Auto turrets now have an unlockedby. - Fixed Master Mechanic localization. - Fixed amount of health aloe cream heals. - Blood Draw Kit now has the 25% chance to remove poison that it was supposed to have in the first place. - Removed the supply crate patch since it was iffy, and added contents to the main supply crate instead. - Converted all forge recipes to use a new crafting system that doesn't require smelting. - Most titanium stuff should now be able to take burning shaft mods. - Lowered healing amount of first aid bandages and first aid kit. - First aid bandages and first aid kit now instantly add health. - Sterile bandages and paramedic kit should now heal other people. - Paramedic kit now heals less (but still a good amount). - Removed bicycle as a quest reward from the scavenger as a few folks commented that makes it a little -too- desirable as a starting class. - Fixed Hugh's "Scrap Tools Crafting" to actually level scrap tool crafting instead of Electric Traps Ranged. - Adjusted the Stun Repulsor mod to last a little longer and have a little more force. - Lowered "Numnber to Spawn" and "Max Spawned" of the body bags in the small bunker slightly to help prevent hitting max zombie limit. - Removed 4x4 and Motorbike parts from the general drop lists. - Removed 4x4 and Motorbike parts from trader lists. - Removed duplicate and unintended 4x4 and Motorbike recipes. - Fixed wooden bow scrapping to iron. - Removed TFP's armor encumbrance nonsense that I didn't notice previously. - Increased mobility penalty of all armor by 1. - Lowered the fittings mods from 2/3 to 1/2 for mobility. - The two fittings mods cannot be installed in power armor. - Added an Armor Specilization perk to the Security class. - Taking "The Completionist" perk will now stop items degrading, if those items are quality level 71 OR HIGHER. Lower still degrades. - Increased upgrade/repair speed of the Laser Multi-tool. - Laser Multi-tool fixed so it can upgrade doors/hatches. - AP/HP coilrounds now use the correct tips. - Re-enabled ability for animals to drop baby animals. - Potentially fixed the rapid food drain associated with average/good food/drink buffs. - Made the new bookshelves less @%$# for loot. - Potentially fixed players being able to take "Open Trade Routes" several times. - Taza's Spear should be able to take the burning shaft mod. - Legendary items (Taza, Msgt Porkins Shotgun, Eriks Hammer, Black Sky) should no longer degrade on repair regardless of skill. - Added anvil as a requirement to most iron-level recipes (steel+ still needs crucible). - Removed smelt time bonus from the bellows as it is no longer useful. - Removed craft time bonus from the anvil as it now has another use. - Bellows now reduce craft time. - Reduced duration of splinted/cast buffs. - Added Myth's patched spawner. - Increased bonus damage from mods from 3% to 5%. - Pummel Pete should now properly do knockdown on primary attacks. - Lowered the noise value of the silenced marksman and sniper rifles so they should be more useful for stealth. - Sprains no longer get worse if you run/power attack/aim a weapon. Due to quest changes, forge changes and the fact we're going from 19.0 to 19.1, A RESTART/WIPE IS ABSOLUTELY REQUIRED! You have been warned. Client (GDrive): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SNRqpsfbE0HtOsDfuFPyNZjpIRaAyTRq/view?usp=sharing Server (GDrive): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1n3BEElWeCwSeLUnae76pm-6rjqw59z9M/view?usp=sharing Client (Git/Launcher): https://gitlab.com/KhaineGB/darknessfallsa19client/-/archive/master/darknessfallsa19client-master.zip Server (Git/Launcher): https://gitlab.com/KhaineGB/darknessfallsa19server/-/archive/master/darknessfallsa19server-master.zip
  22. Don't update sphereii-core. I'm using a custom version with fixes for linux clients and servers. Max zombies is total in the world. Sleepers, roamers and wandering horde.
  23. Not without a harmony patch, which I don't want to do. I want to keep these modlets using just XML if possible.
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