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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. Yep, already had a word with King about that
  2. Hidden Stash. Joel also sells it.
  3. That is not something I would want to personally add in. I believe server managers can do it but that would require the server owner to set it up.
  4. Biome spawns aren't gamestaged. I think I just set it to a very low prob
  5. It does include POI's like the 1 maps
  6. I'd definitely wait for A20. When I think the localization is not likely to change (which wont be for a while), I'll share it
  7. Anything not english is google translate. Because I only speak english. Someone did do a german translation earlier but i've edited the files a lot since then. I wont be sharing the up to date one for a while because I need to wait for the next major 7DTD version to come out. Cheers. Will get that fixed
  8. Hopefully they're stuffing his guts back in. Poor @%$#.
  9. The Reward. Sends you to the small bunker. Not sure. For some reason it doesn't seem to work on other players but it works on NPC's. Sounds like something still isn't installed properly. Connection issues so far have always been a bad install.
  10. Exactly. I haven't seen any concept art or screenshots or anything of her yet. Was the wight posted? I dont remember. I know the new rad guy was.
  11. You sure about that? Because I haven't seen any posted screenshots of the screamer.
  12. I'm sure they said the farmer is getting removed. I might be wrong on that. Screamer and Wight need updating too.
  13. Do you need a cell phone NUMBER or just the app on your phone? Cos you can totally just use an android emulator on your PC to do that.
  14. Use this for kinggen: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/414452645521260546/848276029813293086/DFCPList 19.4 to 19.5 save compatibility was never guaranteed. A restart is always recommended going between sub versions. Turds have a use for the next major version.
  15. I'll test it again but all I do is remove the open/close times, so it shouldn't be erroring out at all. It's probably one of your other mods. Hard to tell without a log
  16. I assumed you're using a dedicated server to play. THAT is what I mean by reinstalling the server. If you're just hosting via steam, that sounds like a firewall issue you need to resolve.
  17. Might need to reinstall the server then
  18. It has happened to others. It's NOT fixed in the current version (3.5 for 19.5). It WILL be fixed for the next major version (v4 for A20, fix currently in testing using 19.5 for a base and seems to be working)
  19. No idea how it'll affect it until I can get my hands on it.
  20. Yep, that's basically all you need to do. Grab one of my localizations that says survivor, one that says bandit, put the "name" in that shows on the HP bar, done.
  21. Yep, just a localization bug. It's because I fixed a load of localization for the next major build and then included that into 3.5. And forgot I renamed all the survivors/bandits in code.
  22. Craft/combine only. Up to 60 can drop.
  23. It's been working for me but i'll double check it. Why do you need to change the loot id? DF and War3zuk aren't compatible and DF already has larger storage. You shoudn't be trying to modlet an overhaul mod..
  24. Looks like you need the nodisplay option adding since it's looking for xserv. That I dont know. I know there's a tool online that'll read your save, generate a map, show all the regions and tell you their filenames so you know which one to delete.
  25. Was it in the desert? If so, go to Mods\2-SphereIICore\Config, open blocks.xml and set caves to false. Then regenerate the region and you should be fine.
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