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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. One or the other. There is a modlet to make the wandering hordes similar to romero though. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/724696325714739220/867006040583176272/Wandering_Horde_Random.zip It's also super easy to make. I tend to keep non-locked food low on the stats for that reason.
  2. No it's not. It's the TFP way, which isn't always the right way, as stated. And you understand WHY I picked both of those games, right? Both started with early access (like 7 days to die), both with "opt in" experimental branches (like 7 days to die) and both very supporting of modding later on in their development life cycles, while still being in early access (like 7 days to die). And they handled modding and communication with those people WAY better. The fact they are now released (and that's a whole other topic I could happily spin off to) is not outrageous given how they started, the fact they're similar in genre to 7DTD, and what they offer to players. I mean no disrespect with this... but this bit? You're missing the point. I expected an update to break my mod. And I downloaded that update (b7). And I updated my stuff. Absolutely no problem there. A FURTHER UPDATE getting pushed to stable with no testing period? No. I don't expect that. Especially when doing a diffcompare only shows tweaks to windows.xml to fix some twitch stuff. Not when the past 3 alphas of me modding has never done this (with the noted 19.5 exception that I thought was very odd). It is very obvious that some TFP staff (not all) are... not receptive to modding. They don't like to address it, they don't like to discuss it. Even bugs that are in the base game code, that I can patch and fix with harmony, are IGNORED if they are exposed via modding the game. There is a disconnect between the community at large (not just modders), modders and whoever is calling the shots. I've been saying for a while that it needs to change, and thank you for bringing up that concern to Sascha (who, in the past has been ABSOLUTELY ON POINT with the experimental releases -> stable. Just not 19.5 and 19.6 for some reason). I know you can't do what the community says. I get that. Nothing would get done. But all concerns, modding, game direction, whatever, need to start being considered and addressed.
  3. I specifically used umbrage because it exactly fit what you described. I was angry. Very angry. And I felt that was the best way to express myself while tempering things a bit. However, my point remains. A19.5 and A19.6 are the only 2 releases with build numbers that differ from the last experimental when pushed to stable in my experience (starting A17). Example, I had everything updated and ready on 19.5b55, 19.5b60 went to stable... not experimental (thankfully nothing broke). In this case, I had everything tested and working on 19.6b7, then 19.6b8 went to stable with WAY more under the hood changes than the changelog stated, because it quite literally broke both mods to the point of crashing the main menu GUI. This isn't a sense of entitlement. This is being annoyed because I think I'm ready to minimize impact to my users, and then suddenly everything is completely borked due to unannounced and untested changes. Then having to stay up a further 4 hours to fix and re-upload everything so I don't wake up to a million DM's and pings, which I think is something the team can absolutely understand. And for the record, yes your answer was polite and I am very thankful for that. But honestly, please look at how other games handle things like this. Right now, Rimworld and Minecraft are pretty much the gold standard for getting builds out into both private and public testing arenas so the modding community can do their thing and be ready. The TFP way isn't the only way, or the best way.
  4. Posted this in my discord earlier. Just done some further testing on my youtube series save. A19.6b7 - Works fine. A19.6b8 - Won't even load. Why won't it load? Power. So I went into b7, picked up ALL my power stuff (generator, switches, fence posts) and then tried to load b8... ...which got me into game... And reset my character. I 100% know I haven't changed anything that could break saves, which means this is on TFP's end. Therefore, you WILL NEED A NEW SAVE going to 19.6. This is unavoidable.
  5. Eh, i'll look into that later. After last night and when I woke up and dealing with fires all over the place, I need a weekend off.
  6. Nope because there's no need to
  7. Right-click it with a jar or bucket. It works like a water source
  8. You're both likely going to need to redownload
  9. You're missing the point entirely. b8, according to the forum post, was in experimental for HOURS (assuming that hateds post was correct), not days. You know what steam is like for updates and not pushing them out fast enough. The first I knew of b8 being out was the twitter post saying it was in stable. THAT is what I am taking umbrige with. There should've been an experimental period for b8 just like there was for b7, even if it were just a day or two.
  10. Seriously... I understand you guys have a time frame and all... But we had A19.6b7 in experimental for just over a week. Today we suddenly got 19.6b8 (which steam did NOT update me to) and that got pushed to stable... and completely broke both my mods because of some of the main C# that got changed. C'mon... I know there's only 1 tiny line in the changelog for the end user, but us modders know a LOT more goes on in the back end. Can you PLEASE try to be a little more considerate and NOT do that??? EDIT: For the record, the Exp build was different to the stable build for A19.5 too, but that didn't break anything to the point of being unable to progress past the main menu. 😛
  11. Just pushed a fix for it. Something was broken in sphereii-core. Which is annoying because it worked FINE in b7. I wish TFP wouldn't just push a build without putting it in experimental first so I can catch and fix stuff like this.
  12. Romero Mod V1.6 - Updated for A19.6b8. - Fixed the lockable slots mod so it doesn't overlap and buttons are always visible. - Added a harmony patch that forces zombies to walk and bloodmoon to off. - Updated the wandering horde mod so hours and zombies can now be random if the player wishes. This is configurable in Mods\1-RomeroModCore\Config\blocks.xml. Default is 4 to 8 hours for the horde, 20 to 50 zombies. Client (Gitlab/Launcher): https://gitlab.com/KhaineGB/romero-mod-a19-client/-/archive/master/romero-mod-a19-client-master.zip Server: https://gitlab.com/KhaineGB/romero-mod-a19-server/-/archive/master/romero-mod-a19-server-master.zip
  13. Ok folks. 19.6 went stable, so DF has been updated. Darkness Falls V3.6 - Updated for A19.6b8 - Replaced the spiral library with a different version that should be less laggy on servers. - Updated three08's elevator mod to fix some potential issues. - Fixed Near Death Trauma tooltip annoyance. Client (Gitlab/Launcher Primary Download): https://gitlab.com/KhaineGB/darknessfallsa19client/-/archive/master/darknessfallsa19client-master.zip Server (Gitlab/Launcher Primary Download): https://gitlab.com/KhaineGB/darknessfallsa19server/-/archive/master/darknessfallsa19server-master.zip Client (Gitlab/Launcher Alternate Download): https://dev.azure.com/KhaineUK/_git/DarknessFallsA19Client Server (Gitlab/Launcher Alternate Download): https://dev.azure.com/KhaineUK/_git/DarknessFallsA19Server
  14. That toolbelt is the default one that comes in DF. So if you have 2 rows, and judging by that comment, my guess is you tried to use another UI mod with DF, which won't work.
  15. It was posted in my discord, though I also put it on my google drive. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_87KDm2TsLkrXJ3tIRxI5huPb_W53yTH/view
  16. Easily? Yes. Time consuming and will probably send you insane? Also yes.
  17. 1 maps use a custom RWG (which is included by default) and include compo pack POI's. 2 maps use a more vanilla-style RWG and no compo pack POI's. They tend to be lighter on RAM usage because of this.
  18. Yes. I'm probably gonna be revising this soon because I've been playing with those mods a little, like making sure the slot locking selection thingy is ALWAYS visible, for example. But that'll be for when 19.6 goes stable.
  19. Fataal said earlier in this thread that early fall was possible. So I'd say end of October. TFP like to do exp releases of new alphas around steam sales to drive hype, so that'd position them well for the halloween sale.
  20. I will 100% be honest. I'm SURE there's stuff i've missed in the journal. But no-one tells me. They just complain there's no wiki. If I don't know what information needs to be made more obvious, then I can't add it to the journal (which is honestly what i'd prefer to do over a wiki as the info is then in-game).
  21. That's actually 308's modlet. He just posted an updated version in the modders discord. DMT Multi level elevator Hey guys I think I have all the bugs out of this now so putting it up for testing while I do some fine tuning. Let me know if you come across any issues I've missed. Note that occlusion must be turned off in your game settings or the models will flicker and sometimes become invisible. And you should not use the elevator with debug menu turned on. https://www.mediafire.com/file/s5mw9ngs49962yv/Elevator_A19_%2528v3.0_Alpha_0.31%2529.rar/file You MUST use DMT to compile and install it.
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