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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. Try searching for your new items by code name, not localization name. So resourceEssenceFireBundle instead of Fire Essence Bundle. Narrows down if it's a bad item or bad localization. You can do the same in creative.
  2. Don't see why not. It just needs appropriate zombie skins. Also I remember TFP saying that UMA was too expensive on performance. You can generate and create a UMA in-editor, save it as a prefab (the actual completed UMA, not the recipe) and even export to FBX for fine editing if needed.
  3. The new UMA skeleton, high defintion skin maps, etc honestly look incredible. That's one I made with just the base UMA clothing, hair and skin. With the artists TFP have, they could make that look a LOT better.
  4. I honestly wish they wouldn't just drop it and UPDATE IT instead... because I was messing around with the base UMA kit in unity and it actually looks really, really good now.
  5. ^ that. You CAN scavenge the parts if need be, but that's ok by me. Also I should state that i've been re-doing a lot of the workstation tools and lathe so it follows player gamestage, so you're more likely to find them at higher levels.
  6. Already fixed last week. Git and nexus were updated
  7. 20% chance. Exactly the same as vanilla. So no, it's not being changed.
  8. 30 or 35... dont remember which off the top of my head. Wrench cars. 😛 Don't use power attack.
  9. You probably already maxed it and are missing some requirements or something
  10. There's probably gonna be a new version soonish. 1) You do realise you can ONLY craft weapons from the parts, right? It's supposed to be as close to the A16 system as possible. 2) Yes it does get a bonus from pummel pete... Stun Baton <item name="meleeWpnBatonT2StunBaton"> <property name="Tags" value="melee,grunting,light,perkFlurryOfBlows,weapon,meleeWeapon,attIntellect,perkElectrocutioner,shockbaton,canHaveCosmetic,blunt,1HandBlunt,weaponCrafting,noBlades"/> Pummel Pete. <perk name="perkPummelPete" parent="skillBlunt" name_key="perkPummelPeteName" desc_key="perkPummelPeteDesc" base_skill_point_cost="1" min_level="0" max_level="5" icon="ui_game_symbol_stunned"> <level_requirements level="1"><requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="perkASBlunt" operation="GTE" value="1" desc_key="reqBluntWeapons1"/></level_requirements> <level_requirements level="2"><requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="perkASBlunt" operation="GTE" value="10" desc_key="reqBluntWeapons10"/></level_requirements> <level_requirements level="3"><requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="perkASBlunt" operation="GTE" value="20" desc_key="reqBluntWeapons20"/></level_requirements> <level_requirements level="4"><requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="perkASBlunt" operation="GTE" value="40" desc_key="reqBluntWeapons40"/></level_requirements> <level_requirements level="5"><requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="perkASBlunt" operation="GTE" value="60" desc_key="reqBluntWeapons60"/></level_requirements> <effect_group> <requirement name="HoldingItemHasTags" tags="blunt"/> 3) We don't need to make things more complicated, and quite a few players like the anti-rad since it means you don't need to rely on finding hazmat/making hazmat mods. 4) I'm not messing with this. It's literally using the in-game food system, and there's a FOOD BAR on the UI. If your mates can't keep an eye on their food bar, that's their problem. 5) This is how it works in vanilla, so it's not getting tweaked. 6) If I make them tougher to make, people won't be able to actually make them when they're needed. I MAY look at this, but right now i'm not planning to change it (at least for blessed metal). What you're basically saying is "Hey, add thing to this you need to fight demons for, even though you need this to fight demons". You do see how that would be a problem, right? 7) It's not intended for you to eat. You just can if you need to. It's intended to be used in other recipes. It's also NOT locked to any kind of class or recipe which is why the food is low. 8 - That's the point. If they're too hard to break, you just end up with constantly spawning stuff that can't be dealt with (This was playtested extensively and the current version was settled on) 9) Or you can just let it air dry, which is what the more expensive recipe is supposed to represent.
  11. Seems pretty easy to me for like 90% of stuff
  12. Run the dedi server and have people connect to that. Uses more RAM but splits the load across your cores better in my experience.
  13. 30 is not enough in an FPS game where your reactions matter, and they do in 7DTD for players who like insane, always run zombies. Personally, I tweak my settings for it to look "reasonable" but as close to 100fps as possible. I don't care about graphics. I think people need to stop with the nerd @%$#s over graphics. Minecraft and Rimworld are popular for a reason. They're fun games, with engaging mechanics, and "okay" graphics. We don't need ultra high end AAA crap for a game to be good and I really wish gamers would get off that train. EDIT: As a note, having OPTIONS is a good thing, but people are struggling to upgrade their PC's right now. Therefore, graphics definitely shouldn't be a priority... at all.
  14. Yeah, apparently I broke something in 19.6 so just assume they don't work. Honestly, I don't want to mess with it to fix it after the issues I had with 19.6 in general. I will look into fixing it for the next major version.
  15. I actually just pushed a list for that in the discord earlier today. Waiting on feedback atm. If anyone wants to take a risk and try it, here's the link: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/414452645521260546/873338138272088164/DFPOIList-CompoPack.txt SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS. When your world is made, go to the folder for it and open prefabs.xml. Replace DFalls_settlement_caitlin with DFalls_settlement_trader. This will force caitlin to spawn in the correct biome. If you don't do this, you won't have a caitlin.
  16. No because it requires a C# patch. Pretty sure I included it in Romero Mod though. That might be more to your liking.
  17. A20 will definitely need a new install. It basically always does every new alpha.
  18. Aha. Thank you. Probably just forgot to change one of the items. Talk to your server host. They may be blocking DLL uploads. And yes, you do. Addendum to the acid... There's only ONE acid recipe in DF. <!-- Battery and Engine Crafting --> <recipe name="resourceAcid" count="1" craft_time="60" craft_area="chemistryStation" tags="learnable"> <ingredient name="resourceCoal" count="50"/> <ingredient name="drinkJarBoiledWater" count="1" /> </recipe> And that's it. So any other recipe is likely added by a modlet, and therefore not my responsibility.
  19. It's been in DF for a while. I don't remember if that was an A18 or A19 thing though, but it was definitely one of them.
  20. I dont think you need to, no. I'll check later though. Just got internet back after like... 4 hours and ready to go to bed.
  21. There's your error. You don't have the modified assembly_csharp.dll installed on the server to load custom code. I can tell that from the log because none of the harmony patches have outputted their "I have loaded" logs. There's a backup on nexus: https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/235?tab=posts&BH=1 You can go all the way back to 19.0 with the files on nexus. I only clear them out on new alpha. So when A20 drops, everything from A190 to A19.5 will be deleted, so only the A19.6 files will be there (also has A17.4 and A18.4 on there for folks who want to do that) It's still a thing. I tried to avoid that, but sadly couldnt
  22. Works fine for me with the additional patch. Tested it several times. Explosives already have increased dismemberment chance to blow limbs off, so you can turn stuff into crawlers and run away if need be. I can look into increased ragdoll chances that increases with demolition expert though. That's not a bad idea.
  23. If you go from 19.5 to 19.6 and you have ANY power stuff in your base, you get this error. Because I had it. But my save still works fine on 19.6b7. So it's restart time.
  24. You need to go into dm, press f6 for the spawning menu and spawn them from there. But you need to make sure "From Static Spawner" is ticked or they'll despawn when you logout I have absolutely no idea what that is. Definitely not something i've mssed with though. You wont be missing out on anything. Solo currently starts with 2 class books vs 1 on servers. You can make more later. Just keep your difficulty around nomad or lower if you dont want it too hard.
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