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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. You're gonna have fun with this one... had to force-close the game via task manager. NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at RewardSkill.SetupReward () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at BaseReward.get_Icon () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at XUiC_QuestRewardEntry.GetBindingValue (System.String& value, .BindingItem binding) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at BindingItem.GetValue (Boolean forceAll) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at BindingInfo.RefreshValue (Boolean forceAll) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at XUiController.RefreshBindings (Boolean forceAll) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at XUiC_QuestRewardEntry.Update (Single _dt) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at XUiController.Update (Single _dt) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at XUiC_QuestRewardList.Update (Single _dt) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at XUiController.Update (Single _dt) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at XUiController.Update (Single _dt) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at XUiController.Update (Single _dt) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at XUiController.Update (Single _dt) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at XUiC_QuestWindowGroup.Update (Single _dt) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at XUi.OnUpdateDeltaTime (Single updateDeltaTime) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at A.ME.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at GameManager.JQ () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at GameManager.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2. First thing I noticed. Key is misaligned with the player hand (sitting slightly to the left, needs shifting right and possibly towards the camera).
  3. Right. Let's see how I get screwed on spawn this time
  4. Testing it again now. Spawned on the edge of a small city with a few blank areas, and there's a military camp just off the main road leading into it. My save that I use while streaming spawned me in the middle of THREE cities with loads of shops nearby, 2 of which were the huge crack-a-book POI's. So it's definitely working. I'll get that seed name for you to try when I hop on that PC, because I want to see if it's an rwgmixer issue or something isnt installed right. EDIT: Seed is DF181Test. Definitely check the fireaxe. If info is missing, that's my bad and I'll fix it. Honestly not sure on the falling issue. Me and the wife used to have it a LOT on 16.4 vanilla just playing via LAN. We still have no idea why since we both have pretty good PC's, but I used to get the "cant open/loot" error as well. Disconnecting and reconnecting always fixed it. Get him to have a look in the console next time it happens because there's likely a red text error sitting there.
  5. No idea because I don't use Linux as a gaming machine. Works fine on my linux server though. EDIT: Thinking about it, make sure you have the UMA's because I did change them from 1.7.5 to 1.8. I decreased the size so it uses less RAM, performs better and runs better. If you don't have those from the zip file, it'll decide to generate them at boot up and that takes AGES, which causes the hanging you described.
  6. Fireaxe should tell you where it needs to be made in the description, but make sure you have bought the Iron Tool perk to craft it. Server issue sounds like it's just a lag issue. It happens even on dedicated servers on vanilla.
  7. He's just a rare, random spawn. So you're gonna have to get lucky I'm afraid
  8. V1.8.1b - Bug squishes and adjustments update! It's live, it's on GitHub, it's ready to go! Mastery book price increased. Skill notes added to the rarebook loot group so they can be found (occasionally) Rare book probabilities altered to be less common (class-specific stuff and some titanium stuff) Ink added to the night stand loot table. Welding Torch and Caliper prices reduced. Books that give +1 to a specific skill now give +2 instead (cost to make is unchanged). Scrap Machete added. Slightly better than the bone shiv, worse than the Hunting Knife (unlocked via scrap tools perk) Steel Wrench added. (unlocked via mechanic mastery) Fixed an issue with the Big Forge. A little bit of a content creator appreciation item has been added. It's a book. You'll know it when you see it. Works fine on 1.8.1 saves, because I tested it, so no restart needed!
  9. EAC should ALWAYS be off when using an SDX mod. The DLL is patched so it's not compatible with EAC.
  10. Yes, you need ALL of the files. It's an SDX mod. Without the 7DaysToDieServer_Data folder, SDX stuff won't work and that's why you're getting NRE's. The zip files can be ignored.
  11. Nope. You cannot build the doors right now. In the future? Haven't decided.
  12. Nope. I mean the new one I added. Tip: Look for a LOT of military tents.
  13. Yep. You have to go FIND a fusion forge and the bench in order to make a fusion forge and the bench. Totally intentional. However they are 100% guaranteed to spawn in the wasteland bunker.
  14. I saw Mike say he was streaming it and I thought "Oh, it's out already?" Feel like I just got blue balled. (Yes, I'm totally planning to try out RH4)
  15. I have absolutely no idea how to fix that. The only thing I'd suggest is looking up the error code given to you by the BSOD and see if you can fix it that way.
  16. V1.8.1 - The bug squishing update, is live and on GitHub! Removed Metal Workstation recipes from the Laser Workbench to help with lag. Fixed the Laser Workbench not working properly. Fixed the "Future Technology" book taking skill notes instead of research notes. M4A1 recipe wasn't granted by the security class. This has been fixed. M4A1 recipe item added as a "creative mode only" item to fix any issues players have. Fixed steel and titanium helmets also taking up the "eye" slot. Titanium Helmet (Light) added. Fixed missing item description for Keycards. Fixed missing item description for Lockpick Components. Edited Lockpick Sets to make it clear they use Lockpick Components. Female Behemoth sounds now use the same as the Female Snow Zombie for more variance. Male Behemoth's now use entirely new sounds. Snakes should now count as an animal. Clay Bowls fixed AGAIN for the Advanced Forge. New Behemoth had the generic zombie loot list. This has been fixed. (same as other behemoths) RWGMixer edited with regards to towns/hub city. See below. So one of the problems with the RWGMixer and a lack of the vanilla shops, was the fact that they only spawn in Towns and Cities... and the RWGMixer really, really, really liked spawning Rural cities (which don't have them). So I decreased the probability of the rural towns/cities and INCREASED the probability of normal towns. Cities have been left unchanged. I also drastically increased the chance of Hub City spawning. It still doesn't spawn exactly on 0,0 all the time, but my testing did find 2 Hub Cities within 1000 of 0,0 on one map. Most maps now have a very high chance of them spawning. Obviously this will only take effect on world restart. It is entirely up to you if you want to do that, but old saves work fine.
  17. I think I see your problem. They have to be planted within 2 blocks of a WATER BLOCK. The code check is this. for (var x = -2; x <= 2; x++) { for (var z = -2; z <= 2; z++) { if (_world.GetBlock(_blockPos + new Vector3i(x, 0, z)).Block.blockMaterial.id == "water") return false; if (_world.GetBlock(_blockPos + new Vector3i(x, -1, z)).Block.blockMaterial.id == "water") return false; if (_world.GetBlock(_blockPos + new Vector3i(x, 1, z)).Block.blockMaterial.id == "water") return false; } } So when you can't pick up the water barrel anymore, break it. You'll get a bucket of water AND an empty barrel back. Dig a hole, place the water from the bucket in the hole and then plant around that. EDIT: For the record, this is what the code for the full water barrel looks like. <block id="2038" name="waterBarrel3"> <property name="LightOpacity" value="0"/> <property name="Material" value="wood"/> <property name="Shape" value="ModelEntity"/> <property name="Model" value="#WaterBarrel?WaterBarrel" /> <property name="RotationAllowed" value="pivotOnFloor" /> <property name="RandomTintColor1" value="255,255,255"/> <drop event="Destroy" name="waterBarrel1" count="1" /> <drop event="Harvest" name="bucketRain" count="1" /> <property name="MaxDamage" value="40" /> </block> So the reason it's not working is because the full Water Barrel is Material=wood and plants are looking for Materlal=water or they die.
  18. You, sir, are a big tease.
  19. I see what the problem is... craft_area="advForge" Should be a lowercase f. Which perfectly describes how I feel about that bug... FFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUU....
  20. Double checked. The bowl recipe is there. <recipe name="emptyBowl" count="1" craft_area="advForge" material_based="true" craft_time = "30"> <ingredient name="unit_clay" count="15"/> </recipe>
  21. Anything that's an SDX entity generally won't count for quests unless the entity name is SPECIFICALLY mentioned in the quest. FFS. I fixed the damn advanced forge once already for the bowls.
  22. Found it. Snakes are set to Class=EntityZombie for some reason. Not sure why. I'm going to try setting them as generic HostileAnimal later (like the boar) and see if that breaks anything.
  23. Yes you can craft the class again, but you can't do the quests again. They are not repeatable. Taking the miner class SHOULD give you the second level of the forge perk. Note: I didn't test this, but it should work in THEORY. And no, Lockpick quality does not affect the time to break into the safe. The iron lockpick does it faster and works the same way as the basic one. For Erik... I've had a look at that kill animals quest. <objective type="AnimalKill" value="5" /> That's the code. So apparently snakes don't count as animals for some reason. I'm going to have a look at entityclasses later and see if there's any way to fix that, but I doubt it.
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