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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. Alright, so I did a tweak. I added a second stun buff that isn't as severe as the first. Only grain alcohol makes you immune to BOTH, but it also makes you slower because you become instantly drunk. Should be interesting to see how that goes.
  2. Hey, they're good ideas. I just need this headache to bugger off so I can think properly.
  3. Well I can't make it a 30% resist chance. What I can do is make it so alcohol only reduces the speed penalty of being stunned. So you still get it, but you can possibly get away from a stun lock (which is the main thing that most people hate). Speed I need to play around with. I have to do something like increase the max speed allowable before I can increase speed even more.
  4. You've actually given me an idea. Going to look into it.
  5. Honest answer? I don't know. With the way buffs are NOW? Nope. Stun resistance is a buff that basically makes the player completely immune to the stun condition. So I need to see what they do for the buffs system. What I COULD do is leave it as-is for stuns, but make the player slower. So you regen stamina, you're immune to stuns, but you're a slow and staggering drunk. (I wish I could implement a stagger effect in terms of movement as well)
  6. This is quite interesting too. // Token: 0x040015F5 RID: 5621 public const float kScoutSpawnAnotherScoutChance = 0.1f; // Token: 0x040015F6 RID: 5622 public const int kScoutHordeSizeToSummonPerScream = 5; // Token: 0x040015F7 RID: 5623 public const int kScoutHordeMaxTotalZombiesToSummon = 25;
  7. I haven't touched the DLL regarding the zombiescout code. From what I understand, ANYTHING in the ZombieScout group will spawn zombies if they spot the player and play their "alert" noise. The problem seems to be that the game just likes spawning spider zombies instead of actual screamers. So what I need to do is just tweak the probability. EDIT: Cut the list down and now it seems to be 50/50 on which one you get, so that's an improvement.
  8. They've been working for me, but I'll have a poke at it. I know spider zombies DEFINITELY work.
  9. Had a quick look anyway. Windows.xml and XUi.xml say it should be 3 slot.
  10. Should still have 3. I didn't touch the windows.xml. Will double check that later after sleep.
  11. Research Notes drop from Scientist zombies (found in military camps) and research desks (In the burnt forest bunker and the wasteland bunker). May need to tweak the drop rate on them, but that's where they are.
  12. V1.8.2 is out! Already on GitHub so you can download from the links on the first page, or via the mod launcher. No restart required! Changes as follows. Gas can schematic has been REMOVED. This means it is no longer mechanic-locked. Biofuel added! Scientist Mastery required to make it. Anyone can still make Gas Cans from Oil Shale. Amount of gas received from Oil barrels has ben reduced (amount needed to craft them also reduced). Tweaked the trader defense quests (see below). Coilguns added! Pistol, carbine and sniper rifle. Also have their own ammo and own perk. Loot list changed for multiple zombies! (see below). Trader Defense Quests: They have been changed as follows. First quest is kill 20 zombies. Second quest is kill 15 radiated zombies. Third quest is kill 10 feral zombies. Weapon requirements have been removed from the quests and the Hard quest now grants a SKILL POINT instead of skill notes. Loot tweaks. Hazmat and Soldier loot tweaked. Normal soldier doesn't drop the M4A1, radiated can, feral and feral radiated have a chance to drop coilguns. Hazmat is similar. Farmer and Fat female zombie loot tweaked. Higher chance of dropping "home made" food and better quality tools as the zombies get tougher. Nurse/Doctor loot tweaked. Tougher zombies have a better chance of dropping higher quality meds, like medkits and antibiotics. Normal zombies will be more like bandages and pain killers. Zombie Cop loot tweaked. Most junk items removed. Normal cop likely to drop pistols, then P225, Shotgun and finally the Combat Shotgun (for Feral Rads). Zombie Cowboy loot tweaked. Doesn't drop 2 rifles anymore. Winchester more likely to drop off tougher zombies. Snow zombie loot tweaked. Better chance of decent tools (like chainsaws and steel axes) off tougher zombies. Bomber zombies should've been using feral loot lists, and they weren't. Now they are. Toilets should no longer drop 2 guns at the same time... all the time. So... lots of changes, and also not a lot of changes. The mod is still very similar, but with new guns and loot list tweaks to make the tougher ones more rewarding.
  13. Honestly? I want it more like Vermintide 2. So normal zombies won't show health bars. Anything considered a "boss" (which would be special zombies, feral rads, etc in this mod) does have a health bar. If I can make it do that, I will be VERY happy.
  14. I'm gonna be leaving it off. I decided that a while ago. However, I will mod in the ability for people to turn it on... if I can.
  15. Sounds like your DLL isn't patched with SDX properly so it's not loading the mesh file. Make sure you copy the 7DaysToDie_Data/Managed folder and overwrite when prompted.
  16. Okay. Try this. Delete everything in the 7DaysToDie_Data folder EXCEPT for the Managed folder (this is the version downloaded manually or the version downloaded from the launcher). That will get rid of the menu music and the new background for a start. Also make sure you have the UMATextures folder downloaded. If you don't, that causes SUPER lag in the menu and in the game. EDIT: For the record, I'm developing and running it on a mid-range gaming laptop from 2013. So pretty much any PC from then onward SHOULD be fine.
  17. Load the game (as in, go into a random gen world), press escape. It'll tell you on the menu.
  18. You need to patch a clean copy of the game. Also it's worth making your own thread.
  19. You say that, but testing the mod crashed linux so hard it logged me out AND I lost my sound driver. Fixed it, but that was fun times.
  20. V1.8.1-C is out! Technically these are small tweaks, but they also change the world a lot. - RWGMixer edited. Cities now very likely to spawn at 0,0. More wilderensss POI's added. "Empty Spaces" mostly eliminated in cities (you may get some house repetition, but at least cities look more complete). - Biomes edited. Reduced the amount of vegetable and fruit tree spawns in the wild. You can still find them, they just aren't as common. - Localization edited. Trader quests now show what you need to do before you buy them. New save needed for the RWGMixer edits, but biome edits will take effect on unexplored areas. Entirely up to you if you want to restart.
  21. Well I wouldn't go THAT far. I'll still be developing in windows, because I'm more familiar with it, but now I can toss it on one of my drives, boot into linux and test.
  22. For Linux users. Dual-booting with Ubuntu 18.04. The inability to load the mod appears to be related to the new background image, because the game just loads the original one or straight up crashes. New music works though. Current workaround: ONLY copy the 7DaysToDie_Data/Managed folder, Data and Mods. This will allow the mod to work, but you won't have the new title screen and music. I'll investigate this more now I have a working Linux build.
  23. Preliminary test build is in the discord for anyone who wants to try it. The "blank spots" in cities are MOSTLY fixed. Not totally, but they aren't as bad as they were.
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