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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. What's the problem? If you're getting the game pop up with a window saying "Dedicated" then you need to delete the 7DaysToDieServer_Data folder from TempMods before launching the mod for the first time.
  2. For anyone interested, V1.8 DEV Build 1 is available on the Discord. Expect bugs.
  3. Okay... if my memory is correct, then downloading and using the BBM version will NOT cause any issues. I know Kickz did, and some of my testers updated from 1.6 to 1.7 when I was testing it out. You might be missing a new POI, but all the fruit trees and such will still spawn in unexplored areas. However, if you're planning to restart, I recommend not doing so yet. I'm prepping a new update where a restart will be recommended.
  4. Kickz and Kage are using 1.7.5. If you downoloaded the EAC compatible version of the mod, then you need to know that isn't updated anymore. I think that's v1.6.2 but it does say that in the description on the launcher.
  5. As Jazual mentioned, plants must be within 2 blocks of water or they die. Trees do not have to be near water, and I strongly recommend keeping tree's away from plants if possible. Occasionally it kills the plants, and I'm still trying to track down why. Any quest that says "craft this" you HAVE to sit there and watch it complete if it's not made in your backpack. That's just an issue with how the quest system works, but I'm considering changing it from Craft to FetchKeep so quests will say "Gather X" instead. Means you don't have to watch it be crafted.
  6. Erik got there first, but he's exactly right. You need a Titanium Clawhammer to upgrade to titanium.
  7. Ok, so this is from the biomes file, so hopefully should help. <layer depth="1" blockname="desertGround" /> <layer depth="23" blockname="sandStone" /> <layer depth="*" blockname="sandStone" > <resource blockname="ironOre" cluster="1" prob="0.1130" rwgGenerationType="all" /> <resource blockname="titaniumOre" cluster="1" prob="0.1130" rwgGenerationType="all" /> <resource blockname="oilDeposit" cluster="1" prob="0.1130" rwgGenerationType="all" /> <resource blockname="silverOre" cluster="1" prob="0.00030" rwgGenerationType="all" /> <resource blockname="goldOre" cluster="1" prob="0.00020" rwgGenerationType="all" /> <resource blockname="diamondOre" cluster="1" prob="0.00010" rwgGenerationType="all" /> </layer> <layer depth="3" blockname="bedrock" /> </layers> So it spawns in sandstone, and has the same probability of finding iron veins as well. I know that's not much to go on, but hopefully it'll help.
  8. I think the desert is the best place for oil shale, if my memory is correct.
  9. Definitely not. Had a very busy work day yesterday so I didn't get the large POI finished. I did get the double drawbridge working though.
  10. I'm honestly waiting for when Kickz has to kill Kickz on stream.
  11. Progress is advancing slowly, because I didn't realise building POI's takes a LOT longer than I thought. But it's getting there. The fact Warframe gave out double XP boosters that last for 3 days, for free, hasn't helped matters either. But I got one of the new POI's done. Thankfully the next 2 are just variations of each other, so once one is done, the second will be a lot faster.
  12. Kickz is just in the general "survivor" spawn pool. So he can literally spawn anywhere in the world that a survivor can.
  13. You know what's annoying? I fixed that once already!
  14. I think they said in the A17 thread that mechanic is coming back. So that'll be quite nice
  15. Gamestage is your level, days survived (I turned off the gamestage reduction when you die) and difficulty level picked multiplier if I remember correctly. Basic formula is this. gameStage = playerLevel + playerLevel * (daysSurvived * daysAliveDifficultyBonus + gameDifficultyMultiplier ) daysAliveDifficultyBonus is 0.1 according to the XML. That doesn't change based on difficulty. I am considering increasing it to 0.25 or 0.3.
  16. Add this to recipes.xml to fix it. <recipe name="emptyBowl" count="1" craft_area="advForge" material_based="true" craft_time = "30"> <ingredient name="unit_clay" count="15"/> </recipe> It's in the 1.8 version I'm working on. Probably going to stop random patches for now so I can make sure all my code is ok for this next major version, which I HOPE to have a test build out for at some point this week.
  17. I have no idea if that's correct from the book/movie or not. I do know that's the default description TFP left in though. Will fix it.
  18. Probably. Even my overclocked 6800K struggles with 16 zombies, though I found turning shadows off REALLY helps. That was actually playable then. Yeah, I didn't put sulfur veins in. It's a secondary drop from iron ore veins, lead ore veins and burnt forest dirt ground.
  19. Thanks for letting me know! I'll make sure they get removed in my files too.
  20. Yeah, that's my bad. I forgot to remove them from the spawning group I use cos I'm dumb. Wasteland doesn't have a probability to spawn in my mod. It straight up spawns at the centre. That's absolutely intended because it's supposed to be an "end game" area. As in, you only go there if you absolutely KNOW you want to go there and accept the danger that comes with it. I don't recommend removing it for that reason, but you should be able to comment it out. However the texture is getting replaced in v1.8 to give it more of a "nuclear wasteland" feel. As for the crawlers, Guppy recommends removing them because it screws up the "wave spawning" of horde nights. EDIT: This is what I mean about the wasteland. Screenshot was taken before I started messing around with the UI like a complete n00b.
  21. Ah! My apologies. I thought you were editing the max zombies in the gamestage file, not the server file. I believe you are correct, it should spawn 12 zombies per player up to the 40 max and yes, your setting is overriding it as far as I know. The reason the zombies stop for a while is literally because of the crawlers. Basically the game divides it up into "waves" and only spawns the next one once everything in the previous one is dead. Crawlers cause issues with that, which is why you can go without a wave for ages and then a couple of crawlers come along like "...sup? Party still on? Sorry we're late!" So looks like I need to check that... again. I believe survivors and bandits have their own setting, but I'm not entirely sure what that is. They definitely do not count as a zombie. I think you're correct on the roughness, at least from when I initially did some experimentation and ended up with an absolute monstrosity of a world. Kinda wish I'd taken some screenshots tbh. Honestly? Not entirely sure. I think the base is what it starts with, scaled is where you can alter it and FastMountains is the result. But Tin knows way, way, WAY more than me and the rwgmixer is massively based off his work. So if anyone can answer a question about that file full of black magic, it's him!
  22. It's entirely possible I'm just dumb and don't know how to spell. Don't lower the maxspawned. Lower the amount of zombies that the server decides can be spawned as that is what ultimately controls horde nights. You can test this yourself by setting 8 as the max, then 16, 32, etc. I think TFP said 32 gets really, really laggy. Not 100% sure on the duration value, but that gamestage file is an edited version of Guppy's Trickle Fox, so if anyone knows... it will definitely be him. Will check the bars. That should absolutely be perk-locked, though I may have allowed it for construction and miner. I need to check that. Try this. <module name="scaleBiasOutput" type="ScaleBiasOutput"> <property name="sourceModule" value="finalLand"/> <property name="scale" value="250"/> </module> Increase scale. I find increments of 50 works. Bear in mind this will lower the overall areas of flat land so you may get smaller cities. That's the "quick and dirty" way to do it. This is the hard way. <module name="fastMountainsBase" type="FastRidgedMultifractal"> <property name="frequency" value="0.25"/> </module> <module name="fastMountainsT" type="FastTurbulence"> <property name="sourceModule" value="fastMountainsBase"/> <property name="power" value="5"/> <!-- <property name="frequency" value="0.25"/> --> <property name="frequency" value="0.5"/> <property name="roughness" value="1"/> </module> <module name="fastMountainsScaled" type="ScaleBiasOutput"> <property name="sourceModule" value="fastMountainsT"/> <property name="scale" value="0.3"/> </module> Try messing around with frequency and power. That will take a LOT of restarts and world generating though.
  23. MaxAlive just helps fix the "trickle". Num is what determines how many turn up and the server settings ALWAYS take precedent over the gamestage settings. So if you set it to 32, that's what you'll get no matter what I put in the gamestage file.
  24. I made my own horde gamestages. What you could do is go into the gamestage file and set maxzombies to 256 and maxalive to 64. That'll give you a LOT of zombies. You could also swap out any group that says ZombiesNight with ZombiesFeralNight. Most people tend to be around Gamestage 50 on Horde night, and these are the first few gamestages for hordes. <gamestage stage="1"><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="1" maxAlive="50"/></gamestage> <gamestage stage="25"><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="20" maxAlive="50" duration="2"/><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="20" maxAlive="50" duration="2"/><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="20" maxAlive="50" duration="2"/><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="55" maxAlive="50"/></gamestage> <gamestage stage="50"><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="20" maxAlive="50" duration="2"/><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="20" maxAlive="50" duration="2"/><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="20" maxAlive="50" duration="2"/><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="55" maxAlive="50"/></gamestage> <gamestage stage="75"><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="24" maxAlive="50" duration="3"/><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="24" maxAlive="50" duration="3"/><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="24" maxAlive="50" duration="3"/><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="104" maxAlive="50"/></gamestage> <gamestage stage="100"><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="24" maxAlive="50" duration="3"/><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="24" maxAlive="50" duration="3"/><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="24" maxAlive="50" duration="3"/><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="104" maxAlive="50"/></gamestage>
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