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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. Assembly-CSharp.dll under 7DaysToDie_Data/Managed
  2. It's patched directly into the DLL, so as long as you are using the bigger backpack version, which should be version 1.7.3 (you can check by pressing ESC and looking for the version number above the menu), then it is included.
  3. Yep, I did misunderstand. I thought you meant replacing the block ID's in the actual prefabs themselves rather than blocks.xml. Basically, and correct me if I'm wrong, you're talking about doing what the trader does where the prefab has a loothelper for the workstations, and then it decides if you get a destroyed or working workstation once the world is generated... so it's totally random. I probably COULD do that, but it'd definitely be something for 1.8 so I don't break existing worlds. Like I said, I'm gonna be going through loot.xml anyways because I want to tweak that specific loot list and introduce levelled loot across the board.
  4. Um, yes. You have to go edit every single POI with those blocks in and change all the block ID's. So my point stands. But I'm going to be looking at the loot lists in general anyway. Water has to be next to the plant, so your plan should work. However I'm looking at changing that so it goes out roughly 2-3 blocks. Need to test it first though. Also, adding the time back isn't going to be as easy as it was since I've used the space under the compass for the players core temp value and their level. The POINT in removing it was for 2 reasons. 1) To make players actually stop and think about what they're doing. Everyone settled in to the routine of hiding near their doors until the daylight sound starts and then going straight out to loot or whatever, knowing it means they've got roughly 17-ish hours to get all that done (allowing for travel time there and back). Instead of just going "I'm gonna loot the crap out of that town until 9pm, then I'll head home" people are now going "Okay, there's a POI with a vending machine. I want to stay near that so I can check the time once I've finished a building" and they often head back to base sooner and work on other projects. The intent is to literally force you to play in a different way than you've been used to for the past god knows how many alphas (I say that because everyone started at different times. I started in A7 with the minimap on the HUD, as an example). 2) Extra realism. Most people, as already mentioned, use their phones and computers to tell the time. They'd be dead in days. Hardly anyone has a watch now, and if they do it's usually some kind of smart watch. Honestly, if I had the option, I'd allow the time for say.... the first 3-7 days, and then have it disappear like your battery died. But that isn't possible. It's on or off. So I chose off.
  5. That would require me to go through every single compo-pack POI and edit it. The reason I changed it because players constantly complain that stuff is empty.
  6. The writing desk lets you make the blank class paper for half of the cost of making it in your backpack. I don't fully remember the recipe off the top of my head, but I know it's 60 notes, 30 paper + the ink and quill (think its 2 ink). Then you can make whatever class you want out of that paper, just the same as when you started.
  7. You can also open the console and type gettime. Done. But seriously, folks. The time is gone. It's part of the mod. It's literally listed as a feature on the first post (which I am going to tidy up at some point). Please stop asking me for ways around it. If you don't like it, literally any other mod still has the time turned on.
  8. Not without custom C# code to turn the part of the window off and on. Which is beyond my ability right now.
  9. Didn't offend me. Just disappointed me. Learn to play without it. Here's a tip. You hear crickets in the ambient sound at 7pm. Any trader window will tell you the time (like vending machines). Now go forth and learn how to manage your time.
  10. 1) Not gonna lie, mostly got the interchangeable bowls/jars idea from Valmod. In some cases, yes you do need to have 2 different kinds because it makes more sense to use a bowl in the crafting (and give it back to the player if possible) than using a jar. I'm pretty sure eating clay is healthier than eating glass. As for the cans, I put that quest in because there's no use for cans once you have a cooking pot, other than oil (which I think I changed to using jars ANYWAY) and scrapping them. That way you can use them to get a reward. 2) Ferals only run around in daytime for approx 1-2 hours. That's how the game handles the "refresh" of spawning. Nothing I can do about that and the point of night time is that it's supposed to be dangerous. So I either get rid of the ferals (not happening) or play around with the spawn rates (Which means more zombies in general). The rad zombies I already turned DOWN once on the spawn rate, and yes, you can totally kill them with a level 100 bow, even with health regen. I've done it with a level 50 bow on Warrior, at level 5 and I only have 1,400 hours. Headshots totally matter. Side-note: That's also why I had to change rad zombie loot because I had an AK-47 with 50 bullets on day 1. 3) Aware of this and currently playing with the spawn rates. 4) Didn't know about that... well I knew about the stone axe scrapping to give you 1 stone (when 1 stone makes 2 sharp rocks), but I figured if people really want to dupe stone then they must be SUPER desperate. 5) Classes.... oh boy. All I'm gonna say is this. It's not getting changed. You can make class papers for half the cost in a writing desk. There's other mods out there where you need 200 OR MORE of their equivalent of skill notes to make a new class. Part of the point is to try and ensure players have other goals to pursue at higher levels as well. Lowering the cost would negate that.
  11. As a very general rule, I would recommend installing the full thing. In this instance, there's new icons, new unity3d files and updated XML so it's easier than me trying to go through the list and go "You need this, this and this." However, on smaller updates (x.x.whatever) you can usually just update XML (Data/Config). This one is a bit different due to the added Elevators. EDIT: Update on the banana tree's. Tested away from water and next to water. Being next to water does seem to make them "stop" growing occasionally (1 in 5 tests) and being away from water makes them grow fine. Cannot reproduce the infinite banana bug. However I will continue to test.
  12. Because I chose to turn it off and therefore it should be considered part of the mod? I mean, you could go edit windows.xml to turn it back on, or you could just get used to it like everyone else. If you mean a tree, they don't need water. Are any of the other trees having issues?
  13. Okay, so I need to test planting a banana tree. Entirely possible I cocked up the plant-growing code. I was told by Stompy that the plant will check 1 block in all directions for water. So in THEORY it should work for earth above water. I have not tested this though. If it doesn't, then I'll talk to him to find out how I adjust the C# code so it scans 2 blocks instead (which I'm seriously considering anyways)
  14. Because I screwed up and thought the 2 pieces of meat was my doing and NOT a vanilla thing? EDIT: Fixed now anyways. Halved the fullness since the wellness is only minor. And meat stew NEEDED nerfing because it's literally all anyone will make once they can make it.
  15. V1.7.3 released! Loot lists tweaked. Most things should now have at least 1 item in them, even if it's crap. Localization tweaks to fix typos. Nailgun removed from the trader, added to the construction class as a reward. Schematics and parts can still be found in the world, and Caitlin still sells them. Caitlin now only spawns in the hub wasteland (only effective on game restart). Animal feed recipe changed to use fruit. Grilled meat recipe changed to use 1 meat, not 2. Axes now actually have a head damage multiplier. Elevator mod added! I only put in the 2x2 elevator as I felt the 3x3, fully electric thing was not something most people would know how to build. Also be aware there seems to be a minor bug with it where you have to place new floor blocks from below, not above. May get locked to the construction class later, but I wanted feedback on how it's working, resources needed, etc. New UI! Heath/Stamina/Food/Water bars are now vertical and next to the toolbar. Think more like A12 and earlier. Core temp and player level are now under the compass near the Day. All on GitHub (Client and Server versions) so should be on the launcher. No restart required unless you WANT to move Caitlin's spawn point. GitHub was being a pain with letting me upload files, so let me know if there are any issues.
  16. ...huh... I haven't had that. That's a new one. I'll have to see if I can reproduce it.
  17. That's something I know about but haven't worked out how to fix yet. Basically, because the material is titanium, the game goes "I don't have any sounds for that" so it doesn't bother to play it. But if I set the material to metal, the sounds work but then you can't scrap it into titanium. It's something I need to look into.
  18. Ok, bit of an update on the two requests. Corpse Disintigration Fix - This is a no. It works GREAT in single player. It won't compile for the dedicated server build. Just throws me a ton of errors. So I can't put a DLL mod in that doesn't work on both versions or no-one would be able to play on a server. Elevators - Yes, with a caveat. I'm not adding the 3x3 elevator with lift shafts, the call buttons, etc. I'm trying to add things that would be semi-realistic, and I don't feel that's something that a single person could just build. However, I am adding the 2x2 lever-operated elevator as I feel that's appropriate. The only issue I've found is you have to add your floors from underneath or it won't work. So you can't stick a lift down, build a huge lift shaft and then place the floor. Otherwise it works great on single player and servers.
  19. I'm pretty sure Jax is using this mod for the elevators. So unless the dev is actively helping him with RH, he might not be able to edit it that much because a lot of what you want would be ripping apart the Unity3D file and tweaking settings within Unity itself.
  20. When you download the mod, you should have a zip file called v1.6 rwgmixer. That goes under Data/Config and overwrite when prompted. Personally I always play with shadows and reflections off because I find they're both a massive performance hit for no good reason.
  21. Can't do either without custom C# code, that is currently beyond my ability to do. There IS an SDX mod here on the forums that lets you build a pocket watch, but it is not compatible with A16. I already tried it because I was going to patch the DLL and then ask the author for permission to include it in the mod as per his TOS.
  22. I did put those books back in, but I ALSO put them in as a perk. And some classes get them for free.
  23. I kinda prefer the old way as well, but I can see why TFP changed it. Makes it a very clear upgrade path. Just FYI, Stone Axe isn't a construction tool and doesn't build. You need a Stone Hammer for that (small stone, wood, plant fiber). But that's because I made Axe's a skill to try and turn them back into a viable weapon again.
  24. Might wanna be a little more specific. Most of the "basic" things can still be made as normal, but they may take more resources. As a general rule, if two crafting areas are listed, one will save you resources (seeds are a good example). As an example for a more recent recipe I put in, fruit juice is just fruit + glass jar made in a mortar and pestle. But like... wood frames are the same, bandages are the same, etc. Some things have been moved to new workbenches, but they are still mostly the same. I think one of the big ones I changed was rebar. It's now made in the metal workbench with short iron pipes (I think there's a forge recipe too, but I've gone cross-eyed from looking at code). The idea there was to actually make the damn things useful since most people end up with sodding hundreds of them after taking cars apart! So yeah, very early game? It's going to be fairly similar. Mid to later game? Then it gets a little more complicated but I tried not to go stupid with it.
  25. That one is a maybe. It needs 6 new blocks so I need to check how many spare ones I have first. EDIT: Ok, it's a "I can add this." Checked and I have at least 35 blocks spare, if not more.
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