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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. Ok, current plan for this week now windows is reinstalled again... Looking at dual-booting with Ubuntu so I can test out the mod on Linux. I'm also planning a possible patch for friday. Only a small one, going to put the 1.8 rwgmixer back in since people seem to be having issues with that, may also patch biomes to decrease some of the plants a bit and I'm gonna work on trying to make sure each wilderness has 1 military camp if possible. So only minor things.
  2. It is intended. The survivalist class gets a radio that lets you craft ANY quest from the vanilla game, and those give skill points. There's also a book in the mod that gives +1 generic skill point, and you can craft that for 60 skill notes (30 at the writing desk). So plenty of ways to get skill points. Also those 30 point perks DO drop as books. It's just rare and I wanted to give players multiple ways to obtain them.
  3. The plants/trees/etc I do want to decrease the spawn rate on. What REALLY annoys me is they love to spawn in clumps, so you won't see one for ages and there will suddenly be 5 of the buggers. Food actually decreases in spawn rate as you level. Otherwise it's the same as vanilla values. I think turning loot abundance down in your game options would help on that. Regarding Forges/Ovens needing power... tried that. It was one of the first things I tried actually. Broke the game. But something I want to look into for A17 as we MIGHT be getting to mess with the electric system a little more.
  4. Yep. Just make the class book, do that then get the mastery book. You can master every single one if you want to put the time in. Also folks, got home yesterday, passed out for like... 18 hours. Only just woke up an hour and a half ago so I'm slowly going through messages and stuff. I need more coffee... thank god the shop is 24hr.,
  5. Well, I had the 1.8 rwgmixer backed up on my server, so I've tossed it into discord for people to try out. Faster is certainly possible. I know 1.3 is "running zombie" territory, so I could try 1.1 or 1.2 (can't remember the default off the top of my head)
  6. Ha! Got it working on this poor, old phone I -wish- I could have variety in biome spawn based on time elapsed. I might talk to Stompy about it once A17 is out as that's something we may be able to add via C# patch script. As for the other zombies, the only way to really make them more dangerous would be to play with sight/sound distance to sense you, increase damage, apply nasty buffs on hit, etc. I did consider doing the "scratched" system from WotW but I think that might just get annoying if every zombie does it. What I may do is redo how antibiotics and infection work, so there's a chance of getting outright infected OR it builds up over time the more you get hit.
  7. Just a heads up. Away for the weekend. My only internet access is my old Note 2 phone (because my decent phone is RIP until I can get it fixed), so I likely will not be replying here. Didn't want anyone to think I was ignoring them. However I -will- try to reply to anything in discord as that works on this phone. Except Guppy. I always ignore him.
  8. That part I don't fully remember. I think I just replaced asset files one at a time until it worked.
  9. Odd... but... whatever. I only thought of that because I remember the game crashing under similar circumstances when I was testing the build before I posted it. Except I got a TON of red text errors... while you didn't.
  10. Ok, so 2 major things. 1) I honestly think that particular seed is just bad. No matter how much I adjust the min/max count + probabilities, there's just TONS of water POI's, traders and mines everywhere. Never seen anything like it on any other seed when I've been testing. 2) Yes, I can fix the city issue. Doing so then causes severe lag due to all the clustered buildings and sleeper spawns trying to trigger, which is exactly why I added the blank spaces to the RWGMixer back in 1.7.something. So that is pretty much going to be a "likely not touching it until A17. I suggest finding better seeds." I know I posted one earlier that has been FANTASTIC for me on stream.
  11. It's ok. I think I know what the issue is. Testing something now
  12. Yep, I see that town. 3 traders nearby though, which amuses me.
  13. Second idea. It might be the new menu music and background. ONLY copy the Managed folder from 7DaysToDie_Data to your install. Don't copy any of the .asset files and see if that helps.
  14. Sounds like you might be missing a UMATextures folder
  15. Something for folks saying their cities are huge and blank (like 3 or 4 POI's and that's it). https://drive.google.com/open?id=1vYTfDbdJcmAj31szuyUq6cAtOfXw6Ky0 RWGMixer with HOPEFULLY the "blank" bits removed. Give it a try and let me know how it goes. If you still have issues, pass over seed names so I can play around and see if I can sort it out.
  16. Done, finally. Apparently my wifi is being terrible for speed today. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1CpENRzYeRuhUG91a4qYHgLnQNNO6USUx I hope that helps. I think when I get the mSATA drive for this laptop, I'll look into using the old SSD for Linux. Then I can test this stuff easily.
  17. They should, but I'll generate some 2k ones for you later and see if that resolves the issue. Takes a while even on an SSD.
  18. Huh. That's a very strange bug. So for whatever reason, it isn't liking the 1k UMA textures, but the 2k ones are fine. When I'm a bit more awake, fancy trying something out? I can regenerate the full, 4k textures on here, resize to 2k, zip it up and chuck it on google drive for you to see if that fixes the issue (they'd be the same as 1.7.5 in that instance). EDIT: Actually if you still have 1.7.5, try replacing the 1.8 UMA folder with that one.
  19. It's in the third post, but here you go. https://discord.gg/qEBjRMX I need to sort out some pretty icons to make it easier, but I'm a lazy bitch.
  20. I COMPLETELY forgot about the manual install instructions. Thank you for telling me, I shall update those later. <-- Done! And yes, I'm talking about the PNG files in UMATextures. If you don't copy those over from the zip file (or if you delete the folder), the game will hang and either refuse to respond or take AGES to build. It takes about 30mins and uses all of my RAM to generate the textures if I delete the contents of the folder, but that's on windows.
  21. That's normal SDX stuff. Does it on my mod too
  22. I'll go grab that in a min then. Haven't gotten too far along so shouldn't be an issue.
  23. There is in single player games. removequest quest_id So if you let me know which quests are causing the issue, I can just boot up the game and remove them then reassign once fixed
  24. Don't use the mod launcher So what you mean is "I'll have to redownload." And if fixing a quest error causes people to need a new game, then you may need to have a look at how you're assigning quest rewards in the first place. Hint, stage=aftercomplete.
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