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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. Oh, like a big tanker that you see at gas stations? That's a possibility. Will scout out some models. Oh god... EQ2 XP debt. I remember having 50% XP debt because I went shiny harvesting in the bonemire when KoS first came out. Level 60 in a zone full of 70+. Yeeeeeeah... worth it for the plat though. Now... A16? Absolutely not. A17? ....maybe? There is a PlayerExpGain effect, so I might be able to do a "lose XP on death" or have a buff that stops you gaining XP until X amount of time. It's absolutely something I can look into.
  2. Ok folks, this is the last update. After this, I will be starting work on A17 because I want to do some playing and poking at the XML. It's pretty much only bug fixes. Fixed medicine cabinet loot list. Add the auto-coilturret to the coilguns perk (unlock at the same time as the carbine, which is level 2) Scrap Plastic now craftable. Gamestage now increases faster the higher you set your difficulty. Insane will be pretty fast. Steel and titanium bolts/arrows use feathers or scrap plastic instead of feathers or cloth. It's on the launcher, so have fun! - - - Updated - - - Honest answer? No idea. I need to get my hands on it and see how the spawning.xml works.
  3. Yep, that sounds like you found the super rare spawn one with the AK. By super rare, these are the spawn chances. <entity name="BanditLeader" prob="0.002"/> <entity name="BanditLeader2" prob="0.002"/> <entity name="BanditFemaleLeader" prob="0.002"/> <entity name="BanditFemaleLeader2" prob="0.002"/> If it was a guy in a gas mask, that's not a bandit and they carry M4A1's. They only shoot if you damage them, same as survivors.
  4. That's still next week, you tit - - - Updated - - - I'm going to START work during A17-E because I want to re-do the skill system to be a hybrid of A16 and A17. I may not release until A17 Stable since I need to wait for SDX anyways.
  5. I'll consider it. I just woke up and found out A17-E is out this weekend for streamers and next week for us. So now I'm like "Well... do I fix up a couple of bugs, or just say screw it?"
  6. Huh, I need to look into the ammo issue then. Not dropping the crossbow is intentional. Basically anything that takes ammo (like the crossbow or any gun) drops the item and an ENTIRE STACK of ammo. I figured that might be a bit excessive with a crossbow and like... 250 iron arrows.
  7. I do need to go and have a look at the hitboxes of those zombies. Maybe just slightly increase the radius. Admittedly it means people will land more "phantom" hits (obvious miss but still counts) but it might be a better solution.
  8. I just found the pill cases. Going to poke at some code now cos I need a break from Fortuna anyways. EDIT: Here we go... <!-- medicine cabinets --> <lootcontainer id="7" count="1,2" size="5,3" sound_open="UseActions/open_medicine_cabinet" sound_close="UseActions/close_medicine_cabinet" loot_quality_template="baseTemplate"> <item group="medicine"/> <item group="rareMedicine" prob="0.15"/> </lootcontainer> <!-- pop n pills --> <lootcontainer id="51" count="1,3" size="5,4" sound_open="UseActions/open_pill_case" sound_close="UseActions/close_pill_case" loot_quality_template="baseTemplate"> <item group="medicine"/> <item group="rareMedicine" prob="0.25"/> <item name="scrapPlastics" count="1,2" prob="0.1"/> </lootcontainer>
  9. It's supposed to be 50% but RNG tends to screw me and either give me loads, or give me bugger all. It's why I thought someone independently testing it would be a good idea. Also, pill cases and medicine cabinets currently use the same loot list... so that's a thing. I mean, I could make a new loot list and attach it...
  10. Ooooh. I know why. I didn't want medicine to roll on the rare medicine loot table when I was re-doing the nurse and doctor loot lists. So the problem is I'm actually just kinda dumb. Will make sure the raremedicine loot list has a chance to be rolled when opening pill cases. EDIT: Try replacing the medicine cabinet loot container with this and let me know what the drop rate is like. <!-- medicine cabinets --> <lootcontainer id="7" count="1,2" size="5,3" sound_open="UseActions/open_medicine_cabinet" sound_close="UseActions/close_medicine_cabinet" loot_quality_template="baseTemplate"> <item group="medicine"/> <item group="rareMedicine" prob="0.5"/> </lootcontainer>
  11. The "normal" feral with the most health (so not a radiated one) is the Wight... with 750. Just to give you an idea. Lowest is about 300.
  12. The car skill thing is fixed. And there is an advantage. The roadhog doesn't destroy blocks, the car does. You also take less damage when using the car, it has better handling than the roadhog and almost double the carry capacity. Roadhog should really be used more for exploration to scout out areas you want to go loot, then swap to the car to loot everything due to the 80 slots. I'm not planning to add anything more to the car because ANYONE can make that, and for less resources than the Roadhog. The Roadhog is a class specific vehicle and therefore should be on-par or better than the car (especially since it needs titanium) Also, the car uses the same sounds as the roadhog...
  13. Gonna need to look at that again then. I was using the sleeper spawn system but that was ALSO laggy (and didn't work half the time) The one zombie thing can actually just happen on vanilla horde nights too. It's pretty annoying. Some zombies will run during the day, yes. Ferals spawn at night so any left over from that will run, and the ones with the big flare attached to them also run. And yes, the mod will likely override never run, because it's not supposed to be a fun time. No, I don't have a wiki. Most information regarding where things can be crafted can be found in-game. The armoured car is a vehicle you can build (book needed). It's faster than the minibike, but slower than the roadhog (mechanic mastery for the roadhog) but it does have the largest storage.
  14. Glad you like it! There's something just... cathartic about running over tree's and stuff with it. My only concern is that it's a bit laggy. Still trying to track down why but I know it's not due to new textures used. I did not. Sounds like RNG just really hates you.
  15. That's the problem... they will straight up aim and shoot you. Most people tend to only encounter pistol bandits though. Basically it's not wise to go there without some armour and at least a minibike so you can just drive straight past them. And yes, trader guards have infinite ammo intentionally, because people were complaining when they didn't.
  16. 1) That was an oversight on my part cos I'm kinda dumb. 2) You need to find the big bunker in the wasteland to create a laser workbench (it has a working laser workbench and fusion forge). 3) Welcome to my world. The problem is that telling me you had 112 nights doesn't tell me what gamestage you were at, so I can't easily do that. Also the fire zombies DO have ranged attacks... which they don't always use for some reason. It does a lot of block damage and not much player damage (which is intended). I think a better alternative might be to change how difficulty settings adjust the gamestage... something to look into for sure. 4) That's the wasteland one. Look for an army camp. The well door being open is intended so folks have a way to get more keycards fairly easily... and they do spawn zombies. Just not all of the time for some reason because apparently the sleeper system hates me.
  17. Give me a good reason why, because I really don't want to maintain ANOTHER code base. (and I'd need 1 for single player and 1 for servers) No, I hadn't seen that error. However that NRE seems to be related to power issues... and I have absolutely no idea how or why you're getting it because the ONLY thing I've messed around with on the power side is the new turret (which went into 1.8.4B). The build is/was running fine for me on my server. I say is/was because I had the great idea of formatting it to install windows.... but it was running fine on a Ubuntu 18.04 server. No. I'm not going to increase it. The roadhog is 45 slot. The car is 80 slot. It's called a "Progression system." Increasing it is in windows.xml (which I don't recommend messing with) or XUi (try swapping <window name="windowVehicleStorage" /> for either <window name="VehicleRoadhogStorage" /> (45 slot, same as minibike before this update) or <window name="VehicleCarStorage" /> (80 slot). However you would be defeating the point of the progression system I have put in place AND the current minibike storage is still larger than vanilla values.
  18. V1.8.4B is on GitHub and the launcher! Have fun! 2 class books granted in a single player world. Auto Coil Turret added. Uses 7.62mm coilrounds. Auto Turret should be able to use 9mm Hollow Point rounds in addition to normal rounds. Added gun sounds from earlier Alphas (Pistol, AK-47 and SMG) to the P225, M4A1 and Coilcarbine. Muscle car spawn rates adjusted. Damaged variants of the muscle cars and ambulance added. Added gas cans as something you can "harvest" from muscle cars and the ambulance. (they were supposed to have this, but I forgot) V8 engine changed to use the most fuel (more than the small engine) New lootable vehicles added! All have at least 2 damage stages. (Police Car, Taxi, School Bus, Mail Truck, Fire Engine, Garbage Truck, Military APC, Military Scout, Military Truck) All of the above vehicles have unique loot lists, to a certain extent. (taxi and motorbike use generic car lists) All new vehicles have a chance to drop the new parts for the car and roadhog when harvested. Fixed a bug on the Radiated Zombie Policeman loot list. Vehicle code updated so the car can destroy blocks without needing to use EntityCustomLoader, so the red text is gone. BEGONE RED TEXT! Custom icons added to the Roadhog and Car UI windows, compass and map. Changed the size of the inventory slots on the car so they fit on the screen better. Changed the size of the car stats bar (where you refuel) so it lines up with the inventory. Changed the size of the roadhog stats bar (where you refuel) so it lines up with the inventory. Finally fixed the UI for the input slots on the Big Forge and Advanced Forge so it's not too big anymore. Inventory issue fixed on all custom vehicles. New buttons for the backpack and the vehicle storage: Stash All, Take All, Drop All. (Stash All has a variant option that ignores the TOP row of the backpack) All vehicles now have custom inventory sizes and have been tweaked... see the next list. Vehicle inventory size list. Minibike is 25 slot inventory. It is the slowest vehicle and cannot run over zombies OR destroy blocks. Roadhog has a 45 slot inventory. It is the fastest vehicle, can run over zombies but CANNOT destroy blocks. Armoured Car has a 80 slot inventory. It is faster than the minibike, but slower than the roadhog, can run over zombies and can destroy blocks (like trash bags and cinder blocks) Restart not required, but new cars will only spawn in unexplored areas, so bear that in mind. The inventory size adjustment won't properly take effect until you disassemble your vehicle and rebuild it. Any items in "hidden" inventory slots (which will happen with the minibike) are still there and will go to your inventory when you take the basket out. So make sure you empty your bike as much as possible, then your inventory and take it apart to get any remaining items.
  19. No idea what's happening there... it's been working fine for me. I'll double check a few things, but I personally just use a 5x5 grid with 1 block of water in the middle and never had a problem.
  20. That's still the right code, yes. So why it's not working I have no idea. Stompy did that for me and said it should check 2 blocks in all directions (including above and below) Worse case, I find a 5x5 grid with 1 block of water in the middle works fine. Huh. This is why a second pair of eyes are good. Thank you very much I'll make sure that goes into the next version of the mod.
  21. Sorry for the delay. I've been busy. 1) Military camps. Anywhere a military zombie can spawn, so can a scientist. 2) Look for the "duffle bag" loot container. Wrench it. 3) AR-15 is actually less than an AK-47. I think the M4A1 is either the same or slightly more. 4) Was supposed to be 10, not 1. Whoops! Will fix it. 5) Will look into this since I'm re-balancing sound. 6) Intended. 7) Reported issue, but I literally cannot reproduce it locally so I have no idea why it's doing it. 8) Sort-of known issue. It's a pain to line up guns in 7DTD so that's about the best I could do with. I can enable the crosshair for aiming though which will help.
  22. It's mostly just extra vehicles for looting, fixing a few issues with the custom vehicles and single-player games start with 2 class books instead of 1. So nothing major.
  23. Patch is going to be delayed due to nasty NRE errors when running on a server. Just wanted to give a heads up in-case anyone was waiting.
  24. Oh the mod LOVES to do that to me to troll when I'm testing. Side note: Hoping to release a patch tomorrow.
  25. First page, second post. I just need to replace titanium minibike in the mechanic mastery with Roadhog.
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