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Everything posted by Jugginator

  1. Confirmed, if it's an oversight in the tag was accidentally put there or the crossbow is supposed to have a bipod is up for debate. I'll let you know -- Thanks
  2. Yeah but isn't there enough inventory management to where a few scrap timers that previously took like dozens of mins if a few are done at once doesnt make much of a difference?
  3. Honestly I cant think of any balance issues in removing the scrap timer. I'm pretty sure the only reason some people would miss it is the whole gain extra inventory slots by queuing up something that takes 9 weeks to scrap followed by things to keep. Gotta wait for it to smelt in the forge either way.
  4. Thank you Zielno your English was certainly good! It's a hard one to narrow down with many different cases, so any information on what was going on is helpful. Did you happen to have any debuffs? Such as broken leg/arm or sprained arm/leg?
  5. I can see that having one I kinda agree it makes sense logically and based on the tag. I'll ask others about balance and etc. about it.
  6. This is still a WIP (this isn't the final model) -- do check back after you see a patch note for it Thanks
  7. I know this may be a "Well duh you see the bikes in the first pic" question but I have to ask: Did you recently disembark your bicycle before this happened?
  8. Confirmed/WIP thanks (repros with all of those settings)
  9. Hmm, @danielspoa, try half textures with the Nitrogen/compo game and see if it makes a difference. Then, can you try with the exact same setup but on either Navez or natural RWG?
  10. @danielspoa honestly I'm not even sure on the cause of it besides running on HDD *usually* and, for whatever reason, Nitrogen has more consistent imposter issues (why? I really don't know lol but it sticks longer). Perhaps... try lowering textures to half (or full if < full), max (or lower to min if maxed) your view distance, turn occlusion on or off. Shooting in the dark kinda. If you do have some time to steam tomorrow (and I do too, not sure) shoot me a DM it sounds like you can consistently reproduce it. I can't to save my life since upgrading to my new system with an M.2 SSD. I have plans on running on a HDD on the same computer to see if that makes a glaring difference.
  11. Really not sure on your specs but looking it up what you put and the issues it sounds like you're pegging out on ram and vram. I don't know if you can upgrade anything or not (I know Macs typically aren't... but maybe they are lol I'm really not familiar with Macs), but extra ram and, certainly if you can, upgrade the GPU in it (if it has a dedicated card in there, I think that's a chip onboard). From a google on 2013 iMac, it's got a GTXM that has 2gb vram, and your 8gb of system ram is running 1600 mhz, so those are two bottlenecks. If not... lower your texture size to half or quarter, utilize dynamic resolution (set it to scale, not auto), and perhaps lower the terrain quality a bit.
  12. Yeah, I noticed this a few days ago; I will see if this is WIP/intended or not. Thanks for the video footage
  13. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\7DaysToDie_Data This is where your output logs are at. I haven't seen this yet in SP and only on dedicated servers; were you playing solo? Do get back and throw some output logs up. Sorry it's happening
  14. Actually that "never gonna try" is a section I look through and have gotten a few bug reports out of when further information is provided (or, sometimes when provided no information some can be a missing link/hint for another bug), I was rather confused when you just made a new ticket in response to me asking. And about logs... so many bugs not enough hours in a day, if a log is posted we can quickly tell if it's vanilla or not (and reduce the likelihood it's a wild goose chase). It's not like I was going to ignore your ticket, but I just would have like to have that little bit more information, it wasn't and wouldn't have been ignored, in fact I had plans tomorrow to check it out.
  15. Confirmed and reported per A20 B28, A19.1 B8, A18.4 Although, interestingly, this was way more in depth than at first glance. Had nothing to do with a tunnel or blocks, simply placing hatches or doors on the ground then entering CR causes this. Just as well, it affected various lootable blocks you find on the ground/road. Interesting bug, thanks.
  16. Especially seeing how a flying pebble also produces the same result with drywall lol
  17. Hah lol I'm the same way. I like crisp, clean textures and none of the jazz. Shaders are nice to have up there, too. I will say that 60 FPS is so good to have, and anything above that is vital for twitch-shooters but other than that, it just gives you a buffer to drop FPS and stay above 60 I guess lol. But, I do like keeping my refresh/fps the same to reduce screen tearing. Although I hate the input lag 99.99% of games cause with their native V-sync, so I never use it. And you're welcome. The first one in particular showcases it, the second is more on the refresh rate.
  18. Definitely got for an NVME/M.2 SSD. My load times in 7 Days are mere seconds versus a few minutes on an HDD. And it helps with performance. Resolution and size are 100% up to your own eyes. Personally, I don't like 2k and up as a long-term play resolution because too much pretty and sharpness kills my eyes after a bit, I like a happy 720 - 1080 (although 2k/4k/8k is really really pretty lol). As far as refresh rates, FPS, etc., I do recommend at least staying at 60FPS and using something like Freesync or something outside of games if possible. To explain a bit more... maybe this will help ya (yes, it's based on CSGO but the theory is the same, and no you don't need to max your FPS when playing solo stuff or a game like 7 Days, it's just the theory of it all; I normally don't go for videos on research but a lot of people are visual learners and this is a visual thing lol):
  19. Yeah don't forget higher refresh rate monitors will burn out faster, too. And you, to be honest, don't need all of that unless you plan on playing twitch-shooters such as CSGO competitively. Even so, 60hz works fine.
  20. I second waiting for the 3000 series to come out but not for the few stated reasons: wait because the other cards' prices will drop. There's no point blowing most of your budget for a card and then needing a really good PSU which will eat a lot more budget up and leave very little for your mobo/ram/cpu/case/cooling/monitor(if needed)/Windows(if needed). Better to get a heavily discounted older card that will do completely fine for whatever you want to throw at it which will enable you to invest a lot more into the rest of the system.
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