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Everything posted by Jugginator

  1. May be quite tedious but try removing mods and adding them back one at a time; you'll need to do this on a new world, of course, for testing. I would gander it's either the mischif maker or fishing mods, but that's a rough guess.
  2. Glad you got it resolved. For knowledge for the future, the drivers that device manager finds and installs (on the automatic option) basic, mass compatibility drivers that are basic but very stable. It's kind of a driver that will work for that device out of the box, it definitely doesn't mean it'll play well with games or other intensive usage, but it'll output a display for you to install proper drivers (in the case of the GPU). It's always best practice to go to the manufacturer for updates, like you did with Geforce Experience.
  3. On initial thought, I would use DDU to uninstall your GPU driver and then install a fresh downloaded one. Access violation could also point to an anti virus software, but usually when it's complaining about graphics related jobs it's related to either the GPU itself or the driver for it. Those are two vectors to start troubleshooting. I would highly lean to a GPU driver issue, though, especially with the black screen/PC reboot forcing (complete GPU failure will cause that, the black screen means Windows tried to reload the driver [that will happen on issues like that, it'll try to restart the driver, which you can do manually with a shortcut that I'm forgetting atm]).
  4. Primitive bows have quite a bit of deviation in the arrow flights, if you look close your arrows were either going below it through its feet or on the bottom right.
  5. Personally no difference between windows 10/11 here.
  6. I do prefer a java bean, but a cookie is nice. Acceptable.
  7. There was no poll to validate the legality of this poll, your crime has been reported.
  8. That happens when you use the terrain tools like in Joe's picture and you logout when it gets "hooked" on a chunk border. Just close and restart your game. Known issue that is fixed for a later build.
  9. One of your zombie move speeds is wrong, check that; they all should be in a range of 0 - 4
  10. Yeah I have a Asrock b350 something or the other can't recall atm that's in my secondary rig that doesn't like the ryzen zen+ in it with 2x 16gb sticks running at 3200 with reasonable timings, RAM is a finicky beast when it comes to fine tuning heh. Thanks for the share on that knowledge, I wasn't quite up to par on motherboard temps, never had to worry about them even when overclocking lol, was always instability and sometimes heat on the cpu.
  11. Yeah... you'd think with how expensive rigs are they would put a little effort into customer care and quality but nope. Also, I think most motherboards have a thermal limit at 80c
  12. Hmm. Maybe try to see if gigabyte will RMA it. Honestly, if I turn all my fans off my motherboard still doesn't get much above 40, my cpu or gpu will peg out on max temps long before my mobo gets warm, well, that's including the other one I had in my secondary rig and the one in my gf's computer she games on and I use as another test rig sometimes. Could be wrong tho, maybe that model just gets hot and needs extra cooling. Side note, I really hate most manufacturers for consumer level computers... they just don't care. It's sad.
  13. Interesting, though. Usually motherboard parts are the coolest, mine doesnt get hotter than 36 - 40c under stress. What mobo is it? That sounds... dangerous hitting 80+c lol Idk, I may still want to contact the warranty department, 80C on the motherboard just isn't right
  14. World and seed wouldn't help, log file and how this happened would be interesting lol
  15. Honestly if it's under warranty I would send it in. These issues scream hardware failure, better now while it's free than realize there were faulty parts right after the warranty ends and you're stuck with a brick.
  16. You're welcome. Yeah that password box is always there, definitely can cause confusion.
  17. It's something that we're working on. Changes have been made in A21 builds, so expect it to be better then. It's not on you.
  18. You don't need a password except for the internal dev builds. Just select A16.4 stable from the list.
  19. Yeah and try running it with no mods, including botman, and see how that runs instead. If it's smooth, then add botman and only botman and do it again.
  20. %appdata%/7daystodie/generatedworlds/WORLD_NAME prefabs.txt Or, dm and then tppoi in the console and search for trader
  21. Yeah it's likely just the algorithm being dumb, but that beginning sounded very similar lol. Either way, it would be him in trouble in this case, sense that video was published way after the soundtrack the the game hit.
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