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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. I would consider the absolutely most basic and most useful info for any beginner that zombies can't reach ladders two blocks high from the ground, but you can.
  2. Please use a translation service like deepl or google translate. This is an english language site. I also moved your thread to general support. Please tell us more details about your problem.
  3. Read the information linked to in the red banner above. There will be a new port from the released PC version in a few years.
  4. This savegame location tells me you are playing the game through Proton, the windows emulator steam uses. If you were playing it natively you would see the path unholyjoe posted. I actually should try Proton some time to see if there are any performance differences between the native linux version and the Proton version.
  5. Considering you are seeing this while driving around data path between RAM and SSD would be the first guess. This doesn't depend on SSD and CPU alone, what generation is your CPU/motherboard? My best guess for the CPU never showing 100% is that the game loop is too big for internal CPU caches. Since you have it running in a virtual machine, maybe the VM has some overhead for anything coming from SSD (i.e. an additional copy operation for all data) ? Normally I would say current VM's should have almost no overhead for this but I don't know enough about that to be sure one way or the other.
  6. When players use the word "endgame", they usually don't mean the point in time when they end the game but they mean the last part of the game where often grind is used to prolong the game. In many games the endgame is also the part of the game where the gameplay changes. In a typical MMO there is a distinctive endgame where no xp and skill progression happens anymore but gear is advanced in a very grindy game loop.
  7. It doesn't matter that we are mods. We don't have more influence in the direction of the game or what the devs implement. We don't "consider" good ideas and bring them to the attention of the devs, we are not gatekeepers in any way. On the other hand lots and lots of players post their wishes here in the forum. You need to convince at least one developer who is reading your arguments that it really would be beneficial to change the game your way. And then convince the other devs in a conference as well Imagine you were creating a game yourself, have considered lots and lots of your own ideas and in 7 years tried out some and then kept the ones you liked best. Would it really be easy to convince you that the advancement system needs to be changed from the version you settled on after trying out a few and settled on for being the best ? We are not talking about special ammo or armor. Perks, yes, that is a sign that cod has some RPG elements included
  8. I assume you have the NVMe SSD version, right?
  9. I don't deny that a game with all weapons in access has some advantages. I know because 7D2D once was that way. And if I would be playing the game just once every alpha to see some new features and then stop I would agree with you that it would make more sense. But since A18 I have experienced what the attribute aka class system of 7D2D does. If I play a new game in the same alpha I can just select a different attribute and I have a different gameplay and I'm using a different weapon, and sometimes one I would never use if I had my favourite weapon as an alternative. In co-op multiplayer with less than 6 players it is great because everyone can just pick a different attribute and nobody will interfere with the tasks and weapons of the others. The disadvantage is if you have someone in the group who only wants to be the same role all the time, but luckily we don't have someone like that in the groups I play. We all have some preferences, but we all like to change the routine once in a while I don't expect you to change your opinion here, you have different tastes in gaming than I have and maybe you can play this game again and again without changing the routine and it keeps fresh for you. Or you have no problem changing the routine, or you only play it once in a while. Yes, but more DPS means less ammo use as you kill enemies with less bullets. I don't think we are talking about the same things. I meant RPG character stats (aka abilities, and perks)when I was talking about stats
  10. And I was only interpreting the randomness in shooters to make my argument (that there is a difference here between shooters and RPG) relevant again. It was always relevant. You want no damage increase perk for guns because of realism and I am not contesting that in the least. I am just saying there are other reasons in play as well and the developers take all reasons into account to decide whether something is in the game or not. In that vein it should be mentioned that TFP have given "fun" and balance a higher priority than realism as design criteria. Players only arguing with realism usually have a hard time convincing the devs to change the game. Yes, luckily that exists, but you can only select very few values and it does not change what you get out of mining for example. Sure, "mining all day" was just the usual expression used for showing that I don't view this as desirable 😉 To have a balance between resource gathering and mining for ammo production in a low-ammo reality TFP would need to lower the ammo ammount you get out of mining as well (preferably without touching stone and iron gains used for building). You can't have players find 20 bullets per day but one hour in the mine give 200 bullets and call that a balanced game. Making a gun more efficient costs 5 xp in your selected attribute, improving the resource gathering perk in your attribute costs 5 xp as well, I would take both. Since madmole once said that they view brass as the ammo-limiting resource in the game, you might be committed to always choose perception (you can convert dukes into brass, but you shouldn't swim in money in a low-ammo reality as well). And that makes strength perks like mining cost you an additional attribute to perk into. Or vice versa, taking strength limits the points of salvage operations you can get for cheap.
  11. Well, there are a lot of computer RPGs with AD&D (or pathfinder) rules as well, so it isn't tabletop only. And I brought up AD&D to show the clear unaltered RPG case, the one extreme where the stats of your character is everything and your reflexes and accuracy with the mouse nothing. On the other side are shooters (though not as far on the other side as I had presumed). There it is you the player who defines how well you do. There are no stats that define you. Even though you are correct that even pure shooters have randomness in their shooting (and that was quite a surprise to me), that randomness is the same for all, your character in the game has no stat that influences it. I don't know why the randomness is there, it could be there to simulate reality (wind, natural inaccuracies of weapons or bullets) or to artificially level the playing field a bit so weaker players have a chance as well. But it is definitely not there to simulate the shooting skill/accuracy of your ingame character like it would be in an RPG Now find the middle between those two concepts and you have an RPG-shooter and you might arrive at something like 7D2D where your skill and your character stats both influence your overall effectiveness. As I said the balance isn't there yet. And for veteran players there may never be a good balance in vanilla ever, because vanilla is supposed to be the version for new players to get into the game. Sorry, but even if "swim in ammo" and "pretty garbage at this game" were both true then it would only show that there are different types of garbage out there 😁. Many players with shooter experience have no problem with melee and using their ammo effectively and economically. But I know people who will get hit multiple times if they just try to kill a zombie with a knife. I'm sure their bullet consumption is a multiple of yours since you swim in ammo. A single ammo balance can't be right for all types of players. I suggested to TFP once to make higher difficulty levels also decrease loot frequency, but so far they did not do that. Or perk into your weapon to get the most out of roughly 1/4 of all bullets you find but also to get the most out of 100% of all bullets you craft and buy (because there you can make sure it is always the right type). Sure, you could instead invest in resource gathering, but are you the type who wants to dig in the mine a lot? I don't, I prefer to just do more kills with a limited ammo pile.
  12. If you have a public server, anyone simply can try to connect to your server and he will see your public ip with a network sniffer, even if you don't allow his joining. Encrypting the server browsers information does not help at all except delay the discovery of your IP by 20 seconds. I'm very sorry you had to go through this. I just don't see how the IP address of the server can be concealed. The main defense must be securing all the services that listen at ports and especially the router. Having the router under their control is a powerful weapon in the hands of an attacker. If they entered your PC through the server port of 7D2D then TFP should do something about it.
  13. And 97% of forum users just invent percentage numbers 😁 And some like me play DF even though they hate that feature, because that mod is a very well-made expansion of the base game Your question was answered, you will still find magazines of a type you have completed, just not with the probability-boost you get from the perk
  14. I might be misunderstanding, but my argument is that the RPG part of the game decides where exactly the nerdlinger and where the war vet REALLY hit and that makes the difference in damage. Remember the rogue example of AD&D, there it is argued that the rogue notices the spots where the armor is already slightly cracked or has a hole, where the blood vessel goes through exactly, ... The hit of a lvl1 rogue might have the same force as the hit of a lvl10 rogue, but the lvl1 rogue will not hit that spot and on average do less damage. That is just a rationalization of something that is in the game because it is an RPG, simple as that. EDIT: Read Rolands reply below, he is spot on. Pure shooters like counterstrike are all about skill of the player. Especially if the shooter is used in tournaments there is surely no RNG involved. They do, but far far less than damage and probably far less than they objectively matter. I notice it in my own handling of weapons but also in other players I play with. There is damage, then magazine size but only if the difference is really big. All the other stats are mostly ignored, maybe wrongly. One reason can be ammo availability. Ammo balance in this game is very hard to do because of the capabilities of players being so different, but optimally there should be ammo scarcity. Especially because ammo consumption is supposed to be the drawback of the otherwise OP machine guns in the game. But also because looking everywhere for ammo is a main ingredient of survival games. Sadly traders are still not well balanced and are one reason players still get too much ammo. And if there isn't enough ammo to simply shoot with the specced weapon all the time and still have enough for horde night, then using all that other ammo makes sense. Or using melee extensively, but some players aren't good at doing melee, some simply don't like it. Other reasons are less important: I actually use bows very often even if not specced into AGI because I still use stealth in the night to not get overrun, especially when feral sense is turned on. If I'm specced into shotgun, I usually have either a sniper or machine gun for long range. When going into pistols and don't have an SMG I usually carry a machine gun or shotgun for o-@%$# situations. If I have an SMG then I might have a sniper instead for the long range. If I go into FOR/machine gun I actually have the least incentive to use other weapons except bow, because they are the most "complete" weapons and I do a lot of melee and save ammo that way.
  15. If you want to allow 1 repair only then 1) you need some flag on the weapon to show if it was repaired already. 2) you could as well just double the durability of the weapon and remove repair kits completely. And in case you want to suggest now that changing the repair-rounds to two or three, that won't change my argument much. Degraded performance is just a natural way to show and give a feel for the limited lifespan of a weapon. I would prefer to just add a cumulative -5% damage and reroll the weapon stats every time the weapon gets repaired. You would still keep the slots (which is one of the problems of quality degradation) but the weapon would slowly and visibly degrade in comparison to newer weapons, even if that cumulative number is not shown.
  16. It does. If you hit the head you get consistently more damage with any weapon. The rest is the RPG simulation of your character getting better at shooting. You are aware that when you shoot in 7D2D you don't hit the cross, you hit randomly anywhere in the circle defined by the slowly shrinking crosshairs? You yourself could be able to hit any pixel on your PC screen at any time and you still could miss a zombie at a distance because some part of the circle is not directly on the zombie. All of this is part of the RPG design of 7D2D Why must it be damage? I would say because damage IS the most important stat of a weapon and RPG players want the good bits as well as the shooter fans. I definitely am not a doctor, but simply by looking at a skull I see that the brain is protected by the bones except for the eye sockets. Sorry I forgot to mention why I thought it was important to hit the eye. Consider that zombies have bones that can digg through steel, maybe those bones protect them as well.
  17. Bad luck, all the pellets went into the skull. If a lucky few go through the eye you'll notice it because then the head explodes prematurely 😉 The difference between an RPG and a shooter game is that in an RPG your characters and the weapons stats define how good you are, while in a shooter it is mostly about the skill of the player. And this game is partly an RPG. There are also shooter-elements in this genre-mix of a game so the players skill has a big influence as well
  18. Yes, because with your perked up skills you are able not only to make a headshot but hit it through the eye directly into the brain 😉 This would be a similar explanation to what AD&D uses to explain the rogues additional damage.
  19. That is a great idea. because it corrects something which the user interface can't at the moment. Right now the UI can prevent you building a weapon at all simply because you increased the perk and have too few parts suddenly to craft the better weapon. That is the biggest fault of the current crafting system IMO. And I think the new crafting system makes it possible now that crafting a weapon of any quality has the same cost or even less without breaking the balance. And that removes the fault.
  20. I would like A16-type weapon parts only with an UI upgrade to make swapping/upgrading easier. But I fully agree that weapons should degrade and should I ever create another mod this probably will be part of it. One important detail: We don't craft guns now because we consistently find better guns earlier. It is not really the number of them we find that is the problem, it is the quality. Are you saying they hacked the server browser inside 7day2die? Did they brute force your password or does it look like they found an exploitable bug?
  21. The new mod folder is only an alternative place where mods are looked for at the moment. Nothing changed, nothing to do. In a FUTURE update, A21 or later, that location will become the only location where the game will be looking for mods. Then you need to adapt. Meanwhole you can use either location, the old or the new.
  22. How much gun crafting are you all doing in A20? Just imagine A20, but without a way to craft guns. Would they even notice? Now lets say A21 is just A20 with more opportunities for crafting guns. In A20 you would find a grey AK and then using it for 5 days and then find a blue AK, And your miner would get a grey double barrel and get the blue double barrel after 5 days, same as you. Now in A21 you would inbetween craft a yellow AK on the third day and use that for 2 days until you find the blue AK. Same progression but smoother, less abrupt changes. While your miner would still only get the grey and then the blue. So assuming your miner guy got through A20 alive, why wouldn't he get through A21 alive? ------------------ Naturally I don't know if this is how it will be in A21. This is just one possible way it could play out, but I would think in this case it would not make your miner suddenly panic and go out looting. Another possible way would be that they make weapons drop much more seldom in loot so crafting is the normal way to get guns, then you would be right that your miner might have a new problem. They did deny though that other parts of the game were changed, so I think this possibility is less likely. I think you are forgetting that gun-crafting was an inconsequential feature up to now and you seem to assume that nobody will be able to live without it in A21.
  23. I was asking a question and even saying I remember having heard about one. I myself have followed only two EA game developments closely till now, 7D2D and Factorio. While Factorio has a stellar reputation for their communication, they posted smallest details, and even code and algorithms sometimes. They also sometimes discussed new features with the community to get feedback (and this may be a good part of what you want), BUT they still kept the final decision on everything to themselves. A good example was the removal of the pick which was opposed by a lot of players, including important modders. I know of a few singular events done by other developers to ask the community, but they were always exceptions: For example one developer who's name I don't remember asked for the next RPG class to be made (but eventually all of them would be made, it was only about the sequence of production) And the only event I know of, where actually a deeply important question was put before the community was done by Inxile when it asked whether Tides of Numenera should be turn-based or realtime-with-pause. No question I'm doubtful about it being done by lots of developers. So I'd like to hear of a good example. I'm surprised you could list so many. Did they all do polls about important changes or were they just more open than TFP ? Ok, picking just one of that list as an example because I backed it in kickstarter, can you give examples how the community was involved in Rimworld? I'm trying to find out how sincere you are about the polling. And I actually think the question is a really hard to answer question and maybe there is no good answer at all. It is a question every democracy around the world wants an answer to. As I explained I would not be really comfortable about every game always going to majority tastes, because often I'm part of a minority when it comes to games. Would it not make all games similar if only the majority got their way? Wonderful, not even a smiley is harmless, it must be passive-aggressive! I get the impression I could have written anything and you would have found incriminating evidence between the lines.
  24. Sure, but would my opinion be an informed decision? At least one of the options I have never played and can't really judge. I remember many changes to 7D2D in the last years that had been opposed by some players who later said that the change was actually good (not to say that everyone changed his mind, far from it). And though I'm very much of the opinion that I would be a good game designer (everyone thinks he is, lets be frank here), I doubt that the majority of players is (and maybe I'm not either). If you asked all players whether more xp should be given out to make advancement faster, I'll bet that vote would succeed by a large margin. But I don't think that would be good for this game. Also there were a lot more PvP players playing this game in the beginning (as a lot of young gamers nowadays are PvP players). If TFP just had asked for every step of the way this might be just another PvP game now. You want the community to be game designer. Were many games designed that way and what happened to them? I think there was mention of such a game. Was that game a major success in the end, does anyone know? Will you like such a community-designed game even though the community you were part of decided everything different than you voted? 😉
  25. You are probably correct, but looting the weapons themselves is still random, so you will find a rifle or sledgehammer to bring home to them. Or they buy the weapon at the trader. It probably means you will have your weapons getting better more reliably because you can always craft a better weapon if you don't find it in loot while they depend on the loot. But that is okay, you as looter need your weapons much more than they
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