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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. Ah yes, I understand why people would protest it being survival. Though that view will **literally** die out 😉. Really, nothing is as fluid as the definition of game genres.
  2. We simply may have a different definition of survival in mind, but we are not having a meaningful discussion right now (sure, I see your smilies, the answer is to your first sentence which seems to be serious(??)). Food production and eating is survival in my book and I have enough food and good enough food in my game. As I said I have no problem being in the plains IF I have eaten my three meals. But to do that I have always to do my survival part of procuring and eating foods at appropriate times.
  3. Are we playing the same game? To advance you need to "farm" the current biome where you eventually have to kill the end boss. For example we are at the moment collecting materials from the plains. Any measly firefly will kill me if I have no buff food into and she gets the first hit in. With buff food neither fireflies nor the goblins (whatever they are really called) are a thread except in big numbers), but without I would not be able to do anything in the plains without multiple corpse runs a day. Yeah sure, I could instead sit in meadows forever and never die. That's not playing the game. And I hate Valheims food system. I am so happy that 7D2D doesn't copy it. Their progression system for weapons and armor is great though
  4. I would agree if the buff were something you could ignore. But surviving in higher biomes and especially the biome you are currently farming at any one time is almost impossible (for normal players) without having eaten the appropriate buff food. The dozen of times I was killed by "low level" monsters simply because I went somewhere without eating or forgot to rebuff is probably a lot more than most players because I often forget to look down at the food UI, but I assume everyone has a few deaths of that sort happen to him.
  5. I may have had the same occuring. I remember one time where I was sure a zombie was dead. I turned around and seconds later he hit me from behind. But I may have just been confused.
  6. Almost all changes have multiple reasons. In this case removing glass jars was another important reason for them. I am not surprised that veteran players can adapt to whatever TFP throws at them. But even they should feel sometimes limited by the available water depending on how they play. In my SP game I did never come near dying of thirst, there were always ways to get water. But in the first days I could not do all the crafting and cooking I wanted and had to buy food and water from the trader which actually made a dent in my duke pile and didn't allow me to buy anything else. And only after I had 2 dew collectors did I actually have enough water to produce small amounts of glue. Not enough though so I bought another filter. Did I do something wrong? Was I not playing as efficient as you? Probably. Was water survival harder for me than in A20. Definitely. Question for you: As a veteran was food ever a problem for you? DId you ever starve? Was there ever a time (with trader) that you couldn't find food at the trader or simply hunt a few chicken to get food? So what is the difference? Have you ever played Valheim for example? Did you ever starve there? Was getting food ever a problem? If no, would you say Valheim has no food survival? My point: Survival doesn't even mean that the thing is limited, it just means you have to expend some effort to get it. And buying for it or scrounging for it is effort same as buying a filter and harvesting dew collectors They may have added more food to loot because some of the early recipes need water. Or maybe they simply changed the loot tables to remove or decrease frequency of some other items and now automatically food is more common. It isn't easy to balance loot tables where any change has side effects. PS: To get a bigger sample we could do a poll and ask how much avaliability of water was or was not a hindrance to forum users (and whether it was in their mind while playing) in their latest SP game. Interested?
  7. This argument does not make sense in a game where there are alternatives for some needs.. You don't even need farming as well, lots of alternatives. You don't even need hunting. You don't even need the gyro for travel. You don't even need run&gun perks when using heavy armor and shotgun. You don't even need lockipcking. Furthermore I would only assume veterans to get by easy without dew collector. And lastly you yourself mentioned 3 cases where you need them. 😉
  8. He probably meant litenetlib AND steamnetworking. At default steamnetworking is disabled.
  9. I have no idea. I was quoting someone. Maybe sale price.
  10. Lets clear something up first: Are you saying that TFP has probably been doing this change because they wanted to balance the dukes economy? One could read that from "Thats a good 1000 dukes a day for 5 water collectors. the same reason they nerfed corn", but I may have read to much into that statement of yours.
  11. Ok, I agree, that is not fitting with the "facts", so that I have to write them in quotation marks from now on. 😉 Bugs are certainly possible, also I don't know if there aren't other effects I don't know about. Thanks for all the details. Do some of you have drones already?
  12. Is it possible you copied the startserver.sh script to somewhere else? The first line of the script sets $SERVERDIR to the directory where the script itself is located. If you moved the script somewhere else and execute it, it would not even find the executable, i.e. 7DaysToDieServer.x86_64 and stop immediately.
  13. Sure. It is at least half a year of more waiting before any release (and more than likely some months more), so there isn't much they could say except "stay tuned". If they had said nothing about console at all, a lot of console players would have posted "And what about console?" underneath that message.
  14. It doesn't matter whether you see servers with 64 people. TFP does not balance for that scenario and therefore has no motive at all to do anything about it, even if water were a good money source on those servers. This is official information from TFP that anything above 8 players is outside their "zone". There are also servers with DF or UL mods and TFP does not balance for them as well, and it would not matter how many there are.
  15. Sure, but maybe those servers use pregen. Pregen world files are directly stored inside the programs folder, while generated worlds are stored below Appdata/Roaming
  16. A constant drip of negativity is not against the rules. 😉
  17. Did you use the script? Last time you said you launched the executable directly, not the script This is not a problem of A21, installing A20.7 will not help you. I have a linux server and it has been generating logfiles for ages and A21 is no exception. You are doing something different than I do and it is causing the problem. You could try out the script i am using on my server in ${HOME}/bin that simply starts the server and it is as follows: #!/bin/sh cd ${HOME}/CURRENT/ nohup ./startserver.sh -configfile=serverconfig.xml &>/dev/null & Replace CURRENT with your servers directory name and you also need to "chmod a+x <script>" so you can execute it. It will start the server in the background by the way, so having the command line be back is no error. Also you could test this: Change into the 7DaysTodDieServer_Data directory and execute "touch xzybla". If you get an error message it means you don't have writing privileges in that dir for some strange reason.
  18. TFP only balances servers up to 8 players. With only 7 potential customers for water you can't get rich even if there were demand for easily obtainable water. So this doesn't work as a motive for TFP to introduce any limits or detriments
  19. What I told you are the facts: In a chunk that isn't loaded there are no zombies and a screamer only spawns zombies if it has actually seen the player. How that fits with what you were experiencing I can't say without actually knowing all details. You probably don't either because you just heard the condensed version from that other player. Maybe the guy stopped in the neighborhood and harvested the farm or cut a few trees before actually going round the house and noticing them. Maybe he didn't see them but was seen by the screamer, went inside and only then heard the ruckus outside. A fence hasn't much HP, as soon as the screamer has summoned a few zombies that shouldn't be much of a defense. As I said, spike traps are one way to deal with screamers. Though when the screamer already has seen you and spawned helpers you should intervene because the traps don't help as well against a group of "bigger" zombies.
  20. Strange, there should be no difference between that world and a pregen, except the location where it is stored. My first thought was that your virus scanner might interfere, but why should it interfere with reading? Still, make sure you have exceptions for all directories used by 7d2d in your virus scanner.
  21. There may be two possible workarounds to your situation right now: 1) Ask the server operator of the server you want to use to play a pregen map. Probably not possible if the operator isn't a good friend and the world hasn't started only recently. 2) Ask the server operator or another player of that world to send you the RWG world data. That needs a file hoster or sharing service, a 10k world for example is about 440Mbytes. Then drop this world on your PC in place where it would normally be downloaded from the server. One of the pinned threads in "General Support" has the location listed, or ask around. If the location is correct your client will not try to download the world.
  22. If you are all away from your base all zombies will despawn. You don't need someone stay home, it is even detrimental as it is his presence that makes them spawn. AFAIK the screamers you see at your base when you come back were spawned because the heat reached 100% a long time ago and it only resets once you come back and the area gets loaded. The best defense against the normal screamers are spike traps around the house or in your case around the walls of the house. If they don't see any of you they will simply walk into the traps and get killed because they don't have many hitpoints.
  23. A possible solution to tool block damage would be to add a random value to every hit and an early visual indication like the block flashing when the next hit will remove it. That would actually mean that the higher the damage of your tool is the chance for removing a block earlier would increase. The visual indication would allow you to stop hitting when it was only this block you wanted to remove. At the moment more damage means nothing if it doesn't result in less hits for a block to be removed, with the random damage modifier your chances of early removing a block would increase steadily with your damage. (That you often don't want to hit the block behind that one is also the reason that moving excess damage to the next block would probably be an unpopular solution) Example: If now you have a tool that does block damage 100, it would instead do random block damage 60 to 140 with every hit. That is a big enough range so that removing that block earlier (or later) has a good chance even though the average is unchanged.
  24. Oops, correct. And that frequency is more in line with what I remember from using an auger in some previous alpha and it could be too much
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