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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. Whatever it is called 1.0 will almost surely be identical to b333, this will be just a name change. So effectively, if you have played experimental until now, just don't do anything and play. You are in fact playing the 1.0 And whenever you feel like it, change to stable and you will have stable without any download or maybe 1 small file. If steam updates your client to 1.0, then you have to update your server as well I would guess.
  2. Which is exaclty what a new player doesn't know. Which makes it very random. He might just invest into his weapon and no other magazine-perk, but it is also very likely that he would take miner69er and cooking if he only looks at strength. Even worse he might look around and think it sensible to also invest into automatic weapons because he saw an M60 and that sounded powerful. Because he might not know that attributes in this game are not attributes like in many RPGs but really classes and he will not know that tidbit about the magazines, just like you. I am fully on your side about the totally balance-wrecking magazine-bonuses of higher perk-levels. And there is a maybe even substantial chance for a new player to just stumble onto this "progression highway" and have end-game gear early. But my guess is that the majority of new players will not and they will have anything from a similar progression like my group has to even worse as they get killed too often by dogs and radiated guys after falling down a trap floor. Lets do the math (tldr: is below): To craft a tier3q6 weapon at day 8 you would need to find 75 magazines of that type, right? That is 10 per day. Even with maxing it your chance to find such a magazine in any loot container is 20% at game start if you got perk level 2 immediately. That goes up to 33% when you are level 5 in that perk, but for that you need to be at least level 11. Lets assume you go up 3 levels per day then you are at perk level 5 sledgehammer on day 4. Your average loot chance is still nearly 33% on average. It means you need to find 30 magazines in loot containers and as reward ON EACH single day. Trader inventory for example doesn't help as it does not take your perk level into account, you will be lucky to find 2 sledgehammer magazines total in the 8 days at the 2 traders a novice player is likely to find in the first 8 days. The (I grant you) OP magazine bundles are absolutely essential to this strategy as they give you 6 magazines. You seem to get a magazine bundle as quest reward choice in about 62% so on average you only get 4 magazines per quest as quest reward, but you also find magazines in the POI, and that would fill the hole of those 2 missing general magazines (i.e. without counting cooking magazines from the kitchen etc.). tldr; So my estimate is you need to do 5 quests per day for that. That is perfectly doable for a really good player but not for joe average or a new player. Joe Average and many new players will get infected by missing the first hit on a vulture a few times in those first days, will get severly damaged, break their bones or even get killed by a dog, probably multiple times. A new player will also need to find out so many stuff (for example how to make clean water, what perks are there...) that a lot of time at least in the first two days will be spend looking for information in the recipes, ..., if will be lucky if he does 2 quests on his first 2 days. I am not saying the game is super difficult. But there is much to know, and even if you know enough you have to be careful. In my SP game I played on difficulty 3 of 5 and I got only 1 or 2 quests done on day 1. I was hit multiple times, a dog got me down to 20% health and I got a broken leg because I jumped down from too high which slowed me down greatly. So let me ask you if my estimate is about right? How many quests do you do per day in those first 8 days? (And at what difficulty setting by the way?)
  3. You misunderstood. I was talking about the **trader rewards** having mostly stone age weapons if weapons get offered at all. We already have q6 tier1 or early tier2 weapons because we crafted them and 1 or 2 tier3 weapons because they were offered to our INT player.
  4. You know how you play, I don't, so it is hard to suggest anything. But generally: 1) ask yourself where you get the too good gear from. Then make sure you can't get it anymore the easy way, through XML changes or settings. 2) if you are so good a player that fighting irradiated with tier1 weapons is easy for you then simply turning up difficulty should help. But I don't know if you are already at insane or not If you want more specific advice you would have to tell us a lot more about how you play currently and other stuff, gamestage, gear, ...
  5. This is a subjective thing, granted, but I played just yesterday and could hear a zombie growl as if beside me that was more than 10 blocks above me (tier3 POI with a big underground level that goes up into a garage). I am almost sure that that could not have been diminished to 55% like the curve suggests. So either Unity does not get the height information (bug) or Unity itself does not really diminish 3D, but only horizontally (bug).
  6. Which attribute did you mainly perk into, if at all? And are "level 2 weapons" meant to be "tier 2 weapons" or "quality 2 weapons"? Distributing your points too much into different attributes can make it much more difficult for you as your gamestage goes up but your progress in gear is distributed over the attributes
  7. You are so out of touch with the typical novice player you could as well live on another planet. I am a veteran player and I would not be able to get the stuff you have at day 8, probably not even if I played min-max to the best of my knowledge. Or read the post of this player with 7k hours: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/36651-feedback-difficulty-at-lowest-settings-not-that-low/?do=findComment&comment=562487 . Just two examples of what we would call experienced players. Now assume players that don't know anything about INT being the fast-lane, nothing about perking into other stuff may be a mistake, nothing about running in armor gets you killed or out of food, no idea where to get food from easily, nothing about how to kill a dog before it kills you, ... Cureently you absolutely need to play INT and invest into DA to be able to get end-game gear. If not, the trader rewards are very well balanced to your game stage. My group currently has one INT player, the rest perk into other attributes. Except for the INT player we have not seen a single item in the rewards that was better than tier1 and we are on day 18. Mostly I have seen no weapons at all or stone age weapons (EDIT to clarify: ... in the trader rewards!). The trader sometimes has better stuff but we can't afford to buy them. The only one with access to better gear and enough money is our INT player who actually could buy end-game stuff from the trader.
  8. Did you check the brightness setting of your monitor? And the setting of the operating system? I use default brightness and I still need lights or night vision googles in POIs, in the burned biome even in the daytime it can become too dark inside. I play on a TV screen though which probably is tuned differently than most PC monitors.
  9. You really want to warm up that age old discussion? For me a perk system means more choice for me without doing stuff repeatedly that I don't really want to do. I can use any weapon I want, just like in A16, and can perk into any weapon I want, I may have to pay more perk points for a weapon in an attribute I haven't perked into, but so what? In an LBD system I would have to use the secondary weapon as often as the primary one, just to be good at it. Now I just choose that it will be as good. For example as an INT player I may decide that a shotgun might be a good secondary oh-@%$#-weapon and a good horde night weapon for me, while mostly using stun baton and turrets in daily POI clearance. In A16 I would still have to use the shotgun almost half the time going through POIs to get better at it, even though I only wanted it for oh-@%$# situations and horde night. Now I can just collect some perk points and my shotgun is ready for the few times I want to use it. Another example: I want to do a big building project and need to dig a lot of stones for that. As I want to minimize the already huge task I want to start digging for real only when I am already good at it. In A16 I don't have that choice though. Now I have the flexibility to do quests for the first half of the game and put the perk strategically into miner69er. When I start digging I have the good tools and I am good at mining. A16 always played the same as you started with pistol and mostly went up the ladder to automatic weapon. Now I can choose between weapons that are equally viable as each class (aka attribute) has its own weapon. And next playthrough I can take a different one, right from the start. Or even 2 or 3, even if it takes longer. LBD is boring because there almost never is a time where you really have to choose. Even if A16 had equally viable weapons you would have to choose a weapon at start of the game and almost exclusively use it. Because using any other secondary weapon makes you fall behind on your first weapon. So normally you make most choices exactly once at the start of the game and then just play that till the end. What a boring progression on rails.
  10. Redownload might stop if you change the steam setting of the game, for example to only download patches when you start the game. I had a similar problem with Enshrouded (where i have to use proton) and this fixed it. I didn't see the problems you have with opengl or vulkan. No idea why though, I have a full AMD rig as well, except I play on ubuntu The only problem I currently have is that since 2-3 patches ago 7days with vulkan crashed with an out-of-memory error after half an hour. Not sure it is still doing it as I didn't test it with the last patch. Note there are 2 changes to the OS settings you might have to do because the game is using lots of resources: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/3998-support-faq-information-and-common-solutions/?do=findComment&comment=48438 It says there it is mostly for dedicated servers, but before I did this the vulkan game didn't even start, after that it ran half an hour.
  11. The only reason? Wrong. IMHO the current skill system is better than A16.4. And I say otherwise even though I played a16.4
  12. Logical consequence: infested chests have to be nerfed eventually as well.
  13. TFP did try that once in A17 and it was not well received. If you look at strength like D&D strength you will always fail to understand the current system. The attributes may be called attributes, but they are classes. Each class needs weapons with corresponding perks and utility perks, otherwise it wouldn't be a complete useable class
  14. Lets say ammo scarcity is something the developers want to achieve for a good balance. Even though that is hard to reach, especially since it also has to be balanced between novice players and veterans. While especially in A20 and A21 you were almost buried in ammunition, 1.0 has made a step in the right direction. I always thought that higher difficulty settings should also automatically adjust loot abundance downwards as well. In the mean time, if you feel there is no challenge in getting ammo and other materials then please adjust loot abundance yourself.
  15. Gosh, that's news to me. I am sure you have a reliable source from inside TFP that told you that, right? 😁
  16. "End-game" is as undefined as it can get. For me the still unfinished game always had an end-game where my progression was practically finished and I was just looking for getting all weapons and armor to q6. I called that end-game, but for someone else end-game could mean something different, like obviously for you. From what we know, there will be bandits, and a few quests having to do with a main story, bandits and the duke. But don't expect too much from that. And once you killed either the duke or the other leader or both then the game has reached its "official" end. Naturally everyone is free to continue to play on like in many other games but I don't think there will be further goals provided by TFP after that.
  17. Use "<remove xpath="""> You can remove anything, from a single line to the complete contents of a file, depending where you point the xpath at. Explained on the first page
  18. Remember that if you play in a group you ALL get the reward but you can do such a quest much faster and easier than a single player. Therefore a bigger reward would upset the balance between single player and multiplayer. This is probably a reason for TFP to tune the reward down so much, no matter how much that change is liked or not liked. Ammo is always in need. If you have too much ammo just play a difficulty step higher where you need more bullets for each zombie, eventually there should be a point where you are happy about ammo, no matter how much. Naturally this now feels like a big nerf since everybody is used to getting showered with gifts by the trader. In a short time you will get used to it and see it as the cherry on top of a cake that is the POI itself. And at that point you might actually enjoy visiting a POI nearby without a quest, just because it looks interesting. In previous alphas there was always this thought in the back of my mind that I was loosing out on the big trader reward if I looted a non-quest POI.
  19. IMO looting was the only one with a fitting dependable progression, and conesquently loot-tables were not changed (except for different reasons like new items, ...) in 1.0, AFAIK. Crafting was too slow if you played "naturally" and distributed your points or too fast if you perked with hidden knowledge which a normal player had nearly no chance to know. And only the trader mostly in combination with INT perks (especially DA) was hyperfast. Some players attributed quest rewards to looting and therefore said looting was too fast. I disagree, quests are part of the trader loop. My group got all their end-game stuff either from rewards or bought them off the trader with money mostly from rewards and selling items for too many dukes
  20. My mistake, should have been 5
  21. cloth has a different color in each biome 😁
  22. Exactly. If you already crafted a Q6 steel spear, Q6 sniper and Q6 armor then what else still could the game give you that you would want desperately? You already have the top stuff. And if not, a legendary part is more worth than a random Q6 gun or armor because it will be crafted to just the item you want.
  23. If it is then he is veeery passive with 0 posts and he hasn't logged in even once since the forum software changed
  24. [Edit: Corrected the math] Mmmh, lets do the math: There are 23 magazines and you can think of a bag initially filled with 23 marbles if all had a loot chance of 1. If we add 5 additional marbles because the attribute is already at 1, then there are 28 marbles in the bag, 6 of them armor. That is a 21.4% chance to get an armor magazine, realistically a player will often put his first 4 points from the tutorial quest into perks, so there are 32 marbles, making it a 18.7% chance to get an armor magazine. This will likely go down in further play as one usually puts more points into perks than attributes, but it does look that there is some more need for a balancing fix. Anyone know what Allan's forum name is? It seems he is doing books and loot stuff, so it might be useful to ask him whether this is an oversight or intentional.
  25. There also was a bug fix in the latest patch which made a lot of players loose trader progress, not single points but whole tiers. So whatever you experienced now, forget it, it will be quite different next time you start a game. Like you I play a single savegame from first experimental to now and I was thrown back to tier1 quests with the new update. Happens in experimental, but that doesn't mean normal progression (without patches, changes and bugs) is too slow. I didn't check XML, but I heard that the number of quests you have to do is the same no matter which tier. This is because in higher tiers you need more progression points but you also get more points per quests. I am not sure the attributes giving points to armor is temporary. Since ALL players specializing in some attribute need armor, but only two attributes have armor perks that remove movement and stamina penalties it might be sensible to not penalize other attributes in crafting too.
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