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Posts posted by Roland

  1. Hey Guys! Just a reminder to keep things civil regardless of any anger or outrage you might feel. We would like to keep this thread open so that the official CompoPack thread doesn't become the place where people go to discuss and vent.


    I want to take a few moments to clarify the guidelines we all agree to abide by in the modding forum for the good of the community as it applies to this particular scenario.


    1) Terms of use are only effective from the date they are posted and when a dispute occurs we go by the "last edited" date wherever it is posted. If terms of use are not posted, then permission to use as open source content is assumed. 


    2) Permission to use, once granted, cannot be revoked.


    Traditionally going back almost a decade, prefabs have always been uploaded with the intent to share them freely with the community. I don't think it ever occurred to anyone to add terms of use to a prefab that was shared because of the intent of sharing it. Prefab authors predominately want to know that their creations are popular and highly regarded by the community. That isn't to say that someone cannot attempt to protect the asset they are sharing and adding a terms of use to their asset. In that case, the same rules stated above would apply. If a dispute arose between content authors over the use of CP we would go by those rules.


    @Guppycur is concerned that we will have to add new rules regarding prefab collections that would make things more restrictive. I think as moderators (some of us modders as well) we are pretty united in wanting to keep the traditional convention of sharing prefabs without demanding express permission-- intact. Its kind of our culture. I wouldn't mind hearing from the community what you all think would be the best way to word things in order to help people resolve disputes but also to keep the sharing and building of collections of POIs open and non-restrictive. On the one hand, Stallionsden's choice is a driving force to encourage people to make new compilation packs. But on the other hand, as a community we shouldn't expect Stallionsden to do all the work of maintaining and updating hundreds of POIs for new Alpha releases and just benefit freely from his work. There has to be a balance.


    Lastly, keep in mind that we are getting closer to the day when TFP will flip the switch for Steam Workshop integration at which point the method by which people share and add community content into their games is going to change radically from what we are currently doing. "Compopack" will likely be a legend that old-timers make references to chats and forums but simply a myth for all the newbs who will be browsing and pointing and clicking whatever mix of POIs they want sorted by "most popular"....


  2. On 8/2/2022 at 10:01 AM, NICULL said:

    This is the only game i have ever seen something like this in


    All of the Halo games have first person walking and combat but 3rd person driving. I played a lot of Halo back in the day and I immediately recognized the style of 1st person when on foot and 3rd person when in a vehicle.  Sorry that it ruins your immersion. Maybe they will add the option. Some people want 3rd person over-the-shoulder view when on foot and fighting as well-- not liking first person view for any of the game. 


  3. Even once an endgame event is added and the credits roll, the game will still allow the player to play on in that world continuing to fight blood moon hordes and doing whatever they want. The game over screen will happen and then....you will be allowed to do exactly what you are doing right now forever or start over in a new world and play through it all again.


    So, for now you could just pretend you fought a big final combat with the Duke and killed him and all his lieutenants surrendered and Noah comes up and places his hand on your shoulder and says, "Now we are free, thanks to you". Then go to the top menu and select credits and stare at those for a bit. Then return to the game and keep on playing in the post credit post apocalypse or start over.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Jason Tamosiunis said:

    The only thing i wanna is when are we gonna get the dang bandits that have been promised for what feels like 4 alphas now 😛 XD :)


    We have tips now on the game loading screen, but back in Alpha 8 we had a loading screen that said, "Bandits coming soon" 


    4 alphas...? lmao...


    When they finally get here, it will have been a long time coming. :)

  5. Please do not clutter this thread with debates and arguments about the TOS change. You may open a separate thread either in General Discussions or Modding Requests and Discussions to discuss this in a civil manner. For reasons exactly like this one, mod thread authors always have last say on what stays or gets deleted in their threads in order to keep them clear of pages of arguing that people who may need support would have to wade through. 



  6. 24 minutes ago, undeadsurvivor89 said:

    To be honest, I think water should be left alone. While dew water collection is nice, there is no need to reduce immersion and realism by removing glass jar. Boiling water and collecting water with glass jar are actually fun factors of the game.

    Well…it’s already implemented. You’ll get to try it out in A21 experimental and see if you think it is more or less fun than making glass jars. I’m sure there will be a thread or two to contribute your play-testing feedback. 😀

  7. 38 minutes ago, Floofs said:

    Also, the concluding statement in this mod post is ridiculously dismissive.

    my statement would have been dismissive if it had been the second statement of the thread but it was after a long conversation after which solutions were verified and the entire worry was shown by one of the developers to be unfounded. The problem was fully considered, discussed, and then resolved…and THEN I poked fun at the discord forum for being behind the times. 

    How can that be labeled dismissive? We resolved the whole issue for goodness sake. Read the whole thread. 

    Also, the change is necessary— for TFP so that they can have their game be on Game Pass. It may not be a technical necessity but it is an admissions necessity to join a marketplace that can only help the game grow. 

  8. 2 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

    Lol, no it’s my attempt not to assume a person’s gender/identity so I try to use gender neutral terms as much as possible

    Just to dispel ALL ambiguities, @schwanz9000 is Allen on the development team. You should be able to find him in the credits. He has taken over Gazz’s position. Gazz was sharing time with TFP and his other business and needed more time for his other business and TFP needed a full time XML Specialist and so they parted ways awhile ago. 


    If you didn’t know, Allen is responsible for the wonderful shape menu (among other things) and he used to be a regular forum member a long long time ago. 

    He is very active in keeping his ear to the ground visiting various message boards and streaming channels and has considered a lot of the feedback and mentions it often in TFP team meetings to make sure customer sentiments are represented. 

    He is not a casual player of 7 Days to Die and prefers the game to be well balanced but definitely tipped toward the challenging side and so is always pushing to keep things challenging for the players. 

    Allen is a great guy and definitely a friend to the players!  And he controls your loot probabilities so be nice….



  9. 54 minutes ago, Beelzebubs Ghost said:


    Well thats already good news - limited thusfar to POI's but still resson enough to be optimistic. Hopefully there will be more interaction on the point of zombies.


    I appreciate the response. Just drop the sarcasm, it makes you look like a child and turns me away from trying to have reasonable discussion with you.


    I would much rather a productive chat.

    My response to you was 100% sarcasm free. I already apologized and said I would only be serious with you from now on. How much more are you going to try and wring from this?  


    I’m never going to be sarcastic or even playfully friendly with your posts again. You will get perfect customer service rep Roland from now on. We’ll call him Proland…. 


    Well…starting now because that last line was a bit borderline. 

     Let’s move on already 


  10. It wasn’t added as an improvement to what we had. It was added so that farming could continue to exist in some form due to the limitations of the world generation tech. 

    The tech improved world generation which directly affects exploration in a positive way. Exploration trumps farming as a game feature in the priorities of the developers. They wanted to keep farming, however, and the farm plots were what they went with. 

    If farming is going to see deeper mechanics it won’t be until after release. The current farming is viewed as good for the base game. 

    Your ides are great @6boulettes but probably would only happen in a farming update as an expansion to the game after it releases. 

  11. 13 minutes ago, NICULL said:

    Hi, will first person driving ever be added?

    The steering wheel is animated, we can see the characters hands moving the steering wheel. There is no reason why we can't have a first person camera while driving, it breaks the immersion horribly. I don't care if the gauges don't work we can't see how fast we are going anyway. That is my biggest complaint with this game, i don't understand why it has never been added there are smaller less popular games made by teams of not even 5 people who have first person driving for example Mist Survival, Unturned (which is a unity game made by one person, has both perspectives both in vehicles and on foot.) there are no working dashboards in those games and yet we still have a first person cam, why was one never added in 7 days to die and will a first person camera ever be added to 7 days to die? It just ruins the immersion so badly when you go from first person walking to third person driving. This is the only game i have ever seen something like this in, even if we just had like an option in the settings where we could choose if we want first person in vehicles or not that would be good enough.

    Halo (the game…not the greeting)


    I don’t think it’s planned but who knows? It could just be low priority. I’m pretty sure I remember reading faatal saying it wasn’t planned. You can zoom in really close. Maybe there’s a value that can be tweaked to zoom in so close you are in the drivers seat?


    Thank you so much for not claiming that most people hate 3rd person driving. Very refreshing to read someone sharing what they, personally, prefer. 😀

  12. 3 hours ago, Gr.o.m. said:

    That is one huge buff for the single best perk in game. Now Daring Adventurer goes from "must have" to ABSOLUTLEY MANDATORY.

    Perks are being rebalanced. No need to apply A20 perks to A21 mechanics. 

  13. 4 hours ago, Lasher said:

    I'm sorry but being told to "lump it" is EXACTLY the attitude players are met with.

    Okay, but in that sense 7 Days to Die is like pretty much every other game in the industry. You buy a game and play it for what it offers and if you write the studio and ask them to change something, they decline. Games are a product of the vision of their creators. Community feedback can result in adjustments but for the most part it is TFP’s show and we are along for the ride to experience what happens. 

    4 hours ago, Lasher said:

    Take, just as an example the changes to farming, which pretty much everyone who actually USED farming hated.

    Was it reverted, no - those folk were just met with a wall of "it's great and it stays like that."

    How do you know pretty much everyone who actually uses it hates it? Farming was adjusted due to community feedback, btw. The LOTL perks were changed so that you didn’t have to max it out to be successful at it. 

    4 hours ago, Lasher said:

    I've suggested time and time again that if there were OPTIONS to control the way more aspects of the game work it would keep a lot more people happy.

    There have been some new options added and more will be once all features are in. Options are down on the list of priorities right now. TFP let’s us mod our own options in the meantime. This isn’t a case of “lump it” but one of “be patient until it’s time and use mods in the meantime.”


    4 hours ago, Lasher said:

    Is that ever implemented, no - it's the modders who allow us to revert gameplay features that we don't like - not TFP.

    haha….you act like modders are underground secret freedom fighters who are offering us options without TFP’s knowledge or say so. No, TFP has set things up precisely so that modders can do what they do. This isn’t the case of Rebel Alliance vs Empire. It’s Madmole, not Darthmole….


    4 hours ago, Lasher said:

    Same with the new crafting progression system - is anyone actually telling me that it's going to be removed if everyone hates it?

    Im telling you it’s not going to be adjusted until anyone actually play tests it during experimental. Then, if everyone hates it then yes, it would totally be reverted. (Note: Everyone includes Madmole too)


    4 hours ago, Lasher said:

    People like Khaine do indeed tell people to lump it - but it's a minority - if there was a majority who hated something about DF I'm pretty sure it would change.

    Sure, Khaine Skywalker is a hero when he says “this is not change you’re looking for” and waves his hand because he only ever says it to a minority and to Stormtroooers at that. Did you know that the people he rejected were also absolutely certain they were in the majority? That’s part of the reason I had to get involved and restrict their access because of how upset they got. 

    4 hours ago, Lasher said:

    The devs seem to be a little less concerned - and I suppose they're entitled to be - it is after all their game and their baby to do what they want with.

    We've already bought the damn thing so we have little to no power - maybe that's part of the problem.

    Well, if it’s any consolation, people who have not bought it yet have even less power. The devs do care about the reception the game gets. They spent a lot of money so they could gather telemetry on what true majorities are doing. They listen and read at many fan sites and forums— not just this one. 

  14. 23 minutes ago, Lasher said:

    There's a very good reason why Darkness Falls is so popular.

    Because Khaine pays a great deal of attention to what people do and don't like about the game - and fixes it.

    I think that's a pretty good strategy rather than just adopting a very combatitive "it's this way cos we say so and you can lump it" attitude.

    Just sayin'...


    LOL…I’ve seen Khhaine tell people to “lump it” when he didn’t like what they were “suggesting”.  I’ve even had to step in and handle some of those who reacted badly to being told to “lump it”. He’s as protective of his baby as TFP is of theirs. 

    Nobody is telling anyone to lump it here. We are insisting that people play with the changes and give feedback at which point there very well may be adjustments made. 

    No shade on DF. It’s a great overhaul mod and appeals very much to everyone whose preferences match up with what he’s done. 

    I agree that for a mod it is a great strategy to listen to the changes people want and then mod those changes in. That’s the whole point of modding after all. Making a game is a bit different than making a mod though and has a different focus. 

    9 minutes ago, KhaineGB said:

    I rejected it because, as mentioned, I currently have an overhaul where books are VERY important. So I have a pretty good idea of how looting works regarding that, and just living off resetting POI's won't cut it... at all.

    If they're going to be quest rewards? That'll help a lot. But POI resets won't work. This isn't just making assumptions or anything... I've literally been running a system like this since at least A18. It's based off experience.

    I believe you and won’t it be so much richer to say “I told you so” if TFP ends up adding a way to spend skill points to go up the crafting ladder in their next iteration?


    I’ll bring it up and cite your experience just in case @schwanz9000 missed your post in the sea of them. But TFP likes to do things in steps and it may be that step one is magazines only and step two is magazines and skill points and THEN you can gloat and I….will be your slave for a day 😀

  15. And what about now in A20? How is that poor kid who joined a mature server finding the iron club schematic and enough of the right parts to craft a blue level version of it? Sure, he got busy and skilled up his perk to be able to craft blue clubs but everything is picked over so he’s stuck. 

    Seems like more of a choice of what type of world you want to play in rather than a problem TFP has to fix to protect new joiners of old servers. 

  16. @KhaineGB Zombiepoptard specifically said skill points are tied to looting and you agreed stating that “leveling your skills” would be a problem since it was a function of magazines.  So I guess I did misinterpret your meaning based on what you and Zombie typed. 

    You rejected Josts post but he is correct that using quests to refresh the loot in POIs would definitely be a good source of magazines. Yes, there would be a disadvantage since places like Crack a Book and Shotgun Messiahs, and Police Depts would be long gone. But, come on, they picked a mature server. Pick a different one or live with the challenge of surviving in a picked over world or make some allies out of the people on the server to get some better gear. 


    Who knows, maybe they will add the option to spend skill points in lieu of reading magazines once the current iteration is tested. That isn’t what they want to start with though. 

  17. 10 minutes ago, KhaineGB said:

    In A20, you do quests and get XP and then buy STATS and perks to level your crafting. As per the posts here, you don't do that. It's all tied to this new LBL system.

    You misinterpreted those posts then. 

    Perks and skill points in A21 are still governed by xp which is earned by completing quests and gameplay activities exactly as we do now in A20. 

    Recipes for crafting are no longer governed by perks. Instead you find magazines that unlock the recipes. 

    Magazines have nothing to do with skill points or leveling up or improving your stats. Magazines only determine whether you can craft something. 

    Someone who builds all the time will still skill up (probably faster than someone purely looting) and can become the best at shotguns. But they will be limited to whatever kind of shotgun they can either craft, buy, or find (or is found for them). 

  18. 45 minutes ago, Zombiepoptard said:

    Maybe after you completing a quest you can choose what magazine you get along with the normal quest reward.

    when you complete a quest you are usually given a choice between a bundle of mystery magazines, one named magazine, and then a typical reward like antibiotics or ammo or whatever. You have to choose. You don’t get mags with something else. 

    The bundle is always nine magazines: three each of three random magazines. Your perk bonus does not affect the random draw for the bundle afaik. 

  19. 2 hours ago, Zombiepoptard said:

    I would like them to have their game design mapped out with some forethought, synergy and a grand scheme.

    Oh good. It is. Individual features are not grand scheme. Grand scheme is “Player progression” and then the details of how the players progress can change and evolve all while keeping the grand scheme. We have had player progression since A11 and we always will because that and quests are the grand scheme for this hybrid genre game to have RPG elements noted in the roadmap for development. You look at an individual puzzle piece and think that is the whole puzzle. LBD was just method for character progression. We don’t have LBD any more (mostly) but we still do have character progression. Grand scheme maintained!


    2 hours ago, Zombiepoptard said:

    1. Having the players only means of leveling up crafting is by looting. That would make it where if you aren't going into buildings at the get go you'll be falling behind.

    Looting is a key aspect of this game and it always has been. There is no getting around that fact. 

    Also….falling behind whom or what? Who or what are you racing?


    2 hours ago, Zombiepoptard said:

    2. In multiplayer maybe you're buddy would be left behind to build the base while you go looting. (Happens a lot in my playthroughs ) That means that the person that's searching through poi is getting crafting levels while you get nothing when your doing base building stuff.

    Does your buddy not feed you books now in A20?  It will be the same. If you are perking into different weapons than your buddy why would he want to read thiose magazines rather than bring them to you?


    2 hours ago, Zombiepoptard said:

    3. Tying skill points to loot makes it really hard to play with a loot hog. You would have to rely on your friends generosity to get magazines for you when he might want to use them too.

    Incorrect. Skill points are not tied to looting. Only crafting recipes are tied to looting. Your loot hog buddy would have to be an idiot to read magazines for things he was not perked into and you were. Even if he did it would only mean that he would craft that item for you and give it to you. Most likely if you aren’t looting at all in A20 you are being given weapons that are found that you have perked into anyway so not much of a change. 

    2 hours ago, Zombiepoptard said:

    4. When a new player to the map comes into a matured server you have everybody giving him magazines trying to boost his crafting level up. If they have been playing long enough they probably have enough magazines to get you to max level. Some part of the pleaser in getting a reward is earning it. 

    That’s up to the new player. You think new players on mature servers aren’t already being given permission to gear up out of fully stocked crates?  If they care about earning it on their own then they’ll refuse. If they don’t then they won’t. 


    2 hours ago, Zombiepoptard said:

    5. Why not just tie this stuff in with leveling and avoid all of these problems?

    These problems don’t exist anywhere but in the fears and worries you’ve concocted about something you haven’t even tried yet— except your loot hogging buddies. They apparently exist and you can take care of that right now with a new server password…


    2 hours ago, Zombiepoptard said:

    6. Having a RNG bonus on stuff you perk into can influence a build that you didn't really want to go for. It adds to the pigeonholing that were getting with the current perk tree.

    There is no pidgeon holing with the magazines. They simply are the means for access to crafting recipes. Nothing more. You can still freely choose where to spend your points and you still gain those points by doing activities like building and mining.


    2 hours ago, Zombiepoptard said:

    I have a vision of how it will play out. 

    Look Nostradamus, your vision is clouded at best. You don’t have all the variables and I had to correct you on how the magazines are even going to work.  I get your concern but you’re going to need to try it.


    1 hour ago, KhaineGB said:

    A completely new player, who likely doesn't know anyone on the server, would have an awful time levelling their skills as most POI's near the starting location will be absolutely picked clean.

    Thats a nope. A new player might have a tough time learning new recipes but they would have zero problems skilling up. Skilling up is still governed by xp gained by mining, harvesting, building, killing, trading, etc. just like in A20.


    Maybe he can ask in global chat if anyone will make him a blue stone axe since he can’t craft one himself while he skills himself up normally. Or maybe (since he doesn’t know anyone on that server anyway) he can find and join a more appropriate one. 



  20. 6 hours ago, Beelzebubs Ghost said:


    Sorry you feel that way. 

    6 hours ago, Beelzebubs Ghost said:

    Losing tonnes of good features and replacing it with out of place stuff like the drone (that I used once and shelved for its lag spiking) and needless fluff everywhere we don't need it (i.e street lamps) and nowhere where we do need it (more zombie models.)

    It’s too bad features you personally loved didn’t make the cut and unfortunate that your priorities for the game are not the same as the developers’. 

    6 hours ago, Beelzebubs Ghost said:

    Serious question - if no more zombies are added, are modders going to have access to create equal quality zombies; and support, where neccessary, to make and implement them?

    They will only be limited by their talent and the tools they have access to. We don’t know what entity creation tools will be provided by TFP, if any. They’ve provided tools for POI creation and world building so far. There is no word yet on what else may or may not be provided. But there are already people using existing 3rd party tools to create and add entities. Quality will vary from creator to creator. The artists that create the in game entities are paid professionals who do it as their living. 

    6 hours ago, Beelzebubs Ghost said:

    Have the devs considered allowing unpaid creators to submit models for the devs to polish and include in the game while its still in development?

    Considered and declined long ago when similar suggestions for POI submissions were suggested in a very similar way that you have suggested zombie submissions.

    They do not wish to follow that particular model of content creation. Instead, they have opted to hire people that have impressed them from time to time: Lazman for example who impressed with his POI designs and has been hired to join that team. 


  21. 16 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

    I was talked about game industry - usually if a lot of things is cutted or changed a lot that's mean something bad is happpening with produced game. 

    Based on what evidence?  How much is “a lot”? I said making cuts is a normal part of the editing process and you said it is a sign of disaster. I asked for some evidence and you listed several games that you could not possibly have compared the pre-edited versions to the final product. Now you say again that making a lot of cuts is an industry known sign that the game has problems. Evidence?  

    As for horror, you are saying that the style of the guns is what makes or breaks this as a true horror experience for you?  Because the guns look more stylistically like mad max it makes it impossible for you to think of the game as horror?  I don’t think like that. My definitions of what qualifies as horror seem to be very different than yours. In my opinion, if any random person watched gameplay of 7 Days to Die they would think it pretty gruesome and horror themed. I’m betting there are parents that play this game out of sight of their younger children because the violence and horror elements are deemed to be too much. 

    Horror is probably in the eye of the Beholder….heheh

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