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Everything posted by bdubyah

  1. As far as I know, everything other than icons should still work as is. I downloaded A18, threw the Marauder mod in and loaded it up. Spawned one in no problem.
  2. Looks like it is now Mods/Marauder/UIAtlases/ItemIconAtlas. So make the new folder UIAtlases, and move the current ItemIcons folder into it and rename it ItemIconAtlas. I found what's causing that xml error. They just changed it from "volume" to "noise". So I should have that fixed. It's just a QOL change since custom vehicles seem to play that small collision sound almost constantly. Not necessary or game breaking, just something to keep myself sane when testing these vehicles. Lol. I started work on updating the icons themselves but haven't had a chance to test everything yet. Maybe tomorrow night if I have time. Once I know it's right it shouldn't take long to get everything fixed up.
  3. Do the old, smaller icons do well at the new size?
  4. I will update everything soon. Hoping to wait till A18 goes stable first. And I gotta get off my ass and do all new icons for everything. Which I'm not looking forward to. Lol.
  5. No, no special set up or anything. Sounds like the server has an issue or some configs for it are wrong. Haven't messed with servers much in this game though, so can't help much there. And ext237, most mods should work just fine in servers. Only issues I usually see are buff/cvar related due to some lag. AFAIK, all of mine should be fine.
  6. Yeah, that's the one. But that isn't the issue. Just to be sure, the mod is correctly installed on both the server and client?
  7. The bat file is simply to make installing the localization easier. Not required at all. I don't think it even needs to be used for a server install, just on the client end. If you don't/can't use it, all you have to do it open my mod's localization.txt and copy and paste it into the vanilla game's localization.txt file at the bottom. From the looks of it, something didn't get installed right. It kinda looks like maybe it got installed into the wrong directory. It doesn't go into the "7DaysToDie_Data" folder. In the main directory of 7DTD, the same as where the "7DaysToDie_Data" folder is, there needs to be a "Mods" folder. Install the mod into that "Mods" folder. So the path would be C:/.../.../7 Days to Die/Mods/Bdubs Vehicles.
  8. Installed it myself as well just to test it out a bit. Thinking I'll start a run of it when A18 is out. Then once A18 is settled I'll do other things. Lol. Ever considered making more of an overhaul version that mostly does away with vanilla stuff like guns and other items? I guess it'd be a lot more work to set up, but just seemed like a cool idea. Could leave most of misc items and resources in and just have ways to make them useful for Sorcery stuff. Either way, what I saw looked cool as hell. Gonna have some fun with this, I can tell.
  9. I agree. If the balance of finding current guns in loot isn't better in A18, I'll probably release a small modlet as a companion to this one that nerfs gun loot. That way these serve more of a purpose. It's just too easy to find a gun right now in A17. And people complain about ammo, but I find so many guns to scrap that ammo never seems to be a problem.
  10. The shotguns are finally out! Also added some Legendary versions of some of the guns as well! Check the post above.^^
  11. Gonna move the Wasteland Weapons info here as the OP is too big. Wasteland Weapons: (A18 ONLY)
  12. Alright, the Marauder is out! Also updated almost every vehicle mod for some small localization fixes and fixed some progression.xml issues with the GNX and Golf Cart. Should hopefully have the Pipe Shotguns out soon.
  13. Try turning Texture Streaming either on or off depending on what it's currently set to in the Options. edit- Yeah, what he said. Haha. ^^
  14. Pain killers, at least in vanilla, have a "cooldown" on the instant health. You should have gotten the health on the first one, again if they work same as vanilla, but you'd have to wait a few minutes before taking more to get the health. Temp sounds like vanilla stuff as well. RH might make it more extreme, but I've never played it so I can't say for sure. When you have better clothing it usually isn't as noticeable.
  15. Icon size right now is 116x80. I *think* the A18 HD ones are 116x116, could be wrong. Create a folder in your mod folder called ItemIcons. Place them in there. I know png and jpg work for sure. Maybe others. Any mod that contains anything more than just xmls has to be installed on the server and client both. Resources, icons, localization will not push from the server.
  16. I usually don't do that. I just set both speeds to what I want it to be so people don't have to wear out their fingers.
  17. Alright, pushed an update for the MRAP. See if it's any better to you TARCH26. I think I had missed upping the intensity for the headlights, so that may be why they were so weak. I went ahead and increased that, as well as range and angle for the lights. Slightly tweaked some physics and torque stuff. So maybe it's a bit better now. Still not gonna be very fast though, as intended.
  18. You mean it's slow? It's supposed to be. It has quite a bit more durability than other vehicles. Although hitting garbage and stuff still can take chunks out of it. But I'm not entirely sure how to fix that, if it's even possible. I can look at the headlights for it. I set them the same as most other vehicles, but I might can come up with something to make it better.
  19. It gives you a sweet ride. Also, pushed an updated out for the Box Truck and Golf Cart. Had an error in the items.xml so if you were getting NRE's when trying to place the vehicle, this should fix it!
  20. Also, updated the Banjo mod to add in a sound effect when you hit something with a power attack.
  21. Alright, just updated git to include this: It is available in just the MRAP mod, or as part of Bdub's Vehicles. Also updated EVERY mod to include localization! Each mod now comes with mr.devolver's script to add localization for you(Thanks again:))! Nexus has not been updated yet, I will be working on getting them sorted either tonight or tomorrow. My upload speeds suck. Lol.
  22. The Pipe Guns mod is now the Wasteland Weapons mod! Added this beauty: Git has been updated so you can get it there and it should be on the launcher. Nexus will probably be later tonight or tomorrow.
  23. Check the OP. He has a quote from zootal towards the bottom of the post regarding dedis.
  24. Haha. Hope you enjoy them! I'm trying to decide what to do next. There's a few other Fallout guns I'd like to try my hand at, but I also wanna do a few more prefabs as well. I know Darkstar really wants the Super Duper Mart. And it seems like it'd be fun to do.
  25. Alright, it's available on the mod launcher and Git. Nexus Never took a screenshot, but I also pushed an update to the Rebar Club that changes the textures.
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