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Everything posted by bdubyah

  1. I've been having the same problem with my vehicles taking too much damage. The GNX especially seems bad. I'm not sure what causes it.
  2. All my modlets and both Nuka Factory prefabs are now on Sphereii's Mod Launcher!
  3. Updated the Op with the Nuka Colas mod, along with the Nuka Factory prefabs!
  4. Can you access files once they are on the server? Maybe zip it up and extract it once it's on the server? Otherwise I'd be looking for a new server.
  5. I actually tried to do that back when I made it, but I couldn't figure it out. I could get it to play the sound I had, but it also still made the normal smacking sound, which kind of ruined it. Maybe I should look into it again sometime.
  6. Alright, updated all my vehicles to fix an ID error in the sounds.xml. Also added a mod that contains all of my vehicles in one.
  7. Last I heard he was tried of modding 7DTD. So he might not be back. Hopefully he comes around though.
  8. That's the distant terrain. I believe it's generated when the map is, and currently never updates. The devs are looking into trying to have it update during gameplay, but they haven't said much about it. So I don't think there is much you can do with it at the moment.
  9. bdubyah

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    I'm actually working on some Nuka Cola stuff at the moment. Haha.
  10. When I added the Topless version, I didn't change the place code, so it would still place the normal version. Haha.
  11. Pushed an update for the Willy Jeep because I'm an idiot.
  12. Just piddling around with light sources. Thought it'd be something different:
  13. The GNX is released! Check the OP for links.
  14. Updated the Rebar Club to fix an NRE with the repairTool being concretemix. Also, updated the Banjo to tweak some settings. Thanks! Glad you like it! Are you saying they should be brighter?
  15. Had someone on Nexus request it, so I added a variant of the Willy:
  16. Finally got around to uploading them to Nexus, in case you don't wanna use Git. Links in OP. Also added a loot.xml for the Banjo and Rebar Club. Hopefully I got it right and they spawn in loot at an okay rate.
  17. Alright, the Golf Cart is out! Slow, small gas tank but gets good mileage. Also added a bonus melee weapon along with it:
  18. That was actually a direction I was looking at. Something similar to the pipe guns from Fallout. Fairly cheap to make, but weak and breaks kinda quick.
  19. I have maybe one or two more that I really wanna do. Got a few melee weapon ideas I want to add at some point. Really wanted to try a few guns next, but there isn't much left that hasn't been added already, and I don't wanna just keep adding separate gun modlets onto it.
  20. Wanted to make it an electric one that ran off of batteries, but I don't think I can without SDX. So it'll just be a slow, gas-efficient one then. Haha.
  21. Yeah, the values for the side friction are the biggest changes I made. Upping the mass might help you drift more too. I found a post last night that got me to where it is now. I'm at work but when I get home tonight I'll try and find the link. There seems to be multiple ways to accomplish the same things with these values. Mostly relies on the ratios of the numbers I guess.
  22. Updated the Box Truck and Willy Jeep! Added some light flares for both so they look better at night. Not completely happy with them, but they are better. Thanks to Guppy for the tips. Also tweaked the physics on the Jeep again. Not 100% satisfied, but it feels much better than the drift machine it was before.
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