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Everything posted by bdubyah

  1. It's real finicky to mess with it. But take a look at the Action0 property on the ammoFlareGun. Flytime and Gravity will change it the most. But it's tricky to get a good balance. Could try slightly lowering the ProjectileVelocity as well. That'll make it go up slower, so Gravity will need to be tweaked slightly to compensate. Then change LifeTime if it's disappearing before it hits the ground.
  2. Huh? Check the OP maybe? Either links in that post, or a link to the detailed mod post.
  3. Updating The Wasteland. To get the POIs, a new world will be needed. -Added the Raider NPCs. Melee and ranged variants of each. Also a boss variant. High health, high damage resistance. Regular guys drop loot like zombies, at a slightly higher rate. Boss guys have their own loot drop, at a 50% rate. They aren't perfect, but do well enough to present a challenge. They are mostly used in the new POIs, but they do have a small chance to spawn out in the wild. -Modified ~10 POIs to have Raiders instead of zeds. They are just slightly tweaked vanilla prefabs to make them not stand out. They have similar loot to the vanilla POIs, with a few changes. They are full of Raiders though, so be prepared. They are all quest options, with one a Tier 2, and most of them being Tier 4, with a couple being Tier 5. They mostly spawn well in RWG, and I've included the info I think is necessary to make them work with NitroGen. Let me know if it isn't right. -A few bug fixes and changes. Fixed 10mm ammo crafting not unlocking with Pistol Pete books. Some items not showing the correct Unlock options. Need 50 instead of 100 Star Caps to make the flier(may have pushed this last update, not sure). Few other misc tweaks and fixed that I can't remember. Lol. Git has been updated and Nexus is uploading atm, should be good within the hour.
  4. Have you tried grabbing it from Nexus?
  5. SP? Server? Needs to be installed on both if on a server. Otherwise redownload and reinstall. @Colin248Energy weapons are tied to Advanced Engineering. RNG stats should be on mostly everything. I'll have to check the lever action. I believe it was set to have an 8x only.
  6. That would be cool, but I don't know how useful I could make him. If I was using DMT he could be hired which would be cool, but I don't wanna go that way right now. Thanks for the offer though.
  7. Well, there are like 4 horns, so there will still be that issue. Lol. Wasn't going through the trouble of making one for every vehicle. The sounds have already been an absolute PITA since I had to rename them for each of the individual modlets so there wouldn't be any errors. I should have just made it a separate add on modlet for the individual vehicles, but oh well.
  8. Glancing at the loot.xml, it's is the automotive and rareAutomotive groups. So it's mostly gonna be the Pass N Gas crates. Doesn't look like wrenching cars will give you one. Could probably get one from looting a car though.
  9. They run off the same code that Xyth uses for the Creature Packs. All credit for that goes to him. I just added my own Raiders. I've updated the vehicle AIO on Git and Nexus, and currently updating the individual vehicle mods on Git to include some new engine sounds and some new horn sounds. All vehicles should have the vanilla horn sound replaced, but some still use the vanilla engine sounds. The individual mods probably won't be updated on Nexus till tomorrow at the earliest.
  10. Bleh. Yeah, I forgot that one was 7.62. Gave it the wrong perk. Probably be at least a few days before I update the mod again, so if you wanna fix it in the mean time, just go into the mod folder, into Configs, and open items.xml. Near the bottom is an item called "gunPipeRifle_Legendary". Under its list of tags, change "perkGunslinger" to "perkDeadEye" and it should fix it.
  11. Appreciate the feedback. Any issues with loot? Finding things to easy, etc? Glanced at the golf club. Toned the damage down a bit. Think it was missing a tag, so that's why it didn't have a quality level. I'll test it to be sure, but it should be fixed. Maybe...
  12. Well, I mean, I already have the parts in loot, and everything has recipes. So the only issues for either is if vanilla loot groups were removed/renamed, or if resources used to craft them were removed/renamed. And that would just be finding what the loot groups/resources got renamed to and changing it accordingly. If removed, then add them back or change it to something similar.
  13. Not disagreeing that an index, as an idea, is good. But you throw it around like it would take no time at all. And as Xyth just puts these together into one mod, and didn't make the majority of them, that's asking quite a bit. Now if you want to help out, then go for it. That's the point of a community project like this. I'm working on some Raiders myself I'm trying to get smoothed out enough to be worthy of being included. And not to drag this on, but to just clarify, the malice of my original post wasn't at you, but the other guy. He could go into dm mode and spawn them in to see their names, take screenshots of them, anything. But to put no effort into it, then come in here complaining like he did is just not necessary. I'm not even saying I wouldn't agree that some look out of place. I've honestly not seen them all myself. It was just how he went about it. That's all. And I am glad you enjoy the mods. Maybe if more people were willing to come in and says thanks and whatnot, people would be more inclined to do the extra work. But about 90% of comments in these mod threads are complaints or asking for more stuff. People are just never happy. Lol.
  14. Well, I have no idea what would change in loot or recipes. So I wouldn't know what needs to be edited.
  15. My knowledge of DF is limited, but from what people have said it would seem DF makes changes to Grease Monkey. I think it changes it to where there are only 3 levels of it, which means the vast majority of my vehicles will error as they are level 4 or 5. I threw this together real quick, so no promises it will work. Just rename it, taking the DF off the front and overwrite the progression.xml if my mod's Configs folder. Probably best to make a backup of the original, just in case. DFprogression.xml
  16. So because someone has an issue with some of the zeds, but won't even begin to describe which ones, you want a whole index put together to make it easier? Wouldn't it just be easier for the people that are so offended to just provide screenshots of the ones in question? Or do like Reckis and simply ask how to remove them. It's not rocket science. Again, not having an attitude and politely asking something will get you much farther than saying "This is kiddie stuff. Remove plz." And I wasn't jumping on him because he did something other than praise the mod, or because of some "hive mindset". I replied because he flat out ignored Xyth asking him for examples of the zeds he found so childish looking. All the while being snarky himself. Nothing more, nothing less. And don't take this as me jumping on you, either. It's not personal or anything. Just as someone who also deals with people being ignorant about your mods and not providing requested info while having an attitude, I just call it as I see it. You come at me with attitude and entitlement, you'll get basically nothing. Nothing wrong with being polite. I don't even expect a thank you. Just don't be rude. Lol.
  17. And like 3 replies later, and you have yet to provide any info on which ones you find so offensive...
  18. I think what I'm going to try to do is add my stuff to the correct base loot groups, so that it gets added in along side its vanilla counterparts. Then I'll go into certain containers, like the hidden stash and big metal chests and add very small chances for certain items to show up. Either way, I'm going to try and make fairly small changes until it feels good. And then TFP will probably redo loot again and break all of it. Lol.
  19. Well, obviously RNG is a factor no matter what. But I don't want them showing up in the first week, really. Maybe the lower melee weapons, but that's it. I'm still combing through the vanilla loot groups seeing how it is all put together so I can add my stuff similar to how vanilla is set up. But staring into the xml too long makes my eyes bleed, so it might take a bit. Lol. I have a few days in a row off at the end of the week, so I'm gonna try starting a vanilla setting playthrough and see how it goes.
  20. I haven't had time to really play much so far, so I'm just going on what people tell me. A guy on Nexus said multiple people on his server had combat shotguns and various legendaries by day 2. Which is bad. Lol.
  21. @Dre Glad you like them. Pushing another update for The Wasteland. Should fix the Nav Object NRE for the old map quest. Added my shotguns to work with the Wabbit challenge. Also added the Service Rifle schematic and recipe. Also, to anyone who uses this mod, I could use some feedback on loot. I've gotten comments on Nexus about higher end weapons and Legendary items being way too common. This update was a first pass to try and fix that. So please let me know how it is now!
  22. Yup, pretty much anything other than a simple xml edit mod will need to be on both. Pushing an update to The Wasteland to fix weapon damage and durability issues due to perk changes in A19. Pipe weapons will now tie in to perks for quality. Pistol/Rifle is Gunslinger, shotgun is Boomstick. Also will fix the issue with the old map quest error. Git is current, Nexus will be soon.
  23. Alright, pushed updates to The Wasteland, fixing the melee scrapping issue and adding the tweaked Service Rifle iron sight, thanks Roadkill for the assist. Also updated the vehicle AIO and GNX modlet to tweak the red texture, and the missing tail light texture.
  24. I looked over it in Unity. I admit I kinda hate how it makes it look, but I do like the sights actually being right. Lol. So I guess I'll change it. Might push an update in the morning, we'll see. Appreciate the info.
  25. I'm not sure if they would show up or not. Guess I should test that. Lol. And as far as the buzzing sound, it's a part of the block. So no easy way to change it. EDIT- I turned down the buzzing some and reduced the range a few blocks. Best you are gonna get. Lol. Also tested melee mods. Looks like they don't show up, except for Burning Shaft. Which I'm fine with. Don't feel like positioning all that mess. Haha.
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