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Everything posted by bdubyah

  1. I'm not sure what that file is. What mod is it from?
  2. Not sure about the only one attack connecting, but the sync issue can be fixed by trying different HoldTypes for the hand item they are using. I just looked and his zombies are using a vanilla hand item. Probably needs to use a custom one. Can look at NPCmod for some examples.
  3. Just move everything in Unity except the top parent until it sits where you want it. Also make sure the top parent is at 0,0,0. And for the muzzle particles, make sure you have an empty child called Muzzle on the weapon in Unity.
  4. Sheesh. Splitting hairs a bit here, aren't we? I see murky water still has a "med" probability. And there sure are a lot of toilets about... One, that was just throwing out the old MM joke, while poking fun at someone saying finding enough water is a *gasp* struggle, so calm down. Was just meaning if they are struggling, maybe they aren't prioritizing food/water. Two, I never said anything other than looting a container is "sitting on your butt". I actually never said that at all, but keep reaching. And I would say working in a mine is going to a resource and collecting it, you know, like going to toilets and getting murky water. Er, I mean paper...
  5. Do you struggle currently to find murky water? It's in every toilet almost, plus several other places quite often. Plenty can mean several different things, but the meaning here is if you don't want to use the collector you can still survive, you'll just have to look for it more. Or as MM would say if he ever popped in anymore: "GET OFF YOUR ASS!" 😂
  6. bdubyah

    NPCMod and Addons

    The newest versions won't work for 20.5. Well, SCore might, but you'll need to run a 20.5 version of NPCcore, or edit the changes into your 20.6 version. The main thing will be the onSelfRangedBurstShotStart which was changed in 20.6. You'd need to change those back to onSelfRangedBurstShot. Any reason you aren't just running 20.6?
  7. Well, it wasn't a good first post. Lol. And from what I've seen, DF's system isn't all that different than what vanilla used to have. LBD, loot only books/schems, etc. I haven't actually played DF myself though, so I could be wrong and I'm certainly not taking anything away from Khaine's mod. I think he did make it so you could eventually get everything through perks/skills though, so you didn't find yourself in those situations where you were at end game times but never had find the minibike book, for example. But I was one of the ones that liked that part of rng as it could completely change that game. It seems most people always felt they should always find everything in every game though. Point being if you wanna start the whole "Simpson's did it!!!1!1!!" nonsense then the game will lose the vast majority of its content. Lol.
  8. And dozens of other games did it before that. There are no original ideas anymore, guy. Go troll elsewhere.
  9. I actually posted that while grumbling in the POI editor trying to paint a POI I'm working on. Lol. There just aren't enough usable wall/floor textures. I can't paint the entire thing gray concrete. Lol. The tinted control panel block textures would make for good paints. I used several of the gray ones and they look so good. We need some good metal wall paints that aren't super shiny, and that tile well. Some with the concretes. The gray is perfect, but then the other colors are either terrible tile jobs or you have the pink and purple which is super saturated and just looks odd in all but a few situations. Using the deco one shouldn't really hurt much. Occlusion and LODs should keep that from happening. Would make a good test, like you did with the glass.
  10. It's really not though. Lol. When you come out of the flooded area there is a hallway that leads to stairs. As soon as you get to the top of those stairs there is a locked door on the right. Break it open. I guess I can make it the door with a window and maybe add a light or something but it really isn't that hard to spot.
  11. I mean, that's the point of being able to change the difficulty. Mutants are tanky by default. Any difficulty higher than that and they just get worse. I might consider something like the magazine idea. Maybe. The skill point one would be more diffcult, so probably not. Didn't touch the exp curve. Should be in the next update, but can't say for sure when that will be. I've got several things I'm working on, but the Nav Tek POI is something I want done before I release the update. If you mean the rad ghoul that emits the big AOE that kills you, that will be changing in the next update. I used them to block higher tier POIs till you could get rad meds or armor mods to deal with it. The idea it still there, it's just now going to be blocks that emit the radiation, and there will be trader quests where you have to clean up those blocks. So there will still be POIs you simply can't enter on day 1. I need to work on more POIs for that as well. If you just meant the bulletproof glass, that will be changed as well. I did that on purpose to keep that rad ghoul there so you couldn't easily lure him away. Not sure what you mean about the recipe room. The path of the POI leads you to it. What door are you meaning you have to break to get to it? There is like one commercial door that is locked that has to be broken, but that shouldn't take very long. The roll up door right after the vault door that comes out to the entrance area can be opened with a key rack.
  12. So I know the paints get brought up quite a bit, and it appears the limit is pretty set, but what are the chances they refresh the ones we have/replace some? Several are so old and tile terribly, and others don't make as much sense now as they used to. With a lot of deco blocks being added to loot/traders, it seems like the oven, fridge, and cabinet/sink type paints could be changed out for more useful ones. Same with the supply crate ones, those could just be made into block variants you can select when placing them. And the industrial glass ones are rough too. Well, "glass industrial 2" is, anyway. The other one has some uses at least. I can count at least 25 that don't really make much sense anymore. If the limit isn't going to increase, the ones offered should at least be useful, nice looking options, no?
  13. Yeah, it's mostly made for default, that way you can go easier or harder if needed still. They are meant to be tanky, and avoided until you can handle them. You are free to take them on with a primitive bow and stone arrows, but that will obviously be difficult. No shame in running. Lol. And just to show some stuff I am working on: Nav Tek POI: Some decontamination arches that will be in the Nav Tek POI, and others in the future, to help cure that rad poisoning: Airship: A Mutant Bomber: Their AI was turned off for this btw. They do move pretty quick though.
  14. Yeah, I ran into that with A20. They removed some shaders that video files used. Me and Xyth both had that dedi issue. As my video clip was just white static for an old monitor, I just took several still screens of the static and made an animation out of it. Not sure if that would work in your case though.
  15. Looks like about ~150mb for this mod, which seems a little high to me, but there are 40 or so cabinets being added. Cranberry, what settings did you use for the textures in Unity? Like 2k, 1k? Also, if you aren't aware, if you use RGBA Crunched DXT5 for the texture compression you can save a ton of file size while barely losing any quality.
  16. If you look in recipes.xml for vehicleICTplaceable you'll see it has craft_time="30" on it. You can copy that and add it to whatever recipe you want. It's in seconds. I think vanilla has reduced all the vehicle crafting times from when I started modding as I know they used to take quite a while, but they are all set to just a few minutes now. Guess I either need to change them to be longer or shorten mine to match.
  17. Yeah, it'll be like how it was before. Zeds and mutants both attacking together. I only added a couple ranged ones with pistols and maybe one rifle. No M60 guys. Lol. There is a real small chance for a rocket launcher mutant to spawn though... From the folder name you mentioned I'd bet you had it nested in one too many folders. The folder you copy into your Mods folder should be called Bdubs Vehicles.
  18. An output log file. Pics of the console tell me nothing.
  19. No, it's set to 21. That's everyone's complaint. People seem to think they just have to max everything to be able to play the game. That's just not the case. And I do need to add the mutants back into the BM hordes. I have BM specific ones set up, I just haven't added them back in. Will get that done for the next update.
  20. Yeah, it still works. It resets you back to 21 SPIFSAL points.
  21. We'll see. I need to take another look at the overall order of perks and see how I feel now compared to when I originally did it. I'd also like to introduce something similar to NV's traits. Might hold off on that stuff till a21 drops. I'd love any and all feedback for the perks overall though. The player level requirements, order of perks in each attribute, etc. And weapon gaps, abilities, whatever.
  22. I already changed it...to what it is now. Never gonna say there won't be tweaks or something, but it's not going anywhere. Believe me, you aren't the first person to complain about it. Lol. Just checking. Saw you posted in the NPCmod thread. Hopefully they can figure it out.
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