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Everything posted by xyth

  1. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    I cant reproduce this error. Use all the creaturePacks, and all the requiredNPC modlet, but no thoer modelets, the world spawns zombies fine. I suspect another modlet is breaking it. - - - Updated - - - We can try adding back in the ApproachDistraction task, that might get you the desired effect.
  2. I redid the targeting, no snake was used. The current targeting seems to test out well.
  3. Various fixes and some new Zombies and Bandits pushed.
  4. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Morganic is the issue. I thought i fixed that days ago. I will check again. Thanks. Found it, in the TimidFlyingtemplate. Fix is pushed.
  5. I dont understand your question. You want a TV thats plays .MP4 files like the A17 version?
  6. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    The last release was a major refactoring of the mod, so likely it breaks save. If zombies are not spawning its a broken save
  7. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    I just added DarkStars zeds, and no changes to the zombiehands in over a week. If you would like to help debug, please follow the steps: 1. Make sure you validate you base game install 2. Empty your mods folder 3. Load the creature packs Test and record findings 4. load the 0-SphereIICore Test and record findings
  8. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Not seeing any xml issues, coyote ans zombies have the same bleeding xml. Maybe test without the core.
  9. It would need a total code rewrite to work on A18
  10. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Pest is one of the few remaining Gen2 entities. They will be replaced soon. The newest releases of the core, as it relates to the NPC characters, is targeting Gen3. - - - Updated - - - Please be as specific as possible. Does this happen with mod mods loaded besides the creature pack? If so, then add the NPC mods and retest. Not doing it? Then its another mod. If so, its the core. If you can narrow it down that helps. Nothing I load in the NPC mod or CreaturePacks would touch the player character beyond
  11. I'm not sure how you added EntityAnimalChicken ( I got an NRE) as that class isn't in the assembly as far as i can tell. Rabbits and chicken use the rabbitclass. I also changed the survivors to use the stagclass, as it has a better collider setup.
  12. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Just a reminder: There is no code in the NPC modlet. The behaviors you describe all come from the 0-SphereIICore Code. Make sure you have the latest Core loaded as well. That said, SphereII is coding the next generation of AI behaviors, so the shortcomings of the coming version will be improved in the future builds.
  13. Those are great edits. If you want to send the xpath I'll merge it in. Hope to have pull requests working on github when I have time. Also the survivors are the same as rabbits so keep that in mind.
  14. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Yes, hes removing the trader buildings and the traders in those. Mine will still wander around.
  15. I will check on the goat head collider. You can add the robots to those pois sleeper spawn groups. The creature packs are just. Modder resources but have some basic xml so folks can enjoy them as is.
  16. Did a major refactoring, pushed new version, added 5 more zombies made by darkstardragon.
  17. Added links to the CreaturePacks and added a modlet called No Potty Mouth that removes the bandit swearing.
  18. Haha. Its working like the XML says it should, but I should probably make it so they don't kill everything around including other robots. I'm not sure what mechs ought to be doing actually, are they programmed for killing anything that moves? Just undead? What purpose did they have before the apocalypse?
  19. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    The modlauncher only syncs 1 per hour
  20. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Farmer was using the old controller. Fix was pushed an hour ago
  21. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Bandit and trader modlets are no longer valid. delete those modlets and retry. You will get conflicts otherwise. The Basic bandits and Traders are now in the CreaturepackHumans and I will be adding Better Bandits and Better Traders to the NPC modlet soon.
  22. Added more birds and a really cool reskinning of the Robot done by Mumphy. The robot will now attack on dedi as well.
  23. xyth

    sphereii's DMT Mods

    I sent Sphereii an edit to the Abetterlife modlet, removing the birds and unused files, and adding Harvest to the swimmers. Hopefully Sphereii will approve and push it so you can enjoy your fishfry.
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