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Everything posted by xyth

  1. Been pushing new versions, most recent added 3 new spiders to the animalpack. Improved human walk animations, and added 2 test banditEves that use the ranged class rather than vomit class so are scary accurate. As they are baanditclass entities the are not in the spawngroups as they will NRE if they enter a trader protection zone.
  2. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Version 2.0 pushed. Mod updated to leverage the new Gen3 CreaturePack Humans. If this proves to be stable I will add in many new NPCs soon.
  3. Hit boxes should be perfect, as each limb has a custom collider. so 11 total colliders plus one for largeentitycollisions. The spherebot and the swarms both have very small hit boxes intentionally. Let me know if you experience anything else. Pushed updates to humans and Mechs. mechs had major issues but should be fixed.
  4. SphereII and i discussed that but it cant be done for vanilla, it would need new code and DMT to work. My question to you is, why bother? These new bandits are far more feature packed. They ragdoll, react to damage location, have gore, move smoothly, etc. Only advantage the old UMAs had was they could be easily skinned. The only difference between these bandits (and survivors, traders etc) from the ones planned by TFP for after gold is they will add new AI tasks. However, using DMT we are adding new AI tasks ourselves.
  5. Pushed version 1.01 of the Human Pack. Added A new character (heavy trader from trader modlet), added a few more character variants, added some new entitygroups.
  6. SphereII and I are gradually reintroducing modlets that replace and improve on various Starvation features. While there may not be another Starvation mod, the functional components will eventually all be available as DMT modlets.
  7. You caught me. That goat was made for my Grand Daughter ;-)
  8. WinterProject is the closest mod
  9. The packs are pushed to the Repo, First post updated. If you find anything strange, let me know.
  10. Planning on pushing the release version of this mod soon, no later than tomorrow. I will need to delete the old creature pack and replace it with 5 new packs: 0-CreaturePackAnimals - Release 1.0 adds a snowfox and a goat 0-CreaturePackFantasy - Adds 2 different "swarms", which are flying things like vultures but more annoying 0-CreaturePackHumans - Various bandits, traders, and survivors 0-CreaturePackMechs - A robot, drone and 2 SphereBots, the avatar of my modding partner SphereII 0-CreaturePackZombies - A Santa zombie and the reference template "Nurse" I may add a few more before release but these are ready to go now. It is important that you remove the old creaturepack modlet from your mods folder before adding these modlets, otherwise expect duplicate files and bad results. As always, these have had little testing so let me know what you find. The xml isnt fancy, as thats not my thing, but it serves to show things off in game, and I expect folks will send me better xml soon.
  11. Oh sorry. The work around is to edit the xml so he will not attack the player when he is hurt. I can push that edit when I get back.
  12. ETA for what exactly? I haven't gotten much feedback yet and I'm traveling this week so next week I will pull this version and release the base version of the 5 creaure packs. I started the tutorial videos to teach others this character creation method so it might be several weeks after that before folks contribute addition characters to the packs.
  13. I agree standards are critical for reuse and scalability, and I appreciate you bringing this one up as I had no idea it will be an issue. We are discussing and vetting standards on this Discord thread. https://discord.gg/DWTnyVh I encourage anyone interested to share their thoughts there.
  14. Once the testing shows this is something worth building one I will do some classes or videos on how to build these new entity models. I will likely port over all my existing characters from the bandits, traders and NPC modlets. Likely I will organize this into sub modlets like humanoids, animals, mechs, and fantasy characters. Then moders can just submit the .unity3d files and matching xpath xml for adding into each. These entities work great in pois as sleepers. You can add these to the sleeper gamestage so they appear randomly later in the game or directly add them to specific pois. I may add a sample xpath to add them to gamestages later. I checked on the mod launcher and the current version is there.
  15. Invulnerable wandering traders is a limit in what vanilla code can do. It's noted in xml documentation. They should not be aggressive to players unless they got hurt then they get a little angry. I will fix that in the next release.
  16. Version 1.02 Pushed. The Sphereii method worked great but made the Bandits invulnerable to damage, and that seems a really bad idea, so went old school and made them use the EnemyAnimal class and adjusted targets accordingly. Reduced spawn rates so there are fewer around. Added Icons. The bandits that you can setup to have the game give them weapons were removed from spawning but you can add them back in for testing. The Bandit class provides that weapon spawn, but these guys will NRE if they touch a tradingposts protected area. If you want to use those in your mod, then I recommend you edit all the tradingposts POUI xml to either remove that protection of make it smaller so its inside the walls. Also, those guys drop their weapons and ammo. The club can be used, but i made the AK47 unusable but it scraps to useful parts. The ammo dropped is unusable unless you were to add that item into each weapons ammotypes.
  17. SphereII figured out a possible fix, so I am coding up the xml and will push a new version shortly
  18. Without DMT you can't "make them stay" within a certain area, but you can strongly encourage them to do so with just xml edits :-) The territorial AI task is designed to return a character to its starting "area" using its spawn point as a location. This wont return him to the exact spot but he will return to the rough area and remain around there until pulled away. You can remove the breakblock task so the character cant get out of a poi easily. This can be improved by lowering its AI intelligence so it cant find paths out well. You can give them very poor senses so they wont be easily pulled away by chasing targets. You can reduce the chase time as well. There are other xml tricks too, so play with it until you get close to what you want.
  19. Pushed version 1.01: Made all bandits, survivors and wandering traders territorial and lowered chase time towards nonplayers to 5 seconds. This will dramatically reduce the ranging of these characters so it then becomes much less likely they will wander into a trading posts protection area. If they do, killing the entity (the console command "killall" works too) will clear the NRE is this rare event should occur. We are still pursuing other fixes as well.
  20. So it seems there is a vanilla bug (not a modlet bug) where any entity class that extends off of the EntityNPC class (This means bandits, traders and survivors) will cause an NRE when they wander into the protected trader area. This was a known issue for traders, but will also include the bandits and traders. Removing the trader area protection is the known fix but that introduces a small bug where 2 traders might spawn in a trader POI. We will research if there is any other alternate fix but likely we will need to create a code fix and ask TFP to add that to a future vanilla game release. Zombie and animal characters are unaffected by this bug.
  21. I see lots of Xpath errors in the log so its hard to know whats causing it. The error seems to happen during some NPC interaction so I will do additional testing to see if I can replicate your issue.
  22. A new game should not error if the trader is not spawning. Either you made an error in editing the file or you have found an unrelated error. If you can link to your logfiles perhaps we can find the error. This is the first report of an NRE error since tearing began. I believe you can take the sticky property just off the bandit arrow ammo item.
  23. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    For the most part that is correct.
  24. The NRE may linger until you start a new game. I appologise for that error. The arrows can usually be removed in third person view or by another player. They will automatically removed when you restart the game. You can edit the items.xml in the modlet to stop sticky arrows. I will document that in the next version.
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