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Everything posted by xyth

  1. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    I dont think you understand yet how this will all work. Think of the character pack as a pool of characters with enough xml for them to get into the game. Then modders will make other modlets that will load xml that will reference the characters in the pack and make them work in game as that modder desires. Those can be xpath vanillla compatible modlets or full overhaul mods. The DMT modders also will reference the characters in the pack, but DMT will allow the characters additional functionality that only new C# code can provide. So you can have a basic survivor in vanilla who uses just the vanilla AI or with DMT that very same character from the pack can also be hired and follow the player. Is that clearer?
  2. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Anything that can be done in vanilla can be done better in DMT so yes.
  3. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    See my revised post above.
  4. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    The goal of the Characterpack mod was full feature vanilla entity function and EAC compatibility. Features beyond that will need to remain in this DMT version as code is required. This DMT version will be re-baselined on these new entity models so they will move smoother and have ragdolls etc. When thats complete we plan on adding many new features to the DMT version of the NPCs. The bandit mod will be eliminated as bandits will be avilable in both the CharacterPack modlet and the NPC DMT modlet. Today we tested a method that will allow easy reskinning of Characterpack vanilla entities, so modders will be able to remove beards, replace hats, etc. through vanilla material overlays. That combined with spawning these with any weapon in hand should allow a huge amount of character variety just through xml edits. I recall your previous comment expressing doubt that the CharacterPack mods functionality could be done, and I'm glad I was able to surprise you after all.
  5. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    I hope someone helps fulfill your request. I have a list of existing entities I need to port over to the new system, and a few additional demonstration entities like some Mechs so likely will not be able to make these for you guys.
  6. I forgot that was reported as an issue before. Likely the 2 joel traders are fighting in the code. Best to just comment out Joeltrader out of the entitygroups till I can look at it. So the only "vanilla" fix is to turn off trading post protection in the trading post POI's prefab's XML. This isnt a very good vanilla solution, so I will comment out the Joeltrader in version 1.01, but for now just remove him from the entitygroups.xml. Thanks for the bug report!
  7. Excellent suggestions. I'm developing recommended standards now as basic development is complete. Also, Sphereii and I discussed getting the old UMA bandits working again.
  8. Ok, just 1 more... really, I;m done. Post away now.
  9. Probably don't need this many reserved but who ever knows, right?
  10. Contributors The following community members have donated resources to this project. Please thank them for their contributions! I will try to keep this list current. DarkStarDragon - Zombies GuppyCur (Guppy) - Zombies Robeloto - Spider sounds TSBX - Zombies Mumpfy - re-texturing and new asset creation Kergan - XML SaltyAF - XML Chikorina (Chiko) - XML
  11. Standards ​ To promote ease of reusing the characters in future mods and modlets, we think some recommended standards are needed. This is the subject of ongoing discussions, and always subject to revision, but the following are recommended standards for adding new characters to these packs. To offer a balance between freedom to choose individual characters and still maintain some organization of kinds of characters, there will be 5 basic character groups: Humans, Zombies, Animals, Mechs, and Fantasy Characters. Each of these will be a modlet containing a resource folder of individual .unity3d asset bundles for each character. The xml for each character will be in xpath format and merged into the master xml files for that modlet. Characters should be built to conform to TFP character standards and best practices as much as possible, and function in game like existing TFP characters do, with included ragdolls, rootmotion and gore. Additional information on this will be provided in video tutorials. Characters should have descriptive names to help end users know what they might be loading, so names like SnowFox is good if its a Snowfox, but Mylittlepal would be a bad name for a Snowfox. Keep the characters low/mid poly and watch texture sizes. Go for 2k texture maps - 1k additional maps. I try to keep most entities under 10 megs. TFP is changing to higher definition zombies, so we will conform to what they do when we get to see that. The material index used should be listed in the xml, so modders can do material overrides in xml and know what material they are targeting. For example, the TFP nurse zombie would be: <!-- Retexturing Index: Materials : 0 Body,1 Eyes --> LODs are not required, but if added keep those down to 1 or 2 max. More will be added here as we go.
  12. CreaturePacks Please Note: If your getting lots of spam warnings when some characters are set on fire, please load the 2-CharacterEffects pack which has the fix for that. It also contains random walktypes for all zombies, and enables humans to become infected. Also will be testing the method of turning some quest zombies back to humans. This goal of these new modlets is to provide core "Packs" that contains various vanilla compatible and fully featured characters such as bandits, survivors, animals, wandering traders, etc. without breaking EAC or requiring the DMT utility. Included in this test version are samples of each type of character with very basic xml to get them working in game. No balancing of spawn rates, weapon power, etc was attempted. There are 5 creature packs: 0-CreaturePackAnimals - Things like animals, birds, insects etc. 0-CreaturePackHumans - Various bandits, traders, and survivors and other humanoid rigged entities 0-CreaturePackMechs - Robots, drones and other mechanical things like SphereBot, the avatar of my modding partner SphereII 0-CreaturePackZombies - Zombies, you know, dead things that used to be human. Humanoid rigged. 0-CreaturePackFantasy - Everything else that doesn't fit in the 4 other categories. Swarms, Orcs, Pokemon etc. Other character modders have committed to contributing additional characters to this pack like they do to the POI (Buildings) collection called CompoPack. Want to join them? Start here: (A18 version - working on A19 version, but the how to is the same) The methods used to make this vanilla compatible were researched and developed over the past 2 years and finally it seems to be working well enough to test. However, this is something very new and challenging to develop so expect imperfections as we work out all the issues. Once initial testing is complete I plan to teach the development workflow to others. Features: Most characters support all vanilla character features. These include Humanoid rigging, root motion animation, collision with vehicles, rag-dolling, 100's of animated reactions (including hit locations, limping, etc.), limb decapitation and gore, and even the ability to spawn the characters with vanilla or custom weapons just by editing xml. These can also be retextured in xml to offer even more variety. There are some exceptions, especially on animals, as I just started to explore that controller. They also work very well as sleepers in POIs, but stumbling onto a bandit that has a MP7 at close range isn't something you will live to enjoy. Hopes and Dreams: Beyond hoping that this pack someday contains 100's of new characters, I hope some folks develop custom quests and story lines for some of the characters. Bandits are one thing, but earning a positive faction with the bandit leader by doing some hit jobs for him makes for a better end game. Known issues: There are currently no footstep sounds when these guys walk or run. Vanilla footsteps require a C# script to trigger sound events and we can not use scripts without breaking EAC. I expect to create a work around for that at some point but for now, look around more. Installation: Just drop the modlets into your MODS folder and have fun. They are not dependent on each other so load the ones you want. If your using a dedicated server, you also need to load this into your dedi server Mods folder. So a copy in both the clientside Mods folder and also on the servers Mods folder. Compatibility: The modlets are named with a prefix of 0- to insure they load before other modlets that will edit the basic xml provided in these core modlets. Nothing in these modlet's xml should change vanilla in a way that collides with other modlets but let me know if it does. Testing was done on A19 exp and 18.4 stable. Each submitted Unity.3d file (multiple entities in one file) should have a size less than 100 megs for Github compatibility. Terms of Use: The goal of everything SphereII and I do is to share information and examples of how to make this game better. So use this for yourselves or as part of a mod you develop for others to enjoy. Giving credit to the author is always a class act, but at least don't be that guy who spends an hour editing someones work and then claims to be the original author. You can use the .unity3d models only by referencing them inside the creaturepack but you may not copy those files as they usually contain one or more copyrighted, paid assets. Any derivative modlet must ensure compatibility with the base creaturepacks, and cannot directly break them. If you don't know how to make compatible mods, just ask for help. Download: https://github.com/7D2D/A19Mods Look for the 0-CreaturePacks, but there are other fun things there too, like No Potty Mouth. There is also a character effectspack modlet that adds infections (humans turning to zombies) and new walktypes to humans and zombies
  13. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Adding mods that use code to an old save will not work in most cases. Start a new game when you want to use the NPCs.
  14. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Yes, just add that line in above the AI stuff.
  15. Not unless Morte decides to return to modding. I'm working with SphereII on other projects and we are gradually reproducing many of Starvations features into modlet form so other modders can use them.
  16. Many things that first appeared in Starvation are showing up now in other mods. New 3d models, custom traps, NPCs, custom workstations, expanded farming, new enemies, breedable animals, etc are all currently available. Food spoilage is almost ready for general release. In many cases, cool things that wasn't in Starvation, like drivable custom vehicles, are also now available. My question then is: what feature of Starvation that you loved has yet to be reproduced as a modlet? Im sure we can find time to work on a few of those in the coming new year.
  17. xyth

    Ravenhearst Mod

    I reported this to SphereII a while ago but we couldn't repo the bug on his server. The good news is now we have a second case, so that might help track down the bug. We are working on it this morning but still cannot isolate the cause. Perhaps it starts after several days of game play as in my case it just appeared over time, so if anyone finds a reproducible clue please let us know.
  18. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    This is likely the solution. - - - Updated - - - Trying to add DMT mods into an existing save will likely cause issues, sorry.
  19. You must disable it before loading a game.
  20. Occlusion. That is right above bloom. Turn it off.
  21. You need to turn off Occlusion culling on the video menu to render the terrain. My testing shows 1 to 2 FPS lost per camera, and I test by looking at the same spot in game before and after adding cameras.
  22. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    NPCs should not despawn if they entered the world using the games biome spawner. Also, if you are using F6, make sure you don't use the default dynamic spawner, change to biome spawner. The dynamic spawner wont maintain them outside of the current chunk. Once we get the A18 version of the Winter Project shipped we can look at NPC sleepers.
  23. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    1. Tracking turns of in the entitiyClasses.xml, comment out this: <property name="MapIcon" value="ui_game_symbol_bullet_point"/> It would take a bit of code to make that hired only. 2. Never tried so many at once, try it and let us know. 3. Vanilla NPCs wont work as you said, at this time you cant do what you ask.
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