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Laz Man

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Everything posted by Laz Man

  1. The issue is a bit sporadic but was able to reproduce something similar in 5 attempts. I have reported this issue internally. SDTD-14010. Thank you!
  2. It normally starts with a greeting/test of strength....😅
  3. Thank you for the update! I will remember the "clean game" menu option for next time.
  4. Hi Beelyzbub, So far I have been unable to reproduce this issue. Please post your game graphics settings and I will try to use the same that you are using. Have you tried revalidating your game? There were some tree LOD changes in B27 and perhaps somehow something got messed up when updating. Edit: You may also want to backup your Navezgane save games then delete the entire folder to see if that helps as well (e.g. C:\Users\<your profile name>\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Saves\Navezgane). I had a similar issue with the prefab editor that was resolved by deleting the world save directory for it.
  5. @3ternalDamned, it looks like this bug was reported recently in A20 B33 (SDTD-13978). Regardless, thank you for the report. I believe there might be an A20's known issue's list in the near future to help folks know if already reported or not.
  6. Confirmed and reported internally for review. SDTD-13953. Thank you.
  7. Confirmed in B30 and reported internally. SDTD-13940. Thank you!
  8. Yes there is. See video link below. I recommend watching this guys entire series. Will help you get started making prefabs within the editor. 😁
  9. Hi GPC, Thanks for the heads up. Please submit a bug report page linked below. Also, you will need to be more specific in what you mean by "popping." I am assuming you are talking about occulsion? A video would be ideal since what you are describing seems very specific. https://community.7daystodie.com/bug-test-1/ Edit: I found your original post and noticed you mentioned some console errors. When visiting the bug report forum link above, please make sure to read all of the items required for the report listed in the red banner so the issue can be further investigated. (e.g. outputlog file, etc.) Thanks.
  10. It is also worth notating that compo pack and nitrogen go hand and hand nowadays as Magoli has stopped providing a configuration for vanilla RWG games for a while now. In A18, I think folks would see this issue mostly with the larger POIs (e.g. shamway factory). Something that would be helpful is if someone who experiences the issue can take a screen shot of their world map (fog filter turned off) and plot which POIs in the area have the issue and those that don't. That will give us a visual representation that may help narrow down the root cause.
  11. Very detailed observations. I agree with your assessment. I was not aware of the player model loading point as a focal point. I have a gut feeling part of the issue is POI density related (e.g. the more POIs packed in a given area). I believe both the compopack and nitrogen both have a higher POI density configuration in relation to vanilla.
  12. The bug in question is regarding the distant POI mesh that appears when the user is a certain distance away. The problem is that for some folks, the mesh doesn't go away when they get near the POI. If you have a consistent repro of this please head over to the bug forums and submit a report of it so it can get handled properly. Thanks.
  13. As it stands right now there is no consistent repro on this issue without using mods (e.g. custom POIs, Nitrogen, etc.). Probably the main reason why it hasn't been fixed yet.
  14. There avoiding you like the plague...😅
  15. Really? Hit up a few nightclubs in most densely populated cities in the US and I bet you'll see some. Here in California thats nothing special...lol
  16. Yep, its in the burnt biome down the street from trader Jen in Navezgane. It actually doesn't fall even if you remove its supports (minus the tree)
  17. Oh there's a tree, the tree house is just not supported by it...😅
  18. you can create a faux tree house...
  19. Yep, I love the ladder fix. I use to break my legs occasionally but now its alot easier to jump on/off. those players complaining probably... A) never seen a women not wearing a bra underneath move around like that... Or B) never seen a skyrim boob mod....now THOSE were over the top lol...
  20. Thanks for putting this together Khaine. Been meaning to create a variation of this for a long time and this will help me surely. You rock!!!!!
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