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Laz Man

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Posts posted by Laz Man

  1. Damn perfectionists... always holding off on releases. =)


    Yeah I can be at times. Problem has mostly been scope creep. There were alot of the areas in the old prison that felt so plain that I felt the need to expand and more substance. C'est la vie.

  2. Is there a download link already ? :smile-new:

    Looks very beautiful.


    Thanks Sam for the kind words. No link yet but I am debating on putting up another WIP copy for download for those who can't resist their curiosity...:)


    There is still quite a number of rooms that need an A17 block update still as well as sleeper config, distant POI mesh, quest configuration. I think I am at a point I will just stop doing anymore block updates and just throw in sleepers so the community can at least start playing with it. :)

  3. Another tutorial video specifically with the world editor prefab pack in mind. You wanna contribute? then this is most certainly the video for you. All custom prefabs are welcome whether it's a secy looking lamp post or a walking dead prison, whether or not you can save someone else 5 mins or 5 days it's all good.



    Haha....I see wyd there lol...

  4. what can I say old habits die hard and I'll be honest, while they could do with being brought upto date with the newer blocks etc they still look as good now as when I first started using them.... nearly 3 years ago lol


    I appreciate that. Definitely looking to get back into it. Been watching your tutorial videos on youtube so I can get back up to speed on the ingame prefab editor. Can you point me to a list of all of the shortcut keys? That will help me tremendously. 😅

  5. There's been plenty of frustration, but by starting fresh I've been able to do things proper this time around. and the whole map is made from parts of the prefab pack which is pretty reuseable.


    There's still plenty space to drop down a prison...


    I see wyd there lol...also, I noticed my Galleria is alive and kicking still in your video lol.

  6. Thanks Laz Man for thisreally nice prefab! Haven't seen everything yet but it looks very harmonious and vanillish (does this word exist? lol).



    Hope you dont mind me stealing your ideas.... :)


    Yes of course, thats fine. FyI, you will notice a weird water parting issue in the river up front. If you know how to fix this, let me know.

  7. By popular request, I have included a download link for the latest revision of this prefab to the OP of this thread. Enjoy! :)


    Please be advised this is a WIP copy of the prefab for those who would like to get a closer look as it is worked on. There are no sleepers defined, all vegetation have been removed for the time being, and I have yet to make a loot container pass. I have included a basic .xml file to help with manual spawning into the game. No additional installation assistance will be provided at this time.

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