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Laz Man

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Posts posted by Laz Man

  1. Based on the clearer pictures, it looks like the T5 apartments and Higashi Skyscraper spawned on top of each other.  We will need a full bug report that includes your map information so we can attempt to repro what your seeing.  Click red banner above on how to fill out a bug report.


  2. I haven't done a ton of custom tile work yet but suggest a good starting point if you want to create your own settlement is to use the oldwest settlement as a template.


    1) Copy > Rename all entries within the rwgmixer.xml that mention oldwest with the new name of your custom settlement.

        For Example:

    Small World:
    		<property class="lazman">
    			<property name="few" value="2"/>
    			<property name="default" value="2"/>
    			<property name="many" value="3"/>
    			<property name="mintiles" value="2"/>
    			<property name="maxtiles" value="3"/>
    Medium World:
    		<property class="lazman">
    			<property name="few" value="2"/>
    			<property name="default" value="3"/>
    			<property name="many" value="4"/>
    			<property name="mintiles" value="1"/>
    			<property name="maxtiles" value="2"/>
    Large World:
    		<property class="lazman">
    			<property name="few" value="3"/>
    			<property name="default" value="4"/>
    			<property name="many" value="5"/>
    			<property name="mintiles" value="2"/>
    			<property name="maxtiles" value="3"/>
    <township name="lazman">
    	<property name="spawn_trader" value="false"/>
    <district name="lazman">
    	<property name="district_spawn_weight" value="1"/>
    	<property name="district_required_township" value="lazman"/>
    	<property name="district_preview_color" value="0.5,0.5,0.1"/>
    	<property name="poi_required_tags_all" value="oldwest"/>


    2) Copy > Rename oldwest tile set files as a placeholder for your custom tile set.







    3) Edit each tile the way you want it.


  3. On 12/7/2021 at 2:20 AM, pApA^LeGBa said:

    Still an empty world. 500 meters to my quest, not a single zombie seen. Yes, feral sense is on. They did come when i was in the quest POI, but only two of them, wich happened in a19 aswell most of the times.


    Dug up some clay, no one disturbed me.


    Feels nothing like what @Roland described in his topic.


    More zombies please. At least double them.


    On a sidenote: Is a feral zombie on a tier one quest intended? Also 6 chickens in one POI seems a bit OP for day 1? Both in the dead rooster.


    Dead rooster has some changes coming up for it.

  4. The animation and sound guys did a wonderful job.  They all feel so clunky and meaty.  The new pipe shotgun feels so good that I bet hardly anyone will miss the old blunderbuss...😄


    Edit; I forgot to to mention the art guys.  They all look very good and unique.

  5. 1 hour ago, bachgaman said:

    This is not "my definition", these are facts. If a player plays badly, makes bad choices, dies on low difficulty, builds a bad base, sorts things badly, or plans his actions badly, then this is a bad player. I do not humiliate anyone with this, it is a fact. If a person does something poorly, then he is bad at it


    Good and bad are very subjective terms.  If you want people to be open to your opinion/discussion, try not claiming things as "facts" that everyone should abide by and just objectively speak for yourself.  


  6. I can empathize with the OPs comparisons however the key difference here is the game is a form for entertainment like no other.


    All of those other small team games are great and all but very different from 7d2d.


    Although the game has had many alphas, it has been playable all throughout.  Hell they probably could of chopped the game into several released paid titles/DLC if they really wanted to but they havent (exception was console...lol)


  7. A20 should give your group some more challenge.  Increased biome/district spawns as well as the new feral sense mode.


    Loot has also been rebalanced as well.


    Edit: What day/night setting are you guys using? I would recommend shortening it as well for more challenge.  There is also random horde nights with no warning setting. 

  8. 3 hours ago, Naz said:

    I like your glass garage at the top very cool op❤️ I made a ww2 anti air tower as my main base. Saw it on the practical engineering channel and thought that would make a great place to live in the zombie apocalypse 😂 I used a separate dart trap base for hordes. I added a hangar bay to it with automated hangar bay door for the gyro. I love that hangar bay but you need so much room to accommodate everything, so i'll have to come up with something else for a20 😛

    I have some video of it, i kept it unlisted (youtube wasn't happy with Spotify playing in the background xd)

      Hide contents





    Nice base and nice landing at the end...😅


    I would imagine the zombies take one look at it on horde night and just turn around....nope nope nope lol.

  9. 28 minutes ago, Allgudmate said:

    Appreciate the feedback @Laz Man, thanks! I just made some cosmetic adjustments to the barn and added some spotlights to make farming at night more easy (getting enough rotten flesh for the farm plots was not easy though). The top floor of the barn used to be my storage/manufacturing place early game; now, it stores all mah crops :)


    I really like the building aspect in 7DTD, can't wait for all the new shapes in A20!


    Plenty of new lego pieces to play with thats for sure.  Can't wait to see what folks will make with them.  :)

  10. 15 minutes ago, Roland said:




    It is valuable to TFP as a soft launch and quite frankly as a rewarding weekend for them to sit back and watch people who love their creation play and give spontaneous and candid feedback while they are in the midst of playing. The developers often get involved in the chats of various streams and talk directly with the playerbase as well during the weekend. There are always positive things that come out of the streamer weekend that end up benefiting the game for everyone.


    It is valuable to the streamers because it is an exclusive event. They are assured to get more viewers than they would if everyone was busily playing it on their own. That is what attracts them from a business POV. Of course, they are also fans of the game so they are also excited to play the new build.


    It is valuable to the player base because it does attract attention to the new release and many who may not have realized that A20 was about to drop and who may have had it uninstalled for a year or more will re-install it and dive back in to check out the new build. If the game is not installed then you get no notification from Steam that there has been an update. It also will bring in new players. Some of the streamers haven't been playing 7 Days to Die recently so their viewers are those who came for a different game and stayed because they liked the influencer. Now they will see 7 Days to Die possibly for the first time and get intrigued. New players and a larger player base is good for all the players.


    The way I think it could be super valuable is if Laz works all night long Sunday to switch up all the traps and jump scares he designed into the POIs from the way people watched the streamers encounter them to something different and unexpected. Come on Laz. Don't be lazy. :)


    Actually...my other job is raising my 3 little kids so the the weekend is my prime time work hours for 7 days.  I definitely will be watching and bug fixing during the event. :)

  11. 3 hours ago, Rizno said:


    ...and how does releasing the update to everyone at the same time suddenly cut off streamers getting their viewers and TFP getting their new customers? A large chunk of these viewers the streamers will get are just game owners eagerly awaiting the release they're being forced to wait longer for. They can't buy the game again unless it's to give to friends and family. But you don't need a Streamer Event for proud game owners to already do that.


    Everyone is right when they say "it's only a few days". But there's this brainless divide being put between the playerbase - where streamers with 5000+ subscribers (that's the requirement, if I recall correctly?) are basically getting treated like royalty in comparison to the regular old players who, in most cases, care more about the game and its future. "Hey we know you love our game but we're going to give this random person with lots of subscribers/followers on Twitch an even Earlier Access copy! We know you will understand, it's only a few days after all haha."


    This Streamer Event practice will be harshly defended; but that still doesn't make it right.

    A universal release won't hurt streamers and will still attract plenty of new customers to ensure the future of 7 Days to Die.

    Its a marketing event for an early view of a update not available yet.  That is part of the value streamers get out of the event.


    None of the streamers are getting paid (by TFP) to showcase the game.  I'm willing to bet there would be less streamers showcasing the game if it was a universal release.


  12. We would need more environmental art support to really sell an airport POI.  Mostly modular airplane stuff.  Would be strange have an airport POI with no planes.  We could hodge podge one with shapes but not to the level that would be believable.

  13. 18 hours ago, ungkor said:

    I decided to try a new world by only focusing on Intelligence.  


    The Stun baton is super weak . I assumed it would be balanced out by the junk turrent.  But there is no way to craft it besides a random schematic discovery.


    Make up your  minds:  7d2d is a rpg/long term build up character game, or is a 2-3 week replayable game with no depth.





    I am assuming this is purely a rant post as you didn't post enough objective information to start a discussion.


    As others have stated there are plenty ways to play INT builds.

  14. 2 hours ago, Whorhay said:

    I don't race for levels or do stuff to deliberately pile up levels. Tons of stuff is level gated though, and so if you want to be able to do stuff other than deliberately hobble yourself then you'll take every opportunity to earn exp. Gamestage advances with days played as well as player level, so by not leveling you're possibly just hurting your chances by getting behind the curve.


    That is incorrect, I believe its based on a factor of days survived since your last death and your level.  Gamestage based on the day number was changed at least a couple of alphas ago.  This way, a level 1 character joining a server on day 1000 has appropriately scaled difficulty if not in party with others.



  15. Good post, I agree some of the scripted events need some tweaking but feel they are an overall  net positive addition to the game world.  Regardless,  not everyone likes dungeon type POIs so I understand your point of view. 


    As a side note there are a number of non questable POIs that are designed to be explorable from multiple different directions.


    I disagree regarding bloodmoons as its the biggest driving force that gives the player a sense of urgency to use their time wisely in game...or die.  It also is a good way to blend in building and tower defense mechanics into the game.







  16. 1 hour ago, Maharin said:

    The whole experience (game, forums, all of it) is actually done by one person in their garage in Makalamabedi, Botswana.  This is, of course, only their part time job.  Their main passion is as a teacher in the local primary school.

    I didn't know roland lives in Botswana... 😄

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