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Laz Man

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Posts posted by Laz Man

  1. 4 hours ago, Roland said:

    It should also be noted that it depends where your quest is. I received a clear quest in the downtown area of a city and ended up running out of ammo because I couldn't keep up with the respawn rate and with feral sense on I was drawing zombie after zombie after me. After awhile it became almost impossible figuring out which zombie in the huge crowd was the red dot I needed to kill and because I could only use melee it became the most challenging Tier 2 clear quest I ever did....but fun.


    In regards to new players, quests should be labeled and colored accordingly to their difficulty.


    E.g. T2 clear quest in downtown = Hard in Orange Color.


    I think there might be a difficulty rating somewhere in the quest journal but it might be easily overlooked and/or not listed correctly?

  2. 12 minutes ago, POCKET951 said:

    oh all the Poi's I don't see anymore in alpha 20  are all in the level editor



    I look at the police station and the book store and I can see the SI issues

    will all these Pois eventually appear again in RWG? they seem pulled for now unless anyone has generated a world with these poi's in them.


    We would like to but it depends on priority and time.  We have no shortage of POIs to create  / update.  😆

  3. 1 hour ago, Alsvior said:

    I went into the prefab editor and removed all of it, then made a new game and rebuilt the system I had and it still isnt working properly. I should have added in the original post that one or two of the placed smg turrets will occasionally shoot a couple of rounds but are still not working properly.

    Hi Alsvior,


    Go ahead and click the red banner above and open a bug report.  Zip up your prefab files and attach it to your report so it can be investigated further.


    Also, if you are running any mods, make sure to disable/remove them all to make sure none of them are contributing  to the issue before submitting your report.

  4. 1 hour ago, POCKET951 said:

    not to mention you could get over 9000 paper from the printing press on the up floor

    I just wanted to use the over 9000 meme, so it's slightly exaggerated, but you would easily get over 5k Paper or in other words, a stupid amount of paper that you will probably never use.

    also in earlier alphas (18  I think) there use to be a building that looked like a  Library, it had 2 floors and it had tonnes of book shelves on each, not sure if it ever had crack a book sign on it but I haven't seen it anymore.


    would you happen to know what POI I am talking about, and if it is still in the game or if it was redone and changed?


    it would be strange to be if they just straight up deleted/removed poi's from the game. It makes more sense to me that they would redesign/reimagine/rennovate older Pois.

    for example I can no longer find the fire stations with 2 gun safes and 2 vending machines in them


    I think the library looking POI was a crack a book that was removed at least a couple alphas ago.


    Dont know why it was removed.  I do remember there being an SI issue with it.


    Generally speaking, the level design team doesn't just remove POIs without re-imagining / re-designing them.  There are some exceptions though (e.g. several POIs that are basically the same with just a different texture/color).


    As a side note. I am currently updating an the older POI that was pulled a while go now....😅

  5. 39 minutes ago, Alsvior said:

    So I built a Base on top of Dishong Tower but the world i originally built it in is no longer a world I play, this base was built in A20. so I Imported the entire tower with my alterations to a new world and on the first blood moon none of my turrets were working, not even the robotic ones. so I tore down every component of my power set up and rebuilt it. The next blood moon arrives and they still will not target zombies, but if I set them to target self they will fire at me but I wont take damage. I have tried googling this but I haven't found anything about it. Has anyone else experienced this?


    It probably has something to do with the powered player blocks.  Try removing all of the player made smg, shotgun, dart traps, generators nd blade traps from the exported POI.


    Start a new game to test to see if that makes any difference.

  6. Just now, Jason Tamosiunis said:

    true i guess its all about trying to find the right balance so the majority can be happy because you will always get those that say either its way to much loot or no loot XD


    Yep, I am not surprised about the reactions so far to the changes to the crack a book HQ.  If my memory is correct, the old one was so OP you could loot one and get bags full of books and schematics and be set.

  7. 11 minutes ago, Jason Tamosiunis said:

    yeah buildings like the crack a book HQ have suffered with the new style they dont mean as much anymore TFP have turned every building into a dungeons including the ones that absolutely shouldnt have been converted

    all of the crack a books whether the towers or just the book stores should be filled with book shelves sometimes the devs for a game arent always right in their designs :)


    All of the skyscrapers were questable dungeon designs even before A20.  That did not change.


    As far as the crack a book HQ is concerned, it was redesigned to be more believable.  The old version had alot of unbelievable things (e.g. printing press on upper floor but no elevator?)  As far as loot is concerned, it probably was reduced because it was not balanced.  The new one is relatively faster to clear in comparison to the old version and other skyscrapers.


    As far as the joe bro builders POI (skyscraper_04), it is a T4 POI and was balanced accordingly.  It is worth pointing out there is still a considerable amount of construction crates which yield alot of good loot for crafting which was buffed in comparison to A19 (Great source for acid btw)



  8. 4 hours ago, ricp said:


    Can you post videos? The reason I ask is I captured me dropping into a PoI from the roof and it wasn't until I had hit the floor did all the zombies spawn around me.


    You can view this unedited clip here: https://streamable.com/mqdnlc


    Now to be fair, this isn't the PoI I mentioned in my previous post, but it does demonstrate the problem with late spawning sleepers. I have Feral Sense enabled so I'm guessing that might be the reason they all triggered on me, without it, it might be possible to get down there, have them spawn - but in a "sleeping state".


    I appreciate there is an overhead to spawning sleepers too early, but this PoI feels more like a lazy trap. It is a new PoI though, so I'm not complaining, just wanting to show you what I was talking about.



    That is perfect example.  Those types can be adjusted on the level design side.  If you have any more of these, please submit a report.  I am familiar with this POI and will get a ticket submitted internally for it.  Thanks.

  9. 1 hour ago, canadianbluebeer said:


    /tinfoil hat on


    Original Ranger Station:  made a great starter base that could be expanded.  Loved it!  (changed, no can do now)

    Bombshelter:   upgrade the fence, the little gatehouse thing and good to go. area in the fence made a great farm.  Loved it!  (changed, gone.)

    Junkyard:  made an incredible early/mid horde base,  (found that by accident) .. changed (or at least can't find one)

    Drop pit with shotty turret horde base:   zombie drop damage pretty much gone.


    Haven't checked the dart trap base yet, but I expect that will still work. (it bloody well should given how much time/mats go into the thing!)


    /tinfoil hat off





    All of those were probably updated because they hadn't been in a long time and not because players were using them as bases.


    Would need to know what was changed specifically in them that you missed to be able to tell you why.


    Edit: for example, most of all of the old vacant lot POIs were replaced with something new since they were so old and outdated. 


  10. Happy New Year everyone!  There are actually some survivor site POIs out in the wilderness that look like horde bases that failed. (E.g. spike traps, corpses, etc.)


    Not sure if player built horde bases will ever be added part of vanilla because they would look inconsistent with the rest of the POIs in the game world.


    However, I think it would be cool if there were POI versions of our electrical traps as that would make even more interesting survivor sites.


  11. 8 hours ago, ricp said:

    In terms of sleepers, I've less issue with waking them up than with them spawning in very late.


    I am on a mid tier PC, so it might be something to do with processing power, but I can find myself stealthing into a room, finding nobody, turning around and seeing a (sleeping) zombie spawn into a corner I just walked past. There is one new PoI (sorry can't tell you a name) that as you go down to the ground floor, zombies spawn under the stairwell, yet they don't spawn until you are well within the room. You can look from above at the location they should be, but nothing. I am talking about the sleepers spawning in, not triggered. Obviously when they spawn in sleeping, and you happen to be right in front of them, they are automatically triggered.



    I encourage anyone who experiences a zombie pop within their view or late (especially in Single Player) to submit a bug report (see red banner above).  You can take a screenshot of the POI that you are in very easily by pressing F11 and typing a comment.  The screenshot will be saved in your 7 days to die directory (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Screenshots) and have the name and coordinates of the POI on it as well.


    Alot of the time, a sleeper volume can be adjusted to fix the issue, assuming the delay isn't because of a server issue (e.g. max alive reached).

  12. On 12/27/2021 at 2:41 PM, mr.devolver said:

    Background story:


    I've been playing with WalkerSim mod to boost the amount of zombies, I'm playing solo and I was on a quest, clearing and grabbing package from that big "HIGASHI PHARMACEUTICAL" building on the right side of the screen below. The quest involved killing 100 zombies inside of the building, all kinds of nasty stuff including lots of ferals and radiated zombies were there. When I finally made it to the top and thought that everything is going to be ok and all silent now, then another horde of ferals, radiated zombies, dogs and vultures showed up on the roof, all trying to kill me, I was running like crazy all around the roof with a steel axe in my hands, trying to evade every attack on the small, but complexly designed space with lots of stairs, railings, etc. but I made it and I killed all of them! I quickly realized it's very late and that I'm not gonna make it back to trader in time. What was even worse though, after clearing the building, being low on ammo, with half broken weapons, I realized it's the horde night and it starts in just couple of in-game minutes... I was standing at the helipad on the roof, thinking what should I do. But the game didn't really let me breathe peacefully for too long and the horror-like horde night action music started playing, and so I made that decision very quickly. I went back down through lots of complex interior passages and I fought the first hordes that made it to the top! I was thinking: "This game actually starts to feel right now! This is what it was supposed to feel like from the beginning!". As I was getting to lower levels of the building, more and more zombies showed up, I fought my way all the way to the ground floor and quickly tried to find exit lol I think I axed a zombie business man that was passing by as I was running towards the exit. Once I was outside, I quickly ran back to my motorcycle and all those freaking ferals running after me. I drove couple of meters away and I was like: "Nah, trader's closed anyway, let's try my luck again... :D" I stepped down from the motorcycle and fought through the whole horde night! Zombies stopped comming around 3AM and I was like: "Well, was that it? I'm a bit disappointed now. Let's check out that building over there", I went to a random building nearby and started axing all the sleepers, didn't even let them stand up and then I found a cop zombie there, yay! I chopped him to death with my steel axe, I climbed to the roof and couple of bikers and vultures showed up. Chopped them all and it was already morning time. Then I looked around and saw something absolutely stunning and I had to share it with you guys. This is it. What a view! This is Alpha 20 randomly generated world!



    Ooo sweet, you got the new remnant skyscraper there too...😎

  13. Another thing to check is to see how much memory your computer is using when you start seeing the FPS issues.


    You can do this by opening your task manager (ctrl alt del > performance).  I have seen the game tank major FPS once a systems memory has run out.


    I have 16GB Ram so this doesn't happen to me as much anymore but use to see it at times on my older laptop that had less RAM.

  14. Hmm, this sounds strange.  That GPU should be more than enough even on high settings.  My laptop is very similar.  What happens when you use a lower resolution?


    On my MSI laptop with similar specs I have no problems getting 60fps in downtown areas. (1920x 1080)


    Also, silly question, is your laptop plugged into power outlet?  Most gaming laptop GPS run slower when running on battery.

  15. On 12/22/2021 at 11:56 PM, pApA^LeGBa said:

    I think that the part that TFP only supports MP up to 8 players should be made more accessible. Most people find out about that when they encounter problems with servers that have more players than that.


    The new cities are kind of a slap in the face tbh. Yes, they look great, it feels super nice, looks way more realistic. And i love them.


    But getting huge FPS drops on medium settings with a system that is way above the minimum requirements after beeing told over and over that we can´t have more zombies due to minimum requirements is quite the joke.


    I understand your pain, however I don't think the number of active AI entities and POIs is a fair comparison.  Optimization in downtown areas is a work in progress.  There was a major FPS optimization during streamer weekend and on the level design side, we are also making additional lighter weight (Verts/Tris) POIs to help performance in that district.  I personally added a lighter remnant skyscraper for stable B238.

  16. 4 hours ago, Adebar said:

    Fun Pimps, really???

    In times where the whole world suffers under Covid-19, aka Corona, you have to put a billboard (Corona Wipes) in your Alpha 20?

    In times where this topic divides nations?


    It might've been funny about 2 years ago when there was a shortage of toilet paper, but today, after hundreds of thousands of people died because of Corona, with no end in sight to this pandemic, putting that billboard in the game is more than distasteful.


    The Corona Wipes branding was actually introduced in A19 so its not new.  It is an item on one of the many lootable hardware shelves.  However, as someone who has experienced the effects of the virus directly or indirectly, I can understand the negative feelings towards it.

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