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Laz Man

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Everything posted by Laz Man

  1. Maybe they will get dumber once bandits enter the picture. Not sure what faatal has planned. Right now since zombies are the main threat its more fun the way it is now.
  2. That is correct, he has several prefab files where he tests AI changes. Feel free to look at it yourself in the prefab editor to see how extensive his testing is. As mentioned, there is no way Faatal will catch every possible configuration of blocks despite his efforts to do so. What would be helpful is a bug report or at the very least a screenshot of the POI setup you are referring to so it can be looked into and hopefully fixed. Software development is an iterative process and it is common for new and old issues to occur as the product is worked on. Looking at the big picture, I personally feel the AI is far better then people give it credit for. What other game on the market has an AI that can successfully navigate a fully destructible world as good as 7 days to die? It always brings a moment of awe when I see the AI able to successfully reach a player at the top of a multi story building. This is even more evident with feral sense in the new downtown buildings in A20. It certainly has come along way.
  3. Can you clarify? The new shapes are used in A20 POIs and player built bases so not sure what you mean by that.
  4. The crawling change certainly helps but its not perfect. Considering over 1300 shapes were added, there were bound to be more bugs which will be addressed as time permits.
  5. Bug fixing and optimization is always ongoing and never the last thing done. What alot of people are not aware (or in denial about) is that these bug fixes are actually only a small fraction of the developer's time. They almost always overlook all of the other features/bugs/optimzations that were worked on and choose to hyper focus on the ones they dont like. What makes things worse are videos like this one that get out there with assumptions which starts a whole mob of misinformed people.
  6. Loot balance is ongoing. As far is crafting is concerned, hopefully some more changes come in to make it feel more rewarding/balanced.
  7. The bear den was changed in A20. There is no longer a drop in with the 2 bears . There is actually several ways to approach it now but won't spoil it for you. 😅 Also, It is worth pointing out that that POI was always set one tier higher (loot wise) due to the harder difficulty because of the bears. I'm pretty sure the metal and wood desks will be eventually updated just like many of the older block entities in the game in which time the coliders should be adjusted. Regardless, it is probably a good idea to submit a bug report on it in the bug forum (see red banner link above) so it doesn't get overlooked. Thanks.
  8. They are likely a placeholder until the game has a better decal system. They look decent to me for the most part, is there a specific place where they look bad? I have heard people having issues with having to remove them before they can build on asphalt but nothing about them looking bad.
  9. I have built an early day base near the trader for efficiency before but sometimes that gets boring. Nothing special, usually an elevated platform or whatever pops in my head at the moment. Recently I have been trying to take over existing POIs and upgrading choke points throughout as fall back positions assuming I may use it as a horde base at some point. I feel this adds alot of variety as every POI has strengths and weaknesses to account for which makes each playthrough different.
  10. Yes, it was removed for now and will hopefully get updated to current standards in the near future.
  11. You can find out the POI name by standing in its bounds and taking a screen shot with F11. We would also need to know your seed / world name etc. Your log file too. When in doubt, click link in red banner above and file a report. Thanks.
  12. Which one is that? The one in the commercial district and parking garage on ground floor?
  13. I miss how the old one was taller. It made him feel more intimidating. However, I understand why they had to shrink him down alittle. Probably to make him more in line with other HD zombies and for pathing through doors. I do like how the new one is more universal and is more believable in more settings. Looks like he could be an outdoorsman, a warehouse worker, butcher, etc.
  14. Not sure how it was in A19 in comparison but the behavior is supposed to be varied vs all AI with 100% identical behavior. Skimmed through that video and the streamers observations was very subjective on a debug function they had recently only found out about. BM AI is also different then normal AI so what was shown and commented on is incomplete. AI will likely continue to evolve especially once bandits get added into the mix. I understand change is difficult, however it is important to understand these things are a work in progress and should expect them to change until gold. Regardless, If anyone feels they have encountered some sort of bug or inconsisteny, please direct them to the link in the red banner above and fill out a complete bug report so the QA team can attempt to reproduce the issue and get it in front of a dev as soon as possible.
  15. Do u have loot respawn disabled? I believe sleeper respawn is tied to that setting now. There might be a default timer of 30 days if respawn is off but I'm not 100% sure on that. Will need to inquire.
  16. What most likely happened is the sleepers that got "lost" eventually spawned back in their original volumes. Glad you guys were able to work it out. The orange dot is very helpful for larger POIs where zombies can be missed.
  17. Stealth definitely has its quirks. I doubt it will ever be splinter cell level greatness but hopefully it gets more love before gold to make it feel better. At least now you can stealth an attack volume to a certain degree so things are st least improving. 😄
  18. The AI feels improved in A20 compared to A19 imo. Yes most will follow a certain path depending on your base setup and what direction they spawned from which is intended for the tower defense side of the game. However, some will be more unpredictable which creates some variability which is much needed.
  19. There are actually many boss rooms that you have exactly described. Many of the final loot rooms of quest POIs are designed with areas for the player to take advantage of. (E.g. a door to open/close, pallets to jump on, ladders to use, etc.)
  20. Probably too late for 7 days, but it may help to get feedback from people their ideal stealth gameplay and what other games out there have best implemented it. There's alot of stealth games out there and I don't believe even the most stealth focused allowed you to silently beat boss room encounters for example. The Hitman series is probably the one game I have played where stealth was a main focus of the game 100% throughout.
  21. Sounds like you were in the wasteland? Wasteland night time missions are probably the toughest in the game.
  22. I did a recent stealth test (unperked) and was able to stealth attack volumes as long as I was being quiet and hiding in dark places. Felt pretty good to me compared to A19. Additionally, the zeds that were hiding did show up on my compass so I was able to figure out where they were relatively. Although I can appreciate that some players would like to full clear POIs with stealth, they are not designed to be 100% stealthable. Its actually better in A20 since now players can stealth some attack encounters more effectively using perks and darkness. Perhaps a good addition to help stealth play is to introduce an item or effect that allows players to make rooms dark (e.g. all lights in a certain radius area are destroyed or turned off)
  23. In a recent playthrough, I have made it a point to not quest any POIs I have already done so I can experience all of the POIs that the game has to offer as well as to keep things feeling fresh. I also mark them on my map so if I forget whether or not I have done a particular POI, I can easily cancel that quest and accept another. It would be great of the game did this automatically for me but until then I can manage.
  24. If it was the post office + appliance store, that one is mine.
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