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Everything posted by gpcstargate

  1. Quick answer .. Front page there is a color code .. but for each type of building .. I don't think so. ….. But the master can answer it better
  2. Thank You Damocles For that bit of info about what I was doing wrong .. downloaded the COMPOPACK 40 from the forums and it works great .. OMG, I have forgotten ALL the neat buildings out there that isn't in the Vanilla game and loaded with Z's and even got the undead traders along with the good ones. Having a blast with it so far .. the trader also have xcustom quest working also .. Made a 8k and a 10k .. both are good. Have One question thou .. if Steam 7D2D _ does an Update .. will I have to redo the Data folder for COMPOPACK to work or should it be OK?? Thank you again for the help .. the Old Gamer …
  3. OH said the blindman .. so I was only half right. got it, I think .. Thank you .. the Old Gamer …
  4. Good Day Sphereii Been awhile .. gotten use to the cold weather yet? I'm not ready .. 3-4 blankets on the bed, lol. Anyway .. I was wondering what is with the Graff Modlet .. it takes forever to download and install I tried the other day and started at [ 3:46 load game folder .. 3:49 pre-sync / cloning started at 4:08 / pre-sync completed at 4:28 and into game menu at 4:38 ] and then on to a 8K map another maybe 10-15 minutes .. that is a lot longer than any of the other mods normally take and do you know if it is ready for A 18.1 b 8 or just experimental still. It has a good balance of Modlets inside of it, Just takes forever to install. Thank you .. the Old Gamer …
  5. @ Damocles Didn't know if you saw the updated part. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE: 11/16 @ 11:35 EST. US PS: New 10K .. this one has 9 traders .. If I counted right .. Only thing I noticed odd was most everything is on the East side of map .. But workable. ……….. And we have a lot more settings. 1 .. other thing .. For some reason I'm Not able to load the Combo_39 .. I can select it (the game folder prefablist.txt list shows them .. But the Game itself will not load them … I get a bunch of errors "not found _ will skip" and when map is opened in game .. A bunch of gridded empty lots with just the Vanilla ones here and there.) I use the resource folder as source .. don't know what I'm doing wrong on that one.
  6. No not really .. there was a lot of open space on the .. I made another one thinking it might have been just a fluke .. but, next map same thing. I see you have another version up, will download it and see what happens .. Thank you .. the Old Gamer … I use the mountains and mostly green flatlands set-up with snow borders PS: I found a couple lakes with Dry zones in them [like a pathway or splitting of the sea] just to let you know. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE: 11/16 @ 11:35 EST. US PS: New 10K .. this one has 9 traders .. If I counted right .. Only thing I noticed odd was most everything is on the East side of map .. But workable. ……….. And we have a lot more settings. 1 .. other thing .. For some reason I'm Not able to load the Combo_39 .. I can select it (the game folder prefablist.txt list shows them .. But the Game itself will not load them … I get a bunch of errors "not found _ will skip" and when map is opened in game .. A bunch of gridded empty lots with just the Vanilla ones here and there.) I use the resource folder as source .. don't know what I'm doing wrong on that one.
  7. @ Damocles Good day .. in 0.462 .. Question _ I just made a 10K map checked [Lots for trader] but I only counted 7 showing on the map .. are the traders set to the map size for how many you get ?? Because, When doing a 12K map _ I normally got about 20 traders to a map. Just wondering if you have changed it up .. Thank you, Have a good weekend .. the Old Gamer … PS: I like the layout …… 136 sheep ….. Lol
  8. Upper right hand Corner of map maker .. their is a selection _ Traders .. if you want more _ use many or lots .. Lots = about 20+ on a map. under it is a selection location .. best you can do is _ Near Town .. and that will put them around the cities or town .. but Not in them .. but it is damn close .. for me within a couple of blocks.
  9. Never done a server .. But I would think the same as normal. In the roaming file under system name where the 7d2d files go "GeneratedWorlds". But I might be wrong, but it's worth a look
  10. Thank you for the reply .. I tried a 10240 .. but was kinda laggy with the Mod package by Graff, So I deleted it. Hope you have a great week coming
  11. @ Damocles Been awhile since playing 7D2D and I normally make a 12288 size map and don't have any issues .. But what I was wondering _what is the Correct sizing for a 10K map. Thank you and as always .. Have Fun and Enjoy ... the Old Gamer ..
  12. Simple question .. Updating to A18 Stable and about how long before I should check back ?? Thank You, the Old Gamer
  13. A18 b139 experimental is here .. it's Not Stable yet .. maybe a week or two
  14. Good Day Subquake Question .. Did you have time to do wireless junction boxes for overhaul, something I always hated about Vanilla _ " seeing wires from here to ten buck two, as the old saying goes ". Just wondering. the Old Gamer If not .. would a Modlet work that does??
  15. ONCE game is launched check bottom Left .. it will say ver 6.0.6 ……….. Launcher is Up to Date on Version. But you might have to start it twice to launch ……. a Windows thing setting up game. ( I Did ) PS: Don't forget to pre-sync .. before going to Play
  16. That's Kinda of Silly … the Game does Not support a 20K map .. just my thoughts
  17. OKIE DOKIE .. Damocles .. Will give a shot with new Update .. but will turn off Small Lakes and change Big Lakes to many and see how that works out. As always .. Have Fun and Enjoy .. hope you have a good weekend also … the Old Gamer ..
  18. Good day Damocles I made a map using v 0.351 and something strange happened .. a 1/4 of the map was WaterWorld .. in the form of a Wall of water to the flat lands .. ( I should have taken a screenshot but didn't think of it fast enough before deleting it .. But here is the Generator sheet for your viewing .. don't know if it was just a one time deal or not ( Did not try to make that one again ) .. but did restart load twice to make sure it wasn't just a load issue and the wall was still there: Just Strange .. Maybe 8+ block high Wall of water .. All water on one side as far as the eye could see ( you could see a couple roof tops poking out of the water here and there ) .. and .. stopping behind one of the Traders back down to normal ground level on the rest of the map. Boy wish I took a screenshot now. Anyway .. Have a good one … the Old Gamer ..
  19. Damocles Quick question .. what is the pixel color code for traders .. been trying to figure that one out .. without much success. Thank You and have a great weekend … the Old Gamer ..
  20. Glad you were able to find it .. I have a youtuber that uses my maps after I check them out for balance .. But one thing I have noticed .. Is when I do .. Traders .. Lots .. (near towns) .. it will group a lot in one location area .. as in the map I'm checking now .. I have 4 in the SW Corner and 5 in the NW corner and the rest are here and there .. Is there a way to do near and not so grouped .. Just wondering .. I can live with it myself .. but was wondering. As always .. Have Fun and Enjoy … the Old Gamer ..
  21. Damocles .. Here is a File copy of my basic maps .. I made ( 1 ) change to ( few ) on Big Lakes and it Ran .. OR .. make the change on ( Traders to many instead of Lots and leave big lakes as default it Will run) .. so it is something between the 2 of them .. that makes _ Array Index Out of Range happen. Just wanted to let you know. Thank you for a great tool
  22. Yep .. Same here ,, reduced it to the 8k and it ran .. world mapping was 560/560 in 4 min _ 13 sec and my 12288 world normally take between 10 to 13 minutes. Preview looked good .. But now need to check the real thing.
  23. Damocles Question .. I just tried to generate 1 of my 12288 maps on the new version A 0.341 and I got a message saying: ……….. ( Array Index out of range ) .. a first for that .. is the new build limited on size.
  24. Damocles Well .. gee-wiz .. and I JUST made a perfect world in v 0.31 using smoother and really liking the way the roads turned out. It took 13min _16sec to make my 12288 map and had 135 items of map making … I'll keep that .. And give v 0.32 a try later .. UNLESS you update again before I get a chance. Really enjoying this map maker. Thank you … the Old Gamer .. PS .. I never really like gridded streets .. that is one reason that I'm using this .. Can grid be an option .. just wondering.
  25. Damocles I personally love the Old style of roads .. asphalt and grass .. makes it seem so much more real .. There is No one to maintain them .. just wish there were a bit more of them. I've been making several 12288 map and they are working really well so far .. but tried to add DF and RH prefablist.txt and messed them u pretty much .. went back to your set-up .. until I figure out what I did wrong .. Had hardly any building in the city and I was trying to do many and Large .. just didn't work out. But I'm loving the maps that I've made so far with Nitrogen .. Just wanted to let you Know. … the Old Gamer .. As always .. Have Fun and Enjoy
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