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Everything posted by gpcstargate

  1. OK .. JaxTeller718 To be honest .. I'm confused … I've tried several times to do a complete journal quest at personal workbench .. but it will not .. it says I have all required papers .. but will not give option to finish .. Is there another desk we need to complete?? Thank you .. So far I'm liking the mod .. Note: The RGW is still messed up in areas .. I have a section that looks like a Roller Coaster of straight up and down roads
  2. IT's In the Works SO .. Have Fun and Enjoy … the Old Gamer ..
  3. THEN YOU did something wrong .. GO to the launcher page and ask Sphereii about your problem. I use launcher and have NO Issues with it .. also are you running windows 7 and did you get the win7 update. >> Just a couple of thoughts This IS Like asking a Car mechanic .. About a Dental problem ..
  4. @ Lewd .. Yelp .. playing with OLD DRIVERS and you wonder why somethings don't work .. someday people will learning. Just a thought .. Keep those drivers Updated .. wonder How many other Old Drivers you have … the Old Gamer ..
  5. SO .. Have Fun and Enjoy
  6. Good day Subquake, It IS Coming along nicely I see .. keep all the teasers coming Looking forward to day it get's released .. thinking most likely After A17.2 FINALLY goes stable .. But there are rumors of A18 now .. even before A 17.2 goes stable_" when and if it does " .. SO we will see and I will try and keep the wolves off your back … the Old Gamer ..
  7. Turn Gore Block : GO TO PAGE 94 .. Post 1408 and 1409 .. and LOOK there …… also there is some stuff on Sphereii site about gore blocks. Because you most likely are doing the wrong ones .. if using the mod launcher. Mod launcher .. Sphereii site .. page 122 .. Post 1822 and 1823 - - - Updated - - - Turn Gore Block : GO TO PAGE 94 .. Post 1408 and 1409 .. and LOOK there …… also there is some stuff on Sphereii site about gore blocks. Because you most likely are doing the wrong ones .. if using the mod launcher. Mod launcher .. Sphereii site .. page 122 .. Post 1822 and 1823
  8. KhaineGB Just a quick note .. Update first page to v2.03 .. Have a good one … the Old Gamer ..
  9. SO .. Have Fun and Enjoy[/size]
  10. Good day KhaineGB Just a quick note on v2.03 .. Sleeping bag had to be reset and Landclaim block was dead (but that I think is a 17.1 issue) .. had to replace So far everything else seem good ………….. Thank you taking out Gore Block … the Old Gamer ..
  11. Glad to help when I can ……. 2 thing .. don't pre-sync before launching game and turn OFF auto update mod top box on right. Anytime you need to Update Mod to a New version .. YOU will have to redo files .. so get into the habit ... the Old Gamer ..
  12. GO TO PAGE 94 .. Post 1408 and 1409 .. and LOOK there …… also there is some stuff on Sphereii site about gore blocks. Because you most likely are doing the wrong ones .. if using the mod launcher. Mod launcher .. Sphereii site .. page 122 .. Post 1822 and 1823
  13. Good day Sphereii I have a quick question and maybe silly .. In the "Installed Modlets" window .. you show the main Mod installed with a check box next to it and then under it you have the other mods that are installed .. I'm going to use "Darkness Falls" for an example .. it has 2 main mods both boxes unchecked works fine .. But I added 2 more other mods and installed them into the "Mod Folder" in same game folder .. And .. They work fine .. All boxes unchecked .. OK .. anyway everything is working as it should. Question .. are these boxes supposed to be checked if the mods are installed in the mod folder and everything is working .. OR .. are the boxes mainly for _ IF you want to disable a mod _ but don't want to remove said mod. ?? Yel .. I know .. quick question with a lot said .. Anyway I was just wondering about that as I was loading up the game. Thank you and as always .. Have Fun and Enjoy … the Old Gamer ..
  14. Read the FIRST Page .. Also .. Let's have patience.
  15. **KhaineGB Open the console with F1, type cm. Close the console, open your inventory and click the light bulb on the very right hand side at the top. That's the creative menu. You can get blank class papers or specific class books from there** That part was already done by me .. what about all the skill point for those classes?? Getting the books won't give points back and refinish the class .. unless you do them over again or I'm I missing something here. IT'S OK .. I'll Just start Over .. Try and have a good one ..
  16. Good day KhaineGB Well lets hope it is a good day .. Just went back into my game with the 2.01b Update … all levels were good to go … But Lost the 3 completed Skills Hunter _ Survivalist and my newly added one of Laborer. (All gone) I know there is a way to get them .. but I don't How .. tried a couple of .. giveme terms .. but didn't work. Any help here would be nice … Have Fun and Enjoy … the Old Gamer … PS: I guess I could start over .. with same map .. which is a fairly good one, better than most so far.
  17. I talked with Sphereii this morning .. and .. you did what he said to try .. Thank you for doing the full pointing .. and by the way .. we use the same storage drive .. Just a thought. … the Old gamer ..
  18. Good day Sphereii ( Quote from KhaineGB on .. " Darkness Falls " However, you should just be able to edit the XML. It's entity classes, and you're looking for this. Code: <property name="CorpseBlock" value="terrGore"/> <property name="CorpseBlockChance" value="1"/> …. You can either remove it or just change the chance to 0. ) Problem is .. it will change back to .. "1" after launching the game … Is there a way to Lock the XML change that we do ?? So that when the Mod Launcher re-copies the game .. it will not change the "0" back to "1". I use Notepad ++ and do a save .. but it will keep changing it when game is loaded .. the first couple of times it worked .. but after several loads it started back at "1" and would stay at "1" Thank you and I hoped I explained the problem correctly for you to understand (I can try again if need be) … the Old Gamer .. PS: I only use the Pre-Sync first time after main game load ... and I have the Auto refresh mod "Off" ... I do not use the .. save local The change to XML is made after pre-sync is done and before you hit the Play game.
  19. The Mod Launcher will reset to "1" .. anytime you pre-sync the mod or use the Auto refresh .. This is the original way the mod (Darkness Falls) is loaded into the Launcher .. I have the same issue .. Now .. I have just gotten into the habit of Pre-Sync first _ then turn off Auto Refresh and going back in file using a desktop shortcut folder and resetting .. (yel .. a bit of a pain .. but I have gotten use to doing things like that to make games work for me like I like) … the Old Gamer .. PS: And setting it to "0" is not 100% guarantee that you will not get gore blocks all the time .. I still get them ONCE in a while and it depends on weapon you use sometimes. Just a Thought .. Have Fun and Enjoy EDIT: 01-27-2019 @ 10:50am EST .. I started to have a problem again with Gore Block set to .. "0" .. I had to reload game thru launcher and Now .. Most of the time .. it is Going Back to .. "1" .. after starting the Game .. I know the Launcher re-copies the "Darkness Falls" files each time you play game and it might be having an issue with the XML reset that we do .. and .. changing it back to " 1 " as original file is. Maybe Sphereii can shed some light on this issue and a way to fix.
  20. Good day KhaineGB, I have one question .. Before I settle in and Start building Big .. Do you think _ when you get the update out .. we will Need OR Should do a restart ?? …… I have no problem as to doing a restart .. but just thinking ahead. Learning what needs to be done and have made a couple mistakes .. BUT Still Alive. … the Old Gamer ..
  21. Good Day KhaineGB I'm sitting here Playing and getting ready for the Horde night 7 …… AND …… SOMETHING Came to mind and I didn't notice anything in the Notes; DO WE Still have Wireless junction boxes and connection .. OR .. is it coming still … OH Please say we will _ if not yet. Something I hated about Vanilla .. seeing all those wires. Have a Great weekend and as always .. Have Fun and Enjoy … the Old Gamer ..
  22. Good day KhaineGB, Been a while .. glad to see you finally got the Mod up and running for A17 .. I see there are a few bug's in it after watching .. Games4Kickz got a GIANT Arrow. And thank you on leaving a way to get rid of Gore Blocks .. That will have to go for me .. never liked them in any of the games. Thank you again .. Have Fun and Enjoy the weekend … the Old Gamer ..
  23. Good Day Subquake; FAIR ENOUGH .. OH great one Have Fun and Enjoy the weekend … the Old Gamer ..
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