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Everything posted by Beelzybub

  1. Beelzybub

    Over 10K

    KingGen has it's own thread here. You may have better luck discussing the old mod there.
  2. I don't see a crash in that log. Different log maybe? What is this block that was accidently hit? And hit with what? A truck? A fist? An arrow?
  3. You can try disabling Occlusion and/or Dynamic Mesh. Also, don't know if it is a problem but you're behind on Windows updates.
  4. Don't use Vulcan, it still doesn't work with this game.
  5. You could delete the region file, but everything in that region will be reset. So if your base is there it will vanish.
  6. This is a known issue. You need to quit to desktop to release the memory from a played game. If you re-start a save without quitting to desktop, you can use up all your ram. Also, post your log file from the game to pastebin and link here. There may be other clues in there.
  7. Check in It seems the old game thinks you are a new player. Check your .local/share folder in the save game for the "player" folder. In there should be only 3 files with your steamID and .map, .ttp, and .ttp.bak extensions. Also your "players.xml" file will list the players in the game. Check that your user is the same. Replace those files with the ones from your backup if they differ.
  8. Your logs look normal. One possibility for the quick cut off is that security software stopped the load. Adding exclusions in your av software for the game and save folders is recommended. Instructions are in the faq post that you've already found.
  9. I don't think this is related to your issue, but one thing in your log looks very weird to me. Your path has double backslashes in it. For example: GamePref.SaveGameFolder = C:\\Users\\Anton\\AppData\\Roaming/7DaysToDie/Saves Compared to mine: GamePref.SaveGameFolder = C:\Users\Beelzybud\AppData\Roaming/7DaysToDie/Saves Windows doesn't care about double backslashes, but it points to some extra layer of weirdness happening on your file system.
  10. What if you destroy the blocks below the cart, so it collapses.
  11. Beelzybub

    Over 10K

    KingGen hasn't been updated for A20. We've been able to generate 15k worlds with the dedi. 16k fails though. In your game folder you can edit your serverconfig.xml to create a world size of 15360, then run the startdedicated.bat file. It will generate the world, and after you shutdown the server, you will be able to start a new game using the generated 15k world. World sizes need to be a multiple of 1024.
  12. In spite of all the calls for logs, (which I favor) your post does show the issue. You are using an M1 mac, which doesn't work natively with Alpha 20. Starting with rosetta has helped other M1 users. Open the game folder, right click the 7DaysToDie.app file and select "Get Info" and then check the open with rosetta box.
  13. What is the seed name and size of the world? What is the location where the teleport happens? Upload your log file from /7DaysToDie_Data to pastebin.com and link it here.
  14. Exclude the game and save folder from your AV program. Then re-validate your files through Steam.
  15. @goatmortyI think the restore tactic is to backup your save somewhere and delete it from the original folder. Create a new game with the same name/seed/size. Replace the main.ttw file from your new game with the old main.ttw file. Your new game should have all your old stuff and base, but will be at day 1. To reset the time use the settime command to get back to the day you were.
  16. Your disableing both protocols that the server can use to connect. So that's the problem. Try: value=""/>
  17. Try deleting your prefabs folder and then verify files through steam.
  18. The is usually a hardware issue. Check your Windows Event viewer to see if there is an entry at the same time your game crashes. Post it here if you find it. If the game has an issue, it may show in the game log. Log is in the game folder, in the 7DaysToDie_Data folder. Upload your game log to pastebin.com and post the link here.
  19. Just guessing but it looks like a mod error. Two mods are changing the same asset.
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